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November Nuturing - Week 2

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    November Nuturing - Week 2

    Good morning everyone

    Thought I would start us off on this our second week. Liked some of the quotes for today so thought I would share:

    Every body can make it with a little help from a friend.

    Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.
    --Will Rogers

    First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.
    --Thomas A Kempis, 1420

    Life is something like this trumpet. If you don't put anything in it you don't get anything
    out. And that's the truth.
    --W. C. Handy (1873-1958) Composer

    "If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting
    what you've always got."

    The last one really applied when actively drinking. So glad I found MWO and changed my ways. Hope you all have a great week.


    November Nuturing - Week 2

    G'day Rustop, and Nurterer's to come,

    Thank's again for the quotes. Good to see W.C. Handy getting a guernsey.

    (just trying on various swimming apparel)

    Have a safe, sober, and magical week everyone.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      November Nuturing - Week 2

      Good Morning Friends,

      Rustop-your quotes always start my week on a positive note. They are all so good today...I can't decide which one is best. And I agree with you, the last one is so true when it comes to my drinking and my weight (the last 4 years) Thank you for starting us off today.

      G-good to see you. You don't have to try on only jeans are nice, too. hah hah

      Off and running now....will check in later!


        November Nuturing - Week 2

        :wd:PAPMOM IS 6 MONTHS AF!!:jumpwow::waving:

        Congratulations to the best Furmom on this thread! You are an inspiration to all of us with your wisdom, your positive attitude and an example of a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle!




          November Nuturing - Week 2

          GM friends!

          Rustop, thanks for the quotes - love them all!

          G, if you need me to embroider something for you to wear just let me know :H

          Rusty, don't work too hard today!

          :wd: Papmom on your 6 AF months :wd:
          I've very happy for you & so glad to share this journey with you
          Keep up the great work!

          This one hour time change has messed me up way more than it should have - honestly.
          Must be getting old or something :H

          Time to get to work, wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            November Nuturing - Week 2

            Great quotes today, Rustop! I think Every body can make it with a little help from a friend. is very applicable to all of us here!

            Rusty - Do you have the single winning Powerball Lottery ticket? I saw on the news this morning that the single winning ticket was sold in the Detroit metro area. Is that where you're heading off to this morning?? :H

            Hope everyone has a bearable Monday!
            AF since 7/13/2010


              November Nuturing - Week 2

              Hi Guys

              Im feeling restless today in nervous anticipation of starting my job tomorrow, is it only me or do others get so tense about changes in life that they just think "no, cant go through with this?" I have also discovered that when im anxious I eat wheras when im happy I dont and im therefore more confident about how I look when Im happy but today I want to eat everything in sight! aargggghhh..... i hate being a grown up!
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                November Nuturing - Week 2

                Ah Chilli, of course you're feeling anxious about starting a new job. It's a change of direction, new people, new environment etc. Just be yourself. That's what got you the job. You'll be fine. Enjoy your first day!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  November Nuturing - Week 2

                  Thank you Mr G - I can always count on my big Brother for reassurance

                  I just came across this quote that really resonated with me and wanted to share it with you guys:-

                  "We can save a tremendous amount of energy when we accept that people will not always act as expected or in ways that suit us. This doesn't mean losing control; it means acknowledging that in most cases we're not in control and don't need to be for things to turn out okay."
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    November Nuturing - Week 2

                    "If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting
                    what you've always got."

                    Rustop - Thats my favourite one and it really applies to my situation at the moment.

                    Chill - You will be absolutely fine! being nervous is a good thing and I am sure you will be wonderful in your new job..after all..they chose you for a reason. DONT overeat!!! You will regret it!

                    I have not had time to check in as I have been very busy. I am thinking of moving my shop to a better location and I have been looking at some potential empty units in a very busy city mall. The rent and overheads are FRIGHTENING but they have an average footfall of one million per month. Thats fantastic...
                    Think I am going to go for it!!

                    Can I just add that I couldnt make these kind of scary decision if I was drinking!! I wouldnt have the energy!

                    Hi Rusty, Mr G, John, Lav and all the other lovely folks on here. x
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      November Nuturing - Week 2

                      Chill - Just remember to keep breathing & you will be fine. Good luck on your new job tomorrow - how exciting

                      Rebirth, I agree..........making those big decisions with a chronic hangover would have been impossible for me too. I hope your new location brings you massive success.

                      I'm also looking for ways to manifest some more $$ into my life - just in case
                      I don't like surprises & I like to be prepared for any possibility!

                      John, hope Monday was kind to you

                      I went to bed quite happy last night. As I was strapping my almost 2 year old grandson into his car seat to go home after dinner he said to me: 'Bye Mi Mom, thank you for dinner'!!! OMG, that was so sweet! Despite all the moaning I do about things I am very, very grateful for a whole lot. :h
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        November Nuturing - Week 2

                        SD, I just saw your post from last night, check in as soon as you can. I have been where you are both in terms of work horrors during my career and, of course, in choosing to drink when I can't stand my feelings. There are all sorts of things to learn from what is happening and has happened. Whatever you do, keep sight of the prize, the big picture, the big point. You have so much to take care of but if you don?t take care of yourself/your sobriety first it will be so much harder, really confusing, you could get lost. Don't get lost. Treasure your recovery. I am in your corner. Love and peace to you sweet SD, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          November Nuturing - Week 2

                          Good evening my Nurturing Friends!!
                          Thanks for the congrats post Rusty-you are so sweet!!

                          SD-please check in! I wasn't able to read the thread last nite-I just read it now and I'm really worried about you! I sure hope today wasn't as bad as you thought it would be!

                          Chill-I hope you read this when you wake up tomorrow morning. I've changed jobs alot in my life and it is always nerve wracking. one thing I've learned to do is to walk into the place with a great big smile on my face and stand tall. I have to fake the confidence I don't feel but after a while I feel like I do have that confidence. Good luck Chill-I'll be thinking of you all day!!

                          Lav-I'm so glad you are finding solace in the good sweet things in life like an unexpected compliment from EB!!

                          Rustop-great quotes!! I loved everyone of them!!

                          John-you'll find your place of worship. Enjoy the journey. In Lit, Mary Carr went to a LOT of different places before she found the one that fit.

                          LBH-I hope you've had a chance to recover from whatever was making you run on empty.

                          Yesterday was quite nice even if the Flea market wasn't what I expected. Mostly automotive stuff but interesting none the less. Lots of walking in the very cool almost winter like weather. I think DD was much less fearful and I know all the walking was good for him. The house still needs a major cleaning but I have Thursday and Friday off so I'll get a good chunk done then.

                          Looking forward to a good nite's sleep but dinner first!! See you all tomorrow!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            November Nuturing - Week 2

                            Good Evening Folks:

                            Chill - Good Luck with your first day on the job! I like the advice Papmom gave you - walk in there with your head held high and beam with self confidence (even though your tummy may have the willies). I am sure you will do fine.

                            SD - What a terrible time for you with your work situation! The stress was palpable from your message. I hope Monday went OK. LBH gave you some great advice - keep focused on the big prize and take care of yourself.

                            G - I gotta tell you - you really have the ladies on this thread all a twitter!

                            Lav - EB sounds (and looks) precious. You have lots to be thankful there with that bundle of joy. Hope you are having a peaceful evening.

                            Papmom - Between the years I lived in Massachusetts and Vermont, I can't tell you how many flea markets I visited. They can be fun but tiring. I also used to love barn shopping when I lived in Vermont. I picked up quite a few antiques along the way but have managed to either give or throw away over the years. I am now wishing that I held onto some of those beautiful pieces.

                            Rusty - Have you cashed in that winning Powerball ticket yet??

                            Have a great evening folks... pleasant dreams (I know many of you will be dreaming of Mr. G in his kangaroo speedos :H )
                            AF since 7/13/2010


                              November Nuturing - Week 2

                              SD, You will get through this. Check in with us, no matter what. Breathe. Sending you strength and peace. Try to feel it.:l

                              Paguy, I too went back to Church during this journey. I had not been to Mass in some 30+ years when I decided to look for some thing I was missing. It has been an interesting experience. There was a comfort finding so much was still the same. I think it is quite rare to find a Priest that gives a truly moving homily. I still have the same trouble feeling a connection during Mass as I always did. But I enjoy the ceremony and the constancy and the mystery and the history. It's odd how we as humans seek God in large groups like we do, when in my personal experience I feel the closest to God (or whatever you may call your higher power) in times of silence and solitude.

                              Chill, I know how nervous you must feel, but you will do fine! Once you get over the hurdle of your first hour or two, it will be smooth sailing.

                              Papmom, congrats on your 6 months! I am so glad you have joined our thread.

                              Greetings Cyn, Sped, RB, Rusty, Rustop, Star, Sooty, LBH, Lav, G, and all who check in.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

