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Monday 25 October

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    Monday 25 October

    Hey all - I am firmly back on the af horse. Had a migraine yesterday with flashing lights and everything - not had one for about 3 years. Today is spa day with 2 team mates so really looking forward to that.

    Not much to report other than that. Good day all to come - noticed I stopped posting daily in week before I drank. Back to daily visit.
    one day at a time

    Monday 25 October

    Hi bear & all to come,

    I'm off to the sea! Have a great week everyone - be good!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      Monday 25 October

      Bear, good for you looking back and figuring out what happened before you drank. I don't know if the drinking led to the migraine, but it sure seems possible. AL is a toxin and toxins cause problems in our bodies. Sometimes the problems are invisible in the "here and now" and sometimes the problems are very visible. I've got to get serious about avoiding ALL toxic crap - not just AL.

      Marshy, we'll see you there! Seriously - hope you have a wonderful time. ___________ :h

      AFM, saw your post from yesterday and it's so nice that your Dad is more comfortable now and that you are able to spend quality time with him. Sounds like you had a nice time on your sleepover too. That is fabulous.

      I have a busy day ahead and there is no room for AL. So one thing is for sure.....

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Monday 25 October

        GM bear & Marshy & all to come!

        Glad you're back in the saddle bear!
        Marshy, have an ab fab week by the sea

        Crappy night's sleep again entirely due to resentments piling up again. I work to battle them back but they keep reappearing. I know I'm just plain pissed off that YB doesn't even 'seem' to be trying to improve his mental status. He finds some sort of comfort wallowing around in his dysfunctional state. He uses his job (always has) as a 'comfortable place' to hide & live in denial.

        OK, done talking about that this morning! I have a list to tackle today & better get started.
        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Monday 25 October

          Hi DG - cross post!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Monday 25 October

            morning everyone!

            Today is my therapy day - meeting with my psychologist and then group therapy tonight. I'm feeling a little anxious this morning but I generally do on these days. Hopefully it is a good one and I am able to work through some feelings.

            Feeling good on the AF/NF front. It's funny, the smoking for me is harder than the not drinking but I am almost 2 months smoke free now and over 3 AF. So my body is healing which is good.

            Okay, off to start the day - have a great one everyone!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              Monday 25 October

              Uni, that is fabulous! Smoking was a LOT harder for me too (not getting cocky on the drinking here, but so far, so good); took me two years to not want a cigarette when I woke up in the morning.

              Lav, the passivity of Yeti Breath would drive me NUTS too. He sounds like my ex-husband. Crazy-making! You end up doing everything (or I did). Nothing's worse than not being able to sleep when you really need it, too. I do the self-hypnosis tapes at bedtime, seems to help with the racing thoughts.

              AFM, glad you're having some good time with your dad and you're more at peace with the situation.

              Bear, way to get back on the horse, girlfriend. Hold onto those reins, you deserve it!

              DG, when do you sleep???? : ) Re. the Peace Corps, I was in Tunisia (North Africa), as a special ed. teacher (for which I was wildly underqualified). The experience was invaluable, but it was definitely a love/hate thing. It was tough being a girl in even a fairly moderate Arab country, and the assignment was, in the end, pretty political. It was during the whole Khaddafi/line of death thing in Libya (country next door), and the volunteers were more diplomatic tools than matched to fill a need there. Many volunteers didn't have assignments even 4 months in, because there was no place to put them. On the plus side, I don't know if I did my 'clients' (HAH!) any good--I was in a center for the mentally handicapped--but I ended up just loving them, and being embarrassed by the generosity of all my neighbors who had next to nothing compared to me. So, glad I did it, but did not feel very effective at making a positive change there, and felt rather used by my government. If I had been older (after all, I was only 10...), I might have been more assertive about carving my own niche and finding a way to apply the skills I did have.

              Marshy, what a blast! I do miss those heady early days in a romance sometimes. I trust the boat is big enough for all of us?

              OK, big week to finish up the 1000 things I need to before vacation (anyone who wants to come to Mexico is welcome, although fiance may have to readjust his romantic expectations!).

              M3, lighting a candle to the contractor gods. P3, I go with blog #2 also. VERY cool! (also loved "Lit" by Mary Karr--my fav sobriety biography so far).

              G-string and Deter, you uber-secure males for hanging out with all this estrogen--have a great day!

              Greenie, hope your motors are all running smooth again today.

              xoxox Pride
              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                Monday 25 October

                Morning fabbies!

                bear good for you on studying the situation...put your findings to good use!

                Marshy hope you have perfect weather for your week of ......_________. :h

                AFM, good news about your dad. That and your nana visit seems to have really given you a boost!

                DG, my problem is that if I allow crap, I have to eat the whole thing. As in "I'll just eat it all and be done with it and not get any more". Sure.

                Lav, I hate it that you are underneath YB's crap. Watch that bp, right? Get a chick-sitter and come visit greenie! Meantime, I'd try to leave YB's mental status, wallowing, hiding, and everything else to him. Easy for ME to say, eh? The queen has spoken.

                Uni you always seem to feel better after therapy. I'm glad you can look past the anxiety to see that. :l

                Where's pride and rebirth been?

                LVT, so is your greenhouse garden done? What now? Do you leave it up for the winter or do winter stuff in it?

                Little doggie & I dropped my car off this AM and walked home. I'm glad we did, as I was really sluggish this AM. I woke from a really sound sleep and had a hard time shaking it off. As a matter of fact, I wa in a drinking dream, actively drinking. I had one the night before too but woke before I drank. And I was smoking in last night's dream!! I find that really odd as tomorrow is a year (again ). Surely there is not an association?

                Yesterday in the tundra sort of depressed me. I just am at the "why bother" point. But I'll trim shrubs a bit before it rains and try not to think about the non-grass back there. In fact, I better hurry up.

                Have a marvelous monday!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Monday 25 October

                  Oh there you are, pride!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Monday 25 October

                    Hi everyone, I would love to join your thread if you have room? I'm 9 days sober now, and honestly I haven't been this long without even a small glass every few or days or so for a long time. I'm still not sleeping well and have my weak moments everynow and then, but I want to continue being sober. Not having to worry about those memorable glorious moments when your drunk is something I would like to keep in the past. Thanks to all,



                      Monday 25 October

                      Welcome BB!! Hang tight with us-we'll keep you sober and laughing!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        Monday 25 October

                        papmom3;989387 wrote: Welcome BB!! Hang tight with us-we'll keep you sober and laughing!!
                        Thanks so much! I've been here for years.. this time I've truly had enough, and I am not waiting to rock bottom to realize that.


                          Monday 25 October

                          Brigitte Bardot;989396 wrote: this time I've truly had enough, and I am not waiting to rock bottom to realize that.
                          Aww Brig, that's good to hear. Plenty of room here ~ glad to have you join in!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Monday 25 October

                            Jump right in Gia, it's great to have you here.

                            Has anyone ever had food catch in their esophagus, won't go down, won't come up? Hurts like hell until it finally breaks loose? This used to happen to my dad. It started happening to me quite often, especially if I eat something cold that is meant to be hot. Like leftover spaghetti or cold chicken/turkey. It hasn't done it much at all since I quit drinking and smoking, but it happened just now as I was munching down some leftover turkey!

                            Just wanted to say hello to everyone! Hello!

                            Greenie, it is time to do something in the greenhouse. It is getting colder, so the plan is to close up the ends. I need to get the zucchini and squash plants out, they are done, and pick a few tomatoes and peppers that are ready. I think I should not have gone with the cheap plastic for the outside. It is tearing, and I don't think it lets in enough light. IDK it is a learning experience.

                            You guys have helped motivate me to deal with my sugar addiction. Since I quit drinking I pretty much gave myself permission to eat anything I want. My birthday resolution is to get into an exercise routine and eat much more healthy and cut out most of the crap. It won't be easy, I'm sure!

                            We went to the movie last night--Paranormal Activity 2. Creepy and different. Not bad...reminded me of the 6th Sense, but it wasn't that good. It was nice to go out with my family without too much stress.

                            Back to the laundry.....and my freezer that is defrosting.:h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              Monday 25 October

                              LVT25;989430 wrote: especially if I eat something cold that is meant to be hot. Like leftover spaghetti or cold chicken/turkey.
                              That doesn't make sense in the analytical part (small part :H) of my brain. How can your esophagus know if something is meant to be hot and even if it does, how can that matter? Like a spasm?

                              What does IDK mean?

                              I'm glad the movie extravaganza was a good event on the 'getting along' front. That's worth it even if the movie had been crummy.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

