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AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

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    AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

    Determinator;1002060 wrote: just want to shout out to any lurkers that may be hesitant to join us because you are no alcohol-free yet. hop in already! friendly bunch here and what we have in common is a desire to be AF and we are all in various stages of this adventure.
    There is a special friend who I hope is lurking, and who I hope might consider joining us.

    P3 - Hydrogen peroxide is the cure all around here for people AND for dogs. I even swish it in my mouth as part of my newfound Floss 'n' Gloss program. (took some getting used to, but it's working for the desired purpose) My thoughts on your job posts were rather excited and reflected in Pride's post! Why not at least interview and do some math?

    Hello to all other fabbies - sorry to be zoom zooming again.

    Tough Chicks AA was perfect today for my sorting and peeling. I love these women.

    One thing is for sure..

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

      Hi Everyone-thanks so much for your input on the Maine job. cost of gas up there is much higher and I think heating costs would be higher as well just cuz it's colder and a longer winter. I also don't know how I would deal with the logistics of relocating. Can't sell my house for a large enough profit to buy another one which means I'd have to rent it out and then find a house to rent that would take 5 animals. Couldn't find anything but townhouses for rent up there when I searched. I guess if it was only a 5 or 10K cut in pay I would seriously consider it but 20K? I really think at this stage of my life I should be making more money, not less!! Plus, with my dad very slowly moving into his twilight years, I don't think I want to be 4 hours away if he gets ill. Right now he's fine but if there comes a point where he can't drive anymore or needs a lot of medical care, I would want to be here for him. boy, this is deja vu. 20 years ago I also interviewed and got a job in the Rockland area. In the end, I turned it down because my mom was not well and i just couldn't see myself being so far away. turned out she had the beginning of alzeihmer's and she ended up dying 2 years later. I am glad I was not so far away when she went downhill but I have always wondered what my life would have been like had I taken the job. I guess my answer is no, I'm not prepared to make a move of this magnitude. I think a nice compromise will be to look around in a couple of years for property in my county but more country. And also to keep looking for jobs in MA or just stay where I am. It's definitely better since I stopped drinking and my boss seems to be handling things better as well. At least we're talking again. Just not the banter back and forth which is fine with me. so that's that.

      OK, now the good news. Had my appt with the endocrinologist this morning. My bone scan in June came back better than the one 3 years ago. How do they not tell me that? He doesn't think I need to restart fosomax but I should keep going with the calcium/vit D regimen and defo keep up the walking. As far as the pre diabetes goes, he doesn't think I am. Based on my fasting glucose from june, he doesn't trust this new A1C test when the numbers for both tests don't jive. so, bottom line, fasting glucose was normal and that's what he's going by. Whoo Hoo!! Best news I've had in 6 months. No more low carb diet as far as i'm concerned and when my last 2 appt are done this month, I do not intend to see another MD until my annual next June!! I'm done with the medical community for a bit AND I'm looking for another GP. I spoke with my sister and we're rejoining Weight Watchers. I'm sending away for the coupons today.

      LVT-hope everything is OK with your sis. Let us know you are OK when you get a chance.

      OK, back to the decluttering. Hoping to make a run to Savers or GW today before dark.

      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

        Doggygirl;1002086 wrote: part of my newfound Floss 'n' Gloss program. (took some getting used to, but it's working for the desired purpose)
        What program? What are you doing? I'm wondering because today I got ... not chided, but something... for not using floride.

        P3 I'm glad you are settled on the matter to your satisfaction. That's a good feeling.

        Off to pickup those black jeans
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

          DG just don't swallow it!

          P3 - I think you should think about the pros and cons - good luck making the decision!
          AF since May 6, 2010

          Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


            AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

            Thanks Gaia and DG for your thoughts. I do feel better for making a decision-not the one my 29 yo self would have wanted to make but it is what it is. I haven't been able to get ahold of the HR director tho to tell her. Guess I'll have to email her. The reason I'm not going to accept an interview is because it is 4 hours away which would mean an overnight either at their or my expense and unless they offered me 10-15K more than what I'm making now, a free house until I can sell mine and a really cute YB to do my mowing and snowblowing, I just think it would be a waste of everyone's time. If she had told me the Registrar would be retiring in 1-2 years that might have made a dif too as it would have meant a promotion and more $$ but as it stands she's got at least 10 more years. I think I need to really put my butt in gear and find a new job that is more $$ and save up for a vacation home in ME. Best of both worlds

            DG-swishing HP? Hmmm, did you see a news clip that showed a guy putting his face in a bowl of HP and water, opening his eyes under it and blowing bubbles? Swears he hasn't been sick in decades!!
            News - Secrets of People Who Say They Never Get Sick -
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

              Okay..I'm not going to lie here. I am white knuckling it right now and about to chew my fingers down I really want a drink. I had a wonderful day walking through the woods with my mother and daughter and cutting smaller trees which we put into urns and decorated with moss around the bottom, lights and silver decorations..we made swags and everything and they all look so beautiful..and I'm so happy that this is when I want to drink the most. I am really trying my hardest not to drive to the shop and get a bottle for tonight..


                AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                Gia, battlestations!

                eat something spicy, or sweet, watch a movie, go over old journals/notes on when you were struggling, listen to some hypno, find a meeting, call an AF friend, plant a garden....busy is good
                xxxxxx for you dear. be strong
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                  I'm baking cupcakes right now with the little one, anything to pass the time till she either goes to bed..or the shop closes. I'm so close to my 30 day goal...
                  Det, I love how your mood says you're always In Love..Dx is such a sweet woman, I'm really happy for the both of you.


                    AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                    BB ? Please don?t do that. For some reason I am feeling similar as well. But today is day 27 for us both. Tomorrow is 4 weeks AF!!!! If for no other reason than to say you have been AF for 4 weeks you need to resist the urge.

                    Or for a better reason, you are not going to let a guy beat you at this are you?

                    Let me know how you are doing through the evening if you have time. I?m headed home in a little bit but will keep my eye out on the thread.



                      AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                      I still remember the rush of being able to lay claim to 30 days!! Make something special that you body will thank you for. Celebrate that feeling with something tasty, not nasty, poison wine that robs you of everything good in mind body and spirit! It's just a thought and it WILL pass!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                        Gia, hang in there! Alcohol is a chemical created when food rots. (In the case of wine, when grapes rot.) It's not a treat, or "mellow," or "fruity, or "delicate," or "tannic," it's rotten food juice put into a pricy bottle with a fancy label.

                        You get in that bathtub, condition that hair, shave those legs, lotion up, and settle in with some hot tea and a girl movie. And that's an order (Jesus, I'm channeling Technie...)!

                        xoxo pride
                        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                          AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                 too? I don't know why it just hit me so hard today. I've been pushing the thoughts away and when I do get them I think about things I've done..or said, and they do go away. But not today. I'm really sorry..


                            AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                            BB, I'm just seeing this. Hang in there sweetie! I'm early in my sobriety so I don't have expert advice. I do know these thoughts do pass. I'm thinking of you and giving you all my support :l


                              AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                              Hang in there, GF!!! Treat yourself to something good for you. You won't regret not drinking in the AM!


                                AF Daily-FRIDAY Nov 12! Woot Woot

                                Yo Gia!!

                                Don't you dare give in, you have been DYING to get to 30 days and I want you to know how it feels to reach it, to have a thread dedicated to you and to know you have achieved it...that sense of accomplishment will serve you well the next time a craving comes knocking xxx

                                Stay Strong Girl x
                                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                                AF 10th May 2010
                                NF 12th May 2010

