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AF Daily - Tues 11/16

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    AF Daily - Tues 11/16

    A quick AF oooooh rooooh! From my phone. Xxxxxxx
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily - Tues 11/16

      Hello Abbers,

      Checking in after a day of meetings. Hope all is well with everyone.

      FYI for those of you wondering if your drinking is serious enough to warrant abstinence, check out the "Four Stages of Alcoholism" thread in the Long Term Abstainers section. Very thorough description of the progression of alcholism and how it is best to jump on the wagon earlier rather than later.

      ItsJustMe, good to hear that you are going for another 30 days. And yes, I am a runner. Exercise has been huge in my recovery. I ran a 1/2 marathon and several 5 and 10 mile racers during my first year of being AF. I trained for a full marathon but injured my foot and back. Having these goals was a huge motivator for me to stay AF. I still hold a full marathon as a goal.

      BB, A date! Can't wait to hear all about it

      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily - Tues 11/16

        Whassa date? :H
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Tues 11/16

          greeneyes;1005230 wrote: Whassa date? :H

          BB, Good for you! A date sounds like soooooooooooo much fun! I need to go out on a date! BF isn't great at initiating outings. Lazy, cheap, bum! Hmmm... maybe he will let me date on the side? Just use men for free dinners and some harmless fun? Just kidding!

          Well, I am the biggest PIG ever. I have been eating all day long! LOTS of carbs! Sandwich, a large-assed serving of spaghetti noodles with a chicken breast, garlic, basil and olive oil. A can of vegetable soup, a tiny pack of licorice.... GEEZUS! And it isn't even dinner yet. :upset:

          Anyway, have a good night everyone. I guess I should roll myself over to the kitchen and get dinner started. UGH!


            AF Daily - Tues 11/16

            momo3, i started running in vibram 5 fingers this summer and really liked the whole barefoot thing...have you tried them? i ran a 5k, but wore regular shoes, as the farthest i ran "barefoot" was 2 miles. it really strengthens muscles i didn't even realize i had!

            the kid and i made fudge and homemade mac & about un-comfort food...blech! guess i'm not vegan least it's not 2 bottles of wine! and i walked 5 miles, so i guess a little fun is ok.

            have a good evening, and if you get a chance, check out the senate bill 510 thread i posted in's scary stuff and the senate votes on it tomorrow, so if you can call and tell them to vote "NOOOOOOOOOOO",we might have a chance....especially all you gardeners!!!



              AF Daily - Tues 11/16

              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                AF Daily - Tues 11/16

                Jell-0 Folks –

                Pardon the short post but I am totally drained but I wanted to stop in and say Hi on the way to bed! I had a very long day at work then another visit to the gym this evening. I am starting to get sore in places where I didn’t know muscles existed…. I think my hair is even sore!

                Greenie – Hope you had an awesome day – you deserve a great one!

                Bear – Don’t feel like a fraud. I think everyone here is at a different part of their journey. Some realized their problem early on while others learned later down the road. The important thing is that regardless of where you are, that you have the (insert your favorite body part) to recognize the problem and start to deal with it. Like so many here, I went for a few weeks AF and then tried to mod. I failed miserably at it. In less than a month I was consuming more alcohol per day than before I started. Very scary for me. I now know that Mod is out of the question for me so I am rebuilding my life with that in mind.

                BB – Have I told you lately how much I am loving your avatar!!! I know you change it often. As a personal request, please leave this one on for at least a few more days! Totally awesome about the date. If he treats you less than a lady tell him you know this Georgia redneck that will beat him like a rented mule….

                M3 – a ? marathon!?! I am wickedly impressed. My goal is a 5K in three months. Once I hit that milestone I will set my sites toward something like a half.

                Hey to AFM, peace, BTC, Uni, Choochie, Raven, LVT, Determinator, Pride, Lav and of course Doggie

                Thought for the day: If 4 out of 5 people suffer from Hemorrhoids, does that mean that one person enjoys them?

                Take care,

