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Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

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    Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

    Hi Everyone: I'm starting this on Sun. night, because I was afraid I wouldn't get a chance tomorrow. Our family is doing OK one day at a time. Patty is incredibly strong. She laid low over the weekend & is going back to her 6th graders tomorrow. I'm just so grateful that I can be the help that I am. I owe it all to sobriety, AA, MWO, all of you out there, & my AA community. Talk about gratitude! I definitely have it!

    A little at a time we've been talking about the holidays at AA meetings. They are especially hard on some alcoholics...people who might have temporarily lost contact w/their families. I'm grateful that I didn't, & I find that I don't miss drinking at all. That said: I'll be vigilant & constant about meetings.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

    Good morning all.

    Mary - I will never forget my first sober holiday back in August. There were plenty watering holes to tempt me but I was so strong and so determined not to drink. It was a FABULOUS holiday! If I had been drinking I would have wasted alot of my days nurturing my hangover and just thinking about where to drink, what to drink. Instead I woke up every morning ready to face another wondeful carefree day.

    I love experiences my firsts in many situations. I have a wedding, a birthday party and other social events looming. It's nice not to be afraid of how I will behave.

    DG thanks for your enthusiasm. It's lovely to have a close relationship with someone who has the same issues and addictions as I do. i can see how a sponsor will enrich my life!

    Cher - Is a high bottom the same as a rock bottom??? Good luck with chairing.

    Its a a shame that M9 no longer posts. I hope she is okay...
    Be strong-
    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


      Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

      Hi all! Mary, thanks for getting us started for the week. I'm glad that you have shared some of Patty's journey with us as well as your own in being there to help and support her. I can sometimes think a hangnail is a Big Problem. Hearing about REAL difficulties helps me keep perspective on how good and easy my life really is right now. It may not always be this easy so the best thing to do is enjoy it and be grateful. Patty sounds so very strong and I admire her from afar. I admire you too Mary - you have come so far since arriving at MWO.

      rebirth;988934 wrote: It's nice not to be afraid of how I will behave.
      AMEN to that sistah!!! Fear of drinking again is what drove me through the doors. I am VERY grateful that I don't have to be afraid I might somehow drink, and than do insane stuff.

      You all are my meeting today. I'm grateful for this thread and the opportunity to connect with fellow recovery alcoholics any time night or day here at MWO.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

        Rebirth & DG: I too love not being afraid of what I said & did. This was a particular fear when I blacked out, because I didn't know. Now, I know what I'm doing at all times. It might not always be the right thing to do or say, but at least I'm making a sober mistake instead of a drunk one. A simple, "Oops, I'm sorry" gets me through it wo/much afterthought. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

          Alcoholic bottoms: Maybe some people would think that mine was a high bottom...a trip to the ER w/an alcoholic overdose, a big humiliation in front of old friends, a terrible scare for my husband of 38 years, etc. No, I never lost my home, family, job, or license. But, I lost my dignity, my self-esteem, & my integrity. I was filled w/guilt, shame, & self-loathing on a daily basis. All my actions & thoughts were dominated by my need to drink. I planned my days around it. I couldn't be spontaneous, because I was either drunk or recovering all the time. No, I didn't live on the street, but maybe that was in my future. My sober life is 100% different than what I was living a mere 2 years ago. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

            retteacher;989034 wrote: It might not always be the right thing to do or say, but at least I'm making a sober mistake instead of a drunk one. A simple, "Oops, I'm sorry" gets me through it wo/much afterthought. Mary
            I am thinking the same Mary. There is NOTHING worse than blacking out and not knowing what you have done. It is a frightening experience and something I never wish to experience again! Please God never never never never.

            I went to a fabulous meeting last night. Lots of recovering alcoholics,great positive stories, lots of gratitude and love for each other. I left the meeting euphoric! Isnt it great when AA meetings give you this kind of wonderful energy! Where else do you get this!

            Have a terrific tuesday. i am grateful to be sober today. x
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

              Rebirth, I love when meetings give that euphoric feeling. I also sometimes get that feeling when I do my volunteer work. Not every time for either, but enough to keep me coming back!

              I had a dream last night that was very strange. In the end of it I thought I drank but wasn't sure. It was a VERY strange dream. I'm glad my reality is nothing like that these days. I hated not being sure what happened.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

                I too love those euphoric meetings. I also love those meetings that bring tears to my eyes. Where else can a group of people get together & talk from the heart about almost anything & not get interrupted, corrected, advised, counseled, etc? To me, that is a unique experience, because there is no therapist sitting there controlling or mediating the whole sharing.

                Yesterday's meeting was a speaker meeting. The speaker had gone through literally dozens & dozens of rehabs & detoxes. The gal from Saturday night's meeting who had been mandated to meetings by the court was there. She's still saying that she might be a pre-alcoholic, & she's at meetings because they are her road back to her children. But she was there! I don't know if she understood or identified, but she was there. My first sponsor said that the seed is planted.

                I'm doing fine making meetings a priority in spite of all the child care I have to do. They bring balance to my life.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

                  DG I get the odd drinking dream. I find them to be very intense and strange also. They seem to be so vivid as well. It's definitely a relief to know that it was only a dream!
                  Do you know I am also thinking more about volunteer work. What do you do DG?

                  Mary I cannot count the number of times I have cried in a meeting! LOL. I am the queen of tears. My first year in AA was full of boo hoos..I use to have to leave the room because I would share and then burst into tears from sheer frustration at myself.Once I started crying i couldnt stop...Back then I tried to control my drinking but always failed miserably at weekends. I use to crawl into an AA meeting on monday, beaten, depressed and sad.
                  Now I bounce in, I shake hands with everyone, I beam with delight. It's like a huge party and it's so cool to be with people who are like me!
                  I still cry but it's usually tears of gratitude. x
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

                    Rebirth, I think it's wonderful that your emotions flow with those tears. For many of us, bottling it all up can be a huge issue. I think it's wonderful that you can just let 'er rip!! Your description of bouncing in the room all happy just made me smile. (and brought a tear to my eye in a good way!)

                    Gosh I'm guessing there a variety of different volunteer opportunities all around you. I mainly do volunteer work at a "Mission Center." They have several programs. They have 2 residential programs - one for men and one for families (which is mainly women with children). They also have an emergency overnight shelter for men that has some very precise rules, but people can show up before closing time and get a bed (i.e. cot) for the night. They serve hot meals 3X per day to the residents in their programs, and also to the general public. Anyone who wants a hot meal can come on in and get one so long as they don't cause any trouble.

                    I serve at a meal once per week, and I also work one afternoon per week in the Family Center. (usually I do an orientation with any newcomers where we review the program guidelines and rules) Then I sometimes participate in ad hoc projects where they need help. Last Saturday I stopped by and helped stuff envelopes for their Christmas fund raising program.

                    I find it all very rewarding as I know it's not "glamourous" work but it's all important. One of the things I like about this place is that it is very well run. The couple who are basically in charge are very hard working and they never ask of anyone else what they are not willing to do themselves. They take a lot of homeless people off the streets and give them a chance. Many of these people are recovering alcoholics / addicts. It's not an AA based program but it is a Christian based program. (LOL to anyone who things AA is a religious program - they should go spend a day at this place!)

                    Anyway, that's what I've been doing. I love it. Week after week lives change for the better. Many people drop out too. That is always sad but that is part of the territory. Change is difficult - we sure understand that, right? Makes it all the more rewarding to see the ones who make it.

                    Wow - forgot the sandwich warning. I hope everyone is having a glorious siober day.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

                      Wow DG. That was really interesting. It must have been intially difficult for you? Surely you got attached to some of the homeless people who left? It's a big job that you are doing. Thank God there are people like you who offer your time for these people. I am definitely interested but whether I could stomach it is another question..especially if i become attach to someone who dies or leaves suddenly. I would be heartbroken.

                      Speaking about people who come and go...My mentor has been around in AA for over 30 years and she talks about the many wonderful people she met through AA who have also died.. It makes me shiver when she speaks like this. One was run over while walking home from the pub ( drunk). Another died by choking on her vomit. Another died because her body gave up..

                      You hear of people chairing and talking about their near death experiences. Like the last meeting I went to. The main share had mouth cancer because of drinking and the doctor told him that he may not survive the operation. If he did, he would not be able to eat solid foods nor talk properly. ..he obviously survived. He eats mashed food and talks very quietly and softly. But what a man!! He is grateful for his sobriety and all he wants to do is help others to sober up. No whinging nor complaining from him.
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

                        rebirth, I try to stay focused on the ones who are there and who have a shot. That's the only way really.

                        Probably the most heart breaking thing for me right now is the homeless men around the club I have been involved with helping. One of them refuses to go into a shelter so stays on the streets. Thank God he is sober. He has some mental problems and his life out there is very difficult. Another one is drinking himself to death. He is caught in a cycle of wanting help but not being able to really get help because the shelters can't take someone who requires a medical detox. With the weather turning, things are not looking good for his survival. There are so very many out there in exactly these situations.

                        Sometimes all we can offer is our compassion and respect. I try to do that as best I can.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

                          Good Morning All,

                          DG: I wish I had time to help more for the homeless, I have worked in a food bank and it was great meeting all the incredible volunteers and the recipients. When I can work less I will be searching out some volunteer work.
                          You have sent a link for daily readings before which I lost? do you still have that? It included AA readings and Hazelden readings???

                          I am getting ready for my chairing and I am trying to think of a topic.

                          May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


                            Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

                            Hey fellow AA peeps;
                            Have any of y'all seem this book?
                            Testimonials for 164 and More's Guide to AA's Big Book, 12x12
                            Love and Peace,

                            Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                              Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 25 - Oct. 30

                              Looks like the reading sites have moved! I'm including the link to the old site, which has 3 different links referenced to where the readings are now. Don't want anyone to lose track of anything. Daily Recovery Readings

                              Step Coach turned up at the meeting this morning. I think most of you know that he has been treated for Stage 4 lung cancer. Things are not looking good for him. He said he is hoping to live long enough to celebrate his 35 year sober anni which is on November 8. The doctors want to put in a sort of permanent trach tube so when he stops breathing (it's already happened twice) it will be easier for the EMT's to get oxygen to him. I feel so sad for him, and very sad for his wife. Even in this condition he was encouraging a couple of guys who are fairly new. I hope he has more time than it seems. I will miss him and his wise words of encouragement.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

