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AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

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    AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

    Good morning peeps!

    It's a beautiful crisp morning here with a nice thick layer of frost over everything right now..brr..I'm not leaving my house till the sun has done it's magic.

    I've got more white lights up around another tree and the rain gutters on my new shed. Yes..I am just a tad excited. I had it all lit up after we came home from my parents house last night from dinner, and Little Gia was super excited that her house looked like Christmas. I love how she knows I light the trees up just for her. I'll be putting out my huge reindeer I bought at Costco today and securing that as well. AFM, get those lights out before it gets too cold and the wires are too stiff! Not like a man where, well, I'll leave you with that thought. :H

    IJM, e-bay can be good my friend. Sell the rats from the nexuses of the universe and buy something fun, like a new piece of technology. Or replace them with a ZuZu pet and see if she notices. Good for you on the money saving and the kindle! I saved enough too these last days to buy my new custom blinds, more lights and some Christmas presents. Scary isn't it?

    Love to you all!!

    AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

    Good Morning Brigitte and all who stop in today! I'm up way too early. It's now 4:40 a.m, but was up at 4:00. Oh well, more time to get things accomplished today!

    Bridget, I just LOVE Christmas, and your house, decorations, and lights sound heavenly! Isn't it just the best to see the delight in the little one's faces with all the lights and decor? Hope you stay nice and warm today. It's cold here, but we haven't had our first frost yet. Only a matter of time!

    I'm getting really excited. I leave in less than 6 weeks to return to my hometown in Northwestern Pennsylvania. We are having a Christmas family reunion! It's been over three years since I have been. Hoping for a ton of snow and lots of sled riding!

    Happy Sober Friday to everyone! I'm going to get something done around here before work. Utilize my extra, UNHUNG time...YIPPEE!!!

    Hugs to you all :l:l


      AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

      Good morning abbies!!

      It is gorgeous morning here too, gia. I hope I never grow tired of the thrill of waking up to the dawning of another day feeling the delight of a clear head. I think being consciously grateful for it will keep it going for me. Hoping for a little road trip tomorrow in this glorious weather.

      Did I mention the girl at the tile store had 3 killer designs that totally WOWed me? Now to see if it fits the insurance allowance.....

      I'd like to hear from LVT about Terry. Sending strength and healing.

      The universe is banging at my door again. I'm going to have to buck up and and sort out some negative feelings I have about myself. Ick. But it must be done because I know that banging won't quit. It's all for the higher good and I'm grateful to recognize it. I was wanting a little coasting time after that parental work - wonder if that's what started it. Well, time for big girl pants. I wonder if the banging is to get me to hurry up before FH comes back on the scene.

      Lav, you have the patience of a saint. That is all.

      Gaia and M3.. how you doing in your situations? Sending mojo vibes to you.

      Uni, feeling like you've got the meds sorted? I hope so, you've been a real trooper! Proud of you!

      P3 I found a pair of black jeans I need and love. :h I had them held at the store so I can pick them up today and take advantage of a weekend power-hour sale this afternoon. DG, they are at Kohls and you're right about their sales! BTW, barter for the massage and the resto meals means we trade services. You didn't know I had a special service, did you?

      I can't wait to hear what knicker ripper is doing this weekend.

      Hidey ho to pride, choppersmom (is chopper your dog?), IJM, AFM, G-string, and all other fellow travelers.

      One thing in for sure!!

      Have a fantastic friday!

      X-post choppersmom! sledding!!! how FUN!!!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

        Hello all fabbies! Zoom zoom for me. Enjoying reading about everyone getting in the Christmas spirit. We decided to host Mr. D's side of the family for Christmas this year. It's a whole lot less stressful since I don't have to start with an automatic resentment that having them here will interfere with my drinking. :H We probably won't do a tree but I want to get out the village and deck out with that thing. It's a pretty big village.

        My new saying if something goes wrong is going to be "oh bat balls!" That is all.

        Hi to all fabbies yet to come!

        One thing is for sure, there will be no AL in my day today.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

          Bat balls DG? That's hysterical :H:H
          I may have to borrow that line in the future!

          Saint Lav is running low on patience Greenie!
          I'm surviving by keeping myself distracted as hell! Keeping my focus on my kids, grandson, my tiny business, friends, etc. Actually, I've been having dreams YB suffering some terrible things :H Oh well............

          I hold off on holiday stuff until I get past my son's & grandson's late November birthdays. Not sure how much decorating I'm doing - depends on my mood I suppose

          Bright & sunny here, nice morning. Better go out & refill those empty feeders for my little eating machines!
          Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

            Hi guys,

            It's rainy and miserable here today which matches the mood I'm in - which leads me to your question Greeny - getting there - slowly. The biggest challenge has been that my mind will not shut off with all of these memories that just keep coming of all the traumas in my life - auuuggghhh - I want to put a knife in my brain and scramble it so it will stop. BUT - the good news is I am not drinking and I know that I have to get through this and I will. Therapy Monday - I like Mondays! LOL.

            I would love to have pretty Christmas lights around the house - the problem is I don't have the energy to do it and BF has been in a bit of a miserable mood lately so not sure if that's going to get done anytime soon. We will have to pull out our x'mas boxes and see what we have - I'm not even sure what our light situation is here - we may have to go buy some more.

            I'm off to do some cleaning and go to a meeting - maybe a nap this afternoon.

            Have a good AF Friday guys.

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

              DG-OMG that is soooo funny!! I'm defo "borrowing" it from now on. I think it might be a little more professionally and socially acceptable than my all time fav "Feck a Duck" but I don't say feck!! :H .

              Greenie-way to go girl!! Isn't bargain hunting fun??? I'll be getting a $300 back pay check at the end of Dec (the state finally decided to fund our raises approved 5 months ago but the retro only goes back to Jan and it's only a 1% raise. Better than nothing I suppose). Anyway that will be my Xmas money so I've got to be on top of my new game with bargain hunting!! I'm also hoping to make some scarves for certain family members. We'll see.

              BB, Chopper and Lav-I can't even think of xmas decorations yet but the stores sure have-way before Halloween too. Disgusting. Anyway, it seems we have some members who really get into the spirit of the season and I'm hoping it's contagious. I stopped decorating when I got my first do about 8 years ago. It was bad enough to keep the cats away but the dogs are rediculous. Anyway, I have a ton of stuff up in the attic and with all your help, I'm hoping to get it down after turkey day and do some pet proof decorating. I don't think I have to buy a thing-I did all that years ago. Plus, I won't be using the free time to drink!!

              Well, as you can see from the length of my post my finger is feeling much better. Beside the procedure done at the ER yesterday morning, I've also been dousing it with Witch hazel. I swear it has some magical properties! Greenie? Any thoughts on that? what a relief let me tell you!!

              OK Greenie-spill! What is your special service skill? I live in too large a city to barter like you but I think there are some barter websites and I need to figure out what I can do and what I want in return.

              So, here is a decision I've been wrestling with for a few days. I applied for a job at a teeny tiny college in Northern Maine. It's an environmental private college about an hour east of Bangor and 30 min north from an area I would kill to live in (mid coastal maine, north of Camden). They actually called me to see if an interview would be in the best interest for both of us. They did tell me the salary would be 20K less than what I'm making now. I do know that in terms of housing, the prices are almost half of what you would pay in my area. I'm 54, I would be 4 hours from my whole family (my dad is 83) and I would be totally alone. Plus I can't make ends meet on my salary now, never mind 20K less. I spoke with my brother and although he could understand the lure, he thought it was not the right decision for me. God I wish I was 30 again!! I'm pretty sure the decision has been made and I have to make the call today but would welcome any other input. It's not often positions in my field come up and sometimes I feel like I'll be in my current job until I die cuz I sure won't be able to retire from it.
              Maybe I should just stop looking and be resigned and grateful for what I have?
              Oh, and how is it you guys are able to take the money you've saved on AL and buy other things? doesn't it get eaten up by the rising costs of gas, heat, food etc? I seriously have NO idea how I even was able to afford the AL every day! Right now I couldn't buy a bottle if I wanted to!! Please divulve your Financial Savvy Secrets!!

              Gotta run to yet another MD appt. I used to be sooo healthy!!

              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                P3, Witch hazel is good - peroxide is too. Lav prolly knows. I meant to tell you hot soapy water when you first mentioned it, but it escaped me.

                About that job.... Once I was wrangling with a career move. I had a dream in which I was hanging onto a branch of a tree that overhung a huge terrarium, think miles of river *of course* and trees, valleys, gorgeous setting.... and I think to myself "I wish I could fly around in there". A voice so real I can almost hear it now said, "You can! All you have to do is let go". SO I let go of the branch and did "superman style" flying all through the terrarium - it was fantastic. My first time dream-flying like that. The next day, I went to work and quit my job. That is all.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                  Good morning everyone!!

                  BB, I am pulling out the boxes of exterior lights today!! Thankfully all of the hooks around the outside of the house are still in tact! I was just out there checking!! LOL! And it is only 6:30am!!! I have this really great bush and two Christmas tree shrubs in the front yard that get riddled with lights as well. I saw they had those pre-lit reindeer at Canadian Tire on sale. I may just mosey on down there today. Oh, boy! I am soooo excited. Love lights!

                  The little one has today off of school in lieu of yesterday's Remembrance Day. Or shall I say the teacher's have today off in lieu of yesterday's holiday. It really ceases to amaze me the amount of time kids get off in schools these days. More and more every year due to teacher's salaries and school board cutbacks. So, today, I will be dragging out the lights, and then little AFM and I will be heading out for a walk into town and, possibly go over to the library. Well, we will probably go to the library. I need something to read. TV is boring the snot out of me these days.

                  papmom3, I have no idea how I managed to buy a bottle of alcohol and a pack of smokes a day back then. Smokes are over 7 a pack here and a bottle of wine (1.5) litre is 16 dollars. It really amazes me!! Somehow we found the moola!!

                  Have a great day everyone!!


                    AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                    Hello Abbies (I guess yoghurt breath has gone by the wayside...)

                    Papmom I hope your finger is better today.
                    LV my heart is with you.

                    I feel too energetic today! Time go get to the gym.
                    AF since May 6, 2010

                    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                      AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                      morning all!


                        AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                        P3, it sounds like such a good fit for you in a lot of ways; I know you're 'meh' on your current job, cost of living is probably lower up there, and the pace would be so much less nuts. Dog-friendly, one of the most beautiful, unspoiled regions in New England--all stuff that's good for the soul.

                        I would sit down and do some serious math (i.e., what you'd clear if you sold your house, if anything (look at for recent sales by zip code), what the cost of housing is in that area, what do utils go for? How much are you paying for gas with your current commute? Do you need to be closer than 4 hours from family for a specific reason (sick family member you support, for example)?

                        I applaud your brother for being cautious, but if I didn't have a partner and 3 kids to take into account, and I was excited about the position, I'd screw my courage to the fencepost and at least go through the interview process. My two cents!

                        Hi and big hugs to everyone else; I'm swamped but read all your posts, and wherever we are on the mood pendulum, I'm so glad we're all sober!

                        Re. the bats--maybe we should envy them? They seem to be having more fun than we are (except for maybe Marshy. ; ) )

                        xoxoxox Pride
                        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                          AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                          Bah humbug! That is all.

                          DG - I saw a bright, bright, bright pink Mary Kay car this morning on my way to work. Made me think of you.

                          Papmom - Have you written down a list of pros and cons? Seeing things on paper like that sometimes helps clarify it for me.
                          BTW, alcohol is dirt cheap here so although I've saved money, I haven't really saved all that much - although I do still sometimes think "I can buy this ?500 thing because I haven't spent ?40 on alcohol this week"
                          We always had witch hazel put on our grazes and brusies when we were kids. Haven't seen it for years (not that I've been looking :H).

                          Greenie - old ripper knickers will be mostly working this weekend. I need to earn money for new undies. Yeah, give us a clue about your barter skill.

                          Hello to all! Zooming!
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                            Aloha Friday AB world! so nice to see your shining happy faces on this fine day.

                            Greeneyes, mega dittos on this line of yours today: I hope I never grow tired of the thrill of waking up to the dawning of another day feeling the delight of a clear head. I think being consciously grateful for it will keep it going for me

                            just want to shout out to any lurkers that may be hesitant to join us because you are no alcohol-free yet. hop in already! friendly bunch here and what we have in common is a desire to be AF and we are all in various stages of this adventure.

                            off to see the wizard...

                            be well everyone
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                              Say HI to the wizard for me Deter

                              I always kept a bottle of witch hazel in the fridge when the kids were little. Good to dab on mosquito bites, bee strings, etc.

                              Papmom, I guess sitting down with a calculator & figuring if you can survive on less $$ would be a smart thing! I wouldn't be able to remove myself from family & friends. I really, really need to be around people - that's just me.

                              I'll bet Marshy is having more fun than all of us put together - good for her
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

