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AF Daily - Sunday November 14

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    AF Daily - Sunday November 14

    Brigitte Bardot;1003471 wrote: Gaia, I am being completely honest. This is the first time I have ever gone without a drop of AL in my system in since..well, I can't remember when. I don't think I'm fooling around with the idea and anyone here who knows me can testify to that. I am really trying and working towards being AF, I don't know how more honest I can be.
    Hey, hon.... I don't believe that she was directing her message to you. She was just speaking about moderating and the vulnerability of being newly AF. :l

    Hey, when you are done making all of those lovely treats with the 'coconut', fire some to this side of the country! I am not big on sweets, but when coconut is involved - different story!

    K, off and running....


      AF Daily - Sunday November 14

      Hi BB,

      That's great to hear! I really do hope for the best for us all.

      With love,
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF Daily - Sunday November 14

        AFM that's true - I'm not directing anything at any single person.

        I'll leave all the coconut to you though...
        AF since May 6, 2010

        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


          AF Daily - Sunday November 14

          Sorry, I felt it was pointed at me because of my couple glasses of wine. I am feeling horrible over it already.


            AF Daily - Sunday November 14

            breaking_the_cycle;1003469 wrote: Hi everyone. What happens in this thread? xxx
            Welcome BTC!! Glad you found us. The AF Daily thread is a place where a bunch of us check in each day and commit to our sobriety. Anybody can start the new daily thread - whoever happens along first. We discuss topics related to our sobriety, and we also discuss fun and crazy silly stuff sometimes. I believe it was your thread where you hinted that the new Keith Richards book reveals the size of Mick's ....well, you know...that prompted a suggestion that you would fit right in! :H

            Anyway...the conversation going on right now has to do with the thinking behind the drinking, which can happen whether we relapse or not. The mind games that are part and parcel of addiction recovery can be difficult. Self-honesty is important. You wouldn't believe the many ways I can BS myself when it comes to my addictions. And I can't stay sober if I don't stay well grounded in the truth, which is that I can never drink safely, ever.

            BB, I know it can seem like these discussions are personal. They really aren't. The same principles apply to all of us. It can just smart when the topic is close to home. Hang in there. I know it might have felt temporarily good if you had heard things like "well you did really great because you only had a little...." etc. I'm sure we can all agree that going down the "it wasn't really that bad..." path leads to a bad place. You are back on the wagon and that is the only thing that matters.

            Where is IJM today? I'm wondering if the bats got moved yesterday.

            (BTC - just keep reading along. You will know what we are talking about before you know it. And at that point, you might wish you did not know what we are talking about! :H)

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Sunday November 14

              Hey BB, what's done is done. It's over, it's a new day and we're all taking this ODAT right? Whatever your reason was, you've acknowledged it and I believe it has somehow firmed up your resolve to do what's best for you and the little one. I too didn't take Gaia's comments as being directed to you specifically. I really liked her thought that new AFer's shouldn't rely soley on other new AF's for support and advice. I think a combo of "we're in this together" and looking to seasoned vets for inspiration and support is what got me through to where I am today. I have my "twin" albeit a few days earlier than me and it's a very special online relationship/friendship and just knowing someone is at the same stage as me and has the same resolve this early in the game is very helpful. And it's the DGs, Greenies, Sheris, Oneys, Startys, Mr G's, etc (I don't mean to leave anyone out but this could turn into a 3 course meal post of thanks!!) of this AF world who are my lifelines because they are so much further along than me and can help me see past the negativity that the thought of long term sobriety can sometimes bring out.
              So let's all have a great AF day and make the most of whatever blessings have been bestowed upon us!! I for one will be taking advantage of the fact that I still have enough oil in the tank for hot water and get going on those dishes .

              Greenie-you're with me on what??????? there was a blip in the cosmos that caused the rest of your sentence to disappear! Have a great day today. Your plan sounds marvelous and I envy you the nice warm weather of the south and your small town activites. Your doggie is going to be in canine heaven to spend all this time with you and GF!! Your other GF is NOT pissed at your for not calling. Believe me. But call her anyway. Even if you are Queen. The universe and your dad has spoken.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                Can I just say that I love the idea of holiday cards but I really dislike the process of writing them all out!

                OK. Time to stop whining and start writing. I'm sure you will all have your teeny weeny violins out for me today....

                P3, when Mr. Doggy joins the land of the living for the day, I will try to get some links for you. Sunday is sleep in day for the perpetual night owl.

                BB - I want some of your baked stuff. I'm about as good as moderating with that stuff as I am with AL, unfortunately!

                LVT, your candle day sounds like fun. Gotta love free stuff!

                Gaia, how is Mr. T behaving these days? Better I hope.

                AFM, hang in there with the smoking quit. A few of us at AA were talking about that very thing yesterday. For me and apparently some other folks, the early months without smokes was harder that AL. If you are at "snippy" then your SO's should be on their knees thanking the heavens that life is so good! :H I was a raging maniac for at least 3 months. Definitely not something I want to "redo," ever. That is all. Snip away, I say!

                Greenie, I want to trade days with you.

                Hi to anyone I missed and all yet to come. Back to card writing for me. One thing is for sure...

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                  Xpost DG!!

                  Hey BTC-welcome!! I've read some of your other posts and you will really like it here! Don't be shy now K? Oh and the secret password is "bat balls" :H!!

                  IJM-please check in and reassure us you didn't cause the premature passing of some sweet thangs!!:H Hope the salt water fishies are recovering from their transiet ordeal!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                    OK - one more post and then I promise I will ge back to those dang cards... REALLY I will.

                    The remodeling project will be done this week. Then there will be lots of stuff to move back up there and reorganize. I leave for Soberfest at the end of the week. :yougo: I hope Mr. Doggy has a fabulous weekend while I'm gone. :H

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                      That's right, it's done and in the past and I can't go back and change it. But I can control it not happening again.


                        AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                        Bat Balls is the super secret code? lol..I can understand completely why though.


                          AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                          ooohhh, I forgot about Soberfest. where is it again so that we may bring popcorn?
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                            This woman usually writes bloody stupid articles but this one is relevant to all of us!

                            LIZ JONES: The touchy-feely nonsense that killed my beautiful sister-in-law | Mail Online
                            Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                            "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                              AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                              Hey there Abbers!

                              Welcome BTC! That was an interesting article. A lot of us drink to try to 'control' anxiety & depression - never works! The general public needs to start thinking about AL differently like the poison it is before any changes can happen.

                              I love coconut!

                              I am a happy & grateful person today! Yesterday's sudden money manifestation really took the pressure off. I'm breathing easier today
                              My chicks survived their first night in their new quarters & about half of them have ventured outside today to explore. I was in such a good mood today I even washed my car!!!! The weather is warm & this will probably be my last chance to get it done before winter sets in.

                              Hope everyone is having a fantastic AF day too!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                                Zenstyle;1003538 wrote: Thanks for sharing BTC. Point in case... the government... here, there, everywhere... is reveling in the revenue from AL. I wonder what produces more income... big pharma or booze? I may have to Google... )

                                Great article...
                                I think the gov here would love to get their grubby mitts on some $$$ from street drugs too. They just can't figure out how to legalize stuff AND get re-elected.

                                Thanks for sharing that article. Probably the saddest part of alcoholism to me is the fact that there is a sense the alcoholic became an alcoholic because they were bad and drank too much. I used to think my drinking problems were caused by my drinking, so therefore controlling my drinking was the cure. A circular jerk that doesn't work or even make sense, for sure. Abstinence is the only way, and getting there is difficult. Truth is, I was hooked from the get go. I just didn't see it for many many years.

                                Lav, your chickies must be loving the great outdoors today! :yougo:

                                Bat balls. More cards to do.
                                One thing is for drinky winky for me today.

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

