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AF Daily - Monday 11/8

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    AF Daily - Monday 11/8

    Bear, I echo what Dex said i.e., be careful with calorie counting. To hell with the calories right now. Make being AF your #1 priority. And, is it possible to postpone your visit with your mom until you are stronger? A drinking mom sounds like a HUGE TRIGGER. I'm going to quote something that Mr. G said on another thread in the General Discussion section:

    "Giving up the booze needs some big, gutsy, unpopular, drastic action." Mr. G.

    Love that!!

    Gaia, What helped me was to start setting some goals and doing some things that I couldn't do when I drank. For me, it was running a 1/2 marathon (trained for a full but I broke my foot), joining a church community, ramping up my volunteer work, reconnecting with old friends, and making new.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF Daily - Monday 11/8

      So, I saw this on facebook as one of my friend's status. I had a good chuckle and wanted to share it with you.... so true!

      'You thought that drinking all weekend would make us go away but, we're still here.
      Happy Monday!

      Sincerely, Your Problems'

      Sorry, that made me laugh at my old self.


        AF Daily - Monday 11/8

        Gaia, Sorry, I don't remember my 6 month marks. (gosh what a bad memory for a 29 year old ). But I know it has been discussed.

        I'm sorry you're feeling less than happy in your relationship. Here is a link to "Jill's story" that is the beginning of one of Colin Tipping's books. Maybe you'd like to read it. It isn't very long. Radical Jills Story

        Maybe you'd like to too, M3.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Monday 11/8

          I remember feeling 'nervous' at my 6 month & 1 year marks BUT I decided I had a choice - remain AF, happier & healthier or return to the miserable state I was in with a chronic hangover. It was an easy decision.

          I have resumed reading my Radical Manifestation book Ms. Greenie
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Monday 11/8

            Accountable for Me;999689 wrote: So, I saw this on facebook as one of my friend's status. I had a good chuckle and wanted to share it with you.... so true!

            'You thought that drinking all weekend would make us go away but, we're still here.
            Happy Monday!

            Sincerely, Your Problems'

            Sorry, that made me laugh at my old self.
            Me too! :H
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Monday 11/8

              Evening my Fabbie Friends!! Everyone is zoom zooming which is great! It means we are busy with no time for AL!!

              Gaia-I too am sorry you are feeling blue and trapped. I hope you are able to find a new path for you, filled with happiness and contentment. Congrats on your 6 months!! You have done so great under some very tuff circumstances. I'm glad the cookies helped!!

              AFM-what a freakin' hysterical FB status!! I think we're going to have to steal that for our siggies!!

              Greenie-so sorry you toofies are still sore. Hope you enjoy the fishing meeting sans dinner anyway.

              Bear-I wish you lots of luck and hugs for your mum's visit. I hope you can stay strong in your resolve and true to yourself. You know we're here for you if things get dicey. Make sure you come here BEFORE you make a questionable decision OK?

              Pride-you are one funny lady. Thank you for being here!!

              Lav-how were the chicks this morning? I'm with you on remembering how horrible I felt every morning. Last week I went back and reread my journal for the first month. That about did it for any cravings that were lurking around!!

              Easy day at work. IT hijacked my PC to update it with Windows 7 for most of the day. Really fun to see all the new stuff it offers, like cool new themes and gadgets. So basically got nothing done today but had fun anyway!!

              Really feeling the effects of the sugar binge last week. Very bloated and yucky but I think I'm past it now. At least I didn't stop at the market and pick up any ice cream or whoopie pies tonite!!

              Weather is horrendous but my nice new parka did it's job and I am still in love with it. I read something a few weeks ago about managing spending impulses. Basically they said that you have to think of all spending decisions like a grid: 1)Need it/Love it; 2)Don't need it/Love it; 3)Need it/Don't love it; 4)Don't need it/Don't love it. Obviously you don't spend any money on choice number 4. Number 3 may be necessities so always budget for them. Number 2 would be something you would save up for. Number 1 is what you should spend discretionary funds on. Or something to that effect. I'm trying very hard to keep this grid in mind whenever i'm hit with the retail therapy bug.

              That was the lesson for the day!! have a great evening/day everyone!!

              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                papmom3;999795 wrote:
                Obviously you don't spend any money on choice number 4.
                Au contraire :H :H
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                  Marshy;999918 wrote: Au contraire :H :H
                  I agree, haven't you watched Hoarders! :H

                  Gaia, I am sorry things aren't going well. I was in your position, and I know how lonely, unloved and how unappreciated it feels. You're doing much better then I ever did staying sober.


                    AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                    Good Morning AF Friends,

                    A cheery hello from BFE Ohio (BFE stands for Bum F*ck Egypt I am here for work all week and like a dumbass, I left the power cord for my laptop at home!:stomper::dang: The last time I did that was about a year and a half ago, when I decided I "deserved" to have a few Bloody Marys before leaving for the airport.

                    Gaia, congratulations on 6 months!:goodjob: So sorry you're feeling blue. If it's any consolation....I had breakfast with a friend of mine who has been sober for 10 years, and she just loves her AF life. She could never go back to it, she says, but she still gets drinking thoughts. She doesn't feel blue anymore but she used to. I feel so badly that you don't have a supportive husband.

                    AFM-I loved the FB true!

                    G-your new avatar is ok.....still trying on swimsuits and jeans? Need any help in the fitting room?

                    Bear-good luck with your mum's visit. That would be very hard for me....I speak from experience. Wishing you lots of strength.

                    Well everyone, I would love to chat more but I have to scrabble if I want to get to the gym.

                    There is no time for AL in my life today!

                    Have a wonderful AF day, friends!


                      AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                      Guitarista;999618 wrote: Bear, you will also get a shock when you catch yourself in a mirror .
                      Based on your avatar, I bet you did too.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                        Brigitte Bardot;999971 wrote: I agree, haven't you watched Hoarders! :H
                        True true!! :H OK, the article should be amended to say "logical, stable and those motivated to save $$" would not spend any money on this category!! :H

                        G-seriously, you've got to stop playing with us!! I'm trying very hard to refrain from finding my fringed knickers just in case you say this is some soccer star from down under and not you!!

                        OK, over to the new thread everyone!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Monday 11/8

                          Evenin Dudes and Dudettes ?

                          I?ve missed out on a couple of days of the thread. Jeez, I had some major reading tonight. Lots of drama at work (luckily I am not in the center of it but I have been somehow elected as the unofficial executive counselor for everyone else. If they knew how messed up I really am I think they would rethink that! At any rate, I spend the day listening to the drama then when I get home I get the calls from everyone interpreting what everyone else said. I?m thinking of writing all this down and selling it as a daytime soap?. Oh well, one thing IS for sure?..

                          BB are you still with me? If so we are looking at the butt end of day 24 AF!!!! I think I have a good chance of making it to day 30 this time. My cravings are less and less each day. I mean I could drink if I let myself but I really don?t dwell on it any more. Could this be another step in the healing process? BB, since we are at the same stage I am interested in how you are feeling now craving wise, health wise, and just generally wise?.

                          Doggie, guess you are going to have to do something with that jar you were saving for me!!! If I make it past 30 and then fold do I still have to eat them???:H:H:H

                          Seriously though, I really feel good these days. I guess everyone?s chemistry is different but anyone here that has not made it this far, give it a try ? the wait is worth it!

                          Night all and hope that everyone has awesome dreams?
                          (of me in a speedo sans potato :blush

                          AF since 10/16/10
                          Doggie is gonna have to find a new use for her jar

