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AF Daily-SATURDAY Nov 13!

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    AF Daily-SATURDAY Nov 13!

    Greenie, it's a Miss manners column (pasted below). Gotta hit the hay--my painting arms are sore. Busy day here! Sleep tight, all. xoxoxo Pride

    Miss Manners: Saying No Without Feeling Guilty

    Dear Miss Manners,

    I am a happily married woman with no children. I like children, for the most part, but do not have any desire to have any of my own at this time. I also have a wonderful job that allows me to work from home, about 20-30 hours per week, so I have a slightly flexible schedule.

    Here is the problem: I am constantly being asked to watch friends' children for them "for just an hour or so" while they run to the dentist, doctor or various other meetings. Normally, I don’t mind and like to help them out and spend time with the kids, but recently, I have been feeling guilty when I really want to say "no" to these people because I don't feel like being around their children, yet I don’t have a valid excuse for doing so.

    On the one hand, I feel as though my time is important, too—I work, run a household and like to have some free time to do things I enjoy. (Hence the not having children myself part!) On the other hand, I feel that if I can watch the kids because I haven't planned anything for that particular afternoon or evening (yet), I should do it. I do not know why I feel like this, but it is really starting to aggravate me when the same people ask me 2-3 times a month or more to watch their children for them and offer me nothing in return, as if they are doing me a favor by "letting" me watch their children.

    I feel like I am basically a free babysitter. I have a college degree and a wonderful part-time job! Why do I feel obligated to say yes to these people?! What can I do to stop feeling this way, short of planning out my entire week in advance so that I am not lying to them when I say, "Sorry, I can't, I have plans"… I am not a planning type of person.
    Gentle Reader,

    Why do you feel guilty in refusing to do favors repeatedly for people who do not reciprocate? Why do you feel you need an excuse not to watch other people's children? Why do you feel obliged to say yes to every request? For that matter, why do you feel you must justify your desire to enjoy your free time?

    You get to answer these questions. Miss Manners is very sorry, but she does not deal in angst. Perhaps as a result of never having done anything incorrect herself, she must recuse herself in matters involving free-floating guilt with no sensible cause.

    She can, however, assure you that your predicament cannot be blamed on manners. Neighborliness requires you to help out in emergencies, sometimes at inconvenience to yourself, but it does not require you to compensate for the poor planning of those who know they have appointments and meetings coming up and should make arrangements accordingly. Particularly affable neighborliness might include the exchange of chores—you watch the children, and they save you a trip by picking up something you need, for example. But mutual assistance does not seem to be operating here.

    The etiquette advice you need is how to say no politely. You do it cheerfully, with apologies but no excuses. "I'm so sorry, I can’t this time; I hope you find someone" is all that is necessary.
    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


      AF Daily-SATURDAY Nov 13!

      Pride, I like that advice. Another technique I am trying to employ to give me time to think is to say "let me check my calendar and let you know" when someone asks me for something. I have a bad habit of feeling "on the spot" and saying yes under duress. So the calendar thing is at least helping me buy time to fully consider things.

      P3, Mr. Doggy just found an on-line site where he can watch ever Star Trek episode ever, including a pilot he had never seen before, and he's a massive Trekie, for free. I should probably start having him send me links like that and just post them here in AF Daily. I suspect there is tons of free stuff out there. I think the face of cable TV is really going to change a LOT in the near future.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily-SATURDAY Nov 13!

        I can't believe Adrian Schultheiss, normally one of the voidiest figure skaters evah, is skating to Romeo and Juliet. Blah.

        Anyway...has anyone heard from Cinders? I realize she may not be able to post from rehab. Just thinking of her and hoping things are going well for her.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily-SATURDAY Nov 13!

          Wow, Lav now THAT is cool. Maybe Greenie DOES know what she is talking about after all!

          DG--I have Netflix and we use the Wii for Instant watching. But some shows stop and it says "retrieving" and it gets so frustrating! IDK if it is the tv, the satellite or the Internet (which is also satellite) I tried to watch Love Story the other night and it was worse than any movie with commercials. I started closing my eyes during the delays and missed half the movie. I guess I'll have to call them. I've reported the problem. If we can get it to work right, I might actually convince hubby to at least drop our movie channels.

          I've been wondering about Cinders too. I hope rehab is going well for her. I've been watching old episodes of Intervention (on Netflix Instant) when I am home alone. I really feel for some of those addicts and their families!

          The whole family went to the bar tonight to watch college football. The only way to watch some games is PPV which is crazy. Some friends were in town and I was kind of looking forward to just going out. It was ok, but when the game was over I hitched a ride home with my son and left hubby with the car keys. Probably not a good idea, but is it really my responsibility to make sure he gets home safe? What needs to happen is for him to control his intake. Now I'm starting to second guess my decision. I guess I'll offer to go back in and pick him up.
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily-SATURDAY Nov 13!

            LVT. :l At some point Mr. LVT is going to have to accept responsibility for his own drinking and consequences. That is hard to "let be" I'm sure when the consequences could negatively affect your family. But it's already doing that on some level. I don't envy your position.

            Mr. Doggy was quite the grizzly bear when he quit smoking pot. (which was an all day, every day habit / addiction for him) He was such an SOB there were plenty of moments when I wished he would just light up. But I'm really glad he didn't. Our relationship is SOOOO much better with 2 sober people in it. So I understand how you feel - how change can be difficult. In the case of dumping substance abuse, I think in the end it's change for the better even though the process can have it's rough moments. Hope he makes it home OK. Maybe a new pair of hiking boots for Christmas this year? (to go with a hair cut and a pair of screaming __________ bats?)

            Do you think the Netflix problem is related to your satellite internet connection? We don't have issues but we are on cable modem which I think is probably faster. And maybe consistency of speed matters too? I'm not the techie....hope you get it figured out though.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily-SATURDAY Nov 13!

              Thanks, DG. I did call him and he sounds ok, has left the bar and is just visiting with friends. This is our friend that has a broken back and doesn't drink anymore, so I think I'm off the hook. You're right, change can be really hard. But if he quit what would I have to come here and bitch about?? :H:H
              I do think the Netflix issue probably is the satellite feed. We have to pay I think $60 a month now for the whopping 100mbps we get now. It does seem like some episodes don't stall as much as others though. It is really cool when it works though.
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

