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AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

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    AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

    No need to wakey wakey yet but thought I would get us going.

    Long story short: I just got back from the ER where an ingrown fingernail (I've never heard of such a thing! Toenail yes, fingernail?)was painfully released after suffering with horrible pain since Tuesday. I did go to my GP on tuesday as I felt my finger tip was infected but didn't know why but GP said no, it's just a bruise, even tho I had no recollection of hitting it. And I'm AF so I remember things like that now!! Anyway after not being able to sleep last nite due the throbbing I finally said the heck with it, I can't wait for the GP's office to open in 6 hours so off i went. One good thing about living in the city is the close proximity of hospitals. The nerve block will stick around for a few more hours but since it never really got to the pain site I can already feel the difference. Whew!!!

    I've had my tea and a bagel and i'm going to try to get a few hours of shuteye. I'm still going to try to declutter today but may not get as much done as I had hoped. See you all in a few hours!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

    papmom3;1001108 wrote: No need to wakey wakey yet
    Been up for five hours already! :H XNGF stayed over last night and she has to get up for work at 6am - much earlier than I have to get up but once an alarm goes off I'm up and at 'em.

    Papmom - ouch! Hope it feels better soon.

    Lav - I hope you get the dog back soon to give you more reassurance. Why is YB hanging onto him?

    LVT - hope your sister is showing some improvement when you get there.

    Update on my mum: she's been put on a new drug - Iressa - which seems to be making a positive difference. It's early days with that but she says her breathing has been easier since she's been on it and her appetite has improved a bit. The local hospice called her to offer her a course of different alternative therapies each week, so she went along last week for the the first one - reflexology - and said she absolutely loved it and fell asleep. This week it's reiki.

    Hello to all to come. Have a great AF day!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

      Good morning all!

      Papmom, the doctors don't seem to want to spend a lot of time on finding out possible problems and just prefer to push you through. I've had one good North American doctor lately in the last 10 years, and the best doctors I had were in Korea. Thankfully you didn't take his answer for it and went the emergency room to get it fixed.

      Marsy, glad to hear you Mom is doing better and just had to find the right medicine for her.

      Today is a Rememberance/Veterans Day so we're just staying close to home and going to do some baking. Last night I made some Christmas Rice Krispy squares and some very yummy chocolate cheesecake truffles rolled in all different kinds of toppings; dark cocoa, coconut, crushed almonds and dark chocolate bits...and they were delicious and so easy to make! So, more of that today..mostly making some squares I think.

      Love to you all,


        AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

        GM Abbers!

        Hotflash alarm woke me up at 5:30 am - who needs it?:H

        Papmom, take care of that finger today! Ouch!!

        Marshy, good to hear that your Mom is finding some relief. I've always been interested in alternative therapies. They provide comfort & do no damage.

        Gia, I love baking but with no one around here to eat it I really need to restrain myself. My freezer is full! I'll hold off until just before Christmas.

        Taking the time to go do some outlet shopping with my daughter today. Great opportunity to pick up the basics, jeans, sweaters, etc.

        Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Thursday.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

          Morning Lav! I hear yah, I taste tested every kind I know, for 'Quality Control'..
          I love shopping for the basics..and now it's sweater weather. I need to bring out all my warm clothes and there is nothing better then nice comfy sweaters. Have fun!


            AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

            Good Morning Abbers! I want to wish everyone a happy, sober Thursday!

            Papmom, so glad you went to the ER. I've not heard on an ingrown fingernail either. Do take care and hope you feel better quickly!

            LVT, how's your sister?

            Marshy, I'm with you...once an alarm goes off, whether it is mine or not, I'm up and at em!

            Bridget, your baking sounds like it was a lot of fun and tasty! Can you share the recipe for making the chocolate cheesecake truffles? My son would love those! I agree on the warm clothes...I love comfy sweaters!

            Lav, how are you? I'm sorry about what happened with the neighbors. Glad you are getting the dog back. Hopefully soon. How is the grandson doing?

            To all others who stop in, have a great day! I'm off to get ready for work. Unfortunately, I don't get Veteran's Day off. Oh well, good day for catch-up at the office!

            Big hugs to all!


              AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

              Hi Fabbies! I am resisting the urge to mention ________________ today. 1. It's not hump day any more. 2. I don't know if the bats do it on other days or not. 3. Marshy has probably had enough teasing for now. So I'm not going to talk about __________ today. (I have nothing of interest to report personally, lest anyone be confused on that point)

              P3, thank you for getting us started. And yes - much gratitude to the men and women who have served our country now or in the past. Yesterday we had our project esentations to finish up Community Leadership School. There were 5 project teams each doing something for a local service organization. One of the project teams worked on some marketing literature for an outfit called "Mom's Cookies." One woman started sending cookies to our troops in Iraq / Afghanistan. That one woman's vision has grown into a substantial operation. It was wonderful to watch the team present the new ideas and marketing brochures (to solicit both donations and volunteers). The woman who started Mom's Cookies was in tears.

              Anyway....back to here! P3, do you have the day off today? When you are done decluttering, wanna come to my house? The remodel will be done soon and than the moving of crap starts. Some decluttering as part of the process would be good.

              BB, your cookies sound good. And your holiday light remote.

              Lav, I've been having a surge of hot flashes lately. Very frustrating. I feel your heat. And not in a romantic way. When will this be over? Any news from YB/FH/BG(Bald Guy from all the hair cuts)? Is he giving your big dog back following the neighbor break in?

              Marshy, it is really good to hear the your Mom is responding well to the various treatments. Will be interested in how she likes Reiki. The local Curve's owner's husband does Reiki and I've had a couple of treatments. It's interesting.

              The graduation from CLS was great last night. We actually had dinner ON THE STAGE at the local theatre. The Rialto Square Theatre It is such a beautiful place. Interesting opportunity to watch the drinking that was not going on. Cocktail hour was in the gorgeous rotunda where of course I had a diet coke. Probably less than half the people there had a AL beverage. Once we went to the stage, no AL was served during dinner, and nobody appeared to be jonesing for it. I sure would have been in the old days. I'm still amazed to realize that in most business situations, I was NOT in the majority as an "over drinker." I was really part of a minority, at least in this particular local mover and shaker crowd. The first time I went through this school, I skipped the graduation dinner because I was already drunk for the day. So good to experience this whole thing sober, and realize the very stark differences between my later alcoholic years and my new found sober years.

              With these differences in mind, there will be no AL in my life today. Have a good one fabbies! Hello to everyone yet to come.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

                X-Post - hello Choppersmom! Back in corporate life (self employed now) I used to like those "working holidays" that were slower paced - a good time to catch up. Hope you have a smooth sailin' day. So good to have you with us here!

                Where is IJS? Hope the Wild Kingdom was quiet last night.

                LVT - yes - thoughts to you and you sister. :l I hope she is doing better. When I talk to Sister tomorrow, I'll ask her to put her back on the prayer list.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

                  Hello Thursday!

                  Happy Remembered Day to all! Lest We Forget! Thank you to all the men and women who served and who are serving!

                  Papmom: Good thing you went to the ER. I have no idea why your doctor would have overlooked an ingrown finger nail. I hope you find relief of the pain soon!

                  Marshy: I am happy your mom is on a medicine to help her. Cancer sucks. It is really touch and go with my own dad. Finding the right things that help him manage pain, etc. The alternative medicine sounds very good. I am glad it is helping her sleep.

                  Lav: Have fun shopping today! I have been getting this HUGE shopping bug lately but haven't embarked on it yet. Has YB brought over your dog yet?

                  BB: Have fun baking!! I am NOT a baker. I use to like it when I was in my early 20's. I love to cook though! I am going to experiment on an appy for Christmas Eve. It is called Baked Oysters with Tarragon Vermouth Cream. My mother, sister,her man, my man and myself love oysters... so I thought I would see how it turns out. We are doing a 'pickies and drinks' (mine will be AF like the last 2 Christmas') night Christmas Eve instead of the traditional turkey. They can bring their own liquor as well. My own family will do the traditional dinner Christmas Day. and.... no I will not be slurping on the Vermouth while experimenting! At least the 'alcohol' burns off in this sauce. If anyone has any really cool appy ideas... let me know. I need a couple more. Everyone will be bringing one as well. Appy Potluck.

                  Choppersmom: I am off to work shortly myself. Have a great day at the office, hunny!

                  DG: You sound off the last couple of days. I hope all is OK with you. Is it step coach? Sending you positive vibes.

                  OK, well I never acknowledge each individual because my short term memory is funny at times. If I missed anyone, I apologize.

                  Have a wonderful day! Hello to all the rest who come. xo


                    AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

                    morning pap, marshy, bb, lav, chopper'smom, and of course dg!

                    marshy, i'm sorry i've been away and didn't know about your mom...hospice is wonderful. i'm glad she has access to it.

                    lav, yikes about the neighborhood break-in...big dogs are good deterrents, i hope you get her back soon (i


                      AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

                      hi afm!


                        AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

                        Hi Peace!!! Nice to see you!! Glad you are back!!


                          AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

                          P3, ouch! Good for you for taking the initiative to find out what was really going on and taking care of it. Time to hunt for a new GP, maybe? I love mine now, but it took a couple of decades to find her (not that I was looking too hard?I didn?t need one very often when I was younger).

                          LVT, AFM, Lav, Marshy--girls, you have a shitload of stuff on your plates, good and bad. I so admire how each of you keep on keepin? on. You?re an inspiration!:l:l:l:l

                          M3, I think we?re twins separated at birth. Your family would fit right in at the Concord UU church. We often joke that the whole congregation is composed of lapsed Jews and Catholics who just couldn?t take it anymore. (I actually kneeled the first time I went to a service there. :H:H)

                          Joking aside, that church has been a lifeline for me and my kids (and my ex) for 14 years now, and I met Sean, my fianc?, there also. I sometimes can?t believe I?ve gone to any organized religious institution for that long?there was a time when I would have laughed if someone suggested I?d be a regular churchgoer and member of a choir. Laugh?s on me, and I?m grateful.

                          Gia, I don?t make marshmallow treats anymore because I eat the whole pan. Seriously, it?s one of those foods I just can?t have around, along with home-made tollhouse cookies and Terra? salted sweet-potato chips. When HALT kicks in, poof! They disappear, only to reappear on my thighs in a noxious, dimpled form.

                          Lav, be sure and get the dog back. My old Bear wouldn?t have hurt a fly either, but he was 118 lbs of shepherd mix, and living alone in the woods, I was really grateful for his deep bark and tough-guy posturing when strangers came. Get YB a nice sugar glider for company. We?ll all pitch in. That is all. (Except, want to trade freezers?)

                          Chop, I don?t get the day off either, so why am I here?? A big hug and warm wishes for a happy, healthy sober day for all Ab Fabs who have yet to check in today.

                          Donning big girl pants, helmet, and flak jacket and heading in to Beige-ville,

                          xoxo Donna
                          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                            AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

                            X-post: DG, Good morning! I did NOT resist the urge to mention copulating bats.

                            Hi Peace! Peace and more peace back atcha!
                            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                              AF Daily-Thursday Nov 11-Thanks to all our Veterans!!

                              Hi all. I did not realise how much I had missed this site till I came back. I have been fairly happy and content in my alc free life the last few months but I was starting to feel like the freak in a world of happy drinkers. Its great to catch up with a bunch of people who take alc free as without saying.

                              Holy copulation batman
                              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.

