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AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

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    AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

    AWWWW GEEEEZZZ, Greenie, look what you started!!!:H:H

    Seriously, congratulations! You have come a long way baby! It's been great sharing this journey with you! :l:h

    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

      Brigitte Bardot;989771 wrote: :H Shit! Well, it's out there now!

      And you are onto me DG! When oh when and how did i let that little tidbit of (blatant and proudly non-pantie wearing) info slip out, so to speak. This joint can be a confessional even when you don't realise it. :H

      Take care Uni!

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

        Pride before Fall;989780 wrote: Congrats and THANKS, Greenie for an excuse to break out the "My Fringe Swings" panties, circa 1981 (Note I'm NOT wearing them)! Rock on, sobriety--and hot rollers!

        xoxox Pride

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

          LVT, you win the prize for grossest pumpkin avatar yet. Greenie's ate it's children, and yours...well....gave them back. :H

          Lav, if what we're getting is heading your way, batten down the hatches and chickies. It's WINDY! I hope the resentment issues is subsiding. It's understandable, but what I've found is that even when it's justified resentments only make ME miserable. I like the saying that resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for someone else to die. I thought the AA suggestion on what to do was CRAZY when I first heard it. PRAY for the person I'm resentful at???? YOU MUST BE KIDDING!! But I did just that after my sponsor suggested it about a thousand times over my brother. Lots of ugly history there. It took a lot of times saying prayers for him to have all the good things in his like that *I* would ever want. But it finally worked. Seriously. I know it sounds like voodoo and maybe it is. :H

          Gia, Guitarista has been G here for so long! We'll have to use his full nickname G-Man I guess. (or G-String ). Glad you are here and that you already fessed up on the panty front. Any other confessions you would like to just go ahead and make before we figure them out any way?????? Hope you are doing OK here in these early AF days. Don't you want to just never have to go through this again?

          Pride, you were some hot mama there at 10 years old! With some hot funky under pants to boot!!!

          Uni, I'm glad you had good sessions yesterday. That emotional stuff IS exhausting isn't it. Good that you are just taking good care of yourself today. :l

          Hugs to AFM too. Hope all is well today.

          Chill, that is the perfect Greenie Queenie robe. Here is a little something to go with it.

          Hi rebirth and Sheri!

          Who did I miss? Has M3 checked in lately? I am sure looking forward to construction being done around here so I bet M3 REALLY is since it's the kitchen. :l

          Windy windy windy. That is all. I am thankful no big trees have come down (yet) or worse damage on the home front. Not sure what's been going on around the rest of the broader area - haven't had time to look at the news yet. Hope no tragedies.

          I had a weird dream last night. It was a drinking dream of sorts - haven't had one of those in a very long time. I was somehow in a vacation setting with a guy I go to AA with (only see him occassionally), and his wife who I do business with. He was drinking and she was mad or something. I went off with him on a golf cart and then suddenly it was the next day and I had no idea what happened. Did I drink? Did I somehow get a concussion? Then there was some random Mary Kay thing in there just before I woke up. :H

          OK. Now for strange. The guy I only see occassionally at AA showed up there today. And he spoke of being on vacation with family and everyone drinking excessively and picking fights with each other, etc. and how frustrated he was. He said at one point somebody bought him a shot of takillya even though all the family in question knows he hasn't drank for almost 10 years. He said he sniffed it and half thought about it.

          Weird, huh? There are wave lengths in the universe that must be like tuning in a radio I think. Boy I was on his wave huh? I always have to leave early on Tuesdays for another business thing so didn't get a chance to tell him about our drunken golf cart adventures.

          ONE THING IS VERY AL for this girl today. And hopefully no concussions either.

          6 smilies is SO not enough!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

            I've been here for so long under GG and Gia, that when I hear 'G' I assumed it was I think I'll wait for anymore confessions, it could be bad.

            DG, maybe the weird dream was brought on by the full moon phase?


              AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

              Guitarista;990110 wrote: :h

              And you are onto me DG! When oh when and how did i let that little tidbit of (blatant and proudly non-pantie wearing) info slip out, so to speak. This joint can be a confessional even when you don't realise it. :H

              Take care Uni!
              I recall this little tidbit from a long long time ago. My memory for things like chemistry or my own schedule isn't very good, but my mind is like a steel trap when it comes to peoples underwear habits. :h

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

                Doggygirl;990132 wrote: I recall this little tidbit from a long long time ago. My memory for things like chemistry or my own schedule isn't very good, but my mind is like a steel trap when it comes to peoples underwear habits. :h

                A proper fangirl must be accutely attuned to pantie preferences.

                re your dream, DG... YOWZER!! the universe is truly amaaaaaaaaaaazing
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

                  universal;989762 wrote: I had a rough day emotionally yesterday but got a TON out in both of my therapy sessions so I'm feeling a lot better today. Looking forward to a relaxing day - doing some homework, maybe go for a swim later - nothing too strenuous - need to heal my body after yesterday's emotions (they can be exhausting!)
                  so right uni.... I did some tough stuff and the next day wondered if I was getting the flu!
                  You are doing SO well and your strength is really shining through!!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

                    Speaking of pantie references, I wonder how Marshy is doing. How long is she staying by the sea? A week? Will we get a mid vacation post do you think? Did somebody bring the binocolurs however you spell that? I hope it all works out fabulous for her and XNGF.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

                      Ugh...watching the show "French Food at Home" and she made these beautiful honey/red wine pears slow baked in the oven for 4-5 hours with a reduced sauce, and I kind of sighed looking at the nice bottle of french red sitting there thinking how nice it would be to have a glass...oh the thoughts that I have.


                        AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

                        Evening all,

                        I have to do another session in the boxing ring with Nasty Boss, and I'm absolutely exhausted. I HATE confrontation. I've been getting dizzy on and off for a few days now which I think is stress related. Not good.

                        But it's lovely to see your bathrobe party, Greenie. Congratulations!! :l


                          AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

                          Brigitte Bardot;990290 wrote: Ugh...watching the show "French Food at Home" and she made these beautiful honey/red wine pears slow baked in the oven for 4-5 hours with a reduced sauce, and I kind of sighed looking at the nice bottle of french red sitting there thinking how nice it would be to have a glass...oh the thoughts that I have.
                          "a glass???" I can only speak for myself, but one day I actually thought about that. "a" drink. And you know what? I don't ever remember having "a" drink. Certainly not in the later years. "A" drink is a fantasy in my world and nothing more. So unless I'm willing to drink the whole bottle, then risk driving to the liquor store for a couple more bottles, then be very fuzzy or not remember at all what I do and say, then wake up with a hangover and all manner of guilt and remorse, then I shall leave that bottle alone. It's poison in my world. Not a cooking condiment.

                          How easy all that rolls off my brain now. That's a blessing. I hope these thoughts start coming easy for you too Gia!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

                            Oh, I know a glass is just not possible for me either. I just need to work through these feelings, since I will have them, I can't pretend that I don't or I never will again.

                            Thanks DG xo


                              AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

                              Rather than allow the "a drink" feelings and thoughts go on, try to change the language in your mind. If you are interested, look for some of Sheri's posts. She's done a lot of work and shared a lot of her sources on the whole topic of chosing different thoughts as it pertains to AL.

                              Allowing any longing feelings that are complete fiction just didn't help me stay sober. I have to always make sure if I'm thinking of AL, I'm thinking of it in a way that is truthful in my world.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                AF Daily - Tues 10/26 PARTY DAY

                                Rock on Greenie!! So happy for you (and for us because we have you here).

                                Wah!! I want some fringe panties like Pride's!! It might help with my mojo.
                                AF Since April 20, 2008
                                4 Years!!!

