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October Optimism - Week 4

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    October Optimism - Week 4

    Love it Lav, how about Neurotic November Nutcases nurturing themselves, then we have it all covered!!!



      October Optimism - Week 4


      Love it!


        October Optimism - Week 4

        Good Morning All You Lovely People On This Thread:wavin:

        Just stopping in to say hi (day 22 AF yea) and tell everyone that I now think (after getting to know the site better) that I might be in the wrong area for me at this time. I've loved getting to know you guys but have realized I don't have time to post everywhere.

        So, I'm moving over to threads more newbie-oriented because I'm so early on. I can see that you guys are sort of past the early struggling days. Not that veterans don't struggle, but I'm still at the stage where it helps me to read the advice about craving, tricks-o-the-trade, etc.

        Maybe I can join you all again when I'm a bit further down the road.

        Big hugs to everyone here - you have made me feel so welcome.



          October Optimism - Week 4

          rustop61;989874 wrote: Love it Lav, how about Neurotic November Nutcases nurturing themselves, then we have it all covered!!!

          I love this :H

          Sorry I haven't been around since getting back from Dublin, I've just about caught up on the thread now. My parents are here and I never seem to have time to post.

          The weekend was fantastic and it was like meeting a bunch of long lost friend, One2many, Startingover, Limers and I all stayed together in the hotel and giggled into the night like naughty schoolgirls! On Saturday night we had dinner with Mario, KTAB, Wannachange, Firefox, Mollyka, Neart & Hart & her hubby. It was a great night and we were by far the happiest, noisiest, most fun table in the restaurant. Its amazing what fun you can have on just water! I LOVED being out with other AF people and what a
          wonderful group of guys they were. I felt an enormous bond with them and hope the
          friendships formed last a lifetime. On Sunday we girls lazed around the hotel having
          breakfast in bed and sharing stories. All in all it I had an amazing time and found the whole experience incredibly heartwarming.

          I will hopefully get back into my routine in the next few days and catch up with you all.

          Choochie - I completely understand where you stand and agree that in the early days the
          beginners threads will be the most helpful and supportive for you. However, I'd love to see
          you drop in here and say hi even just once a week to let us know how you are doing. You have a brilliant attitute which will serve you well and Im sending you a huge big positive :l
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            October Optimism - Week 4

            Chill - thanks so much - I will definitely check in from time to time. Sounds like you guys had a fantastic experience! Have to admit I'm jealous!! Maybe the U.S. people will do this some time. I would love to meet others on this site when I'm a little further along.

            Big hugs and thanks for all your help and encouragement. Hope things are stil alive with your new squeeze.


              October Optimism - Week 4

              Sped- Spagetti squash and purple bell peppers. Sounds interesting. Are these peppers really purple? And whats a spagetti squash?

              P3 what blog is this?

              Star – Glad to hear you are recovering. Pilates is an excellent form of fitness to work out your entire body. I prefere something more energetic and I am currently doing taebo..just 20 minutes three times a week. I have already noticed my shape looking better. Even my partner says that my midriff looks more toned and I am not even dieting!!! Hurrah hurrah!

              Rusty - Olivia Neutron Bomb and Oll-liv-you-a-note-in-the-john. That made me laugh out loud. I like your sense of humour. It’s amazing the amount of travelling that you do!! You must literally live from a suitcase.

              Choochie- don’t be a stranger ok?

              Chill – Cant believe I missed that meetup cause it’s so close to me. But I am glad to hear that it went really well. Did everyone turn out to be how you thought?

              I sometimes imagine what you lovely people look like..

              A warm hello to rustop, LBH, Paguy, Mr G, Cyn,SD,Dill, Lav and Sooty
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                October Optimism - Week 4

                Hey everyone!!

                Chill-what a great description of the meetup!! You are so lucky to have been able to go. I PM Mollyka and she said pretty much the same as you. she had a blast!! One day, one day!!

                RB: spaghetti squash is a type of winter squash that when you open it up the insides come out like spaghetti strands when scraped. It's really cool and really good, esp. with lite alfredo sauce. I tried growing purple peppers this year but they never got past the green stage. When grown correctly they ripen to a really nice dark hue that looks like dark purple. There are also orange, yellow and chocolate peppers!!
                My blog link is at the bottom of my siggy but here it is again: Agility Fool. enjoy!!

                Hope everyone else had a great day. Chooch-I totally understand. I spent the first few months of my sobriety in the Newbie's Nest before I felt strong enough to come on over here to Monthly Abstainers. whereever you go, don't be stranger OK?

                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  October Optimism - Week 4

                  Good Evening Friends,

                  I am finally home after driving through a major windstorm. It doesn't look good flying out to Chicago silly early a.m. tomorrow as they are having the same severe weather.

                  Lav, it still blows me away when your avatar winks at me. If your avatar had winked at me about 2.5 years ago, I would have blamed it on too much Johnny Walker Black!:H

                  Choochie-this is all I have to say now that you're leaving!:upset: I really feel badly. Many of us struggle here, too, with sobriety, but I understand if you want to be in the Newbies Nest. Well, I guess I'll just pop over to the other threads so I can see what you're up to. You've been such a cheerful, positive addition to this thread and I will miss you. Congratulations on all your over 3 weeks AF!:goodjob:

                  Rebirth-you crack me up. I've been wanting to get that Tae Bo DVD for a long time. I read about a woman who lost 100 lbs. just watching her diet and working out to Billy Blanks' Tae Bo video. Six-pack abs I bet you have. I bet BF can't keep his mitts off you!

                  Chill-I'm with Rebirth-was everybody as cool as you thought? I'm so glad you had a good time.....ok, but for now, you are going to stick with urm, McDreamy? Um, can we please change this guy's name. hahahaha

                  Papmom and PA- When I get home Friday night, I'm grocery shopping for comfort food: Chicken Piccata with Artichokes and Broccoli Chicken Foils....I'm not obsessed with food...I just think about it all the time.:H I told my doctor that and she did NOT think I was funny. Well, my God, she is emaciated....and so are her kids. What the hell does she know about being overweight? NADA. Papmom-I will check out your blog.

                  Star-Don't and I will be fit again, I promise. We can be virtual work-out partners.

                  Dill-I miss you. How is school?

                  Sooty-when do we get to hear you sing?

                  Sped-I know exactly where the Needle Nook sign is. I spend more time in Indiana then I really care to. But boy, you are right about the Fall colors. Breathtaking!

                  SD-I can so appreciate what you're going through with the comments your mom makes. I think she is questioning her own intake. And you and I have sooooo much in common...we probably overthink and overanalyze EVERYTHING. It ends up being distorted sometimes, right? The truth is.....we can handle abusive kids, clients, etc., but not hurtful comments by ANY family member. I have battled having an overly sensitive thin skin my whole life. I feel for you, my little friend.:l Hey, BTW, did you see Favre probably won't play this weekend?

                  Cyn-good luck with the showing on the house.

                  Rustop-you always make me smile. I have your quotes in your own folder on my hardrive.

                  Ladybird- "A lovable brat?" Is that what you think of me. Great, I love it! THANKS!! hahahahah

                  You know, you guys, I may travel a lot for my career but what people say here is often on my mind and in my heart. Dill, when you were introducing yourself to either Choochie or SD, I can't remember whom, you said you wished to remain anonymous because of being in a position to have to set a good example for kids. I agree wholeheartedly with you as I feel the same way. I know way too many people because of my career and travels, and as one of my friends, who has now 10 years sobriety told me, "Rusty, employers and clients are not very compassionate when it comes to alcohol addiction." One of the reasons why I feel so comfortable on this thread is that I can be who I am, anonymously, and I don't have to worry that it's not "the norm" for my friends here. It has not always been a good experience for me on other theads. For my friends here, I am grateful for all of you tonight, and every night.


                    October Optimism - Week 4

                    Aw, Rusty, thanks for the wonderful words. Ditto from here! Honestly, I do not know how you keep going with that travel schedule. I would be seriously grumpy.

                    Star - hope you're feeling better now. I've been through it, and lack of sleep is a really tough result. Hope your walks and workouts help.

                    Sooty - good job pampering yourself, and yes the tea is delish.

                    Choochie and SD - congrats on all of your AF days! Choochie, boo-hoo to see you move over to Newbie's nest, but probably a good idea for now. We'll keep your seat warm...

                    Mr G - nice to hear from you.

                    LBH - Glad to hear your project is nearing completion. I empathized with your story - yesterday I was a sweaty, smelly mess due to moving a ton of our belongings to storage, re-arranging closets, painting, etc. Then quickly showered and tried to pretend I could dress myself and be around grown-ups. Attended a fancy birthday party given for someone I don't know, but I do know the hosts...this was a time when in the past I would definitely have had a drink either before, or soon upon arrival at the party. Fortunately, the guests turned out to be fascinating and human, so I fared OK. Even managed to blurt out 'no wine for me, thank you' when the bottle came around. Living and Learning...

                    hello to all I missed - will try to get it together more tomorrow - including Sesame Noodles, Dill -
                    to the light


                      October Optimism - Week 4

                      Good morning all.

                      Rusty, I too hold close to my heart things I read on this thread. We know each other and yet we don't, a safe place for us to be our real selves. You, Rusty, are cherished and appreciated. I love to hear about your travels, you are such a hard worker. Your personality shines through, funloving, intelligent, and caring.

                      Choochie, so sad to see you go, please stop in once and a while and let us know how you are doing. Once you have a taste of AF, it changes you for the better. Health and wholeness compared to illness and insanity. Our journeys are so important and interesting. We care and would love to keep up with you from time to time.

                      Chill, sounds like a wonderful time. Good to hear from you.

                      Rebirth, I feel better already with a little exercise, I am starting out slowly.

                      Have great AF day.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        October Optimism - Week 4

                        Good morning everyone

                        LETTING GO
                        I feel so scared
                        Let go
                        I am so worried
                        Just let go
                        I am so angry
                        Please let go
                        My insanity keeps growing
                        I beseech thee to just let go
                        I am so peaceful
                        Thank you, you let it go
                        --Deborah Ann Smith

                        Forgiveness means letting go of the past.
                        --Gerald Jampolsky

                        I had my meditation class last night and the theme for the week is letting go. Logged on this morning and what came up but above reading, divine intervention or what?

                        Choochie - totally understand where you are coming from. As the others say dont be a stranger, pop in now and again and let us know how you are getting on.

                        Chill - your trip sounded amazing. When I read about it I felt kind of sorry that I have kept my MWO involvement private from family and friends, (most of whom would not even know I have a problem). However, at the moment that's what I am happier doing so I will just go with my gut instinct.

                        Had a nice lie in this morning so running late. Going to make a large mug of coffee and catch up on everyone's posts, in the meantime have a great day.



                          October Optimism - Week 4

                          If you can hold someone's hand, hug them or even touch them on the
                          are blessed because you can offer healing touch.

                          Good morning Optimizers,
                          Rusty, I thought of you when I read this quote on the Daily Recovery Readings. It is so wonderful to be able to reach out and touch someone, but we can't usually do that on this forum. Yet we do touch each other's lives so deeply, just with our word on a computer screen, and our understanding. This thread is a blessing.

                          Choochie, I will miss you, but I totally understand. I remember my early days of posting and sometimes getting overwhelmed. I hope you will check in with us from time to time. I have enjoyed your enthusiasm and perspective.

                          Red, I am glad you are feeling better. Exercise is a very good idea, but take it slow. I am glad you post and keep me thinking about these health/wellness issues. I promise to take a walk today at noon to exercise and clear my head. It helps immensely when I make time to do it!

                          Cyn, how did the issue of the coworker that had too much to drink get resolved, ....or did it? Thanks for not forgetting the sesame noodle recipe!

                          Lav, you are the most level-headed nut case I have ever encountered!!

                          Greetings Paguy, SD, RB, LBH, Rustop, Papmom, Chill (I loved reading about your meet up!), Sped, G,Sooty and all who check in!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            October Optimism - Week 4

                            Hey guys - thanks for your kind words - just wanted to say bye again (think I'm having separation anxiety):H

                            Really, I do like you guys so much - I will pop in occasionally but can see now that the other threads have stuff I still need for sure!

                            Again, thanks for everything and all of you take good care!



                              October Optimism - Week 4

                              Happy Humpday one & all

                              Slept in a bit myself this morning - so dark & no need to go anywhere........

                              Had a shift in my current resentment level yesterday thank goodness! My son stopped by & spent about 20 minutes helping me out with some chores that I haven't been able to do myself. Why I was blessed with weak hands I'll never know. Anyway, we had a nice dinner with EB - he was super silly & funny!

                              Rusty, forget flying this week, this weather is looking awful.

                              Rustop, I do feel better when I can let go of something especially bothersome..........keeping my mind clear & in the present is my daily goal.

                              Dill, my last employer always said I was level-headed even though I felt anything but most of the time

                              Star - stay out of hot bath tubs, showers, etc. A quick, cool shower is the best!! Once I overheat I'm screwed for hours!

                              Papmom, very cool blog - quite a workout for both of you!

                              Cyn, good luck with your house endeavors.

                              Shelley, are you on the way home? How's the foot?

                              Greetings to SD, John, rebirth, Chill, G, Sooty (our Hump Day hostess), LBH & everyone else. Best wishes to Choocie........don't be a stranger.

                              I really need to get moving......way too lazy this morning

                              Wishing a Happy Humpday all around.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                October Optimism - Week 4

                                Good Morning Optimers!!

                                I think I have a sugar hangover. Seriously. I was sick at 4am and still not feeling great. Staying home today to recover and do some research on kicking sugar addiction. Time to get wicked serious about this.

                                Last nite I stopped at Lowes and picked up a foot long maglite and reflective vest. I am determined to get over my fear of walking my dogs in the dark. I suited up DD and myself and went for a walk/jog along the main street in my neighborhood. Second nite in a row. Now that I have the vest and a flashlight that can double as a weapon I feel much more in control. I know DD appreciated the exercise and I must admit I was pretty proud of myself for doing this before I got settled in for the night and it was pretty late-7pm. 2 months ago this would have been the middle of the day LOL!! No excuses now!!

                                I'm really enjoying all the quotes and the stories. I feel very safe posting here but I must admit I would love to meet some of you!! I've always been kind of shy but in the last 10 years or so, I have really gotten pleasure in meeting new people, esp. people who I share a unique bond with (my pap group for one-love meeting the email names in person!!). so please know if any of you ever find yourselves in central MA or nearby and would like to do a meetup, I'm in!! Of course I totally respect the wishes of others who want to remain anonymous. That works too!!

                                Windy and very rainy here in NE. the tail end of the "cyclone" as they are describing it, I suppose. Good day to call into work and snuggle with the pups!

                                Hope everyone is doing well. Rusty-safe travels! Saw on the news there were lots of flight delays and cancellations. hope yours wasn't affected.

                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

