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AF Daily - Sunday November 14

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    AF Daily - Sunday November 14

    Waz up Homies! (sp)

    Getting a late start on the thread today. Every Sunday morning is when I do the bills and get caught up financially for the week. Everyone in the house says clear of me during that time least they will learn a new art to profanity. Such as ?Why the Hell did we charge $200 F&^%ing to Wal-Mart!!! I hate that store!!!?

    Hey BB - I think the worst you can do is dwell on something in the past. Like people on the thread much wiser than I have said ? what?s done is done. I?m the pot calling the kettle black in that department however. I am the poster boy for self abuse. By the way BB, speaking of gag reflex (you did several posts ago and knew I could not leave that alone?), I cleaned the butt licks cage out yesterday (under duress from Mrs. IMJ). I?ve never seen the floor of a peep show booth but after cleaning that cage I can only imagine! I actually took a shower after that task. GROSS!!!!!!!!!! That would have been the perfect time to down a shot of Bacardi ? it would never have made it to my stomach. Actually it would have never made it to the back of my throat.

    Ok, so once again I have taken this thread down two levels in just two small paragraphs!

    BTC ? welcome to your nightmare with this crowd. I used to be young and innocent like you before I started hanging out with this bunch. Now I am old and tainted. Just stick close to me and I will guide you. Stay away from Greenie, she is trouble. Also, if DG starts a discussion with you about her jar, run and hide under your bed.

    So, my list didn?t get finished yesterday. I still have the salt water system to finish and a trip to the gym if I can beat myself to go. Once I get started I know that I have a better chance of continuing but it is just taking that first step. I need to go to burn off all the calories from last night?s wings. They were so hot that Mrs. IMJ said the fumes alone cleared out her sinuses.

    I just had a random thought. Did you know that the dude that discovered Attention Deficit Disorder actually had ADD? If that is the case, how do you think he was actually able to finish the discovery? Just a fleeting thought.

    Ok, I gotta run. Hi to everyone else on the thread today. Hope everyone has an awesome day!

    AF since 10/16/10


      AF Daily - Sunday November 14

      Hi am here still - sober and staying that way.I told mum alcohol makes me feel low/ill so she said' you're better off without it then' and hasn't drank since.

      I'm not too sure about the post about the "uncommitteds" and "why not moderate" -having wrestled with the 'can I, can't I mod' this doesn't help me.
      I have lapsed many times but I want to be AF - feel better AF - it's just sometiems it's scary/feels too much/the little voice inside gets the better of me. I don't expect pats on the head when I have drank or 'it was only a bit don't worry'.

      This isn't about feeling the post is aimed at me, it could be,it could not be - to be honest I am not too concerned about that. What IS relevant is wanting to feel that this is a place where you can come for support and reality checks (which I do hugely value), and that you don't have a x number of strikes and you're out approach.

      I think most people are on this thread 'af monthly' because their AIM is to be AF - they/we may stumble but that's part of the process .
      It's difficult - isn't that why there's an online support forum??
      Rant over - committed to AF - one day at a time.
      one day at a time


        AF Daily - Sunday November 14

        Bear-that was a great conversation you had with your mum. You have some big bat kahunas there girl!! Way to go!!

        I personally do not have a x strikes and you're out philosophy but like you said, I would expect reality checks along with the non enabling support. I hope that is what you are feeling you are getting here and if not, please let us know so we can work it out. It's tough with an email type forum, the emotion is hard to get through, even with the help of smilies. But here's one smilie that says it all: :l.

        Hey IJM-are you by any chance related to the comedian Steven Wright? You're line about the ADD descoverer reminded me so much of him, or George Carlin. If you ever get tired of being the family Wally World basher, I think you've got a second career-in AL free joints of course!!

        OK-one set of dishes done, one basket folded, some leaves taken out of fish pond(counted 7 out of 8 fishies swimming around-the other one is hiding I'm sure ? ). On to sink full number 2 and a few more loads of laundry. My radio station is playing some really cool music so i've been dancing to my chores. I found I can actually practice my front crosses in rhythm to the music!! I wonder what my trainer would say if she saw that!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - Sunday November 14

          I love Steven Wright! While not related I can certainly relate to him (and no, I look nothing like him). If curious, I have been told that a bear a very strong resemblance to Al Borland on “Home Improvement” – Although I don’t see it myself! But don't take my word for it - Ask Doggie - she has seen this face that only a mother could love....

          But I leave you with this thought. "Why are Asteroids called “Asteroids” and Hemorrhoids called “Hemorrhoids”? Don’t you think it would make more sense if those words were switched?" The Late Great George Carlin.

          AF since 10/16/10


            AF Daily - Sunday November 14

            Gaia;1003460 wrote: Hi BB, Lav, M3, Papmom, Chopper, Det, Bear, AFM, IJM, hope I didn't forget anyone.

            I understand Gaia's opinion, and yours too, Bear.

            My tuppenceworth is that I've always thought it must be difficult to decide on abstinence if your drinking isn't totally out of control yet. I was a heavy, hardcore, breakfast drinker so it was very black-and-white for me - I was killing myself and had to stop completely and never even attempted to moderate because there's no way on earth I could do that (and wouldn't want to, actually. Some people talk about moderation as though it's the holy grail of drinking - but having a little occasionally would be absolute torture for me, much worse than drinking myself into oblivion).

            So I always think that people who don't, in my opinion, drink all that much* must have a harder time deciding on a course of action and must be more tempted to try moderation and therefore maybe prolong the agony before they come to the conclusion that they can't drink in moderation.

            * Disclaimer - my relationship with alcohol is so abnormal, dangerous, unhealthy and generally fucked up that my opinion of "not much" bears no relation whatsoever to almost anyone else on the planet's opinion of "not much" :H

            Anyhoo, bought a huge new bed and foam mattress today. Needed a new bed anyway and a new relationship really highlights that kind of thing :H

            Have a happy day/eve everyone.

            Oh, Choppersmom, I meant to comment on your post about having a bath the other night to disract yourself from drinking thoughts. I can't tell you how many hot baths I had in the early days. Sometimes three a night. Really. Worked for me (couldn't go out and buy alcohol while I was in the bath, simple as that). I was the cleanest drunk in London for a while there :H
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Sunday November 14

              one thing i KNOW for me, is i can't moderate. so i don't even want to try (again) because i know to the core of my being, that i cannot do it. weight off the old shoulders!

              again, i want to thank everyone here for still being here or just feels good to be back and determined. that last months long bender almost killed me, i am still recovering after almost a month of abstinence.

              i'll be 40 next june and i want to still be sober and living strong...this is what helps me.

              have a great day all of you lovely troopers!



                AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                Just went into the local supermarket to buy some apple juice. The young man on the checkout was drunk out of his mind! He stared at me blankly when I tried to pay for my items. WTF?!!
                Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                  AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                  Hidy Ho ABeroooos!

                  Marshy, huge dittos on all this you posted:

                  My tuppenceworth is that I've always thought it must be difficult to decide on abstinence if your drinking isn't totally out of control yet. I was a heavy, hardcore, breakfast drinker so it was very black-and-white for me - I was killing myself and had to stop completely and never even attempted to moderate because there's no way on earth I could do that (and wouldn't want to, actually. Some people talk about moderation as though it's the holy grail of drinking - but having a little occasionally would be absolute torture for me, much worse than drinking myself into oblivion).

                  Peacenick, glad you pulled through and got back with us. I think sometimes we all need a good fright to keep things in perspective. wish it wasn't so, but it seems to be.

                  so, may your 'frights' be as painless as possible and as effective as needed to stay the course.

                  that may be the weirdest saying I've coined to date.

                  no, in retrospect I've said much weirder things.

                  be well everyone!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                    BTC - I once encountered a young woman at the checkout in a huge baby store who was so high - no one could understand a damn thing she was saying :H She was actually pretty scarey!

                    peacenik - so glad to have you back with us We'll have a great big party here for your 40th!!!! Wait until you see how good you feel by then

                    Congrats on the new bed Marshy. I'll let the others make their 'special' comments about that :H

                    Going to put my feet up & watch something on TV that will probably put me to sleep
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                      Marshy;1003633 wrote:
                      I was a heavy, hardcore, breakfast drinker
                      how much on average were you drinking per day?
                      Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                      "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                        AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                        Det..I'm sure, absolutely positive you've said much weirder things than that through the years I've been here alone. We need DX to pipe in here with some golden

               size is it? I don't care what people say, size does matter. I bought a nice king size that I have to jump up into. I love it! It pays to spend good money on a great bed, for so many reasons. And don't forget the linens! I'm a huge fan of nice linens and I'm not afraid to drop some good coin on them.


                          AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                          Well, what else is there to say about Marshy's new bed except.....


                          Brings a whole new meaning to the idea that our life is like a blank page, eh???

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                            peacenik;1003694 wrote:

                            i'll be 40 next june
                            Me too!:l You a fellow Gemini?
                            Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                            "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                              AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                              Are you people crazy? We are all 29 and that is all. I'm not the queen but when she gets back here, I'm sure she will have spoken.

                              Peace, I am very excited about celebrating your 29th birthday next year or whenever that is.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                                Hello All,

                                Busy busy day here on the threads I see.

                                I've been at church most of the day with classes, meetings, etc. Now, I'm getting ready for a 2 day meeting that I am running for a client tomorrow and Tuesday. I'll be happy to get out of the house because the construction noise makes me batty. DG, I'm jealous that your renovation is almost done. We're approaching 6 weeks without a kitchen. Not fun for a family of 5.

                                Nice to see some new folks here. I think the no nonsense approach to being AF is what makes this thread unique. If someone relapses, we are not afraid to ask tough questions and/or offer advice based on our own experiences. There's lots of fun and raunchy humor mixed in, but we do take the topic of alcohol seriously. I think most of us who have been AF for awhile will agree that it had to be the #1 priority above anything else. When I quit drinking, I was up to 2 plus bottles of wine per day and my children ranged in age from 4 through 11 years. I was able to get up every day, get them off to school, to their activities, and hold down a job, but I was fast becoming an empty shell whose main priority was to drink. I shudder to think where I would be today if I was still drinking.

                                Happy sober Sunday to all


                                PS I've been thinking alot about Cinders too.
                                AF Since April 20, 2008
                                4 Years!!!

