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November Nuturing - Week 2

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    November Nuturing - Week 2

    Greetings all!

    Lav, I'm glad you have your big dog back. There is some comfort in that to be sure. We also have been having break-ins in our rural area of late. They mostly seem to try to break in when there is nobody home and they steal whatever they think they can sell. It's happening more frequently because of this bad economy.

    Hi Rustop, thanks for the readings. I used to love to watch the Art Linkletter show when I was a kid. He was funny and always brought out a laugh.

    Red, I am so impressed that you are doing yoga! That's a really good idea. I tend to push myself and over do it when I try things like that so I don't think I'll follow your lead. However, I will at least do some simple stretching exercises each day. I do feel so stiff at times. Yesterday I nurtured myself with a steaming pot of LENTIL SOUP, thanks for the inspiration, Paguy! Then, last night I nurtured myself the same way you did with a soak and some candles. I followed that with a book and then a little TV with Mr. D. Today, I tackle the laundry and cleaning. That's always therapeutic for me.

    I have enjoyed reading all the discussion about backyard ponds, Papmom, G, and LBH. Now that the weather is becoming more wintery it is time to hang some birdfeeders. Birdwatching is one of my favorite winter sports!

    Rusty, I live next door to a Canadian! I wonder if you were in my neighborhood!:H Well, I know you were not, as she is an RN and she loves this country and all its blessings. Sorry you were subjected to that negative bashing. It's so easy to take cheapshots while enjoying the liberty's this great country affords us. How tiresome.

    SD, you have been through the ringer and have come out triumphant! I am so proud of you!!!

    Cyn, thanks for the comments about the sesame noodle recipe. I will be trying it again soon...hmmm...maybe that's what I'll make when my brother and his family come to visit this weekend. It's that, or Mom's lasagna.

    LBH, I don't know how I'll get through December whithout your posts. Will you try to log on during your travels? Maybe even tell us about the sights as you see them?

    Chill, how did it go with McDreamy. Is he OK with "just friends" status or was it a bit sticky?

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      November Nuturing - Week 2

      Oh My-have we all jumped ship?? Where is everyone?
      Busy day today-continued with the decluttering and got some other chores done that badly needed doing. It feels good but there is sooo much more to do. My goal for the rest of this year and into next is to really make this house feel like it's loved. I've lived with unpainted walls and no decorating for so long. I guess I just never felt I would be here long term but 16 years later..... Since I can't sell and move just yet, I might as well make it as comfy as possible. I also think that my years of drinking myself into a stupor every night contributed to being apathetic about my surroundings. Ya think??
      Hope everyone had a fabulous AF day. The weather here was very nice. Not as warm as yesterday but still pleasant. The fishies have a clean fountain (and I finally counted all 8 of them!!), the birds have a clean feeder and bath and the kitties have clean litter boxes.
      This maid is very tired and heading off to dreamland. See you all tomorrow!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!

