(((HUGS))) LVT. I have no great suggestions, but am here to listen. Follow your heart and be true to yourself. xo
No announcement yet.
sat af daily 6 November
sat af daily 6 November
Howdy Diddley there AF simpsons! (I may be the only one that watches the simpsons so ... I digress)
IJM, kudos on your AF time, and also the realization that AB's is an excellent way to live. I was so very hard headed and just sure that I would just figure out a way to be a moderator. I hurt myself pretty bad in the process but thankfully pulled through with everyones help.
Bear, hang tight! good to have you here.
well, gotta get ready for my 'pay to get your ass-kicked class' (martial arts class)
be wellnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
sat af daily 6 November
LVT25;998148 wrote: Congrats to Gia and IJM on 3 weeks--so glad to have you both join us on the monthly ab's thread. In case you haven't heard, we can be "holier than thou" and tend to run newbies off. :H What a joke!!
I'm sorry about the husband situation. Marriages are so hard at times..:l to you. I don't know what else to say but I'm great at listening and I give great :l
sat af daily 6 November
IJM--Thanks so much for the advice! :l I love having a man's perspective on this. I guess maybe that is why I have postponed the letter idea for so long. The last time I did something like that--actually it was just some thoughts I put down on paper, and 'accidentally" left somewhere he could see it--he must have read like 1 sentence--took it the wrong way and was hurt and pouted for a very long time. I may write something anyway, just maybe so I can practice what I want to say. Neither one of us have ever been very good communicators--and now with me sober--lot's harder.
I will try to work up my nerve to try your idea of a public place. Way out of my comfort zone, as I despise conflict, and the subject seems to turn into a fight no matter where we are. It sure would be nice if you would like to come and be our mediator.Better yet, bring your wife for me to visit with and you can talk to hubby!
Rock bottom, I know what you mean. That would probably mean a DUI or health problems.
Thank you for taking the time to give me your advice. I really do appreciate everybody's support here for me! From hugs to offers of ass kicking....I love it all!:h:thanks:
Greenie--thanks for the laugh on the crotch holder. That is all._______________
NF since June 1, 2008
AF since September 28, 2008
DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
:wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:
sat af daily 6 November
greeneyes;998203 wrote: Crotch grabbing? Wonder if they get scored on that.I watched a guy on a street corner talking on a cell phone and "holding himself". Not scratching, grabbing, adjusting, just holding. I thought of a baby sucking it's thumb and holding onto a blankie. I had to look away lest he misinterpret my smile. :H
And, i'll have you all know that, well, this is difficult to admit, but i'll take full responsibility..... I, am holier than thou.
Best wishes LVT!
That is all, except to say..........one thing is for sure.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
sat af daily 6 November
I just love you guys. Awesome support and wicked humor in the same breath. I love you guys! IJE, you have probably just become an AF Daily counselor.
greeneyes;998203 wrote: Crotch grabbing? Wonder if they get scored on that.
The judges don't have a scoring system, but the fans do.
Guitarista;998514 wrote:Crotch grabbing, ripped knicker's. Just what kind of thread is this?!! :H
It's the AF Daily Thread.
And, i'll have you all know that, well, this is difficult to admit, but i'll take full responsibility..... I, am holier than thou.
Ya. That's it!
That is all, except to say..........one thing is for sure.
Nighty night all. Does the whole world turn their clocks back tonight? Or is that a USA thing? Or maybe a North American thing?
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
sat af daily 6 November
Hi Everybody,
I don't often post on this thread, but I lurk a lot and I like the people on this thread. It's a quiet night and I am home alone watching an old movie, "Broadcast News." A long, long time ago, I was a television news reporter and it's fun to watch now. Back then, it would have terrified me.:H
It's great to have a sense of humor AF, isn't it? I cringe when I think of all the whining and crying I did when I was drinking....the same crap over and over again. It feels soooo good. I'm grateful tonight because I felt so hopeless....never thought I could break the cycle, until I found MWO.
I like any thread that talks about knickers, ripped, clean or otherwise. One of my English clients, when he would frustrate me and he could see it, would say, "Aw, Rusty, don't get your knickers in a twist!":H
DG, I like your idea of reviewing your gratitude list. I'm reviewing mine tonight. I just spoke with my cousin, Ann, who is a very bright, well-educated, sweet woman. Her mother, my Aunt Rusty, was a lifelong drinking alcoholic who had never a kind word to say about her own children....her alcoholism ruled her life so that she couldn't even see the love around her. That's what AL does....causes wonderful people to turn into self-loathing monsters. I'm grateful that I'm with a group here who want to make positive changes...and make a difference that their loved ones will admire.
Back to the movie....you guys are great.
Naughty night,
sat af daily 6 November
Old ripper knickers is late to the party, and off to bed after a busy day at work.
I agree it's interesting to get IJM's male perspective, even though I don't have relationships with men - still interesting!
DG, Are the skaters grabbing their own crotches or someone else's?
Rusty - drop in more often!
Greenie, I don't think a lady ever divulges details. :wings:
Except to say that our clocks went back last weekend which meant I had an extra hour in bed with XNGF :happy: That is all.
AF since December 22nd 2008
Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman
sat af daily 6 November
Doggygirl;998547 wrote: IWell, you might be holier than they are, but are you holier than me? How about Greenie? She is Queen after all. Maybe by "holier" you were talking about knickers? That must be it. The "holier than thou" rumor is just short for "their knickers are holier than ours."
And twisted knickers..well that's a whole other discussion on it's own as well.
sat af daily 6 November
Brigitte Bardot;998560 wrote: What if you go commando and the knickers issue is not really an issue, ripped or not..because you don't wear any. Are you still in the running for the holiest or are you disqualified because you're knicker free? Just something I'm wondering about....
And twisted knickers..well that's a whole other discussion on it's own as well.
sat af daily 6 November
Marshy;998558 wrote: Greenie, I don't think a lady ever divulges details. :wings:
So I ended up tailgating in the fancy gated area just beside the stadium. Quite chilly, but fun. Great food. Spur of the moment for me so all I had to drink was water. Which was OK - I like water - but it was one of those times I would have liked to have something special in my hand like a seltzer and cranberry or the like.In fact a guy there brought this special liqueur brew he makes from a secret family recipe that was from the 15th century monks in somethingsburg... it contained honey, ginger, vanilla, nutmeg etc. and of course the high proof alcohol. This was a new situation for me. I was extremely curious as to the taste but a genuine fear rose up in me and I could/would not even taste it. I was suprised at that but perfectly fine with it. I'll call it a healthy respect for the dangerous demon.
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT