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AF Daily - Monday 11/8

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    AF Daily - Monday 11/8

    A bright sunny good morning abbies!!

    I feel the time change confusion.... Plus I've moved into winter mode and turned on the heat and opened the valve to the gas logs. I feel that winter hibernate feeling.

    The fishing club meeting is tonight. I usually go for the little dinner thing beforehand - $5 for whatever they have but sometimes it's pizza and since I can't bite into anything I think I'll skip that part.

    That's it for me.

    Have a meaningful monday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Monday 11/8

    Morning guys!

    I have a busy afternoon but a lazy morning. I will probably go to a meeting this am. This afternoon I have my therapy appointment and then group therapy tonight. That usually exhausts me for Tuesday. I need it though, still feeling the depression symptoms and they are rough but I will manage. I am over 2 months smoke free and almost 4 AF - feels great!

    I hope everyone has a great Monday!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily - Monday 11/8

      Hello friends.

      Uni--you are doing great! All that therapy would be exhausting, but I think it's great that you are doing what you need to do to feel well again.:l:l

      I'm officially done at the cemetery so that gives me approx 5-6 extra hours in the day. Last night I made a list of things I need to do daily, and I think I'll also do a weekly list and a major project list. I find that if I don't have a plan for the day, I have a hard time accomplishing anything.

      One of the things on my list is 1 hour ONLY computer time am and pm. So, now I am off!

      Have a great sober day/week all!:h:h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily - Monday 11/8

        Way to go, Uni! Therapy was exhausting for me but helped me so very much in the long run! xo

        I am feeling the time change too, Greenie. Hibernation.... ah, yes. My heat is on too. Although it has been on for over a month. We have had more than seasonal rains this year so far. Makes it damp and tends to chill me to the bone.

        Hello LVT, and all to come.

        Today, well, nothing on my agenda today. I will go and see my dad for a while. I had a great LONG shift with my wheel chaired client. Very pleasant and pretty easy day. Poor lady is suffering from a chest cold and was pretty uncomfy. She didn't get much rest. She is on all types of meds for a hip removal, etc, that she cannot take anything for her cold other than regular Tylenol. She was pretty good when I told her that the pharmacist said water was the best thing for her. She loves to drink her coffee all day long, but was a trooper and drank lots of water and some orange juice for me.

        Back to the regular grind at the hospital tomorrow.

        Have a great day everyone!


          AF Daily - Monday 11/8

          morning all!

          still sober and thankful, feeling strong.

          sounds like winter is coming, time to hibernate?!



            AF Daily - Monday 11/8

            Just dropping in to say I'm committed to being AF today!! Hope you all have a great day.


              AF Daily - Monday 11/8

              Quick flyby for me too this AM. There is lots on my agenda today, but AL is NOT on the list! I am so grateful to be unhung today and in this moment, free of the compulsion to drink. :yougo:

              Welcome back from vacation Pride, and hello to everyone else!

              I'm got my BGK's on (Big Girl Knickers) and now gotta zoom zoom...

              One thing is for sure...

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                Good morning everyone! Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'm excited to be here! Quick check-in on my part today, as I'm off and running at work already. Will check back in when I can. I'm grateful to be happy, healthy, and sober! Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday! Make it count ~


                  AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                  HI all,

                  Greenie I like your idea of a meaningful Monday. I'm trying but feeling restricted and controlled by Dh and that is creating stinking drinking thoughts! Fortunately there is early dismissal today to that takes drinking off the table. I feel so trapped. Gotta find a solution to feeling like a victim, must take back something for me. I don't think he cares about me, I think he thinks I am here just to be there for him all the time - and cook dinner even though he complains sometimes about my cooking. Gotta get myself beyond this. Will be working on this today, that's for sure.

                  Uni you are really doing great.

                  Hi LV, Choochie, Peacnik, DG, Chopper, AFM. AFM I can relate about seeing your dad. Mine can barely get up a flight of stairs now. That make me mad too!

                  Maybe I should hibernate. With a big pot of tea and a gallon of ice cream.
                  AF since May 6, 2010

                  Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                    AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                    Noon already?

                    My sense of time is off too - how can a 1 hr time change make such confusion???

                    Gaia, I totally understand that feeling of being USED. And now I guess I'm being pushed aside, dismissed. Some men are extremely selfish & self centered, aren't they?

                    Hope everyone is having a fabulous AF Monday - I am

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                      Lav honey I feel for you. Gotta make sure the using you're getting is worth the using you're getting, I guess.

                      Well here I am one hour later (coincidence with time change?), after consuming many cookies, many many cookies, and the cravings are gone. Maybe 6 months is a hard time for many people? I hope I'm not the only one. Anyone else have stories of what got them through the six month mark? DG? Mario? Lav? Greenie?
                      AF since May 6, 2010

                      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                        AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                        Gaia, CONGRATS on 6 months!

                        I think when you stop drinking all the problems and feelings we're avoiding rear their ugly heads. I hope you can feel just a little glad that a) you're able to feel and b) you have a clear head to address the problems. Marriage can be tough. Some sustain several generations, and others do more harm to families than good. Are we modelling the partnership we want for our sons and daughters? You can work on it, but that takes a commitment from both partners. People change, and can grow up and away from each other. Maybe you're growing up and DH isn't. Anyway, my point is, you feel trapped, but you're not. You have options, and you'll figure it out, together or apart. :l Now pass the cookies.

                        SWAMPED with work, which did not have the courtesy to stop while I was on vacation. A quick hello and big hug to all, and will try to check in later!

                        xoxo Pride
                        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                          AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                          Hey all - just back from gym after work and stuck to calorie limit of 1400 calories today - yay! Cycling to work tomorrow and big house clean up before my mum comes to stay on Thursday until Monday. She is a BIG drinker - I am determined to stick to being AF.

                          1. Tell her it makes me unhappy when I drink
                          2. Exercise regularly to keep mood level up
                          3. Focus on what alcohol has cost me and remind myself why I am doing this
                          4. If all else fails go to bed early!

                          Looking forward to it - but a bit nervous - we have a bit of a difficult relationship.

                          Caught site of myself in the mirror at the gym today - what has happened to my body from alcohol induced lethargy,junk food, excess food and complacency is enough on it's own to focus me on benefits of an AF life.I had a shock today!
                          one day at a time


                            AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                            greetings ABerooos across the fruited plains!

                            Bear, be careful with calorie restriction as you may find cravings pop out of noplace (that's the case for me anyhow). just something to watch for, don't mean to nag you.

                            Pride, I'm jealous of your tropical vacation, how fun. someday I'll get Dx down there for a little vacation.

                            movie review: 'Megamind' two big thumbs up! a hysterical and well written good fun movie.

                            be well everyone
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                              Hi folk's,

                              Bear, you will also get a shock when you catch yourself in a mirror out and about somewhere after a few week's af. I did. I looked bloody great. The puffiness will go, and a leaner meaner model will appear.

                              Hang in there Gaia. I found a few humps in the road too, at around 3, 6, 9 months, but i just focused on the positives. Gratitude thinking, not deprivation thinking. Never forget why you stopped drinking, and where you once were. Go for it.

                              All the best.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

