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AF Daily - Tues 11/2

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    AF Daily - Tues 11/2

    Wakey Wakey Fabbie Abbies!

    Election day in the US....I would like to see an amendment to prohibit recorded political messages delivered to my answering machine.

    Marshy had been kidnapped, pride is in mexico, but where is gaia?

    Isn't there someting about liquor stores being closed on election day? It's nice to not be aware of that issue, because one thing is for sure........

    HAve a lovely lovely AF day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Tues 11/2

    Morning Greenie. Thanks for getting us off to a great start today! I don't think the liquor stores close on election day in IL. At least I don't recall ever stocking up in advance or (horrors) going without. The only restrictions here are no booze before noon on Sunday. So buy extra on Saturday, right? :H I lived in Missouri in my early twenties (just a few years ago) and the county I was in had some strange rules. Liquor stores / bars could not be open on Sunday. But restaurants could serve AL on Sundays. And a bar could be a restaurant for Sunday AL purposes if something like 25% of their business was food. :H And the restaurants and bar 25% restaurants could sell package beer to go but only near beer. (whatever lesser % AL that was than regular beer). So everyone had plenty of ways to drink on Sunday even if they forgot to stock up on Saturday. :H Oh the games we play.

    There are definitely some bums who need to be thrown out here in the great state of IL political shenanigans. Maybe we can elect a governor who won't end up doing prison time. That would be a refreshing change I could believe in.

    M3, thinking of you with special mojo thoughts!! :l

    Uni, can't wait to check out those links. That's sort of what freaks me out about FB - potentially so many people just seeing everything. Business associates, family, friends, all in one big lump. So I am venturing carefully and non-personally if you know what I mean. (to the very small degree I actually know how to do anything with it anyway!)

    P3, I hope your financially concerns clear up soon! Good for you letting it all pour out with your therapist.

    Well, I bet my oatmeal is ready so I better go. No sugar in it. Just blueberries.

    One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Tues 11/2

      Doggygirl;994773 wrote: That's sort of what freaks me out about FB - potentially so many people just seeing everything. Business associates, family, friends, all in one big lump.
      Yes... like pulling your dress up in the grocery store line. sorta
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Tues 11/2

        greeneyes;994779 wrote: Yes... like pulling your dress up in the grocery store line. sorta

        OK - off to vote, then leads group.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Tues 11/2

          GM Abbers!

          I promise to keep my dress pulled down today :H
          FB freaks me out too - I use it as little as possible! My drinking brother used FB about a year ago to tell the word that I am an monumental bitch. He didn't like my suggestion to sober up & stop attacking people :H

          Finally got to see EB in his costume last night. He was all decked out as a firefighter - just like his Daddy. He looked great carrying a Thomas the Train bucket for candy collecting :H

          I'm still trying to get my new chick pics loaded on Photobucket - not sure what the problem is with that.

          I'm wondering about our missing friends Marshy & Gaia too. What's going on?? Should we get a search & rescue team together???

          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Tuesday. I need to go get my vote in - hope to help rid PA of some of it's useless politicians

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Tues 11/2

            Good morning!

            I had my course of study changed yesterday. I am looking forward to January. I got to see the lab where we will be practicing helping animals. Very, very, very cool! Tres excited! (I was eye-balling my cat last night imagining putting in an IV! LMAO!)

            Well, I am off to work! Feeling pretty darn rejuvenated these days. Been sleeping very well since my dad got out of the hospital last week.

            Other than that, all is well on the homefront. I did wake up with 'burning' lungs this morning. Now that I have been quit smoking for a week and a half; I am hoping this is normal and a part of my lungs healing! Ouchy!

            Have a fabulous day everyone! xo


              AF Daily - Tues 11/2

              Tea Par-tay time! out with the old and in with the new. (do I sound excited?)

              AFM, hopefully that's just your lungs healing, I'm not familiar with that.

              my extra virgin coconut oil came in yesterday so I fried some homemade chicken/nut balls in it and wow! the aroma was intoxicating. the balls came out so light and nice. we have a winner!

              be well everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Tues 11/2

                Hello Ab Fabbers!

                greeneyes;994770 wrote: Marshy had been kidnapped

                Nope. Back home after a fabulous week by the sea in a quirky town full of hippies, veggie restaurants, drumming circles, art galleries etc. On Saturday there was a zombie parade for Halloween in the afternoon and in the evening there were hundreds of people dressed as zombies wandering the streets and chasing us non-zombies (eek!), and street art installations and light shows. Had a really lovely time, and how fantastic to do it all sober.

                Just a quick check-in, will catch up with all the news later. Have a good day all!
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily - Tues 11/2

                  Welcome back Marshy! We will be sitting here munching popcorn and waiting for the DETAILS!!! Sounds like so much fun. Wish you would have taken us all with you. Zombie chasing?? Sounds AWESOME!! :H Great that you had such a good time with XNGF. Are you engaged now?

                  Det, your posts about EVCO have reminded me that I have a big bucket of it. So good for us and here I have been just eating sugar. You can melt it and then add some cocoa (or carob powder) and stevia and then refrigerate it back to solid. Coconut chocolate. Yum yum. Did you post the recipe for the chicken nut balls? That sounds like a political statement, or a really good recipe one of the two.

                  Lav, EB sounds CUTE dressed up like his daddy! We want pics of that AND chickies!

                  AFM, I am just so HAPPY for you! I bet it felt great to officially get the major changed. I'm glad I'm not your cat.

                  I voted to throw the bums out. The talk radio station I usually have in on the car has a Voter Fraud Hotline going. :H Is this just needed in Illiniois? Or do all states need this?

                  Dentist this afternoon. I pray to the universe that this is the last time for a while.

                  I'm flossed and glossed and one thing is for sure....

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Tues 11/2

                    vote out the chicken nutballs!!!!!!!


                    Basically I use mixed nuts instead of breadcrumbs in my meatball recipe. this is something I tried experimentally and it's awesome (and more healthy of course). I whiz them up fine in the cuisinart, then toss into the mixing bowl. then whiz up the chicken to make your own ground chicken meat. I added lemon zest, nutmeg, garlic, one egg, and grated pecorino romano. they came out so light and happy
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Tues 11/2

                      Ok Det. Here's the deal. I'm moving in. Please let Dx know I won't be any trouble at all. I will do dishes and laundry in exchange for a cot in the garage and meals. That is all.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Tues 11/2

                        DG, lol!

                        I wish I had someone like Deter to cook my meals! That is for sure! I would consider pulling up a cot along side of you DG, just for that cooking of his!

                        Well, I worked a few hours and then headed to my doctor. The burning sensation in my lungs was quite alarming for me. The doctor took a listen and sent me for an x-ray. Everything looks fine, thankfully. He gave me an Advair Inhaler to use for 30 days to help loosen the crap in my lungs and open up the airways. I feel better already! Whew.

                        Another thing that was totally out of left field for me today. I had this HUGE, I mean HUGE urge to buy some Vodka. It was consuming my every fiber for a few hours today. This was the hardest craving I have ever had. For what??? It was really pissing me right off. No matter what I was telling myself... how good I feel, how I want to remain AF so badly; I just couldn't shake it.

                        So, I immediately hopped into my car and forced myself to drive home. I popped an Antabuse.

                        Like, HOLY SHIT BATMAN! I didn't even want to drink! But the desire to get a buzz was just so overwhelming.

                        Although, I didn't drink, I am still mad at myself for even thinking about it. I thankfully have 44 Antabuse left from the 60 I got over a year ago. I put them in my purse just in case I get those stupid, crazy - OUT OF NO WHERE thoughts again.

                        Whew! Sorry, I had to share. Being AF is so important to me and for me to have any decent life at all.

                        OK, rant over.


                          AF Daily - Tues 11/2

                          OK, I know why the sudden urge. It is that freaking sugar I had been eating last couple of days. I don't eat sugar at all, and I really honked out on my daughter's mini chocolate bars yesterday. It must have been a sugar withdrawal.

                          I just didn't understand it at all. I have absolutely NO desire to drink. It had to have been the sugar.

                          Mental note taken!


                            AF Daily - Tues 11/2

                            Hello All,

                            Checking in.

                            AFM, I had a good chuckle over "Holy Shit Batman." I have not heard that in awhile. But seriously though, good for you for getting through that mega craving and realizing where it came from. Do you plan on continuing with the Antabuse for awhile?

                            Marshy, Were you away with GF? I have lost track of your love life and I want details.

                            I am sitting in a coffee house with my computer because I need to get my head straight and make a major attitude adjustment before I walk into the house. I am trying to see all of this as an opportunity to learn and grow but geeeez, I feel so overloaded right now and very alone.

                            Papmom, DG, Greenie, Dx, Lav, LVT. Good to see you here as always and to read your updates. And thanks for the warm thoughts.

                            Is it 30 days for you today Choochie? Big congrats to you.

                            AF Since April 20, 2008
                            4 Years!!!


                              AF Daily - Tues 11/2

                              Evening all,

                              I didn't get a chance yet to read through the thread, just thought I would check in and say hi, I'm still alive and still AF. I am really tired, did a lot of Christmas shopping today and I'm wiped! I think an early night is in order for me!

