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AF Daily - Wed 11/3
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
papmom3;995876 wrote: Awww Greenie-I hear ya babe!! If they didn't put the implant in today, make sure you keep that gauze pack in for the time they say. I hear dry socket is the worst!!!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
Ah Greenie,
I feel for you! Room temp liquids today - nothing too hot or cold! Soft foods of course. No gummy bears!
Have a tons of crowns myselfAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
Hey All ?
So Doggie tells me I need to be over in this forum and the first thing I read about is ripped underwear?.. Looks like I have found a new home! :h
I hate going to the dentist more than just about anything else. True Story ? when I was in college (20 years ago?CRAP) my gross anatomy professor was also a practicing dentist. I was at a Frat party, overslept, and missed a test the following morning. She said I could come to her dentist office and take a makeup test on the condition that I would let her do a cleaning and take care of any issues (free of course ? a punch in the nose is also free but you don?t see me lining up for one of those either). Long story short ? I told her I wanted gas before the cleaning! She gave me 30 mnts of it and afterward she could have pulled one of my teeth by way of my rectum and I would not have cared in the least. I?ve yet to find a dentist that I can get the same care from?. And in case you are interested ? I aced the test ? I did it before the nitrous.
Take care everyone and have a great rest of the day!
AF since 10/16/10
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
Greenie. :l You sound as though you are handling this like a trooper!!! I hope it is not too painful and that everything heals up quickly.
Choochie, the nick name I was talking about was Greenie's reference (and then at least one more to follow?) of Coochie. You gotta be on your toes with this crowd! :H Good that you have figured out your sleep problems through this. I suspect one reason that docs don't ask much about AL consumption is that most heavy drinkers lie about it. I've heard doctors say that. LOL - people even lie to alcohol counselers about it. I know I never told the truth about my AL consumption when filling out the medical history forms. Doesn't do them much good to ask if they are most likely not hearing the truth. My list of reasons I'm grateful to be sober is LOOOOONG! Congratulations again. That first 30 days can be a tough one and I'm really really happy for you reaching this milestone!
Knicker Ripper. Yes, I believe that nick name will stick as well! :H Hi G-Man. You are too funny!
Lav, I hope you are having a good day "back to business." I know what you mean about having a hard time focusing on that when things are unsettled in the personal life.
Gaia, I like the fresh from the line smell but am way to lazy to go outside and hang stuff and then go back outside and get it. Now that is LAZY. Kudos to you for doing it! Hope the headaches pass soon.
Bear, you are making really great progress. POSITIVE ACTION indeed. Way to go!
Det. I was just getting ready to do the dishes. What's for dinner? Me and AFM and P3 wanna know.
AFM, I hear ya on that dark dark place. I can't believe I "got there" either. I know for sure that picking up ONE drink will lead me right back there. I'm willing to do something each and every day to keep my focus on sobriety if that's what it takes.
What are you up to today P3? How is the doggy bloggy coming along? (I need to go check it!!)
Went up to see the homeless guy who is still in ICU, but he's off the ventilator now. And he was awake but I think still pretty well medicated. You know what he wants? BOOZE. It is so tragically sad to see a late stage alcoholic going through this. In a matter of a couple of days he will be back on the streets again. :upset: What a way to die. Slow and miserable. We suffer from a progressive affliction, and that's where it leads. I know if I drink again and keep on drinking (which is what would happen) my elevator will stop at that floor too. Very sobering.
One thing is for sure...
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
Hi IJM-:welcome: Welcome to our rollicking thread!! We have blast here but we are deadly serious about being AF at the same time. Just judging from your exam/dentist story you will fit in VERY well here :H!!
DG-I am trying to work inbetween posting :H :H. It really sucks when work gets in the way of my real life!! I haven't updated my blog except to add some website links so go peruse them if you want. I'm hoping to do an article type post this weekend when I'm at the RE office waiting for the phones to ring. You'll have to check back to see what I've come up with!
I'm also thinking of starting a different type of blog about my AF journey. I'd like to get paid for it tho so I have to do some more research and try to find some sucker, Er, I mean some company willing to pay.
Almost time to blow this Popsicle joint. Got 2 walks in today so far and hoping to get home early enough to walk DD. He was WILD last nite without the walk!! Come to think of it, I don't think I walked him on Monday either! Bad mommy!! (don't worry everyone-he's got a fenced in yard to do his business in-he's not being neglected that way!!).
Hey-I just realized there is spell check with this thing!!New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
ItsJustMe;995946 wrote: Hey All ?
So Doggie tells me I need to be over in this forum and the first thing I read about is ripped underwear?.. Looks like I have found a new home! :h
AF since 10/16/10
:H on your dental experience and test passing. Those were the days! I will admit I did have many a fun drinking related adventure in the college years.
In addition to underwear rippage and other antics, you need to be aware that by posting on this thread, you are automatically 29 years old. That is all. So that means you graduated college at 9? That's quite an accomplishment!!!
I am so glad you are here. There is lot's of good sobriety going on in this bunch - some more recent AFer and some longer termer AFers and everything in between. So if you are struggling with any issues related to your sobriety, make sure to bring it up if you want some good input! Mean time, hang onto your titanium big girl/boy pants and get ready for a fun ride.
Also...One thing is for sure..... Means One thing is for sure...there will be no AL in my life today.
Oh. And I dare you to ask what __________________ is.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
P3! :yougo::yougo:
So....where's the spell checker?????
I think a blog about your AF journey would be fabulous! And I hope you find a fine sponsor for said blog. You know I'll read it!
Fenced yards are truly a blessing, aren't they?? Our dogs have been stir crazy during this remodeling project with not enough "big yard time." (they have to make do with the small fenced area). I need to remember to put "don't have to leash walk the dogs unless I want to" on my gratitude list.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
Spell checker-as you're typing, if you see a red line under one of the words, right click on the word and voila!! Spell Checker!!
Back from a nice walk/jog with DD. he unfortunately has the runs so we'll be stinky tonite!! had to use the hose on him in the pitch black!!
Waiting for dinner to be cooked (i.e. nuked) and watching a fabulous Chronicle show on Belfast, ME (chronicle is our local TV magazine out of Boston. One of THE best shows on TV right now and it's been going strong for over 20 years!!). I might have to look at the Real Estate and job market up there.
BTW-LOVED Oneie's thread today. I must chime in and join the BBBs (guess).
dinner's done!! BBL.New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
Good Evening Abbers on the Daily Thread Here,
Could I please get a one-day pass and crash your thread tonight to say to Choochie;CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 DAYS AF, CHOOCHIE!:yougo::bananacomputer:
I don't usually post here but I really like all the people on this thread.
Papmom, I love your new avatar because your pups are adorable. I agree with Doggygirl, a blog about your AF journey would be wonderful because you are a talented linguist and wordsmith (I know this from your talents on other threads)
Loads of cheerie hellos to Doggygirl, Lav, Greenie, Mr. G (G-did I tell you I am single and available?Brigitte, Det, Molly, IJM,and anyone else who stops by!
Um, I missed the conversation on ripped underwear, but all I can say is that I travel all over the world, mostly I am in two states, cities or countries in a week, and when I can't do laundry, I turn my undies inside out.:
Greenie-what you're going through sounds ghastly and I hope you heal quickly!
Wow, look at the guest pass on this thread is ready to time me out. The EJECT button on my chair is ready to deploy.
Have a wonderful AF evening and tomorrow everyone!
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
Hey Doggie ?I saw the cross post too when I got home from work. Too funny?
Pap ? I would be interested in reading an AF journey blog when you put it together. I really like watching people progress to a goal. It really inspires me. I have a blog as well. Guess I am still too much in the anonymous phase to put it on here publicly but if anyone on the thread is interested then PM me for the link. The girls here may not be that interested ? it?s more of a guy thing around my hobby. Also not real pretty ? just putting some pics and descriptions out there sprinkled with my dry since of humor.
I sort of had a moment on the way home this evening. I had to stop at the grocery store. I won?t mention the name of the store here but it starts with a ?K? and ends in ?oger??. Anyway, I went to the soft drink isle to get my supply of tea and passed the beer/wine isle. As I walked by a voice in my head said something to the affect of ?that isle does not apply to me anymore?. This is no big epiphany but I just thought it was an interesting and unique reaction.
Ok, off to do some urge surfing. I?m in the middle of the old cocktail time and you know what they say about idle hands?..
Have a GREAT evening,
AF since 10/16/10
I?ll eat a booger before I drink again!
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
thanks rusty!! You are very sweet!!
And, you are welcome on here anytime!!! We :h Rusty-unclean undies and all (ducking and running!!)!! Oh, and just for the record Mr. G I am single and available too and only 29!! :H:H
DG and Rusty-thanks for the encouragement about the new blog. I will look very hard for a sponsor this weekend and I will also try to think of a good dog subject for my agility/dog blog.New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
Hey It's Just-X post!! I think I will have to hold you to your siggy if you ever admit to a relapse-minor or not!! And, you will need to post video :H.
Good for that voice being heard! Just keep repeating it whenever possible.New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
P3, I say expand your search options!! I would love a road trip to ME! OK. I thought maybe I was just a perfect speller or something. (:H:H and I'm 29 too!:H) But I deliberately mispelled somethin and got NO red line??? Is there a way to turn it on/off?
IJM, BRAVO on the right thinking while cruising past the wicked aisle at the K store. That is good! Always be ready in case your brain decides to wander to the "just one...." load of crap. Have a good mental response at the ready. It's great that the male audience is expanding here. Det, G-Man, IJM, where the heck is PAGuy these days????
Rusty dahling - it is so FABULOUS to see you here! You should drop in more often!
Going to see what the aftermath of election day is all about on the news. Then I will probably return to my general boycotting of news for awhile.
One thing is for sure.....
Nighty night fabbies!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
AF Daily - Wed 11/3
Hey It's Just-X post!! I think I will have to hold you to your siggy if you ever admit to a relapse-minor or not!! And, you will need to post video :H.
Good for that voice being heard! Just keep repeating it whenever possible.
I did a journal on this site after my 2nd relapse. I posted daily for a few months and it really helped. The blog I want to do may be sort of the same but i'll also include research and interesting stories that others don't mind having published-all anonymously of course. If you want to PM me your blog link, I'd love to read it!!
OK, where the heck did the spell check go???? It was there when I was posting from work.
New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!