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November Nuturing - Week 1

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    November Nuturing - Week 1

    Good morning everyone

    However long the night, the dawn will break.
    --African Proverb

    Let your anger set with the sun and not rise again.
    --Irish Proverb

    Just thought I would get us started on our new month. Please God it will be a good one for us all. Chill thank you for the wonderful summary of October. Looking back it is amazing what has happened in such a short period. Rushing now, will catch up later.


    November Nuturing - Week 1

    Good Morning Everyone,

    November already! I am determined to make this a happy, AF month!

    Rustop-thank you for the quotes today. Here's my favorite: Let your anger set with the sun and not rise again.
    --Irish Proverb

    Chill-thank your for your lovely summary of October. You have such a way with words.

    Rushing today-have a wonderful AF first day of November!



      November Nuturing - Week 1

      Greetings to all on this lovely first day of November.

      As each month goes by, it is comforting to mark our progress and the events that happen in all of our lives. The common themes about relationships, work, respect for ourselves and others, and money issues, help us realize that life is something we manage on a daily basis, and so much better AF. This month we will focus on nuturing, ourselves and the world. I am continuing to focus on eating healthfully and getting some exercise in, daily prayers, and doing my best at work, and having right relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. All while being AF, otherwise life will become unmanageable and filled with anxiety and fear.

      It is cold here today, I'm dressing warm for work. Sending you all peace and strength.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        November Nuturing - Week 1

        Greetings friends,
        Chill, I really enjoyed your October summary. Thank you for taking the time.
        Rustop, Thank you for getting our month started. I especially liked: "However long the night, the dawn will break." because it reminded me that my occassional "witching hour" cravings, will pass with the night and if I hang on, I can experience a lovely AF dawn. Those are always so sweet. Besides that, now that we are headed into winter, the nights are indeed growing longer. It seems so much of our time is spent in the dark. We are often up before dawn, but that is a gift in itself as we can then experience the gradual dawning of the day fully awake and aware.
        Rusty, Where in the world are you this first day of November? Since a part of me travels with you, I like to know where I'll be!:H
        Red, Your goals for November are all good but at first read I thought they were a bit daunting to tackle all at once. Then I realized we take it a moment at a time and those are goal posts to move toward. I appreciate your thoughtful guidelines for Novemeber and will adopt them for myself. How is your son doing? Has he found a school program that will work for him? I read in the paper yesterday that college enrollment is up here in Ohio. I guess since there are few job opportunities many are trying to use their time productively to prepare for a hopefully better economy in the future.
        Well, it's off to get ready for work. Have a great day, all!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          November Nuturing - Week 1

          Good morning everyone,
          Sad to see my favorite month go but I also love November. Any month without hot weather.
          I am feeling restless here in the midwest. Not working and living in a place where I know no one is dangerous territory for me. Thought about drinking yesterday and I know it's because I have so much time on my hands.
          Joining a walking group this morning and going to a book club meeting at the library this afternoon. Found these things in the newspaper yesterday. Love going into a day not knowing what it may bring.
          Can't wait for the time to change. Hate that it doesn't get light here until almost 8.
          Good Monday to all.


            November Nuturing - Week 1


            SD-I didn't see this until this morning while I was reading posts from last week. I apologize that I didn't see it, and I just wanted to tell you that you are such a positive, energetic addition to this thread. I so respect your honesty and sharing your life with us. You are an inspiration for not only regular posters but to newcomers as well. I loved the story about your son seeing your step-dad in the play and how he calls him "Grandpa." That is so special...and I am sure your son got his nurturing spirit from his wonderful mother.




              November Nuturing - Week 1

              GM November friends!

              SD, CONGRATS to you on your AF month - good job I'll bet your son is proud of you as well!

              Shelley, why don't you put your car back on the road & come East? I have lots of room

              Rustop, thank you for your supply of wise quotes. They always grab my attention!

              Dill, Star, Rusty & everyone - I'll join you in hoping for some happiness this month. In keeping with the nurturing spirit of the month I've just started reading 'Energy Medicine for Women' by Donna Eden. I heard her speak on a teleseminar & found her upbeat & positive. She has many years of experience teaching her healing methods & I've always found alternative medicine interesting. I'll let you know how it goes!

              Wishing a great AF day all around
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                November Nuturing - Week 1

                Rabbit Rabbit! (It's the first day of the month again)

                Good Morning Folks:

                A new month, a new theme, and a new thread - Yahoo!

                Chill - Great summary for October. It really is amazing when we look back and reflect on all that has happened just in one month's time. We are a force to be reckoned with!

                Rustop - "However long the night, the dawn will break." What a great quote to keep handy whenever we are struggling with the inner voices that tempt us to just have that one drink. I am going to keep this one in my pocket as extra reinforcement.

                I am very hopeful that I will be able to continue to nurture myself back to full mobility during November. I am feeling stronger every day and I am seeing progress with my foot. I feel like I am starting this month off with the right attitude and I am so glad to be able to have all of your support and encouragement.

                Cheers to all of you who come here throughout the month and best wishes for a nurturing and comforting experience here on MWO.

                AF since 7/13/2010


                  November Nuturing - Week 1

                  My lovely virtual friends,

                  I dont know how else to say this but I drank yesterday. It was a mixture of self pity, curiosity and rebellion that made me decide to drink. I drank just over half a bottle of wine and was oddly not affected by the alcohol. But have woken up this morning confused...I cant say I regret it because I think I needed to prove something to myself...but I am not sure what I am trying to prove and I am very worried for myself.
                  I dont know whether it was just a one off or its the start of something bad. But it's too late.

                  I admit that I wish I could drink like a normal person as I think it suits me better to be able to drink the odd glass of wine. But I also know I cant cause I am a binge drinker. I do love my sobriety and dont want to lose it either.

                  I need your support more than ever.

                  Love from a frustrated RB.
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    November Nuturing - Week 1

                    So this is what I am thinking right now...what if I could do a month of sobriety, drink a few on the weekend in a ladylike manner, then stay sober for another month etc

                    Oh God. Who am I kidding??:upset:
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      November Nuturing - Week 1

                      The problem is that I enjoyed those four glasses of wine I had last night. if only I could drink like that all the time.
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        November Nuturing - Week 1

                        Good Morning!
                        I loved your recap of the month of October...what I loved more is that while you recapped, I could remember!!!:H With AL that usually wasn't the case!!

                        Rusty--Darn made me cry at work!!! Thank you for that congratulations and kind word...I wasn't expecting that as I scrolled down....THANK YOU!!!:l It really meant a lot...I started wondering if this was the thread I should even be on...just with the weird thougths I still have with AL....but I think it's the thread I NEED to be on...I NEED to keep being here and striving for monthly's just what works best for me...and truly I know that!

                        SPed--Thanks for your PM--you really gave me a lot to think about....I appreciate that...and I know this too shall pass, I just need to be strong.

                        Star, Dill, Lav, Paguy--here's to a Great November (Virtual Toast...with a diet Pepsi)

                        Rebirth--First off, please don't beat yourself up for last night. It's very apparent you're very torn up about his, and your shouldn't be. I think what's important is that you look at how far you've come AF...and maybe what triggered this...or take a step back (like I think you've already begun to do) and figure out exactly what this might mean. I don't think you have anything you be scared of...everyone here knows how much you love your sobriety....and how well you and your son have been'll figure out what "this" was and you'll work through it. Just don't beat yourself up....we're all still learning here!!:l

                        To the rest left to come....(((BIG HELLLLOOOOSSS!!!!!))) I have my writing exams at 3:00 and then my class at 6:00...I may not get back on here today!!! Have a great Monday!!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          November Nuturing - Week 1

                          You probably already know that you aren't good about just having a glass of wine. I'm not either! If I drink, it always grows into a binge. Maybe not right away, but always eventually. My last was the worst by far, A whole week. And worst part is that I went to work that way and hardly remember alot of who I even talked to. Unbelievable that I would think nobody knew! We are only fooling ourselves. I'm only on Day 3, but I know just how you feel, it will get better if you let it. Be strong, you are worth having a better life!:l


                            November Nuturing - Week 1

                            SD - Forgot to congratulate you! Well done on a month!!
                            Thank you for your kind kind words. You are lovely!

                            Getting happy- Looks like I will be joining you again in my second stage of sobriety. Yes I intend to be strong as I dont like the drunken me. I just hope that I dont have a terrible relapse. I am hoping that yesterday i drank and that was that.
                            Be strong-
                            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                              November Nuturing - Week 1

                              Rebirth, lovely one.....don't beat yourself up. Move on, dear one. You'll find the answers. This is part of recovery. It's called Learning, and you are doing it. And for those people who say "slips are not acceptable in recovery," I will quote the Bible. Do not judge lest ye be judged." People in glass houses shouldn't cast stones. I am here for you always.

