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AF Daily - Monday November 15

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    AF Daily - Monday November 15

    Only 40 shopping days left until Christmas. Mornin' fabbies! Thought I'd start the day out with something gruesome and unexpected to wake you up. Get busy Santas!!!!

    I'm grateful to be sober today. That is all.

    Link to sign up for the messages from the Universe for P3 and anybody else who wants 'em. TUT's Adventurers Club::Welcome

    Happy Monday. One thing is for sure!!


    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Monday November 15

    Morning Abbies, and thanks for starting us off, DG.

    Only 40 days left? Uh oh. I haven't even sent out my change of address cards yet, let alone think about Christmas cards. Yikes.

    Hey here's a specific response to Sara - I remember your thread "Wonderful News" and I thought it was, well, wonderful. I think it was back when I was still on the fence that you were first posting a lot, and I found your progress helpful to me. So I thank you for your inspiration!

    I do think so much has to do with learning to live in a different way. And I don't think it's absolutely impossible for an alcohol abuser to have 'one' drink once in a great while and keep control of it. I think it is very much an individual situation. I think it depends a lot on personal circumstances, history of alcohol abuse, genetics, true will, and spiritual growth. The problem is that if it spins out of control the consequences could be life threatening. I personally am not ready to go there, at least not now and maybe not ever.

    On another website there was a discussion in mindset and being AF. There is a very articulate woman who wrote about the idea of having a few sips of wine after being 2 years AF. The question is, can you maintain your sobriety even after having a little because your mindset is firmly commited to being AF? In my words, which is it more like:

    1. Generally eating well, exercising and maintaining weight, but twice a year eating half a chocolate cake. The next day, everything is back to normal and nothing has changed; or

    2. Having a one night stand while on a business trip, where no one knows or will ever find out, and coming hope to the happy wife and family as if nothing has happened.

    Case 1 would be considered 'a normal indulgence' while Case 2 is psychopathic. In both cases, the commitment to a plan is maintained. What do you think?

    In my case I'm not prepared to play with fire at the moment.

    So to get back to you, Sara, I think that once we learn to live in a different way, the need/desire/cravings for AL subside.

    Tring to make life great,
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


      AF Daily - Monday November 15

      Good Morning Doggygirl and All Abbies to Come,

      It's a beautiful day here in Wisconsin and I am home!inkele::jumpwow: No traveling for me until Wednesday!

      Yesterday, I had an early holiday lunch with a bunch of my family and was chilly here so we all ate and relaxed in front of a roaring fire. It was so nice to wake up from one of my holiday parties unhung! Last year at this time, I woke up on Monday morning and with all the empty champagne bottles, it looked like a party at The Betty Ford Center that had gone awry.:H

      There is no time for AL in my life today....too many fun and work activities planned, and I am just grateful for an AF day!

      Have a peaceful day, everyone!


        AF Daily - Monday November 15

        Hi Gaia,

        Sorry...cross post! I love reading your posts-always so thoughtful and insightful.


          AF Daily - Monday November 15

          GM DG, Gaia, Rusty & all Abbers to come!

          After a beautiful, sunny weekend in the mid 60's I woke up today to fog! How does that happen??

          I have a few Christmas gifts stashed away already. Shopping for my son's & grandson's November birthdays kind of gets me in gear for the holidays.

          I need to go wake up the 'girls' & coax them out into their play yard. Some of them have been to chicken to venture outside yet:H:H

          Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Monday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Monday November 15

            Hi guys!

            Happy Monday. I too have already started my X'mas shopping but still have tons left to do (uggh).

            Gaia - that's an interesting question you have posed - one which I am in no way able to even think about at this point! I have to stay AF - no choice for this alcoholic.

            Therapy day for me - I like therapy day even though I am usually so done after that Tuesday is a write off - but I'll worry about tomorrow............tomorrow!

            One thing is for sure for me today.

            Love and hugs
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily - Monday November 15

              Good morning DG, Uni, Lav, Gaia, Rusty and everyone! Another beautiful AF day here for me. Yah for coffee though! I need more.

              I just had a new driveway put in and today I'm getting the looks nice and more privacy. I may get a garage put in next spring, that will be nice.

              Gaia, that was a great posts. I'm still too sleepy to fully answer it though..I'll have to come back when I'm at 100%.

              My little girl spent her first night away last night on her own choice with her Nana and Papa, I honestly thought she would come home at bed time, but she didn't. I guess that means she's growing up (sniff sniff). It was nice knowing that eachtime my parents called with an update that I was not drinking (which would have been the case over a month ago now) and I was sober. That felt great for me.

              Loves to you all,


                AF Daily - Monday November 15


                Can anybody tell me how to find the "tool box"? As you can guess, I am pretty computer illiterate. I can't even figure out how to start a new thread!

                Anything I can Believe, I can Achieve!


                  AF Daily - Monday November 15

                  Good Morning Fabbies!!!

                  40 days. Gee thanks DG. ull

                  Rusty, what a great day yesterday! Sounds delish on a couple of levels.

                  Sara, for me, learning to live without alcohol was/is just that. Learning. A process. And it ebbed and flowed in degrees of difficulty always strengthening and solidifying. Over time I moved from decisions about social activities that involved drinking based on "can't " that moved to "can but with extreme caution" to "don't want to". The social stuff is just one aspect. There's the alcohol involvement that was hinged to a vast array of feelings. Happy sad angry frustrated worried annoyed contemplative etc....... Each time I had one without alcohol, I could remember that experience and success to deal with the next time -event - a process. It became the norm and at the very least, it is happily comfortable.

                  Gaia, I'm having a hard time with the comparison because the analytical part of me can't get by the mind, body, spirit components involved in terms of damage. Or maybe I'm missing the point because I see it from a damage perspective. But regarding the question could I maintain my sobriety with a few sips? Probably, but why would I even consider a few sips (I didn't drink for taste)? And by sips, I'm thinking just enough to swirl the taste buds not so much a swallow as a sip. Not a chance I'd be willing to take. Think on a cellular memory level. Think about clinical allergy testing. Why risk that possibility of a reactive experience?

                  OK, reeling myself in....:H

                  I have a serious pile of paperwork to tackle today. There is a foo-foo open house for some friends real estate extravaganza tonight. They are marketing some downtown loft apartments they built. I do hope it is successful for them. It'll be interesting to mix with the well-to-do crowd.

                  IJM, did you get through the gym doors? I'm needing to do that for activities other than yoga.

                  One thing is for sure!!!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Monday November 15

                    Hi believer Here ya go

                    It's the top post in the monthy abstinance section, for future reference.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Monday November 15

                      Hi lav - we had fog yesterday AM. "too chicken" :H

                      Uni - I still think it's just awesome the way you are doing this deep digging. :l

                      Gia, yes it is a great feeling to be full present and accounted for!

                      Believer, to start a new thread you go to the section in which you want to post. For example, General, or Just Starting Out, or Monthly Abstinance, etc. and click on the blue button towards the left that says New Thread (I hope, I'll have to check )
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Monday November 15

                        OK, this is by far the most fun thread on the website, so I'm sticking here. One thing is for sure.................No_______________way I'm going to drink today.

                        Feeling super today (as I always do now that I've given up the poison). My thinking about alcohol has totally changed. Sara, I hear what you're saying about being on the fence about your ability to moderate, and you might. I'm to the point now where even if I could, I wouldn't. I actually do put alcohol in the same league as heroin or other drugs - it just happens to be legal. MUCH more damage is done by alcohol than heroin. You literally are putting poison in your body when you drink. BUT, having preached all that...........we have to find our own way, and you will, whether it's now or later. I am just happy to be totally free of the albatross - nothing has a hold over me now, and that's an amazing feeling. All the things I thought I was getting from alcohol are illusions. I highly recommend Allen Carr's The Easy Way to Stop Drinking for a perspective on drinking that will change your thinking (no rhyme intended).

                        To all you other very wise and fun people......have a super AF day!


                          AF Daily - Monday November 15

                          My random thought which just popped out of the blue..commando bat balls..still working on that coffee.


                            AF Daily - Monday November 15

                            G'mornin' all!

                            Feeling a bit STABBY this morning. I want to kick BF in his bat-balls. __________ lazy arse!:H

                            The last sentence is a result from smoking withdrawal and his inability to keep the house clean while I work on the weekends.

                            Well, off to work this AM. I am grateful to have a job. I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for my sobriety. Of course I am grateful for many other things as well. A little bit of positive thinking to help me out of this grumpy mood.

                            K, feeling better after that.

                            Have a fabulous day everyone!!!


                              AF Daily - Monday November 15

                              Phew! I got got past a big sobby, boo-hoo, valueless life, regret filled phone call from my dad. My mouth hangs open in amazement at how our relationship plays out. Think I'll drag out a smudge stick. Need to smooth my feathers down. That was unsettling.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

