Just a quick opener to get us started..
I've been thinking this morning about how stressfull it can be with the run upto christmas..Its gonna be tough for all of us around this time....I know Gabby is working her socks off...I'm worried about whether the kids will have enough presents ( they always do )...Office parties...Family parties..missing loved ones
So i was talking to my wife last night about how i could avoid drinking over this period.....I used to drink proberly twice as much through chrismas and new year.....Anyway we have come up with a few things to avoid this...Apparently i'm gonna be wrapping presents on christmas eve....And new years eve instead of going to the big family party we usually have we are going to have just me lisa and the kids at home...
I know its gonna be tough but if i can give myself this time to let the idea sink in i think when the time comes it will be easier to do....Hope it works...
Anyway what i think i'm trying to get at is have you got a plan?...I think a bit of forward planning might be a good idea right about now..
I hope everyone has a good day....Take care Macks
