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AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

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    AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th


    No negativity, or AL here!!

    It's FRIDAY!! Only 2 more days of work and then I can sleep in and do whatever I want!! And how cool is it that I'll be doing that whatever sober and unhung!!

    I too am disgusted with the campaign ads this year. NOT ONE candidate in this state has not stooped to horrendous negative ads. I think I will write in Deter for everything!!

    Our spate of glorious warm weather is gone. It's very cool this morning and this weekend will be frost warnings. I'm proud of myself that I got out to walk at least twice per day every day Mon-thurs. Will hopefully keep up the good work today.

    Have a great day everyone!!

    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

    Good morning Pap! Good morning AF'ers!

    I watch the US ads as well and I can't believe they rip eachother apart like that either while they are promoting themselves for office? Whatever happened to social class and manners? Canada is not much better either, it's getting just as bad.

    No AL for me today either, and I'm feeling really great about myself. This Friday is much easier then last week, just knowing I can do it and I don't have to succumb to these thoughts and go get a bottle of red for the evening.

    I might take the babe for a bike ride this afternoon if it doesn't rain. I've got one of those nice little wheely carriages that you attach to your bike. It's great and she loves it. She's much to big for the baby seat now so that was removed.

    I asked in the Army Thread, but I'm looking to buy a new coffee/espresso/cappichino maker. I want it stainless to match everything else, does anyone know of a good brand that doesn't look to modern? I don't want to pay $1000 though, but something nice and good quality that will do all three. I've been wanting to expand my hot drink making abilities..


      AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

      Good Morning BB!! Your bike ride sounds fun!! I got a simple bike last year-no gears or handbrakes, the old fashioned kind-with the goal of running my dog alongside it. I did it once and he hurt his paws badly so I haven't used it since. Maybe this sunday I'll bring it to the rail trail and just ride it without him running beside me.
      Can't help you with the coffee machine-I'm strictly a tea drinker. Have you tried EBay?

      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

        papmom3;992166 wrote: Good Morning BB!! Your bike ride sounds fun!! I got a simple bike last year-no gears or handbrakes, the old fashioned kind-with the goal of running my dog alongside it. I did it once and he hurt his paws badly so I haven't used it since. Maybe this sunday I'll bring it to the rail trail and just ride it without him running beside me.
        Can't help you with the coffee machine-I'm strictly a tea drinker. Have you tried EBay?

        I really love this bike. I got it in France and it looks like the old fashioned bikes, but the new Titanium model so it's really light. It has the hand brakes though, the basket on the front and the carrier on the back. It was great over there! The baby on the back in her seat and all the fresh fruit and baguettes in the front. :H Here, it holds granola bars, juice and Pelegrino while we peddle to the beach.
        I need to find a bike like yours for my mother so she can go with us, she hates the hand brakes as well and refuses to look at anything with them on. So, hunting we will go so we can bring her with us.
        I haven't tried Ebay yet. I was hoping if people had one to get their reviews before I spend the money since they're not that cheap. Oh well, I'll find one!
        Do you drink tea that's already bagged or loose? I started drinking some loose tea again with the tea ball, I really like it.


          AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

          I drink both types but mostly bagged just for the convenience and quickness plus Dunkin's doesn't offer loose :H !!
          One warning about my bike-it's hard to ride until you get going!! Great thigh workout!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

            Morning Fabuloso Extraordinaires!!

            Thanks for the start P3 - love the avatar! Walking TWICE a day? Bravo!

            Brigitte, my friend (the one who snarked about unemployment ) has a machine that I think is what you describe. She said the cost was over the top but I have to say it was the best cup of coffee I ever had. I'll ask about the brand. Your cycling adventures sound like idyllic vacations - mine generally involve huffing, puffing, mud and sweat. :H

            On tea... I like loose tea (but mostly drink bags because that's how it comes) It settles to the bottom out of the way if you don't want to use a ball or there are all kinds of cool strainers out there. I like to see what I'm getting as sometimes tea bags contain a lot of dust residue and I'd rather have intact leaves. The chinese scoff at our tea habits (regarding bags) saying we'd drink what they sweep off the tea processing room floors. I had a glass (it was like a tapered beer glass) of tiny rosebud tea in china once that was beautiful as well as deliciously delicate.

            Last night's music was fun. Really different. We dropped by an art opening reception on the way that was a show of 107 drawings in 107 days. Mostly charcoal pencil, landscapes - very nice.

            Tonight is a student play at the uni that I think will be amusing and fun. Department of Theatre and Dance

            LVT, I enjoyed the link! Good looking boys you've got!!

            Painter called for a DATE. I had plans which is true. I can no longer pretend it's a non-date issue.

            Wonder if marshy took any beige underwear. Doubt it.

            OK, got lots to do so I better get started! One things for sure.........

            Have a fabulous friday!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

              Good morning fabbies! P3, thanks for getting us started today. No negativity or AL here today either. I too am looking forward to a undrunk unhung weekend! I will be working tomorrow too between figure skating events.

              Hi Gia! The halloween party sounds like fun. The little ones are so cute.

              papmom3;992166 wrote: I got a simple bike last year-no gears or handbrakes, the old fashioned kind-with the goal of running my dog alongside it. I did it once and he hurt his paws badly so I haven't used it since. Maybe this sunday I'll bring it to the rail trail and just ride it without him running beside me.

              For Schutzhund sport the dogs have to do something called an "AD" (can't remember what that stands for in German). It's a test of endurance and they run along side a person riding a bike for 10 km. Gary has done it with 2 of our Shepherds and will probably be doing it with the pup in 2011. The training for that requires a VERY SLOW build up of distance for them to develop calouses on their pads. Other wise the pads "blow out" as you experienced. They go a short distance then stop for the day. Check pads right after, and check pads again the next day. If there are any little cracks (ideally there should not be) treat with antibiotic ointment. Take at least a day off in between. Build up GRADUALLY. There are also products used by the mushers to treat any injuries to the pads. That stuff is handy to have on hand if you bike or jog with a dog a lot.

              When they are training for the run, the dogs get better pedicures than I do.

              Anyway...gotta get a move on. Another busy day ahead. One thing is for sure....


              Deter for President! :soapbox2:
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

                Greenie, I had some really great tea in China too. I believe it was Black Dragon it was called, and there were quite a few others. It was all loose. We went to a Tea House and learned how to make and drink the proper Chinese way. I brought home tonnes of it! They snicker at tea in a bag as well, since then I rarely drink it in a bag, lol. Plus living in Korea turned me onto loose tea as well. Yummy!

                I love collecting different forms of art; going to art galleries and such. It really nice to see all the different medians and what people can create.

                My bike riding is not like that all the time. Getting up some of those hills with a 40lb kid on the back is not all that easy. lol, sometimes I feel like my legs are on fire then they are just going to fall off and when they do I expect my heart to burst from my chest. I need more workouts.


                  AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

                  Cross posted..good morning DG!


                    AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

                    Hi Greenie and again Gia!

                    Greenie I saw your post yesterday about your friend and her opinions about employment. I have worked in restaurant service and in corporate America. If I were to go back to either one, I would sure approach the job searches differently. :H Your adventures in the arts sound like so much fun!

                    Been a little crazed so sorry I'm not responding to everything everyone is doing! I sure enjoy reading all the posts! LOL - yesterday I was racing between appointments and squeezed my workout in late morning. That meant a shower before the afternoon / evening stuff. Usually during the week there has been just the one main contractor in the house. I got home yesterday, with no choice about the shower timing, to a HOUSE FULL of chaos and worker people. With Greenie in mind, I donned my bathrobe and did what I had to do. :H At one point while I was in the shower I thought I hear the bathroom door open. DON'T LOOK ETHYL!!!!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

                      Just popping in to say hi and happy Friday all!

                      I found out last night just how incredibly out of shape I am aerobically. I bought a game for the Wii called "Just Dance". I tried one song with my son and thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest and my lungs were going to explode! I guess I better work on that!

                      Our candle party is tonight and the house looks like crap! It will be a full day getting things ready. Then all day tomorrow at a wrestling meet with my son and a Halloween dance for the kids tomorrow night. I think Sunday might be a day of rest and scarey movies.

                      It was 20 degrees here yesterday morning. Everything in the greenhouse was wilted except the Kale. Next year I better be a little more prepared.

                      Since my party has a "Pink" theme, I bought some pink wine. I did not know they still made Boones Farm Strawberry Hill. That was a favorite back in the 70's. Wow. I'm also making a pretty pink punch to try to use up some of the vodka from my cupboard. Another first for me, I don't think it will be a problem, should be fun!

                      Have a great sober weekend all!:h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

                        Good Friday morning Abbers!

                        Chilly but sunny here in these parts today - feels nice actually after such a balmy, damp week.

                        At this point BB I use my Senseo to make all my coffee & tea. I have a refillable thing I use instead of buying the filled pods. I can make any kind of coffee or tea with it. Suits my needs at this point.

                        Greenie, I'm jealous of your artsy fartsy activities this week. Living in cow country here definitely has it's drawbacks. Glad you are enjoying yourself! Don't want a date with the painter? Sounds like he's a bit persistent.

                        I need to kick myself into tackling a job I've been putting off. I've been lacking the emotional/physical energy to pack up the rest of YB's stuff & get it out of the closet in my bedroom. I'm sick of looking at it - just don't feel like dealing with it myself. I will try to get it done this weekend.

                        OK, I wish everyone a fabulous AF Friday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

                          Good Morning All,

                          Sunny and brisk here in Northern Virginia. Sounds like everyone is busy, happy and AF. Yeah, that's the way to be.

                          Lots of Halloween parties for the kids this weekend. It will be a great distraction given that our house is turned upside down.

                          Speaking of tea and coffee...I love both. My favorite tea these days is Yerba Matte (unsmoked) with a couple of drops of chocolte liquid stevia. Yum, Yum.

                          I realized this week that I am officially 2 1/2 years AF. The time has gone by so fast. LIke Greenie, I still get such a kick out of the normal, every day things that bring me pleasure and contentment.

                          Gotta get out of this house though. Lots of noise from construction.

                          Be well,
                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

                            PS Here's what my girls are going to be for Halloween.

                            1 = Cockatoo (yes, the bird)
                            2 = Zombie Cheerleader
                            3 = Princess Vampire

                            The festivities officially begin this afternoon
                            AF Since April 20, 2008
                            4 Years!!!


                              AF Daily-Friday, Oct 29th

                              Morning all!

                              I slept great the past two nights and I am feeling really, really, really, rejuvenated!

                              I loooove loose leaf tea. I am actually addicted to it. I have been buying Bojenmi and been having about 3 cups a day. I drink coffee too, but I am finding it quite bitter at the moment seeing I quit smoking a week ago.

                              Well, today is my daughter's costume parade at 1:15pm at her school. She is up and grumpier than H*ll and has since changed her mind on what she wants to be. She wants to be a princess now; and thankfully we have ooodles of crap to make that happen.

                              So, I must run and shower. Get her stuff sorted and get going.

                              Have a fantastic day everyone. I know that I am certainly staying off the roads in the evenings here this weekend. Lots of parties going on.

