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AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

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    AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

    It's sunny, it's chilly, it's Tuesday :H

    I'm in a throwing out, cleanning mood today (look out)! Tomorrow is trash day so I will have much to drag out tonight :H
    I'm actually going to start in my shop - gets rather messy in there & it's so easy to ignore.

    OK G, who is that in your avatar......I know that's not you??!!

    Hope everyone has a terrific AF Tuesday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

    Morning all,

    Lav, I am constantly purging. I can't stand clutter, I'm becoming an organization freak lately.
    It's a rainy day here today. I'm working on healing a stye right now and I think the hot/warm compresses and pressure to it are working already. It does feel better.
    Hanging out Christmas lights and drinking coffee. Need to fax over some paperwork to the times.
    AF again today and feeling great and sleep patterns are back to normal. And that to me, is a beautiful thing.
    Have a great day everyone~


      AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

      Morning abbies!

      Usual stuff here.... but grateful for usual! Sorta... grateful for job hunting? I'll have to somehow put a twist on that.

      I skipped the fish meeting. I opted for a bubble bath and a movie. Even though I'm alone most of the time,I don't allow myself enough "me" time if you know what I mean. Time that I am not busy with something. I've got to consciously carve that out - I used to be better at it.

      Lavande;1000011 wrote: I'm in a throwing out, cleanning mood today (look out)! Tomorrow is trash day so I will have much to drag out tonight :H
      Lav, I LOVE doing that!!

      Wonder what happened to jennyneric. Who else?
      Where's it's just me?

      Have a peaceful AF day!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

        Hi guys,

        It's cold here today too - I am going to a meeting this morning and then some laundry. The insurance company keeps sending paperwork to my psychologist (they of course are not wanting to pay me) so she is continually filling out forms. Adds to the anxiety and of course now I'm dreaming of meetings and anxiety producing thoughts due to them. I hate dealing with all that crap. ah, the joys of being off work on disability. And of course mental illness is difficult for them to understand so it makes it even more frustrating because my psychologist cannot give a definitive date to them. Oh well, baby steps. All I can do is the work that I am being asked to do on myself and go from there.

        Today I will be doing laundry and some homework - maybe a bath this afternoon to ease my sore muscles.

        One thing is for sure.

        Hope everyone has a great day!

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

          Hi Greenie, X post - have a good day - bubble bath and a movie sounds divine - self care is important!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

            universal;1000027 wrote: The insurance company keeps sending paperwork to my psychologist (they of course are not wanting to pay me) so she is continually filling out forms. Adds to the anxiety
            Uni, Why are you anxious over the paperwork? It's a normal part of her job.
            As is flaming hoops of forms the normal part of ins. adjusters' jobs. feckers

            I highly recommend the bath. Epsom salts would help.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

              I think a nice bath is in order for me this evening as well. Paperwork is an endless seige..I just sent in more to the government and to my lawyer for my divorce. It just goes on an on. I just try to find what they need and send it in, even though they already have it.
              Now, need to get cracking on the making of the chilli...yummy.


                AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

                :l Uni! Please try not to be anxious in regards to the Insurance paperwork. Your therapist does this all of the time for people, I am sure. Focus on you, and your well being.

                Went and had a very short visit with dad. He slept the whole time I was there, so I had a tea with his wife, talked a bit, and then headed back home. He has been taking Ativan and half a sleeping pill before bed because he has been suffering from extreme anxiety (no doubt). The sleeping pill seemingly lingers and isn't being digested fast enough causing him to be sleepy all day long. The Home Care nurse came as I was leaving so hopefully they can sort that out. I will go back and see him tomorrow.

                I am off to work this morning and don't feel like it. :H

                That is about it for me! Nothing exciting this Tuesday morning.

                Have a great day everyone!


                  AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

                  Hi all,

                  It is indeed chilly! First snowfall here today.

                  I'm visiting my sister to sort out the next bit of her complicated affairs. Because of her mental illness she has a financial adviser, but the guy has been dragging his feet and messing things up. Good news of the day is that he'll resign voluntarily, which means I don't have to take him to court in order to get rid of him. I do have to fill in application forms, though, to get him replaced. I've made five phone calls on this today and am pleased as punch. In the old days it would have taken me five weeks to make those phone calls as I would have always found some excuse to procrastinate when it came to unpleasant stuff. Now I just want to be rid of it. Sober life rocks!


                    AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

                    good morning, i see a lot of trials and tribulations, hang there all of you sober folks. be proud that you are dealing with this life stuff sober and present. i have a lot to learn from you (again).

                    it's our first cold day today (wow, november...usually we have snow by halloween!), i'm planning ways to keep from letting the winter bring me down this year; exercise, good food (somehow i always eat well, even when i was on a binge), and sleep. i also got a "journal" and am being brutally honest with myself in it. i don't feel afraid that my husband will read it because i have been honest with him in "real life", so i'm not afraid of letting it rip. i'm also writing poetry again, drawing, and working on my mosaics.

                    anyway, it's good to be back and not closed off in shame and guilt.

                    have a great day, it feels good to be present!


                      AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

                      ps, that cleaning mood thing, how does one acquire it?


                        AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

                        peacenik;1000088 wrote: ps, that cleaning mood thing, how does one acquire it?
                        Hi there, are you from the badlands in Alberta?


                          AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

                          Accountable for Me;1000063 wrote: The sleeping pill seemingly lingers and isn't being digested fast enough causing him to be sleepy all day long. The Home Care nurse came as I was leaving so hopefully they can sort that out.
                          Can it be crushed and allowed to dissolve under tongue? Ick, I know, but suck on candy during or follow up with something to diminish the taste?

                          Hi peace, pamina ( I know what you mean!)
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

                            greeneyes;1000124 wrote: Can it be crushed and allowed to dissolve under tongue? Ick, I know, but suck on candy during or follow up with something to diminish the taste?
                            I am not sure.... I will find out more about the resolution probably tomorrow. With modern medicine, I am sure that there is something that they can do or change. Poor guy. They were pretty upset with the fact they prescribed him 'pills' seeing he has a feeding tube now. They know his stomach is paralyzed. I am pretty certain that the Home Care nurse would have figured out something.

                            I tell ya, it has been a huge issue of trial and error for my poor dad. BUT, thankfully so, their Nurse rocks - and is always on top of everything. She even gave them her cell number for emergencies. They are very lucky.

                            If nothing was rectified, I will suggest the pill crushing thing to his wife. Thanks Greenie!

                            Hello to everyone else that has since posted! xo


                              AF Daily - Tuesday 11/9

                              Good morning fabbies. I'm going through a bit of soul searching right now. It feels like another layer of the onion needs to be peeled.

                              One thing is for sure. If I were drinking, I sure wouldn't be contemplating any peeling. Drinking (along with my other addictions) summarily prevent emotional and spiritual growth.

                              So you can bet your booty I won't be drinking today.

                              Have a great day one and all. Keep your BG/BK's pulled up tight.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

