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AF Daily - Sunday November 14

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    AF Daily - Sunday November 14

    Hello fabbies! YB and all that!! Can you believe November is almost half over??? Where is the time going? Every day of being 29 seems to go faster than the last one.

    BB, I hope you check in this morning and let us know how your day went yesterday. I hope your step back up onto the wagon was smooth. After the big relapse, I was off and on (mostly on) with drinking for 8 months. It seemed that just a little AL woke up the beast and I was off to the races. I hope that is not happening for you! If it is, just suit up and fight.

    Bear, I hope you are feeling strong today. How long will your mother be there? Situations like the one you are in bring a whole new meaning to the idea of "putting sobriety #1." That might mean some awkward arrangements for the next Mom visit? I'm thinking about that more in terms of what I should do under similar circumstances than what you should /should not do. There are over drinkers in my life too and I need a plan for all occassions.

    IJM, Choppersmom and other newcomers, how are you doing? Hopefully Saturday passed more smoothly in the cravings department than Friday did for some of you.

    I MUUUSSSTTTT get these holiday business cards and Mary Kay show prep done today. It's so much more fun to play here. It's D-Day however.

    One thing is for sure....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Sunday November 14

    I'm sure I got this link from somebody here. It's pretty cool. Endure What Seems Impossible

    The e-mail today had this to say, which I really like:

    Your attitude is the one solitary thing over which you have total control. You can decide how you are going to see the world. You can decide whether or not your attitude is going to support you, or hold you back. And ultimately, YOU can decide what meaning you are going to give the events that occur in your life.
    I know that I can choose my attitudes about things. And my attitude makes all the difference in the world sometimes.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Sunday November 14

      Hi DG, thank you for the nice note above.. I can't see myself going back. I've had no thoughts of it yesterday or today and normally I do. I'm glad I had the sense to pour the rest out to take the access right out of the equation. But, I am back on board and very happy about it. I did spend a bit of the day really upset with myself for even trying, but I guess I just had to rid myself of that last nagging feeling. AFM described it perfectly when she said the wine she had felt like it was gagging her, that's what it felt like to me. How can I enjoy something that makes me feel like I am going to gag? lol..I just can't. So today, I am at home making some more chocolate cheesecake truffles and then I'll move onto Cinnamon rolls. I have a little nudie running around who just came out from the bath about to put the movie Bolt on and waiting to help me roll the truffles in some cocoa, coconut, dark cookie crumbs and sprinkles..

      I need to get my Christmas cards and packages out soon as well, or I'll never get it done. I'm horrible when it comes to posting things..

      Another AL free day for me and pretty damn happy about it!

      Much love ♥ to you all,


        AF Daily - Sunday November 14

        Doggygirl;1003422 wrote: I'm sure I got this link from somebody here. It's pretty cool. Endure What Seems Impossible

        The e-mail today had this to say, which I really like:

        I know that I can choose my attitudes about things. And my attitude makes all the difference in the world sometimes.

        This is very true. If people keep telling you negative things and you choose to believe them, it does nothing but bring you down and eventually you end up believing them. I always try to maintain a positive attitude around my little girl, she is effected by my moods very easily, she's very sensitive to it. If I'm in a nice mood, lots of laughter and hugs, nice positive things to say and do..I really see the difference reflected in her.


          AF Daily - Sunday November 14

          Good morning, DG, BB & all to come!

          It is 5:14am here. I was up at 5. I've been going to bed so very early these days that I am waking up early. I LOVE it! I am such a morning person; my favourite time of the day. I am sitting here chewing my Nicorette and slurping back a coffee enjoying the peace and quite of the house! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....

          Speaking of attitude, mine has been a little off the past couple of days. Been kind of snippy with the BF. A little short of patience. Not argumentative, just been a little impatient with our conversations and spending some time to myself doing some reading in my room. My little one has been getting under my skin too the past couple of days. I have hit the 3 week mark in my quitting smoking; and this is usually when I end up going back to it. I have NO desire to go back, but I can feel the 'pink cloud' lifting. This is the time where the real work comes into play. Which means with the extra time on my hands from not smoking and the added energy that comes with it - it is time to start getting more exercise! I need to make a real commitment to exercise and burning off this 'restlessness' so I won't be cranky. All, in all, I don't miss smoking one bit. But I need to step it up for this next phase.

          Bear, I hope all is going well with your mom. Gosh, all I can say is that my sister is a BIG drinker, and if she were staying with me, I would probably have a problem. She is a great manipulator. She is like a bamboo shoot under your finger nail. She would wear me down after a couple of days. The cool thing is that she knows that I have been sober (with the exception of 3 slips) the past couple of years and avoids me like the plague! She wouldn't want to stay here! Which is fine by me!! Anyway, sending you tons of strength and hope you are sticking with your wanting to be AF.

          I did nothing much yesterday. My ambitions in the AM were pretty much gone after I took little AFM to the library yesterday. I ended up getting a couple of books. One was that I had on hold; Sober For Good - and I came home and ended up reading the whole thing. It was really good! I highly recommend it! I love the attitude of people that quit, whom the author used as references throughout. I also took out, The Lazy Millionaire. hahahaha.... um, yeah. Always looking for a way to instantly become rich without any effort!

          Today, I am zipping up to see my dad for an hour and then zipping back to work with my Sunday client at 11am. A later start with her. Her other daughter is down from Edmonton and will be leaving this morning; so I don't have to be there until then. I just love going there. She is such a nice old lady. Easy to take care of. Honestly it is like a vacation away from home. I help her with her meals, pills, and going to the bathroom and to bed for rests. Light housekeeping and watch lots of TV with her. So, working on a Sunday is not a bad thing in this situation.

          OK, well, I must grab another coffee and head to the shower. My dad lives over an hour away, and I have to make sure I grab the memory foam I am lending to him, and get out the door on time. Plus I need to get gas.

          Have a fantastic AF day everyone! Hugs to you my friend, BB. You are doing so well with the AF!! Keep on going!


            AF Daily - Sunday November 14

            Hey BB-I'll hop on the next flight out to help you with those chocolate truffles!! Oh my you are quite the baker! How wonderful that the cravings have not returned and that you are at peace today. Not to say that you will become complacent, just that the beast isn't rearing his ugly head today and hopefully won't for a very long time, until you are so strong you can beat him down with just a look!!

            DG-great link! I'm bookmarking that site and I need to find the Messages from the Universe site that you and greenie talk about so often. If you want to share the star trek link that would be awesome. I LOVED that show and all the movies although I wouldn't describe myself as a Trekkie. Never did the convention stuff. I was more in love with William Shatner so the Second Generation etc shows held no interest for me :H. Hulu has the new episode of Burn Notice that aired Thursday on it so I can watch it on my full laptop screen instead of a little you tube screen. Just got to find an hour to do it today!!

            Bear-please check in and let us know how you are doing.

            I've been thinking of Cinders often as well. Hope she is doing well and getting all she needs out of rehab. :h Cinders!!

            I'm being very lazy today. Still in bed at 8:30-oh my!! Need to get moving. Plan for today is to CLEAN! dishes need to be done, as well as laundry; litter boxes changed and floors vaccumed. this will take all day and there is still the garden to put to bed, birdfeeder to clean pond pump to get going again so fishes have some oxygen although I'm sure they are doing just fine. Can't really see them as they are hiding under the leaf litter. I hope.

            Lav-your chicks' breed isn't one I remember seeing at the show. Have they ventured outside yet?

            Am going to try not to spend too much time on here today but will check in tonite.

            One thing is for sure-I will be way to busy to even think about taking a drink today. Have a great AF day everyone!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily - Sunday November 14

              X post AFM!! Have a great visit with your dad and your client. Your NF plan sounds great-you can do this!! I have to start working on a SF plan myself and I bet I will be very cranky at some point too. Hope the dogs don't mind too much!!

              BB-totally agree about the attitude thing. I've noticed that when I feel blue or off if I force myself to sing or smile, I feel much better in a very short time.

              Off to make brekkie!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                Good morning to you too, Papmom! Have a fantastic day!


                  AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                  HAAAAALLLLOOOOOOO FABBIES and young bitches!

                  Pride thank you for laying that out for me. Miss Manners doesn't do angst?? I WANT THAT! NO ANGST! Greenie's goal for this week! Most of my angst is wasted anyway and wasted angst is such a bother. GF didn't call yesterday. Now I'm imagining her thinking uncharitable thoughts about me for not calling and volunteering to come over with my shovel. That is me and my typical angst. ugh! Stop it greenie!

                  I'm going to have another glorious day. I'm going to take little doggie with me downtown to the artisan fair because I won't be long and she can wait in the car. Then we are going to walk the canal on the river. (there are 3 rivers here and each has a riverfront park area and this one is the old canal) Then stop by and visit my dad on the way back home. His roommate died suddenly and he needs come comforting or entertainment or something - whatever he needs I'll do my best to provide it. He helped me sort out this plan and was so pleased to be of help. I'm so glad I did that program - what a difference! Also, he said to call her and tell her I wouldn't be coming over. I'm not wanting to do that but I agree and will.

                  LVT, I have that problem sometime with youtube clips. I can't endure it. I'm curious to know what the issue is so let us know if you resolve it. I'm leaning more and more towards no cable.

                  DG, I like the meditation link.. I'll add it to notes from uni and daily om.

                  Bear, hang tough through your mom's visit.

                  I've been thinking of cindi too, sending her mojo vibes and hoping she is getting what she wants/needs with this new program.

                  P3, I hear you on the

                  Hi AFM, BB

                  oops gotta go. going to my side of the river w/ GF and dogs, like right now.

                  One thing is for sure!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                    AFM, you're such a great friend. I wish you were closer. :l Your day sounds really nice, and that little old lady sounds a lot like my Nana. Even when she was older and got sick, we took care of her and it was really nice, she looked after us all those years and gave us such love and support it felt good being able to do it for her. It's great she has someone like you to brighten her day. I get cranky on days too and sometimes it seems for no reason, everything just seems to bother me and everyone around me. I don't know if it's because of little nagging thought in the back of my head, subtle withdrawl that I just don't notice or maybe someone did piss in my cornflakes and I didn't find out about it till it was too late. :H You'll get through it, bitch and moan to us.

                    Hi PapMom, I am definetely not getting lazy with the feelings. I know they will for sure creep back, but I really am feeling stronger..a little bit at a time. Normally I would have worked my way through the gag relfex (I'm waiting for IJM to jump on that one! lol..come on buddy!) and drank the whole bottle. You can come to my house anytime for some baked goods. I actually love to bake and cook! I'm cleaning as well today too, hanging out laundry and all that good stuff. I have three cats..I hate the litter box. I live in the country so thankfully I am able to do this. But I moved the littler box closer and closer to the door, then eventually outside and now it's gone altogether. They all use the great wide open! One (the mommy cat is almost 2 years) and her two babies, all use the woods now.


                      AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                      Xpost..morning Greenie! Have fun crafting with the pup!


                        AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                        Hi there,

                        Looks like a good morning. Wondering how everyone did yesterday.

                        Just a clarification - in saying that there is nothing wrong with trying to mod, I was not saying that I was trying to mod. I was making another point which I don't think I made very well.

                        The point I was trying to make is that there is a difference between someone who is truly trying to abstain, and doing her best to get with the program, and someone who, however kind and wonderful as a person, is playing with the idea. First of all, this is an open forum and everyone is obviously free to post whatever they want, wherever and whenever. However, I am trying to reach out to the uncommiteds to ask what you really want and why. No judgement here, that's for sure, which is why I say there is nothing wrong with modding.

                        I agree with DG's suggestion yesterday that it is risky for a new AF person to rely on another new AF person (again not judging and yes this is a generalization but oh well). It is really easy to create the norm of slipping being ok, because "it happened to her too." Together you get this attitude of what the hell? Let's worry about it tomorrow. Totally ok to go through it here, publicly or privately, I'm just making observations. You know yourself well enough to know, deep down, if you are creating your own safe place to drink or not. Like, oh I forgot to take my meds, so I'm going to drink. Oh, I forgot to bring them with me, so it's not my fault if I drink. Oh I just got carried away and one thing let to another. Oh my husband said it was ok, so I did.

                        I know I know, it could happen to anyone, and we each are our own worst enemy. Again, no judgements just observations.

                        The reason I think about this so much is because I have fought hard to get where I am. I played the same games. I told the same lies. I know if I drink it will be a choice to throw it all away. So if you are ambivalent on whether you are ready to abstain or not, at least be honest. Again that's why I say there's nothing wrong with trying to mod.

                        Hi Greenie - I don't think you're selfish to not want to clean up you friend's place. LV I am thinking about you, your brother, and Terry. DG your brother issues sound interesting too - sounds like you are doing some good thinking there. Hi BB, Lav, M3, Papmom, Chopper, Det, Bear, AFM, IJM, hope I didn't forget anyone.

                        With love,
                        AF since May 6, 2010

                        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                          AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                          Hi everyone. What happens in this thread? xxx
                          Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                          "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                            AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                            Hello friends.

                            I must say if you must call me a bitch...I can live with young bitch. Actually it's at least 50% appropriate!:H

                            I love hearing about everyone's plans. AFM, my sis has a caregiver when she is at home and she is a Godsend. I don't think she's a nurse, but she can help her get around so she doesn't fall, helped her with her ostomy, meals, and does some housework and keeps her company. We need more people like you all in the world!:l

                            I got very little done yesterday except put candle orders together. That is so much fun, it's like Christmas for me. I get to see and smell what everyone ordered, and I get a whole box full of free stuff for me. Today we need to get them delivered. Then I need to get some housework done and get organized for the week.

                            Terry was having some trouble breathing so they are watching her really close for blood clots and pneumonia.

                            I've got to get ready for my sunday school class, so I better sign off. Have a great sober day one and all! :h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                              Gaia, I am being completely honest. This is the first time I have ever gone without a drop of AL in my system in since..well, I can't remember when. I don't think I'm fooling around with the idea and anyone here who knows me can testify to that. I am really trying and working towards being AF, I don't know how more honest I can be.

