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sun 31 oct af daily

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    sun 31 oct af daily

    Hello friends.

    It's been a while since I've posted, so you may want to get up and go get a popcorn ball or something to munch on.

    What a busy and full week/week end for me! I need today to just chill. Hubby wants to bring the cows in from pasture and wean the calves though, so the boys are waiting to hear when he is ready to do that. He had to repair some corrals first.

    I spent almost all day Friday cleaning up the house and getting ready for the candle party. My vow is to keep it picked up and somewhat clean. I will have to stay on the rest of the family to help me out with this. I was a little chapped when hubby decided to be helpful and fix my toilet that was working just fine, and caused it to leak so now I can't use it. Instead of being pissy about that and the fact he couldn't put his tools away, I thanked him for "fixing" it. I'm feeling kind of resentful with him about his communication issues with me, and I need to get over it. He went to his sister's house for the night of our candle party and that was fine with me. Anyway, too much to go into here, just frustrating!

    Yesterday started early getting the kids off to various school ventures, including a wrestling tourney for #2 son. He did well, I love to watch wrestling. I can get a little carried away, I grew up with brothers that wrestled, a boyfriend that was a wrestler and I was a wrestling cheerleader. Most of the moms don't care for this sport, and when I start yelling from the stands for my son to "shoot" or "sprawl" or "half" or "cross-face" they look at me in amazement!:H It was fun.

    Last evening was our coalition sponsored Jr high dance--after a penny carnival. It was a success, the kids had fun, and they were not on the streets getting into trouble. I was one of the only ones dressed up--I went as Pinky Tuscadaro. I was so tired, but managed to get by by eating lots of crap!!! My punch was yummy, jello added to make it slimey and body parts included.

    #1 son drove 45 miles to his cousins for the night last night. It made me nervous, but I guess I have to let go just a little. He made it there and back safe and sound.

    #2 son was invited to a halloween party last weekend complete with a maze and haunted house. He went with friends, and we were invited too, but I didn't realize it was an adult party. He came home with some stories about all the drunk people there, slurring there words and being stupid. I really had to bite my tongue, because I think that is super uncool. Now I know we used to have friends over with their kids and we would party and get drunk and they would see some of our friends over the top and hear things kids shouldn't hear, BUT, they invited almost every kid in town, and there were tons of kids out there around that. I can't get over how important alcohol is in our community and society. And as long as it is so acceptable the kids are going to grow up and do the same things they've watched these "grown ups" do all their life. I feel kind of like a hippocrite, but I really do want to teach people it really isn't that cool. Pap--like the story you related about the couple that doesn't drink. That nails it for me. Sure it can make things seem more fun at the time because for me anyway, it was nice to use al to release some inhibitions. But we should be taught from an early age that we don't NEED al to be who we are or in order to have fun, or to relieve stress, or to celebrate......

    Anyway, I'll get off the soapbox now.

    DG--I have to slap myself into reality sometimes when I get stressed or get to feeling sorry for myself. So many out there that really have a shitty life, or shitty circumstances, who am I to whine. Our pastor gave a wonderful sermon today about how much stress we create for ourselves by wanting so much "stuff" and forgetting what is really important. It's not the "stuff". You are doing a great job of helping others, and what a joy it is to be able to get out of the bottle and out from ourselves and do that. Addiction creates such selfish behavior.

    Greenie, it makes me want to cry thinking about your date with your dad.:l Good for you, and isn't it wonderful how natural it felt?!!:h

    Bear, I hope you don't feel picked on here today.:l When I read your posts yesterday about your plans for this evening and then saw you started the thread I was so worried it would start out by saying you drank and smoked. Good for you for following through though! EVERY time you don't do those things in those situations it teaches your brain that is the way it is. I do tend to agree, that you'd be better off just staying away from it for awhile though.

    Ok, I have tons more to say, but I really need to get my candle order finished before hubby decides it's time to deal with the livestock.

    Happy Halloween all, I am looking forward to an evening with my family, complete with popcorn, pop and some spooky movies. We might even have a couple of extra teenage boys here too. It is kinda nice not to have to take them trick or treating anymore. In the past, we would drive around and drink beer, stop and friends for beers and candy. Later we would go to hubby's sisters house and drink beer while the kids trick or treated. Pretty cool, huh? Not! Life just gets better and better sober!!!:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      sun 31 oct af daily

      Hi all. LVT, I love that you are doing things in your community to raise awareness where you can among the young. Had to :H about the toilet fixing story. LOL - we have never had a single day since moving into this house 8 or 9 years ago where all three toilets functioned as expected at the same time. We still don't. Hopefully when this remodeling project is over we will have 3 working toilets for at least one day.....

      So how did the cancle party turn out? Your son was involved in that, right? (trying to remember from a post that seems like it was years ago, but was not!)

      Did you get the cows in ?

      Hi Choochie! Good for you checking in for another AF day.

      AFM, sounds like you are having a nice day. Hope you and Elvira oops I mean Gia and anyone else with little ones is enjoying the trick or treating tonight.

      Lav, you are sounding chipper today. Must have been a good evening hanging out in that spacious closet of yours. One year for Christmas, long ago when we were still 29 but lived at our previous house with only 2 dogs, we managed to get a great picture of the 4 of us. We used that timer thingy on the camera, which ws on a tripod. All of us were looking at the camera. We all had Santa hats on. That was a once in a lifetime thing I'm sure!! Can't wait to see new chicky pics.

      G-Man, you are way better looking than your TV drama man-friend. :h

      Yes - MARSHY. What up? Did you elope or something?

      Greenie - I forgot to mention in my earlier post that I'm so happy for you having such a nice evening with your Dad. Sounds like it was good for both of you.

      I am determined to have a sugar free day today. Only a few hours to go. Deter, you are an inspiration in that regard.

      My new bathroom is clean. It will get construction dirty again, and way too soon. But for today, it's clean. And I am about to go christen it. It's a built in shower with shower heads at each end. It has a bench seat built into one end along with another spray head on a hose. I can now sit down to shave my legs. I can't wait. I let them get really hairy just for this occassion. :H

      I am so very grateful to be sober today. The good, the bad, and the ugly is all so much better when it's real.

      Nighty night fellow travelers. One thing is for sure...

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        sun 31 oct af daily

        Busy day to day! Started slow with brekkie and the paper. Then a walk on the rail trail with all 3 pups (Mr. LM is NOT invited back!!). For the first time Koby didn't seem all that bothered by people walking in back of us. His tail stayed up the whole time!! Then lunch and a quick clean up so I could make a video of my bedroom and office/junk room. I wanted to enter the Nate Berkus Week of Room contest where they pick someone's room to makeover. It took me all afternoon trying, but I couldn't get the darn video to upload so I'm not sure what to do now. I can really use a makeover!!
        I think the Trick or Treaters are safely back at home now, thank god!! I decided to go to Trader Joe's around 5pm and they were just starting to come out. I figured they'd be done by 6 or 6:30 so was really surprised when I was stuck as I came home on the next road over from my house-there were hundreds of kids and parents trick or treating!! I got home in the middle of it darn it!! I immediately turned out all lights but my motion detector light over my side entrance wouldn't go off. Wouldn't you know it, 2 little princesses rang my side doorbell and I felt like a pile of dog doo when I had to tell them I had nothing for them this year. They just stared at me. :upset: I'm a little miffed my sister never called today to see if I was coming over to help hand out candy. I'm starting to wonder if the fact I'm not drinking anymore has changed the dynamics in my family. I don't feel like things are the same between her and me and my dad and me. He doesn't invite me over for dinner anymore and my sister and I don't talk as much.
        I know that how they feel about me is not for me to worry about but it just saddens me. I also know I NEVER want to be home on Halloween again!! At least not in this home. I've got to try to make it happen that by next year at this time I am either out in the country or by the ocean in a new home.

        Gia-your costume sounded awesome! I hope you will post some pics!!

        DG-your new shower sounds divine!! Pics please!!

        AFM-sounds like you had a very nice day and nite. Sorry about the scaredy cat LOL!!
        Chooch-you keep on truckin'!! You're doing great!!

        LVT-busy busy!! Hope your cows came in all right. Do you miss the trick or treat days?

        Lav-I was very lucky that day!! I caught Mickey just as he was looking up at me and before he had the "I can't believe you did this to me" look on his face :H . How did the chick pics come out?

        Hey G man-how come DG knows what you really look like? Huh? Huh?

        Greenie-sorry I misunderstood. But glad DG was there for you when you needed her to be. And you're here with us now!! Yea!!!!!

        Time to start turning in. Have a great rest of the nite all!!

        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          sun 31 oct af daily

          Took chick pics today but am having trouble getting them onto Photobucket......will keep trying!

          Not a single trick or treater here as usual so I guess the one bag of peanut butter cups will have to be eaten at a later date I'll put them in the freezer!

          Anxiously awaiting the start of a new month. Maybe it will be an improvement!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            sun 31 oct af daily

            No trick or treaters! They must have gone over to the rich neighborhoods. :H

            Lav, frozen reeses are veeeeeeeeery good!

            P3, I'm sorry your feelings are hurt. Truly though, you are having hurt feelings over assumptions. Wasted angst is a terrible thing. Make sure you've got angst-worthy reason first, OK? And :l

            I'm whipped. Woke up really early and was busy all day. Maybe I'll try to catch the rest of Sherlock Holmes on Masterpiece Theatre. Lav are you watching that? He's a wierd looking dude, doncha think?

            Sweet dreams.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              sun 31 oct af daily

              Thanks Greenie!! You are absolutely right. I'll have to put on the TBGP and ask my family that question. yech.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                sun 31 oct af daily

                Boos not Booze

                hope you all had a freak-tacular fun AF'ing day

                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

