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af daily sat 30 Oct

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    af daily sat 30 Oct

    hey all - another sober and smoke free day - so far have cleaned teeth, leansed face ut night cream on each night since Wednesday. Bout day today so busy busy busy - off to gym this am, and looking at light boxes on internet - which to buy!!!!

    Woke early at 8am - but got and put a load of washing in the machine - may listen to confidence hypno cd - feel like I can do with it today. Evening maybe off to see a band in Brighton - I will drive so I don't have the drinking temptation.Last week after drinking ihad a migraine and have felt anxious/blue all week - don't know if it's connected but I was feeling so good AF. Last sat I started feeling really blue - looking back could have been pmt. I've planned lots of social things with friends - not booze related - I need to see people and connect.

    Anyway today is the first day of a 3 day weekend so it's all good - just need my mood to catch up.
    one day at a time

    af daily sat 30 Oct

    Good morning!

    Another AF check mark on the calendar! I am really starting to love this feeling and I'm feeling so much better and it's getting much easier!

    Bear, I've been making sure as well I take care of my teeth and more so cleansing and moisturizing my face and neck before bed. I can't count the number of times I never did because it just never occured to me. I'm really starting to notice the difference, and with all the hydration not being stolen from booze it's repairing it's self fast and I'm feeling so much better about my complexion.

    Good morning to everyone who checks in this morning!


      af daily sat 30 Oct

      Morning fabbies!!!

      Bear, stick to the routine - you'll see how beneficial it is! Sending you some extra mojo... hope you have good AF fun with your friends. You're a fun, interesting person so I know you bring some zing to the gatherings! Stay strong!

      Gia, journaling these loving af life feelings might be good so you can look at it if you get that wistful feeling.

      GF and I had dinner before the play at a place that had a dual menu of southwestern and sushi. "Takosushi" The logo is a yen yang symbol that is a a fish on one side and a chili pepper on the other. Where Far East meets Southwest, or something like that. It was bright, busy with an interesting menu and the food was good. Right by the university, it was bustling with "that" kind of energy. Liked it! I hadn't been interested in trying it because I turned up my nose being a sushi snob. Play was very good. The 11 girls? women? ladies? college students did monologues about the dating scene from very different character perspectives. Quite funny. After the play I dropped GF at a bar to meet up with her sort of BF. I begged off pleading early yoga which is true, but truer was my lack of interest. I'd much rather hang out in cow country with lav on her couch with a movie, popcorn and tea.

      My friends are not having their halloween party (the resto owners who had fantastic food last year - marinated oysters that were to die for) as they are both under the weather. I'll see what the day brings, but I'm thinking I don't want to be on call with trick-or-treaters.

      Off to yoga! Have a super AF saturday!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        af daily sat 30 Oct

        GM bear, BB, Greenie & all Abbers!

        Greenie, I really wish you could come over today. I could use a dose of mojo.
        I finally pushed myself to pack up YB's belongings yesterday. Now I can open my closet door without getting angry & resentful! I should have thought to fire up my smudge stick last night.........I didn't & ended up having nightmares. This is a genuine pain in the ass! It's mentally exhausting actually.

        I have no plans for the day so I'll play it by ear & see what happens.
        Hope to have something positive to report later.
        Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af daily sat 30 Oct

          Good Morning All,

          Another sunny, cool day here. Not ready for the cold weather yet, but ready or not, here it comes.

          Bear, it sounds like you are taking some good steps to remain AF. You may want to lay off the bar/band scene for awhile until you are solidly AF. It's kind of like a newly diagnosed diabetic vowing not to eat sugar yet he/she hangs out in a sweet shop.

          Lav, hang in there. A sad time for you I am sure. You have been more than patient and understanding with Mr. Lav.

          Hello Greenie, BB.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            af daily sat 30 Oct

            Good day all,

            Bear & BB, any tips on the moisturising? You're inspiring me to think I should come up with more options than same old same old in the complexion department. Not one of my strong suits...

            Greenie, sushi is fab! As is tea. Are you going thru an oriental phase?

            Lav, mojo coming right up. In multiple pretty gift wrapped packages. :l I can totally understand how the combined limboland and nonversation is taking its toll, it's been really long now. Hope you can find good company and get some pampering this weekend!

            Looks like Nasty Boss and I are heading for a showdown in the next couple weeks. He wants me to do some extra work (which is fine) but will most likely offer a lower paygrade than what my contract is for (not fine). I got some advice yesterday. If this all comes to pass, I'll have to initiate a grievance procedure. While I don't relish the thought, at least it would clarify the situation rather than me just worrying about it. I still get some dizziness but it's less acute than last week. Has anyone come across myofascial massage? My symptoms seem consistent with cramped muscles.

            Beige isn't quite the colour today, it's more grey. Still, time to brave the elements and head out to the market.

            Hi there M3!

            Have a good weekend, one and all.


              af daily sat 30 Oct

              Hi back to you Pamina!

              Hey all, If you haven't seen this post in "General Discussion", I would highly recommend it.

              51 Things You Should Know About Addiction Recovery

              One of the best lists I've seen on addiction recovery. It's posted in the toolbox too.

              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                af daily sat 30 Oct

                G'Day Fabbie Abbers!!

                M3-thanks for the link. That was a very interesting article. A lot of his 51 things resonated big time with me. Especially the personal growth and the holistic approach-both of which I am definitely NOT following at this point and it scared me to think that I could be ripe for a relapse because of the lack of these 2 things. It also hit me very hard that I really am very early in my recovery. It seems like it was forever ago (not just shy of 6 mos) that I had my last drink and I've learned so much since then that I kind of feel like I'm not in the early stages but I am!! Better print this one out and start looking around for volunteer opps. Tomorrow I have planned to go shopping for good whole healthful foods, including the whole sprouted bread. My goal for the next 6 days is to NOT put any processed food in my mouth (or as minimally processed as possible)

                Pam-good luck with the supervisor showdown. It has NEVER gone well for me but I never had the skills to do it correctly. Now I just say yes sir and keep my resume updated. My MO is to leave when things get unbearable. Not good.

                Greenie-I don't want to be on call either but I'm not sure I want to go to my sister's. She hasn't invited me for one but after all these years probably figures its a tradition and I'll just show up. Problem is, the tradition has included a number of glasses of wine between the two of us as we hand out candy (now that's great role modeling for ya!!). I just feel kind of sad that part of the tradition is gone for me. Yep, I haven't fully surrendered yet obviously. I'll probably end up keeping the lights off and hiding in my bedroom.

                Bear-Hope your day is going well. Please be careful about meeting friends at a pub tonite. You're still sounding very vulerable to temptation and your blueness. Perfect for the WTF thinking.

                BB-glad you're feeling better about being AF. Just keep those good feelings close to you.

                Lav-do you feel a little bit better at least for clearing out YB's things? You seem to be going through all this alone (except for us but we're virtual friends)-is there anyone you can talk to on a regular basis to sort out the feelings and the nightmares? Big :l :l to you.

                Hope everyone else is doing good. Busy busy I guess.

                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  af daily sat 30 Oct

                  G'Day Fabbie Abbers!!

                  M3-thanks for the link. That was a very interesting article. A lot of his 51 things resonated big time with me. Especially the personal growth and the holistic approach-both of which I am definitely NOT following at this point and it scared me to think that I could be ripe for a relapse because of the lack of these 2 things. It also hit me very hard that I really am very early in my recovery. It seems like it was forever ago (not just shy of 6 mos) that I had my last drink and I've learned so much since then that I kind of feel like I'm not in the early stages but I am!! Better print this one out and start looking around for volunteer opps. Tomorrow I have planned to go shopping for good whole healthful foods, including the whole sprouted bread. My goal for the next 6 days is to NOT put any processed food in my mouth (or as minimally processed as possible)

                  Pam-good luck with the supervisor showdown. It has NEVER gone well for me but I never had the skills to do it correctly. Now I just say yes sir and keep my resume updated. My MO is to leave when things get unbearable. Not good.

                  Greenie-I don't want to be on call either but I'm not sure I want to go to my sister's. She hasn't invited me for one but after all these years probably figures its a tradition and I'll just show up. Problem is, the tradition has included a number of glasses of wine between the two of us as we hand out candy (now that's great role modeling for ya!!). I just feel kind of sad that part of the tradition is gone for me. Yep, I haven't fully surrendered yet obviously. I'll probably end up keeping the lights off and hiding in my bedroom.

                  Bear-Hope your day is going well. Please be careful about meeting friends at a pub tonite. You're still sounding very vulerable to temptation and your blueness. Perfect for the WTF thinking.

                  BB-glad you're feeling better about being AF. Just keep those good feelings close to you.

                  Lav-do you feel a little bit better at least for clearing out YB's things? You seem to be going through all this alone (except for us but we're virtual friends)-is there anyone you can talk to on a regular basis to sort out the feelings and the nightmares? Big :l :l to you.

                  Hope everyone else is doing good. Busy busy I guess.

                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    af daily sat 30 Oct

                    papmom3;993141 wrote: I'll probably end up keeping the lights off and hiding in my bedroom.
                    I'm considering that. There is a music group at the coffeehouse, a play at the ampitheatre where we hoop with the drummers in the summer (legend of sleepy hollow), or home in hiding, or I could take a movie to the nursing home and watch with my dad. Friends want me to dress up and go out (open-ended "out" which means bar hopping) with them. I can't see myself having fun past the initial 20 minutes. :H I'm up in the air about my non-bar options. Too bad you're not here - you could go with. I think we should all go over to lav's and admire her closet.

                    M3, thanks for the link!

                    Pamina, maybe I am in an oriental phase. I got tagged as liking a "zen" effect in the bathroom tile discussion at the store yesterday.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      af daily sat 30 Oct

                      Hidy Ho ABerooooos!

                      Bear, lightbox for photography? you can make your own if you're feeling crafty, they aren't too complicated. I've made some in the past for special projects.

                      day 6 sugar free and feeling pretty darn good.

                      wow, it's later than I thought, gotta gear up for systema in the park day 2

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        af daily sat 30 Oct

                        Hey Greenie, I absolutely love sushi! I am such a big fan of Asian food; Korean, Thai, Japanese, Chinese..all of it, the real authentic stuff.

                        I'm avoiding going out as well, I'm just not up to it right now..and honestly I would rather the good shows on TV at night right now, enjoy my food and wake up in the morning without a hangover able to take my little girl where ever she wants to go.


                          af daily sat 30 Oct

                          Awww Greenie-too bad we're so far apart geographically. Wish I had a friend like you around here. I vote for taking a movie to the nursing home to watch with your dad. If I were down there with you I'd bring my pup in his lobsta costume :H!! Going to Lav's to look at her newly cleaned out closet in cow country sounds good too!!

                          BB-I'd be thrilled with watching TV too tonite but NO CABLE!!! I thought I could handle this no cable thing but it's getting old after only a couple of weeks. When I had it and chose not to watch it it was all fine and dandy. Now that I don't have it I WANT IT!! :H :H

                          Deter-what the heck is systema??

                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            af daily sat 30 Oct

                            Hello everyone! Sounds like you are all busy making some non-AL plans for Halloween. Me and Mr. Doggy always stay in, and since we are all fenced in we don't have trick -or- treaters (well, we always hope for no trickers!).

                            Am a bit saddened by a situation that I will describe in more detail in the AA thread.

                            Am living amidst a dust bowl and lots of ear busting noise today. I will be so happy when this project is done. Even the eye candies - here today in force - can't perk me up from the dust and noise.

                            How are you hanging with your project M3? Thanks for that link - I really like it. Probably would have missed it in the other sections today.

                            Hugs to all of you for a fabbie sober day. One thing is for sure...

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              af daily sat 30 Oct

                              I can certainly understand your sadness DG. But the spirit of the wife and nurse is uplifiting in spite of the situation.

                              At yoga, I ran into a friend who lost a son last summer in a drunk driver boating accident. 4 died that night in 2 separate accidents, 30 minutes apart. I think she'll be calling me for coffee and support. I hope I can be all that she needs; all I can do is try. I have very little experience at this.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

