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October Optimism - Week 4

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    October Optimism - Week 4

    Cyn, here is a link to the post on Gratitude by A Work In Progress:

    Happy Birthday, Rustop! That sounds like an idylic day. I am happy your birthday was so lovely. I know what you mean about walking mindfully. I have sometimes actually found myself closing my eyes when I walk as the walk drifts into a meditation for me. I don't keep them closed for long though, that could be a disaster!:H

    Lav, I was awake in the middle of the night last night and my thoughts turned to you. I hope you feel the care and concern I've been sending your way.

    SD, I'm glad you've been with us this month and that you are doing so well. Has Brayden said any more to you relating to your being AF? What a gift this has been for him.

    RB and Papmom, it is the same for me. It's not so much a physical craving as a psychological desire to be numbed and stop thinking and feeling. There are definitely much better ways to deal with daily stress.

    I tried Cyn's Sesame Noodle recipe with some leftover roasted chicken I had. Mmmmm! Yummy! It's a keeper, that's for sure. But I was shocked at how much tahine cost. I found it in the health food section at krogers. It was $6.99 for a 16 oz jar. I wonder if the recipe would work with just peanut butter.

    LBH, where are you?

    Greetings, Red, Chill, Rusty, Paguy, G., Sped, Sooty and all who stop in.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      October Optimism - Week 4

      Happy Halloween, one of my favorite holidays,
      Returned from visiting my friend in Michigan. Today will be her 3rd day af after decades of heavy drinking. She was pretty shaky yesterday when I left. Don't feel very optimistic about her sobriety efforts. She's an artist, lives miles from town with her husband who drank the entire time I was there. He wants her to drink "normally" so he can have someone to drink with. It was depressing but a sure cure from any cravings I might have.

      Lav, hope you feel lighter, freer after filling those garbage bags. What are your plans for Halloween? Do you get to take the EB trick-or-treating?

      Cyn, I think you should have a home on the bluffs overlooking the North Platte River in western Nebraska!

      SD, my last teaching job was a nightmare. A group of teachers did go over our principal's head to report her to the district and she was removed from the school and replaced by a string of substitute administrators. When I left, the morale at the school was as low as it could go. My drinking was proportional to my stress at work. That was 2 years ago. Good luck. I say if someone needs to be reported, do it. Keeping stuff like that under wraps will make you sick.

      Happy birthday, Rustop. Sounds like you had a perfect day.

      Pap, I love that little lobster.

      Star, thought of you when I was visiting my friend in Michigan. Her 25 year old son lost his job 4 months ago and had moved back in with his parents. You could cut the tension between the dad and the son with a knife. (what a weird expression).

      Chill, glad you are going to get your space back soon. Driving yesterday, listening to a food program on the radio. They were highlighting the foods of Portugal, interviewing a man who had written a book about new food trends in Portugal. Of course can't remember his name nor the book's.

      Sooty, hope you see some trick or treaters tonight.

      LBH, where are you. Morning John. Rusty, hope you're relaxing in bed this morning (but I'll bet you're not). That goes for you too, Dill. Forget anybody?


        October Optimism - Week 4

        Happy Halloween friends
        Chilly but sunny here in these parts. I slept better (without nightmnares) last night - really needed that. Nothing special planned again today so I'll just figure it out as I go.

        Thanks Dill & everyone for your special thoughts, I do feel them. It's good to remember that I'm really not alone even though it feels that way sometimes. Trying to not feel like a 'victim' is difficult but important for my sanity. I know that his problems are his. I just wish he would finally address his demons & take some positive steps instead of hiding in denial. Hence my frustration.

        Chill, you should send your parents here for a few days. I have lots of room & could use the distraction :H

        Well I hope everyone has a great AF Sunday! See you all tomorrow in Nurturing November

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          October Optimism - Week 4

          Lav dear one: I hear and feel your frustration and pain. I felt that way myself about my boss. If only he would ....... Also directly proportional to the increase in my drinking the past few years.

          Let it go. Reread the post about letting go that Cyn or Dill or someone!! posted the other day. Whether or not he addresses his demons and denial is not your issue and truthfully never was even when you were together. Its all him and his inability to address this just can't be your issue anymore. It's too toxic to you. Please just let it go. It really does help, I'm living proof!!

          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            October Optimism - Week 4

            Hello everyone, no trick or treaters yet but I've got a bag of sweets ready!

            Dill thanks so much for the post about gratitude rather than deprivation - gratitude and Lavatitude, -we've got all the tools we need.

            Just a quick post gang as I've been out to my mediation course all morning and got to catch up with household stuff now. Feeling very calm though .... I can recommend it.

            Have a lovely Sunday -
            love Sooty


              October Optimism - Week 4

              Good Spooktacular Morning Everyone!!

              Thanks Sped for your are certain about it making a person stomach is in knots everyday it seems. The staff has now given me the responsibility of handling discipline with the students...if there is a "write up" they actually wait now for him to be in a meeting or for his door to be shut to give it to me so I can handle it and then tell him about it....they don't want him alone with kids...or if he is, they want to make sure I'm in my office next door so I can hear's not only verbally things he says tot he kids but over the last three years it's progressively gotten more physical...last week was the worst...I thought he was going to break a kid's leg...just thinking about it makes me about throw up!!!

              Dill--I think I've told you before how strange drinking is with me...if I get something set in my head (like October WILL BE AF)...I can do it. If I even give myself that glimmer of doubt or approval to drink, I'll do that too. In my mind "this time" I haven't set only one month AF...I've set until January 1st (3 months)...which is scary because it really seems like a long time....but then I'm hoping I'll have come so far by January (and it will be a new year) I won't want to turn back. Oh the games I play with myself!!!:H

              Rustop--Happy Belated Birthday!! Didn't get a chance to hop on the computer yesterday! Ran around like a crazy woman dog is sick so I had her at the vet and then had to run to the store...several stores....because not to many stores carry the ingredients for those noodles in small town, SD!!! Thank goodness my sister and parent travel a lot and love to cook so they tend to pick up a lot of different things when away...did most of my shopping at their houses...all I found at our grocery store was the dark oil!! ANd then to end my day my son and I made carmel apples...that was pretty fun...and super messy!!

              Chill--I understand about the parents thing...mine live oh lets see....6 blocks from me Luckily we are pretty busy and usually only see each other on the weekends....when I first moved back it was ALL THE TIME...:nutso:

              Lav-I'm happy to hear you got a bunch of things cleared out!! I really hope you are taking some time to do some nice things for yourself as well!! You deserve it!! I feel for you...have a husband that won't communicate it almost worst that one that shouts and least with the shouter you'd know how he felt...that's what I always told my ex!!

              Cyn--Well my son decided to be Brett for Halloween...I swear I had nothing to do with it...his buddy id going as Aaron Rodgers...I told him he could go as Brett as long as he kept his pants zipped up:H ahhaahhahhahaahhaa!!!!!

              Well I better get going we're going over to my mom's to have aunt and her hubby are coming to town today to watch the play my step dad is in (final performance)! Did I mention my son absolutely LOVED the play!! It was The Foreigner....he came home that night and made an award on the computer....Best Actor Award...for Grandpa!! Such a little sweetie!!
              Well month down!! Thanks to all of you!! Came here a month ago scrappin' the bottom...thanks for all you did and all the support you gave to get my through this month!!! I'll see you all tomorrow for NOVEMBER!!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                October Optimism - Week 4

                Good Morning Friends and Happy Halloween!

                Rustop - Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you... Hope you had a delightful day.

                Lav - Thinking of you during this time. I imagine your emotions are running high and I hope you find peace soon. I know the circumstances are very different but I clearly remember packing up my mother's house 4 years ago after she passed away. What an emotional roller coaster ride that was. Disassembling a lifetime of belongings that represent a life partner and companion must be gut wrenching. Sorry, I don't mean to bring you down - just want you to know that I understand how challenging this must be for you. You are doing what you need to do and I am sending you positive vibes and hope it brings you strength. :l

                Chill - I completely understand your feelings of needing your own space. I always get antsy when we have house guests for more than a day or two. Last night, we had dinner with friends who just experienced having house guests for 11 days and they were so ready for them to be gone! I know I am such a creature of habit and my karma gets out of whack when my routine gets disrupted.

                Well, our doggie sleep over went relatively well last night. The 2 dogs slept in different bedrooms - that seemed to do the trick. They (the doggies) are respecting one another's space this morning and are getting along OK. We have a couple more hours of dog sitting time - our guest should be gone by later this afternoon.

                I am feeling so much better as each day goes by. I can see progress with my Physical Therapy and my strength is returning. We spent a large part of yesterday housecleaning which was about 6 weeks overdue - there still is a fair amount left to do but we are taking it 1 day at a time.

                Star - Similar to others who has responsed, I wouldn't say I experience physical cravings. Rather, I have an occasional fleeting thought of wouldn't it be nice to have that cocktail to put my in another place so to speak. But, I just don't want to go to that other place any more. Been there and done that.

                Papmom - Your little lobster is ADORABLE. Love the outfit!

                Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday. I have a big pot of chili going on the stovetop right now so guess what we're having for dinner tonight!

                Peace Everyone..... Attached files [img]/converted_files/1413144=5775-attachment.jpg[/img]
                AF since 7/13/2010


                  October Optimism - Week 4

                  Rustop - a million apologies I missed your birthday


                  love sooty


                    October Optimism - Week 4

                    Well my Optimistic friends we draw to the close of yet another month and what a varied and action packed month we have all had!

                    Here are some of the highlights........

                    Stink bugs, cars called ?Trixie?, a wedding :h, broken teeth, family feuding, dog whispering, meditaion,
                    marathons, marital crisis's, book reviews, a new home for Dill's boat, an 18th birthday party :bday3:,
                    mexican food, paella, smudging, inspiriation from our children, drunken boyfriends,
                    dating nerves, financial troubles, great quotes from Rustop, readings from Dill, late night limo rides,
                    John becomes a Senior!, cool cars, cast offs, trips to Paris, flu bugs and stomach upsets,
                    Cyn's decorating, ultimatums, incorrigible Rusty at her best, great Lavism's ?dont preach to me you little fart!? :H,
                    :guitar1:singsongs on the bus with our Mr G and driver Sooty, debates about whats ?normal? :nutso:,
                    discussions ranging from fine china to control freaks, disruptive students,
                    autumnal weather, agility trials, spaghetti squash, kick boxing, cravings, lobster dogs!
                    ah-ha moments and letting go......

                    Lots of tears and laughter too and of course love and support for one another :l

                    heres to a Nurturing November!
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      October Optimism - Week 4

                      What a insurgence of living is in your splendid summary of October Chill. Beautiful. I am glad to be here among you. It has been a hard month for a number of us in one way or another, and I am glad we have a percolating theme of nurture and nourishment for November. Although in my neighborhood we have had fierce winds and mornings of thirty-one degrees there is today a single yellow rose (the same kind as in my avatar photo) blooming without a care in my yard. A good sign. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        October Optimism - Week 4

                        What lovely posts on this Halloween evening. We had trick or treats last night and the kids were so cute. We ran out of candy before it was over, as we had a beautiful night and hundreds of people out.

                        Lav, you are really taking care of business and although exhausting you are making room for the new, whatever that will be. I admire the fact that you just do what needs to be done.

                        Chill, I love the saying "fish and guests stink after three days." It is wonderful but stressful to have people stay, I love when my daughter comes, but am always OK when it is time for her to leave. I love having a routine too.

                        Happy Birthday Rustop, sounds like you had a perfect day.

                        I was outside for a while today, cleaning up leaves, putting away porch furniture, cleaning my car. I made a great dinner with left overs and now will not have to cook for days. All in all a good weekend.

                        Let's work on November and make it another fruitful month, AF.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus

