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AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

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    AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

    Good morning! Rusty - don't hide such a fabulous start to Sunday at the bottom of yesterdays thread!! :H

    Good Morning AF Daily Friends,

    Welcome back, Peacenik!

    A cheery, unhung hello to DG, Lav, Cyn, Papmom, AFM, IJM, BB, Uni, LV, Marshy, Greenie, Bear, Gaia, Deter, Rebirth, Mr. G, and anyone I may have missed.

    Ok, let's take a poll....all the women on this thread who want G to change his avatar to a picture of himself in a revealing swimsuit with little kangaroos on it, raise your hands! This is my vote: Aw, G, you're just the most eligible bachelor can't blame me for trying, can you?

    Ok, enough of my immature behavior....time to do some work so I can get to the gym, but I'll be back!
    Can we ever have enough of immature behavior???? Not when it comes to knickers or requests for piccy's of G in the described swim suit. That is all. (Rusty, it's great to have you with us!)

    Peacenik - WELCOME BACK. Dancing with the devil sucks, don't it. I'm sorry to hear about the health issues. Hopefully there will be improvement with AF time? Congrats on 2 weeks back AF. Do you mind sharing what you are doing differently this time?

    Marshy, I am so happy for you. Cool that XNGF was in love at first sight. :yougo:

    I wear knickers and I wash them after each wearing. Well, maybe I've turned them inside out once or twice over the years. Does that make me boring? Maybe I should give them up altogether which would seem to exempt one from the "holier" problem. Hmmmm.....That will give me something to ponder today since I don't waste my time thinking about AL any more.

    So far only men have been Crotch Grabbing (CrGb) but that seems a bit unfair. Will keep my eyes out for the women doing it, and also any pictures that surface. Seeing is believing.

    We seriously need to start a campaign to get more than 6 smilie rations per post.

    Anyway... I am hoping for a somewhat relaxing day. It will start with AA and then I do have a bit of work on my desk to catch up on. Not going to do a lot of that. I hope to do some reading today.

    One thing is for sure...there will be no drinking AL today. Have a fabbie day one and all.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

    Woohoo! Good morning DG and everyone else!

    Coffee, a jammy day, I'm sober and not hungover! It is a fabulous Sunday even though the weather is absolute crap.


      AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

      Hi BB! Unhung is great. An extra hour of sleep was a great idea. Too bad the doggies can't tell time.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

        Doggygirl;998748 wrote: Hi BB! Unhung is great. An extra hour of sleep was a great idea. Too bad the doggies can't tell time.

        I wish! Little Gia does not know yet about the time change, I'm sure I gave her the memo? The cats either, the 4:30am meow got me straight up, and the babe 30 minutes later.


          AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

          GM Abbers!

          Woke up to sunshine instead of darkness this morning - nice!

          Peacenik, welcome back, I have thought of you! Congrats on your 2 AF weeks, great news.

          I have my supply of TBGPs laundered & ready to wear...........I won't dare go without them these days

          Marshy, how wonderful to be in the bloom of a brand new relationship - wishing you the best!

          DG & Gia - my old dog is still sleeping.........she doesn't get up until she is darn well ready - that's a good thing!

          Guess I head out & see how the chicks are doing this morning. I'm sure their feeders are empty. They are real live little eating machines :H

          Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Sunday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

            Good morning Lav!

            I used to have chickens..I didn't really like it though. I also didn't have the proper set-up either. It was just to hard to clean the coop in the design it was, there was no heating..I eventually gave them away. Plus, the wild animals were getting them, not good. I hope you enjoy it better then me! Now, a small pony would be great!


              AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!


              Wow...what a warm welcome! Thank you! I hope my sophomoric behavior is not offensive to anyone here. It sounds like you have a fun and productive day all sorted out....good for you! All I know is that that the weather here is lovely in southeastern Wisconsin and I plan to enjoy it....doing a variety of things. Um, not going to church, though. AGAIN. Bad Rusty, raised Catholic and now prefers Happy Sinners Fellowship. My devout Catholic mother would like me to go to confession, seriously! And I told her, "mom, why would I go to confession when I'm not sorry for all my sins? I LOVE all my sins....they're fantastic. I can't give any of them up!" She did not laugh. She does not think I'm funny at I laugh at myself.

              G has ignored my repeated requests for a pic of him in the kangaroo swimsuit. So, maybe it's because he doesn't have one. So, G, the women here on this thread would then like you to wear the suit with the koala bear on the front....with its little paws outstretched and a big smile on his furry face. Ya know the one I'm talking about?

              BB-sorry the weather is crap where you are....where do you live, BTW? I had to explain what BTW meant to a friend of mine the other I told her, and then I said, "it can also mean Bite the Weenie if you're p-o'd at someone.

              Peacenik-:l hope you're feeling better soon.

              Ok, more work before I get to my workout!

              No drinking for me today....too much fun in my life to be had!


                AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                Hi Rusty, I kinda like all the sins I have left as well. Church is not so much on my Sunday schedules either, and definetely not confession.

                I live on the East Coast of Canada. Nice clean air, fresh seafood, clean beautiful beaches, high taxes and crappy roads. LOL.


                  AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                  Hi BB and Lav,

                  Sorry-cross post! Lav, I'll say Good Morning on the Monthly Thread once I get my fat ass off this one! I'm having too much fun right now!

                  Marshy-congrats about the new relationship! Please do tell so I can put an article in the MWO Daily Mail.


                    AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                    Good morning fabs!

                    :H on the Rusty's start on yesterday's thread.

                    Rusty, thrilled to have you here and peace.. I have wondered about you often - glad you have returned to kick some arse. One thing we know here is how to kick some arse! Although DG is partial to :b&d:

                    Thank goodness I don't have to worry about being holier.... being queen and all. :crowned:

                    Marshy, thank you for that delicious morsel!! Savory it was!! Was July the hiking tour? That early bliss is devine. I've been wondering how your mom is doing?

                    Today is brunch with husb #1 and yesterday's crowd. I have not been to this resto for a complicated reason but now I'll have to deal with that issue if it comes up.

                    Today is also the last day of that program I've been doing. It has been an amazing program. At some points you draw a mandela Mandala Drawing Process Occasionally an illustration would be in the program. The examples were uncannily like mine from the day before. The person's name was the same as mine and one even had the same title. Errie! Colin said to expect miracles, so I will.

                    It's nice that it's light out, I hope my usual time change confusion doesn't last long.

                    Have a lovely day... I'm off to chug water and see if it gets rid of this headache.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                      Ummmm... I don't think that Little AFM got the memo of the time change either!! Ugh, too early to wake on a Sunday morning! I have to work at 10am anyway, but still - too early!

                      Good morning all! Welcome Peace! Congrats on your two weeks!

                      Rusty - LMAO! Funny!!! I am sure your mom didn't appreciate your sense of humour, but I certainly did! LOL! :H

                      Yesterday, was a write-off. I did nothing! I sat on la couch and watched TV for most of the day. I went for a morning walk at least. Did a load of laundry and dishes. So, maybe I wasn't a complete lazy slob. But my motivation level was nil.

                      Nothing exciting to write about. Seeing I didn't do much.

                      Have a fantastic day everyone! I can't believe it is Sunday already!!


                        AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                        Hello friends.

                        A quick check in so I can call my BIL and find out what is going on with my sister. I got a text last night from my brother that said simply "Terry went to ER today and then transferred to another hospital with hernia causing bowel obstruction. Surgery in the am." I don't know how much more she can take (or wants to take) I truly fear she will never truly enjoy a good life again. I am angry at my other brother because he only lives 70 miles away and never goes to see them, or helps out. I doubt he even calls or sends a note or card. I talked to his wife yesterday and asked her if they have talked to Terry and she said no. I live 250 miles away and I have been there to see her and give her support way more than they have! He has plenty of time to go on fishing trips and football games. He has always been kind of self centered. And he's an alcoholic--go figure.

                        Good to see you again Peace! I have been thinking about you and the others that we don't hear from anymore! Sorry you have health problems. Welcome also to Rusty and any other's brave enough to join our daily thread. WE are a bunch of ass kickers you know.

                        Speaking of which, you guys are welcome to kick my DH's ass thoroughly. He drank most of the afternoon yesterday and evidently that wasn't enough so he had #1 son take him to town for "supper". Came home thoroughly soused. Nice.

                        Ok, gotta run. I teach sunday school and am a 4-H leader so a good portion of today will be devoted to kids. Our weather is still gorgeous and the boys and I got lots done outside yesterday! Yay!

                        Have a great sober and unhung day all.:h
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                          Good Morning All,

                          Chilly Sunday but nice to wake up with the sun shining brightly.

                          I watched an excellent movie last night called Temple Grandin. It is about the very challenging and inspiring life of a woman with Aspergers/Autism. I have read many of her books. She reminds me so much of my oldest daughter. Highly recommend it. You can get it on Netflix. Speaking of my daughter, a few weeks ago, we were out to dinner and there was a table full of young folks adjacent to us who were quite loud. It was clear that they had more than a few drinks. When we got home that night she mentioned them and said she didn't understand why people would drink because she found it hard enough to behave properly without alcohol. I laughed so hard. Spoken like a true Aspergers kid.

                          Greenie, I keep forgetting to ask you about yoga. Tell me more.

                          It's nice to see everyone so happy this morning. An AF lifestyle will do it for ya.

                          LVT. I read your post yesterday about wishing that your husband did not stop drinking because he is happier that way. It sounds like you are concerned that if he stops drinking he will be miserable. It seems like he is a pretty miserable drunk too aside from the example he is setting for his boys. My 2 cents. :h

                          Mr G. Forget the kangaroos, koalas, tight swim suits. A nice fitting pair of jeans and no shirt would be just fine for me. Front and back shots please.

                          Off to church today, teach an RE class and then home to do a little work.

                          BB It sounds like you are doing very well. Every AF day makes us stronger and more confident that we can do this.

                          DG, Lav, AFM, Rusty, Peacenik, Marshy and all to come. Have a peaceful AF day.

                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                            Good Morning Everyone! Happy Sober Sunday! I hope you don't mind me joining in on this thread. I read this thread daily, and it gives me so much inspiration, so I thought well just jump on in and join in. Have a great day everyone! I'm off to enjoy my grandson and then watch my nephew play some basketball. I can finally enjoy the simple yet most joyous things in life!


                              AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                              Welcome Choppersmom!!!

                              Geesh, this thread is growing and growing on a daily basis! How exciting!!

                              OK, well I am off and running. Work time. Have a fabby-abby day!

