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AF Daily - Sunday November 14

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    AF Daily - Sunday November 14

    LOL! None of us look a day over 21
    Sober since 2nd November 2010!

    "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


      AF Daily - Sunday November 14

      I don't think I can get away with the 21..maybe 31!


        AF Daily - Sunday November 14

        momof3;1003785 wrote: Nice to see some new folks here who are serious about staying AF. I think the no nonsense approach to being AF is what makes this thread unique. When someone relapses, we are not afraid to ask tough questions and/or offer advice based on our own experiences. There's lots of fun and raunchy humor mixed in, but we do take the topic of alcohol seriously.
        I very much like the social aspect on this thread, and sometimes we don't always like to hear the truth or hear things we need to, but I am thankful for it. Speaking of rauncy humour I don't believe one person has mentioned knickers of any colour today, or the fact they may not be wearing them..maybe because it's Sunday? :H


          AF Daily - Sunday November 14

          Good Evening Everyone!

          Quick check-in for me this evening! Yesterday and today have been so much better cravings wise. I actually haven't had any. I've been a de-cluttering fool yesterday and today. Now, I'm not so sure if I have actually de-cluttered or re-cluttered. I don't think I got rid of enough.

          Sorry I haven't read back yet. I'll be sure to do that later this evening.I've missed being here and reading today, so I took a quick break from all the work to come say hi!

          Hope everyone has had a super, sober Sunday!


            AF Daily - Sunday November 14

            I confess that I am wearing knickers today, but I need to go shopping for new ones. These are riding up my a** and they are not even a thong.
            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!


              AF Daily - Sunday November 14

              Any of you tried L-Taurine? I am thoroughly enjoying its effects!

              What are your plans for the evening? I'm off to bed in a bit
              Sober since 2nd November 2010!

              "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                momof3;1003796 wrote: I confess that I am wearing knickers today, but I need to go shopping for new ones. These are riding up my a** and they are not even a thong.
                Sporting a wedgie are we. Are you SURE you are not a figure skater?

                Speaking of....Skate America finished up today. Some of you may recall my mention of an issue with tights by Italian Carolina Kostner. The briefs of her costume are VERY brief, and there is a crotch panel in her tights that showed when she did those leg lifting things that figure skaters do. This gave the appearance of an unfortunate forgotten wax or something. I was rather shocked to see that problem had not been corrected this afternoon. Anyway....M3, I hope your wedgie is nothing that dramatic.

                Choppersmom, I like that word "recluttering." I guess that's what I will be doing soon when we move all our crap back upstairs. Very happy to hear that your cravings have subsided. Enjoy each craving free moment and make 'em count!

                OK. Mr. Doggy shared something with me that is really cool. Pandora Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music. You create your own music channels. I put in "Basia" and now I'm listening to a bunch of Basia songs mixed in with similar-to-Basia style music. Really cool. Queen is coming next. Try it! Mr. Doggy said he hardly accesses our own music collection any more.

                I'm so glad to be sober.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                  Hey - where's Choochie Coochie been??? Hope you are recovered from that huge anniversary party!!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                    I am very jealous that you will be recluttering DG. Speaking of recluttering. I told myself that if there are a number of boxes that remain unpacked well after the kitchen, etc is finished, I am just going to donate them.

                    Yes, love Pandora.

                    I hate wedgies though
                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                      momof3;1003811 wrote: I told myself that if there are a number of boxes that remain unpacked well after the kitchen, etc is finished, I am just going to donate them.

                      Yes, love Pandora.

                      I hate wedgies though
                      I have boxes in my basement that haven't seen the light of day since we moved here about 9 years ago or something like that. I need to muster up the courage to do the same. No peeking.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                        I love Pandora too but when they started charging for going over 40 hrs/month of listening, I stopped. I know .99 isn't a horrible amount, in fact it's down right rediculous and they only did it to comply with FCC bs but I just didn't feel like taking out my charge card once again. I was listening to it easily 40 hours a week. Now at work I listen to favorite radios stations that stream over the web. But I did like the whole make you own genre idea. That was fun.

                        I hate wedgies too but I hate knickers that show over jean waistbands even more and
                        no I won't wear bikini knickers!!

                        Yep, we can be raunchy all right!!

                        I think I got lots done today but there is sooo much more to do!! I'm definitely NOT recluttering although I did take the Bose wave radio out of the donate pile as I got this fabulous idea to hook my laptop into it to use its speakers. Unfortunately I don't have the right kind of plug/cable/wire whatever you call it. I guess I'll put a want ad out on Freecycle and see what comes up. Tomorrow is recycle day and there will be 7 bags of newspapers and magazines plus 4 boxes going to the curb. Whoo Hee that feels good!! I also found a local shredding company where I can drop off my rubbermaid tub full of sensitive documents for only $20. Well worth it since it would take me DAYS to do it myself and i would probably need to buy a new shredder after it was all done. Plus this stuff has been here for over 3 years just taking up space.
                        I could use another week so I can keep going in larger chunks of time but I will have to settle for 15 min here and there. Still, it's a start and if I was still drinking I wouldn't have even begun the project.

                        there will be lots of gratefullness during my prayers tonite!!

                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                          Hey DG - Choochie Coochie here - just have been out and about. Ate at my notoriously favorite restaurant with killer margaritas and had hot tea. My husband and I hardly said a word. I feel like I'm so boring -- I don't have much to talk about these days. My world has gotten really small -- oh well, at least it's peaceful. And, I'm glad I'll feel good tomorrow. Funny, I didn't really want a drink, I just felt kind of blah.

                          Hope you all have a good night.


                            AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                            P3, I'm exhausted just reading about your accomplishments today!! (good for you!)

                            Choochie, good to hear from you!! I am learning to get more comfortable being quiet when I don't have anything worth saying. When I was drunk, I used to just babble on and repeat myself and jabber jabber jabber. I'd rather offer up 2 minutes of something coherent and meaty than my old 2 hours worth of blah blah blah. You may also find (I did) that with sober time, you will develop new and more meaningful interests that give you much better topics to talk about. Good that you enjoyed the tea!

                            I need to go to bed. Why am I still fiddling around at my computer???

                            Another sober day down the hatch. Life is good.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                              Marshy;1003633 wrote:

                              My tuppenceworth is that I've always thought it must be difficult to decide on abstinence if your drinking isn't totally out of control yet.

                              So I always think that people who don't, in my opinion, drink all that much* must have a harder time deciding on a course of action and must be more tempted to try moderation and therefore maybe prolong the agony before they come to the conclusion that they can't drink in moderation.

                              I really appreciate your perspective on this, Marshy. I am someone for whom drinking isn't totally out of control "yet". Yet is a key word, though!

                              My drinking was "in control" much more often than not. I never drank in the morning, or even daily, and usually kept it to two or three drinks. But sometimes it was way over that, and those times were such disasters...And the thought of wanting to drink when I was stressed out or anxious was always there. It was an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, there is no doubt. I also once had too much in front of my kids, and fell down in front of one of them, and that to me was a terrible sign that I was not
                              in control, and had to do something about it. Last February I got so drunk one afternoon that I blacked out at least an hour of time...and stumbled, and slurred and had to be hidden away from my children. So "that bad" was pretty damn bad.

                              Still, over the last nine months I have not been drunk once. I have had a couple of drinks on a few occasions. Having been able to do that, I continue to think "maybe I could moderate". On the other hand, having one or two drinks is often difficult...I just about always feel the longing to have more, and have to fight it. That fight is scary, because I know there is a possibility that I will lose it again one day.

                              It may sound weird, but I envy those of you who can be so clear about needing to abstain for good. I once started a thread I called "Wonderful News", when I had come to the conclusion that I was an alcoholic and needed to quit for good. I was very happy that day. I would like to have that conviction back, but it is gone.

                              So I don't know if I belong on the AF thread, I just know that I need help and that I don't need to be encouraged to count my drinks and limit my days...I need to learn more about living without alcohol, not about trying to control it.
                              "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                                AF Daily - Sunday November 14

                                Sara, I really can understand where you are coming from. I had a hard time letting go of the idea that drinking was somehow good - something I wanted to do. That it was a desireable activity. I had every reason in the world to believe it was absolutely UNdesireable for me, and yet I desired it anyway. Contrary to all the evidence.

                                The key for me was somehow finding a moment of clarity when I see alcohol for what it really is (toxic and unecessary), and then HANG ON to that moment of clarity for dear life.

                                I have that clarity right now, here and now today. Even if a fond memory of a good drinking experience crosses my mind, or if I see an advertisement with beautiful people drinking something exotic looking can't make me really want to drink. But I feel as though I have to work to keep my focus sharp. I can't let my vision of what is right for me (absolute abstinence) get fuzzy around the edges.

                                After I relapsed I really lost that focus and had a really hard time getting it back. So I'm going to do everything in my power to hang onto it with both hands this time.

                                I hope you find that place of clarity where drinking just no longer makes any good sense to you, in light of your past experiences with it. Where the risk just isn't worth it. If you do get there, hang on.

                                Don't know if any of this makes sense, but it's my babble and I'm stickin' to it.

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

