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AF Daily - Monday November 15

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    AF Daily - Monday November 15

    Waz Up Dudes & Dudettes!

    Thank you all very much for your encouragement and support. This has been one of the hardest things I think I have done. However, I feel unbelievable. Today I have opened a new chapter in my life. Let’s just call it ItsJustMe version 2.0. My goal now is to hit 60 days AF. In that same time, (30 day span) my goal is to average 3 times per week at the health club with an average weekly weight loss of 2 pounds. And I started that trend this evening. I am pretty rusty but I managed to run/walk 1.3 miles. While that is a little slow this kept my pulse in the fat burn zone for 20 minutes. Yea, I’m a gadget guy so I have the wearable workout computer that monitors just about every aspect of my workout including pace and rectal temperature.

    The best part is 15 minutes in the sauna NEKKID then a healthy dinner at the on-site caf?.

    BTC – the booger comment is that if I fail to meet my AF goal that I would eat DGs boogers. What can I say, everyone needs something for motivation.

    BB, jump on the ride with me this next 30 days. I need a competitive buddy running with me on the AF trail. By the way, this does not happen often but I am at a total loss for words regarding your current avatar. All I can say is that you are the only one that I stare at your avatar at each post before I read your comments.

    Momof3 – is your avatar an actual picture of you? Just asking, my 3 month goal is to run a 5K race. Looks like that is what you were doing in the pic.

    DG, what can I say – you continue to be my mentor in both words and boogers…..

    Peace – you make it sound like nice boys are rare. Not only am I nice, I am a vision in a speedo (if you have a warped value system…)

    Greenie – Gym bag in the car works good. What works better is to post on this thread your intentions!

    Ok, I am totally drained and headed for bed with my new book. Thanks again for you all being there to listen, give your advice, and share your stories.

    Oh, and the passing thought for today is… Have you ever noticed that on a can of Foamy Shaving cream there is a notice that states “do not use near fire of flame”. They had to put that there because one day some nut said to his wife ‘Honey, this morning I think I will shave in the fireplace…”

    Good night all!

    P.S. I was kidding about the rectal temperature and being NEKKID in the sauna

    AF Since 10/16/10
    Last Workout: 11/15/2010
    Weight Loss: Baselined


      AF Daily - Monday November 15

      ItsJustMe;1004553 wrote:
      P.S. I was kidding about the rectal temperature and being NEKKID in the sauna
      Hee hee I bet you weren't!! Great last thought. Loved it!! Also love your avatar. Would that be your boat by any chance? I come from a sailing family. My dad sold his boat 2 years ago. Now at age 83 he's actively looking for another one!! Gotta love it!!

      PS: Re: staring at BB's avatar before reading her posts: aren't my dogs cute enough for you? Jeesh.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily - Monday November 15

        Congrats IJM!! Way to go! Boogers and all on your 30 days!

        BTC, you definitely need to get a new therapist. Some are just in it for the money. There are tons of really great ones out there. Sometimes it takes a bit to find the right match. I had two before I found my 'Knight in Shining Armour'. And for some reason, I found a male therapist a lot more empathetic than female. Also with my GP. I have had both women and men and always found a male GP was much more understanding. This being my experience. I was severely abused as a child. Physically/emotionally to the extreme by my mother and sexually by my paternal grandfather. I understand a lot of your pain and anguish. I don't like to talk about it much anymore as I have dealt with it, healed, and have 'let it go.' It will always be a part of me, but I found great help and was able to compartmentalize it and put it away. I also had problems attracting the wrong type of guy.... as I always felt I never deserved to be treated right. BUT, after 'good' therapy, I have entered into a wonderful, loving, respectful, relationship with a man. I am in my 30's.... I never found 'true' love or happiness in a relationship until the past couple of years. After therapy and stopping drowning myself with the alcohol to numb the pain. So, there is hope, my friend. There truly is. It is NEVER too late for anything!! xo

        Well, I had a long day. Pretty stiff from work. Worked hard. :H I just made Shepherd's Pie, and now am going to feed everyone. Have a fantastic night everyone. :l


          AF Daily - Monday November 15

          papmom3;1004559 wrote: Also love your avatar. Would that be your boat by any chance? :l
          Hi Papmom ?

          Actually that is the boat I sailed while in Jamaica last month. It belongs to Sandals Resorts. My honey and I go there every Sept for our anniversary since about 10 years ago. As usual with me, there is a story behind that picture. So, we go every year and a happy Jamaican at the resort takes out on the boat. We sail around for a while. Well Macho ItsJustMe decided that this year I could do it on my own. (notice the lack of my better half on the deck?its just me). Well, a am sailing down wind and doing great. Now I have to go back (into the wind). Hum, how the heck to I do that??? So I started sailing in BIG circles? not on purpose but every time I turned the freaking boat, it kept going!!! My spouse and friends on the beach thought I was ?hot dogging? it. What they didn?t know is that I was scared crapless that I would end up in Cuba?.


            AF Daily - Monday November 15

            Sounds like you could use a Power Squadron Class and I have just the instructor for you!! :H

            Had to laugh tho about the going around in circles-been there done that!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily - Monday November 15

              BTC, I'm sorry about your abusive childhood and the fact that it continues from your mother. I'd put some distance there until.... I don't know when. And I'd put some distance there in regards to you therapist whom I consider to be abusive as well. Pray tell, WTF is that thing riding on the person's back in your avatar? I even squinted in the magnifying glass and can't figure it out!

              The open house was pretty amazing. From .75 to 1.25 million. Egads! Before it was "that" we used to hang out on the roof and have dinner parties. I hope they get some buyers tonight. A guy with a british accent asked me where I lived and I sort of shifted from foot to foot a little and waved my hand in a general direction saying oh, west of here. :H:H

              I'm tired and a little cranky. I will do better tomorrow with my fluid intake.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Monday November 15

                BTC - For me I really don't believe moderating will ever work, it's just a myth for me. It takes us a while to actually accept that fact though, since denial is such a lovely thing.. I'm very sorry you've went through all that you have. The older I get there just doesn't seem to be any reasoning for anything and why people do what they do to harm others. But I agree with the others, I think you should find someone else to talk too.

                AFM - I love you to bits.

                IJM - I am definetely with you on the next 30, I would have had it without those two pesky glasses. I've already got days racked up for it. And just for the record, I don't need anyone to be a bad influence on me..I've got enough mischief in me for myself and a few other friends as well. Don't worry. I'll share! And yah, the Avatar rocks doesn't it!

