Hi M3! :l:l Do you have some friends you can hook up with just to have a little distraction and not feel so alone? I wish I could go with you to a coffee shop and just yakkety yak until all the worlds problems are solved. I hope you hang in there. Did something happen i.e. straw that breaks camels back? Or just the culmination of years of

OK Det. Make that 2 cots.

Hi BB. Just saw your post. Retiring early is an excellent plan when you are tired. Beware HALT and all that.
I forgot to tell a funny story from the polling place this morning. I had my drivers license out for I.D. The guy behind the desk asked my name, then how to spell it. I kept holding my drivers license toward him. He eventually looked up and me and said "I don't need that I know who you are." WHAT???? I almost told this complete stranger that it was not possible he could know me, I am not queen after all.

Well, off to watch the drama on TV. There will be far more reporter created drama than actual election results tonight, more likely. One thing is for sure.....