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November Nuturing - Week 2

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    November Nuturing - Week 2

    GM friends!

    My hotflash alarm went off at 5:30 am again - why?????

    Red(Star), I'll search for the articles I read about Red Yeast Rice & PM the links for you. There was a big study done at the University of Pennsylvania a while back that showed promising results - that convinced me to give it a try.

    Papmom, sorry about your finger boo boo. Hope it's better today

    Heading out to do some outlet shopping with my daughter later. Good bargain shopping!!!!

    Still awaiting the return of Max - guess he'll drag his feet as usual about this. So typical of a control freak.......

    Hope eberyone has a terrific AF Thursday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      November Nuturing - Week 2

      Hi all, great to be back on this site. I am sober a year on 21st this month and have been looking back with a shudder to when life was different and messy. Most places in life people drink maybe not in a problem way but it is so ingrained in polite society. It is refreshing to come to a place where every one chats and has a social buzz going on but alc free is taken for granted.
      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


        November Nuturing - Week 2

        Here's the article about Red Yeast Rice that convinced me to give it a try:

        Red Yeast Rice Helps Reduce Cholesterol - ABC News
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          November Nuturing - Week 2

          Cross post Raven.
          Congrats on your continued success
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            November Nuturing - Week 2

            Hello everyone, another busy day for me today and I've got choir tonight so am rushing out again soon. This is not good as I haven't had chance to even sit today, except when I was driving somewhere so tomorrow I have nothing planned and will nurture myself - and the house cos its filthy!

            80mph gales forecast for tonight, I hate strong winds so probably won't get much sleep - I wish we were having an Indian Summer - Star I am so jealous. It seems like we've been plunged straight into winter!

            Rustop I know only too well the difficulty of fitting in the meditation and without the impetus of the class and having to confess it will be even more difficult. I did do 5 minutes whilst waiting in the car the other day and will make myself take advantage of times like that. I was going to try and wake early - manged to do it once but didn't enjoy the meditation as much as later in the day. Good luck with finding your time for yourself.

            That goes to all of us - don't forget to be kind to ourselves. That's an order from the bus driver. Speaking of which I saw a bus today all bedecked with baubles and tinsel - I think we'll decorate ours at the beginning of December!

            Have a good Thursday everybody, see you tomorrow
            love Sooty


              November Nuturing - Week 2

              Hellooooo....! Where is everyone? We haven't started a new week, have we? Anyway, hope all is well with everyone - Rusty, hope you got home OK - sounds like you have been having long days. Lav - what's the news on the dog - I am really wanting you to get safe....Sped - you OK with being home? Red - glad to know you have a space. Rustop - thanks as always for the quotes, and congrats on your continued meditation work --Sooty, you too - I'm knitting Christmas stockings for everybody on the bus....Raven, how exciting that you are coming up on a year - congrats -- LBH, you and the fish doing well? SD - what's the latest on the school issues? Chill - how's the job feeling? OK - enough questions - take care all, and I'll be looking forward to the group news...
              to the light


                November Nuturing - Week 2

                Hi Cyn and all to come

                No Cyn, not week 3 already!! Time is going too fast as it is. Before we know it Sooty will be decorating the bus and glad to hear that you have the stockings sorted out. I guess everyone is busy, sometimes everyday life takes over. That can be good and bad, MWO helps keep me focussed on my AF lifestyle and I miss when I dont get near the computer at week-ends.

                Woke at 6 this morning as hubby had an early start. I did think about reading or logging on and then decided I would do my body scan, lovely way to start the day. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and while doing the course I adhered to doing exactly what was required that week, even if I did not like it (found doing a 40 minute body scan every day too much). Now I am figuring out what suits me and being gentle on myself. This was something our instructor kept reminding us of. Hope everyone else is nuturing themselves and hope that you got your big dog back Lav. I have to say I like having the dogs in the house, they give you a warning. We were broken into a few years ago through the patio door, all my jewellery taken including my engagement and eternity rings, horrible feeling.

                Anyway better get my ass in gear, hope you all have a great week-end.



                  November Nuturing - Week 2

                  Happy Friday to all.

                  Our last day of warmth before predicted and expected cooler, rainy weather. Oh, well, what a great weather week it has been.

                  I have no real plans this weekend, nothing big going on personally, just the usualy daily stuff.

                  Will check in later.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    November Nuturing - Week 2

                    Red, I am going to make the most of this last day of warm weather! A walk at noon and maybe again after I get home. Then the cold and rain sets in this weekend. Ugh!

                    Lav, thanks for the link to the Red Rice Yeast info. I am going to try it. Even though my cholesteral is controlled by statins, it is still on the high end of normal. I'm going to see what the RRY does for it.

                    Rustop, I enjoyed reading about your meditation course experience. I didn't take the course, but I do have several of Kabat-Zinn's CDs. I too have a hard time fitting them in to my day since I have been back to work. I'll try to work that out because it really is helpful to me.

                    Cyn, we are doing a cookbook for one of our preschool classrooms. I am going to enter your sesame noodles!

                    Sooty, I am going to enter your parsnip soup. It's funny, but folks in my area mostly do not eat parsnips or even know what they are! So, it will be a unique contribution.

                    The preschoolers thoroughly enjoyed the tea party yesterday. They were so excited they could hardly contain themselves. We brewed the tea right before their eyes in clear coffee pots so that they could see the clear water gradually turn brown as the tea steeped. We used sugar cubes which was a novelty to them. They put their cube in their tea and stirred. "It distappeared!"

                    Papmom, LBH, SD, RB, Rusty, Sped, Paguy, Raven, G, Chill, Happy Fiday!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      November Nuturing - Week 2

                      aww Dill-what a great story!! They are sooo cute at that age!!

                      I have my index finger back! Whoo Hoo!! the nerve block wore off sometime during the nite and I am pain free. What a relief! I had to soak it in warm water all day yesterday but the swelling and redness didn't seem to be going away. Finally before bed I doused it with witch hazel. I don't know if WH has magic properties but something worked!!

                      got a good jump on the decluttering yesterday-office looks worse than before I started!! But, I have my piles and once I get the donation pile out of the room it will really start coming together.

                      MD appointment this morning so must get cracking. Then I have the rest of the day to finish the office and/or clean the fish pond. Poor fishies-it's full of leaves and stuff. Can't be good fro them. Might see if freecycle can yeild a 20 gal tank so I can bring them in without setting up the double tanks again. Was going to try to keep them outside this winter but I'm having second thoughts. Any experiecne with very small plastic ponds about 18" deep and overwintering fish?

                      Have a great Friday all!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        November Nuturing - Week 2

                        Morning friends!

                        Very bright & sunny here this morning, chilly to

                        Still don't have my big dog back. I'm forced to wait for the control freak to act...........
                        Maybe I'll just have the broken security system replaced & send him the bill!!!!!!!!

                        Had a great day yesterday, Spent the first half of it with my daughter for shopping & lunch then had EB & his parents over for dinner & a long visit
                        Dill, that's so cute about the kids at the tea party. I distinctly remember my son using the word 'distappeared'

                        Papmom, we had a fish pond at our former house. It was very old, made out of concrete, 3-4feet deep. We left the fish out all winter without problem (for the most part). But in your location......I'm not so sure. Can you find any local people with ponds & find out what they do? Good news on your finger.

                        Hi to cyn, Red(Star), Rustop & everyone!

                        Well, time to get into gear & get something done today.
                        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          November Nuturing - Week 2

                          Good Morning Friends,

                          I am at work....had to be here at 5:30 a.m. and I'm just taking a quick break to say hello. I made it home safely from Ohio and it was heavenly to sleep in my own bed. Next week I will have more time to post as I have 2.5 days off and at home! WHOO WHOO!

                          Hope everyone is doing well,



                            November Nuturing - Week 2

                            sorry i have been absent but im having internet problems again and the connection is very weak, everytime I try to post it goes down :upset:

                            Was at work again today! My boss is in the UK all next week so I wont be working till he gets back. I have other things I need to get sorted out so will use next week to get organized.

                            I have decided McDreamy/Mr Libra man is not for me, one of the other hidden joys of being AF. You very quickly get a picture of someone whereas if Id still be drinking I would probably be under the illusion I was having the time of my life with him. I was once in a relationship for 3 years and actually used to drink to make him more interesting..... Oh boy just typing that looks insane but thats what it was. Everything is blurred through alcohol, we have no concept of how things really are. Now Im sober the dating game is going to be much quicker in eliminating unsuitable suitors! :H
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              November Nuturing - Week 2


                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                November Nuturing - Week 2

                                Greeting's everyone,

                                P3, i have a shallow plastic fish pond. It was there when i moved in about 4 yrs. ago. Instructions were.....'The fish is called Fred, no need to feed him, just clear the weeds/leaves from the pond occassionaly'. Our winter's overnight get down to about 1 to 2 degrees celsius, and Fred is fine. Unsure what he is, he's orange. Maybe a 'sunfish'? Not a goldfish. He seems to be fairly hardy. I don't know anything about fish, except ya eat 'em.

                                A safe, sober and magical weekend to all.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

