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AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

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    AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

    Good morning to all!

    I am often found wearing knickers. However once I wanted to impress the girls so I decided to wear a Speedo on the beach. All the girls ran away from me. I was so confused. Then a friend told me I was supposed to put the potato in the FRONT of the speedo. :H

    Happy Sunday to all!

    AF since 10/16/10


      AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

      Hello everyone,

      Well bless my knickers! Only a potato? I thought it was supposed to be a baloney.

      Thanks for starting us off, DG. It's great to see so many clear-headed spirits today!

      I'll be back in a while...
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

        Hi again! WELCOME CHOPPERSMOM!! I too love our growing band of merry knicker kickers.

        IJM - :H and that is all!

        AFM - I think we all need one of those lazy days now and then just to recharge the batteries. I think I'm ready for one myself!

        OK - lunch break. I'm so happy to be sober and enjoying this day! Be back in a bit!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

          Top of the Sunday ABeroooos!

          speedos? oh no...flashbacks to being a skinny 10yo yank kid growing up in Aussie and my dear mum thought the neon green speedos would help me fit in. she must have smoked some really cheap weed that morning, dear gawd.

          Peacenik! glad to have you back, please stay tight and tell us whats on your mind.

          Choppersmom likewise, good to see yas.

          well, went back to the gunshow yesterday and had a ton of fun talking with some of the sword/knife collectors. they have so much knowledge of history/anthropology it was just fascinating and the time just flew by. I ended up buying some beautiful Damascus blade blanks for making my own custom blades. just what I need...another project lol.

          theres something that really helps my AF mentality/outlook on life and thats the following: when I encounter a frustrating occurrence I stop for a moment and think I could be dealing with this on top of a massive hangover/sweats/shakes etc. but I'm not. And I realize things just aren't so damn bad really.

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

            momof3;998821 wrote: Greenie, I keep forgetting to ask you about yoga. Tell me more.
            M3, I have very little yoga experience so there's not much to tell. I've had 3 teachers. One has a very grounded zen energy about her and has a unique peaceful finish in which she cradles you head with ever so slight tension for balancing. One has the feel of a part time job. One is a minister who is playful but has a good workout and has a message for each one. Yesterday's was choices. Through the poses, you made choices about what was better for you - this was about degree of difficulty. Then at the end he wraps it up with a tuning fork sound? (not tibetan bowl... maybe triangle?) and he talks about taking today's yoga off the mat and into the world where it really matters - then talked about making today's choices for the higher good of ourselves as well as the world. I really like that aspect of him. None of the classes have a name like hatha, etc. Well, one is "senior" yoga. :H

            Great to have you here choppersmom!

            LVT, (she says, fueled by M3's comment), I agree with M3. And you may feel this is OK for now, but what about down the road? Don't forget this is progressive and it doesn't get prettier. :l
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

              Buenos dias, mis cucarachas! Back from Mexico, with only 14,000 posts left to read to be caught up (ay carumba). Had a blast--and no, not a margarita or cervesa passed these lips. :kudos: AMAZING how much more you do on a vacation when you're not planted in the bar(s). Cozumel reefs are amazing. Scuba diving is my new passion (one I can't afford, but don't mess with my fantasy). That, and bronze cabana boys with flashing smiles who love 29 year olds. That is all.

              Loving Oney's "Wake up people" thread, Trapped Dad's edge-of-the-seat Days 1&2 thread, and catching up with each of you here (Marshy, sooooo excited about XNFG! Thanks for letting us vicariously enjoy the thrill of a new romance, nosy voyeurs that we are! xoxoxox. Now you need to invite her over for cyber-dinner, so we can check her out.)

              I'm gonna bet G-man doesn't need a potato or a bologna. :ey:

              Okay, reading on. I'm up to Thursday.

              Happy to be home! xoxox Pride
              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                Pride before Fall;998947 wrote: I'm gonna bet G-man doesn't need a potato or a bologna. :ey:
                :H:H:H All the talk about what to wear and I'm thinking nekkid, be nekkid!

                Glad you're back and CONGRATS ON AN AF VACATION!!
                I LOVED diving there!!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                  Off to church today, teach an RE class >>

                  Total non sequitur, but M3, are you a UU? Not sure if other churches call it RE or just ours. xoxo Pride
                  AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                  "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                    AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                    Hi Greenie! : ):l
                    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                      AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                      Hi Pride! I LOVED diving on the reef in Cozumel! Mexico is one of my most favourite places to go..I dove as well around Cancun and the Mayan while I was there on various trips...just beautiful!
                      Congrats on an AF trip with all those swim up bars and such..but the food is awesome!


                        AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                        :welcome: choppersmom. Not sure you want to join this crazy bunch though!:H

                        IJM--did not need that mental picture, nor you in a green speedo Det!!:H

                        Pride--I am so jealous! I really want to go there someday. I've thought about it a lot and wondered how that trip could be done AF--but good for you! I agree, it is amazing how much we can see and do besides sit and drink!

                        Mom3--I LOVED that movie! I met Temple Grandin and heard her speak when I was in college. The clinic I worked at actually used a lot of her cattle working facility designs. She is amazing and to watch that story about her was just so awesome! I highly recommend it as well.
                        You know as soon as I said that about not wanting him to quit I thought how stupid that sounds. What am I afraid of do you think? I'm afraid I'll feel guilty. How f*&*ed up is that?? It is a shame the example he is setting for his kids, they both knew he was drunk--they are very accepting of it, don't seem to mind it until he gets on their case. That is why it is crucial and I thank the good Lord to this day that I got sober when I did. I don't say much to the boys about it, except last night I told them we would wait and ask him something in the morning when he was sober.

                        I love a good lazy day, but I always feel guilty. I do think I am going to be lazy the rest of today though. I for one, do not like this time change. The first day is ok, but after that it just sucks when it gets dark at 4:30 in the afternoon!:h
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                          Pride before Fall;998953 wrote: Hi Greenie! : ):l
                          Yep, A I'm a UU pride. I was brought up as Catholic. I joined Unitarian Universalist church 2 years ago. Two out of my 3 kids are Chinese and my husband is Jewish. So, this church is a very good fit for us. We have another thing in common, I grew up in New England (live in Virgina now). And, I'm a scuba diver. Been to Cozumel. Diving is great there. BB, my husband and I used to fly into Cancun, rent a car and go diving up and down the Yucatan peninsula. Fun, Fun, Fun.

                          Hey LVT. That must have been very cool meeting her. Clare Danes did such a great job portraying her didn't she? I would like to see her speak at one of the Autism conferences. My daughter would be so very happy working on a farm. Unfortunately, we live in a large metropolitan area. She was made to live in the country and to be around animals. Also, I think it is good to acknowledge to your when your husband is drunk and when you are not happy with his behavior. My father drank but no one ever talked about it. It was the big fat "secret." Not healthy at all because you learn not to trust yourself. Anyhow, strength to you.

                          Greenie, yoga sounds good. It's just so nice to take an hour out of your day to devote to this practice.

                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                            This link came to me in e-mail. Maybe you'll like it.

                  [/video]]YouTube - Greyson Chance Performs "Waiting Outside The Lines" on Ellen

                            You'll never enjoy your life,
                            living inside the box
                            You're so afraid of taking chances,
                            how you gonna reach the top?

                            Rules and regulations,
                            force you to play it safe
                            Get rid of all the hesitation,
                            it's time for you to seize the day

                            Instead of just sitting around
                            and looking down on tomorrow
                            You gotta let your feet off the ground,
                            the time is now...

                            I'm waiting...waiting...just waiting...
                            I'm waiting...waiting outside the lines
                            Waiting outside the lines
                            Waiting outside the lines

                            Try to have no regrets
                            even if it's just tonight
                            How you gonna walk ahead
                            if you keep living behind?

                            Stuck in my same position,
                            you deserve so much more
                            There's a whole world around us,
                            just waiting to be explored

                            Instead of just sitting around
                            and looking down on tomorrow
                            You gotta let your feet off the ground,
                            the time is now, just let it go

                            The world will force you to smile
                            I'm here to help you notice the rainbow
                            Cause I know,
                            What's in you is out there

                            I'm waiting...waiting...just waiting...
                            I'm waiting...waiting outside the lines
                            Waiting outside the lines
                            Waiting outside the lines

                            I'm trying to be patient (I'm trying to be patient)
                            the first step is the hardest (the hardest)
                            I know you can make it,
                            go ahead and take it

                            I'm Waiting...waiting...just waiting...I'm waiting
                            I'm waiting...waiting...just waiting
                            I'm waiting...waiting outside the lines
                            Waiting outside the lines

                            Waiting outside the lines

                            You'll never enjoy your life
                            Living inside the box
                            You're so afraid of taking chances,

                            How you gonna reach the top?
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                              good evening Fabbers!! Loooonnnngggg day but just had to see what everyone was up to today. great things I see!!

                              Welcome Choppersmom! You are going to love it here! We do get a bit crazy but there is one thing for sure we are dead serious about........

                              M3-I'm with you on the jeans/no shirt piccys of G-man!!

                              Greenie-you take 3 yoga classes? I'm so impressed! I always feel so uncomfortable doing yoga. No flexibility and too many rolls of fat!

                              Pride!! Welcome back!! You did good in Mexico girl!! I'm very proud of you as I hope you are of yourself!

                              LVT-how did the 4H day go? Hang in there about the hubby thing. All I can offer you is a :l.

                              Lav-Guess what? there was a poultry show and fleamarket right up the road from my friend's house and we decided to go before we went to the fleamarket we had planned to go to!! I've never seen so many different types of chickens! Some were quite exotic, some were gorgeous, some were rediculous but they were all adorable!! What kind do you have?

                              Well, the day was actually quite pleasant. The flea market was huge-held at a race way-but it was mostly automotive related. The smell of grease and smoke is definitely NOT my favorite!! I did find some medium sized clamps for $.50 a piece and I can actually squeeze them open, unlike the ones I bought originally. My friend bought lots of different sized cable ties and that was it. She did see an oxen yoke that she really liked. WTF do you do with an oxen yoke if you don't have oxen? We got lots of walking in with the dogs so that was great. Near the end a lot of beer and other AL was getting drunk. I got asked if I wanted to do jello shots!! Even if I was still drinking I would have said NO!! Blech!! After the market, we stopped at Papa's for a very late lunch. It was very nice.

                              It's after 10:30 and I can't even keep my eyes open so i'll say goodnite and I'll see you tomorrow!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                AF Daily - Sunday November 7 - Rusty's fabulous thread start!

                                papmom3;999155 wrote: Greenie-you take 3 yoga classes? I'm so impressed! I always feel so uncomfortable doing yoga. No flexibility and too many rolls of fat!
                                Well sorta. There's 3 teachers for a total of 4 classes a week. P3, I need to regain flexibility. Gotta start somewhere!

                                Glad you had a nice day!
                                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

