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AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

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    AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

    Wakey wakey!

    How did everyone sleep? I heard this clicking noise all night and it kept me up. Plus the thoughts of the long list of to dos running around. You know the drill.

    Well be strong and let's get the show on the road!

    With love,
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

    Good Mornin’ Gaia and all future posters to the thread –

    Rolled out of bed a few minutes ago (6:30AM). I have to make a change and do it quickly.

    No, not Al wise – something else entirely. As you make know from previous threads, we are having hard wood floor drama at my house. So yesterday, my wife moved HER (read her’s and not mine) cage of 2 Sugar Gliders into our bedroom so the floor in their usual spot could be worked on.

    Sugar Gliders for those that don’t know are ugly little creatures that look like a cross between a bat, flying squirrel, and something else hideous. They are also nocturnal. Their cage was placed on my side of the bed. So somewhere around midnight these little demons from hell woke up and started , how do I say it, …….fornicating. If they were human they would be prorn starts because it lasted all freaking night.

    Ok, once again I have taken this thread to an all time low…. However, besides the lack of sleep I feel great. Starting day 25 AF today.

    Take care all and have a great day!


    P.S. Used to say I love all animals. I just added a footnote to that statement…..


      AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

      Morning Gaia and everyone else who checks in,

      Another great night sleep for me. That sucks that you didn't have one, I hate those nights where you just can't switch off. Hopefully tonight is different for you.
      No AF again, and will have none again today..still going strong.
      Lots of rain here again today. My well runneth
      Have a great day everyone!


        AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

        IJM...:H, I'm sorry buddy..nasty little beasts from hell! I'm sorry.


          AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

          Hi again,

          BB - laughing at "No AF again"! Maybe there's an online drinking forum somewhere where someone is posting "No AF again" and keeping track of how many days in a row he is AF-free. I guess that's AFF. Haha.

          IJM that is hilarious. I hate rodents. Can you flush them? WOuld your wife notice if they just got ground up with the floors? I feel your pain!
          AF since May 6, 2010

          Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


            AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

            Gaia;1000623 wrote: Hi again,

            BB - laughing at "No AF again"! Maybe there's an online drinking forum somewhere where someone is posting "No AF again" and keeping track of how many days in a row he is AF-free. I guess that's AFF. Haha.

            IJM that is hilarious. I hate rodents. Can you flush them? WOuld your wife notice if they just got ground up with the floors? I feel your pain!
            Fuck..I meant to say AF again! The little one had me up since 5am. I need more coffee..:H
            Flushing rodents? Didn't you watch that episode on Nip/Tuck where she flushed the got caught and she had to call in a plumber, it didn't work..take them for a drive and release them back! Fly fly away...or glide! Glide away little rodents from


              AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

              Good morning fabbies. IJM, I will be saving that jar of boogers for you...forever. If you EVER drink, well, you get to eat them.

              Fornicating rodents. :H:H:H

              Thank you for making me laugh out loud this morning!

              Hi Gaia and BB and all to come.

              Pride, congrats on your WW goal!! I am strugging with some eating issues and yours is the second random positive WW message for today. I don't think that's an accident. Glad you shared that in yesterdays thread.

              One thing is for sure...

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

                Honk Honk Beep Beep!

                IJM, they were just celebrating hump day! Google Image Result for I had to see for meself. HER, pets on YOUR side of the bed. :H Good one. BTW we don't say fornicating.... we say________(with whatever little smiley thingy we deem appropriate). Which is good because I rather like foreign slang and this guideline tempers me. Sauy, CONGRATS on the winning feeling of drama dealing and no craves!!! Rock on!

                Gaia, something that worked for me (to put myself back to sleep) is using earplugs to amplify the sound of my own breathing and just breathe deep breaths to the count of at least 6 per breath in and out - each. There are theories on the art of breathing if you're interested. I know Dr. Andrew Weil is into it and it's prob on his website somewhere.

                Onion peels. I suspect there is more than just one onion around here that's getting ready to shed another layer. They say burning a candle helps with the tears. :l It's ALL good and strengthens your mojo too! Stay with it. The queen has spoken.

                Choppersmom! How goes it? What's your AF day like? Hubby, kids, work? Or like me and none of the above. :H

                P3, after reading your buying criteria, I returned a top and pair of jeans I didn't love. I went to another store to find a pair of black jeans. NONE in the juniors dept. - they were all had that washed 100 times and ripped up by the dog look. In the ladies dept, the ones I looked at (I don't like to shop and didn't recognise I was in the upscale part of the store) and they were $150 and up!! WTF??

                I have a busy day but it includes a massage and lunch barter and ends at the tile store to see the girl's ideas she put together for me. Then it'll be late so I'll stop off at favorite resto (another barter) and grab dinner. Sneaking in a quick coffee with a GF mid afternoon. Zooming all day and one thing is for sure!!!

                Have a wunnerful wednesday!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

                  Meant to say HELLO! to Raven - good to see you!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

                    Greenie-this bargain hunting takes some time to perfect I suspect but :H :H on not realizing what section you were in!! Love that! Do you have a Savers in your town or nearby? I highly recommend them for bargain hunting and getting quality clothing and other things. I'm hoping to drop off a HUGE HUGEMONGOUS pile of STUFF there on Friday after my MASSIVE cleanout of my office tomorrow. Did I say MASSIVE? One thing is for sure, I cannot, willnot imbibe tonite because tomorrow is going to be one MASSIVE job!! I love that word today!!
                    Now pray tell, what is a barter lunch and dinner?

                    DG-I may have had a breakthrough with the sugar cravings last nite but I want to see if the same thing happens today so I'm going to have to keep you in suspense. No good scientist reveals the results of her experiment until she has all the data collected

                    I'm sleeping very well too these days. I am really trying to remember to say the serenity prayer and list my gratitudes before i drop off. Lately I've barely gotten through the prayer!! Now, if I could just get my arse out of bed at 5 instead of 7 I think a lot of stress would be alleviated. One layer at a time, right DG?

                    IJM-:H :H that is all.

                    Hey to everyone else coming by today and has been here already. Gotta run!!

                    PS: I saved $29 at CVS yesterday and it was all stuff I NEEDED and a little love (Diet Coke). No impulse purchases at all!! To bad I couldn't have done as a well at the pet store!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

                      Happy Hump day Abbers!

                      IJM - build a damn bat house for those things!!!! No way in hell would I have them in my house, no way!

                      I think it's time for me to fire up my smudge stick again. I highly recommend smudging as it doesn't necessarily change things but seems to change your perception about the things going on around you. I bought a bunch of nice ones online from a place called Juniper Hills.

                      Had a visit yesterday afternoon from a State Trooper. When I saw him at the door I honestly thought he was going to dump some bad news on me about YB, I really did! Turns out my neighbor (two doors down) had their front door kicked in yesterday afternoon, the place was trashed & robbed! They were not home at the time. I didn't see or hear anything because their house is about a quarter of a mile down the road. Geez! Here I am sitting here with a 50 lb. dog who is scared of her own shadow, a 24 yearld old cockatiel in a cage in the kitchen, 26 eating machines out in the chicken coop & a broken security system. I emailed YB & told him to return the 96 lb. Swiss Mountain dog (Max). She's not mean but people do pay attention when she barks or approaches them. He said he'll think about it.......

                      I'm heading out today to get my B/P checked, meds adjusted & meeting some friends for lunch
                      I will enjoy being off the 'farm' for the day.

                      Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Wednesday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

                        Well - I just can't get over the fornicating rodents from hell. LMAO. I kind of have creepy crawly's under my skin now!

                        Today I am meeting with my sponsor to do some step work - then hockey, volleyball - you know, the usual craziness. I didn't sleep great but I am feeling somewhat okay this morning. I think we are almost at the right dose with my medication (finally!).

                        I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

                        Love and hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

                          Hello friends,

                          Ewww.. I can't imagine trying to sleep with _____________bats near by!

                          I don't have much to say right now. I am pretty sad. Terry is having a terrible time and I am heading down to see her this afternoon. I'm taking #1 son with me so we can also go watch our high school volleyball team play in the state tourney. We may be back tomorrow.
                          I'm also still struggling with his situation at school. His grades are terrible, I encouraged him to go out for "One Acts' which is taking tons of his time, and now basketball season is starting which he lives for. He is being pulled so many directions and that means he's not doing really well anywhere. Not to mention all the other fun teenage drama in life. He's a good kid, easy going, we'll get through this, but it's hard to watch them be disappointed.

                          Better go.

                          You guys enjoy your sobriety the rest of the week.:h:h:h:l
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

                            Good Morning All! Happy AF Wednesday! I didn't get a chance to post yesterday as my laptop died! I can sometimes post at work, and then at home I'm now sharing my DIL's computer til I get a new one! Very frustrating!

                            Greeneyes ~ my AF day consists of going to work and now back to the gym! I've got no hubby or boyfriend (which is nice). My son is 21 and him, his girlfriend (whom I call my DIL, it's just a matter of time) and my 6 month old grandson live with me. Needless to say, I don't have time to drink and I LOVE it!! Thank you for asking! I do need to find some hobbies though ~ anyone got any ideas?

                            Sorry I haven't personally said hello to everyone. I must give up the computer and be on my way to work. Will check in later or again tomorrow!

                            I wish everyone a happy, sober, fantastic Wednesday!!!


                              AF Daily - Wednesday November 10

                              GM everyone!

                              Um, humping bats...... that is a riot! However, I would have been extremely irritated listening to that all night long. I LOVE my sleep!

                              I am stiff as an old dog today. I worked yesterday and then came home and cleaned the shit out of my own place. I was beat by the time I went to bed but was wide awake at 2:40am and tossed and turned until I woke at 5:30am. I have been sleeping extremely well the last while and probably a bit too long at night. So, although I was awake very early, I am still feeling refreshed.

                              Not working today. Caught a bit of a cold so I won't be going up to see dad today. The last thing I want to do is give it to him and he dies on me. So, nah. Will just chill out in my clean house today.

                              That is about all for me! I need to get out more! Have a Happy 'Hump' Day everyone!

