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AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

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    AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

    Good morning peeps,

    It's been a busy household here the last couple days and I haven't got a chance to check through the last couple threads really well, but I really hope everyone is going strong and if not that today looks better for you.

    I managed to get out our Christmas tree and I have it up. It's not decorated yet, but it's prelit so the white lights on just the tree its self looks beautiful. The babe loves it. Been busy helping my mother in her garden pulling carrots and preparing them for the freezer. I even got quite a few little care packages for helping her, nothing like home grown veggies.

    I have a couple girls coming for the babe today for her EIBI today, so it will be a busy house here again today. Need to bake a cake, we have new Christmas sprinkles so a cake must be made.

    Like DG says...One thing is for sure...

    Love to you all,

    AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

    Morning Fabbie Abbies!!

    Christmas lights! I'm still wearing sandals :H Today promises to be a gorgeous fall day. What's left of the leaves really pop with color. Think I'll do a sunrise walk with little doggie.

    The yellow warning light is flashing on my mojo indicator. Almost makes me feel like wearing beige underwear. :H (but not quite) I've got some sorting to do and some of my boundary lines to clarify. I feel myself engaging in needless angst. I hate that. But I'd rather hate it and deal with it than drink it into oblivion. We ALL know the worsening effects of that tactic!

    I must mention to my dad again to please look at clock before he dials my number. 2;30 AM doesn't work for me. When he's in this blue mood, he asks for sleeping pills and narc dials in the middle of the night.

    You USA peeps might want to take a look at that senate bill S 510 thread TODAY if you haven't. Big brother wants to manage your garden. Might want mention to your reps how you feel about that before it's voted on.

    It's trash day - Lav you still dragging stuff out to the street?

    It's a wunnerful wednesday! Have one!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

      Hello friends,
      Just a quick check in to say hi. Since I'm not working as much, I find myself spending WAY too much time on the Internet and MWO.

      Gia--don't you get a little tired of the Christmas stuff by the time Christmas is over? I suppose with a little girl in the house it never gets old!!:H Enjoy your day.

      I sent a letter to our Senator about the 510 bill. I'm not sure how he's voting on it, but I've lost all confidence in him since he had the chance to do something about the health care reform bill and he sold us out. Made a bargain. Maybe he had our best interest at heart I do not know. I do think Big Brother is trying to take over EVERYTHING, not just my garden.

      #1 son is exhausted. Up at 5 am for basketball practice, home at 10:30 pm after play practice. I hope he doesn't end up getting sick before all this is over.

      Cold and blustery here. Enjoy your sandals Greenie.

      Have a great sober day all! :h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

        Morning Abbers!

        Hmmm - I would like to eat the cake - I just don't want to bake it! LOL

        Greeny - 2:30am is what I used to do in my drinking days - I guess I figured if i was awake so should all of my friends be! (oh the selfishness of my ego)

        I am tired today and feeling kind of blah. Yesterday was actually a really great day for me - I felt good which is nice for me because it is kind of rare - happy thoughts all day. It's nice to know those days do still exist in my world and that more will be coming.

        Today I am going to take it easy. I have some homework to do which I will work on. Other than that I am going to not do to much - I will let my body tell me whether or not I need to rest, take care etc.

        One thing is for sure........

        Happy hump day!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

          Morning Abbers!

          I like the way that sounds! Here in Texas it is cool for us 69/39 today but far from cold. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving weekend and all the shopping! I have found my Christmas stuff but have not pulled it out yet. This will be our 3rd and last Christmas in this house with any luck our next Christmas will be in our very own house. I love Christmas until about a week before. . .that is when the fun goes away and the fact that you have spent to much money kicks in LOL.

          Today I will be studying for my medical coding test on Saturday, hope I do well!

          as it goes on here

          One things for sure. . .
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

            good luck on your test jenn.

            greenie, it's more than the garden that bill will effect (as i'm sure you know) it will criminalize small organic farmers who don't fill out ALL the crazy forms and permits (undue burden) fro selling their goods at a farmer's market, and make heirloom or any seed collecting illegal, and make it so ONLY monsanto's deathly frankenseeds would be used in the creepy stuff. this is our lives and health they are messing with. there is alot more involved, i suggest people read the bill and call/write your senator asap to protest the bill. it's named under the auspices of "food safety", but there are already plenty of food safety regulations, the fda just doesn't properly use them.

            -ok, rant over-

            i'm off to the dr. about all my troubles, please cross your fingers, i'm worried! my sister is going to meet me, so i won't be alone, bless her lovely heart.
            i'm also going to work at our local (well, for me it's 50 miles away) co-op today. it's one of the few all volunteer co-ops in the country!

            one thing is for damn sure...



              AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

              Morning Abbers!

              Yes Greenie, the trash is out! I only have a once/week pickup here so I hate it when I forget.

              Have been running around assessing wind damage - big winds blew thru here overnight. The power was off for over an hour so I've reset all the clocks. Chicks were safe in their coop & are now running around in their yard with the wind ruffling their feathers.

              Greenie, you can quietly ask the nursing home staff to move your Dad's phone out of reach at bed time. Tell them that he's been calling you at night, they'll understand.

              Well, I need to go do some more $$ manifesting. Got a little complacent after the windfall last weekend :H:H

              Wishing everyone a very Happy Hump Day!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                Good morning!!

                Gia, I have a prelit tree as well. I bought it a couple of years back. All white lights as well. I have been thinking about starting decorating. I always find my motivation dwindles quickly after the thought. I still have yet to put the lights up outside. A couple of my neighbours obviously felt ambitious over the weekend. Their yards are all decked out in the Christmas spirit. I am not feeling all that Christmas-y this past week. I think it is smoking withdrawal. Over 3 weeks now.... and it has always been the 3 week mark when I get a tad bit grumpy.... but I am feeling I am slowly coming out of it, thank God. I know, you can fly out this way and set everything up for me hahaha

                Greenie, sandals??? Lucky bum. They are calling for snow here in the next couple of days. Which is really a rarity this early on the West Coast. I am glad that I got the little one all suited up for winter early this year. People here, on the Island, cannot drive in snow.... They are all retards, I swear. It should be interesting. I usually wave at those who are ditch-bound as I drive by. Serves them right for going way too fast.

                Good luck on your Dr.'s visit, Peace! Let us know how it goes.

                Uni - glad you had a good day yesterday!

                Hello, LVT & Jen & Lav!

                And a hello to everyone else!

                I am off to Victoria this morning to help my Nana clean her carpets. Have a great day everyone.


                  AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                  Hi Abbies,

                  BB that's nice you got your tree up. I"m such a last minute minnie when it comes to decorating.

                  Greenie being awakened at 2:30 am is enough to make anyone's light go yellow. Maybe take it easy today? At least it's trash day.

                  LV thanks for mentioned S.510. I hadn't read it! How interesting. About 5,000 Americans die each year because of eating contaminated food, and this bill aims to set higher standards regarding food safety. To call it the most dangerous bill ever introduced in the US seems a bit extreme. But, the Tester Amendment exempts small producers. To me, the Tester Amendment is the biggest sellout, because any good producer is going to keep good records anyway so why small producers be patronized? Of course, Monsanto is against the bill because it might impact its market, and they are the ones behind the opposition to this bill. A website backed by Monsanto entitled S.510 Hissing in the Grass says:

                  “If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.” ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower

                  Uh, I don't think it precludes the right to grow and sell food. I thought it mandated the obligation to grow and sell food which is not contaminated with things which make people, especially children and elderly, sick and die. And why is a Canadian opining on US legislation? You can read the bill here: Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

                  By the way, the bill also imposes tougher restrictions on imported food, which should make domestic producers happy.

                  But I think that's great that you sent a little to your Senator - we all have the priviledge to voice our opinions and should do so early, and often.

                  [off my soapbox now]

                  Hi Uni, Jenny and Peacnik. Peace let us know how it went a the md's, ok?

                  Hi Lav and AFM. Cross post, nearly.

                  Happy Hump Day!
                  AF since May 6, 2010

                  Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                    AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                    Hi Everyone,

                    Fantastic day today - Jenny I too am in Texas - haven't we had outstanding weather lately!! Perfect, sunny, cool, not hot (a welcome change)!!

                    Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Am checking into treating myself to a two-day/night spa vacation. Didn't someone here just go on one? May have been Zen. Wasn't you was it, Greenie?

                    BTW, Greenie - Big Happy Birthday!! (I sent you a card on the other thread)

                    Peace - I too sent my Senators letters on the bill - the taking over of our food and my ability to support small organic farmers is the scariest thing going on in this country IMHO. Seems like everything is controlled by corporations - but when they start F@!+#+! with the food - that's terrifying! (My biggest soap box)..............



                      AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                      Happy birthday Queenie Greenie!!!Treat yourself to a lovely day.

                      I've been on a course today - early finish and I am all ready to leave for skating in an hour.
                      Beats the usual Wednesday evening scramble!

                      Two more days then it's the weekend - my work enthusiasm is hugely dwindling - to be expected I guess in current climate and redundancy/restructure on horizon/lots of conflict around.Though at least I don't feel outwardly stressed. Plan to subscribe to paper to get daily jobs pages and cut out for my next career counselling session in January (really lapsed with this and have 2 more appts and want them to be worth it)

                      Ten more working days then I'm away on holiday - put on a pound over mother's visit - much better than usual - real exercise and diet focus for next 2 weeks. While I'm away plan to eat lots of fish/drink loads of water and just snorkell/swim.

                      Feeling good - doctor re-assessed my depression and my scores were MUCH better - increased dose of fluoxetine is working. One day at a time and keeping my forever plan to myself for now - no one needs to know - may try to do this apart from with OH for at least 3 months.

                      Whaddya think - I think I have a bit of a sabotage button - if I start losing weight/stopping smoking/drinking and someone says well done I seem to lapse pretty soon after.
                      Sound like a plan?
                      one day at a time


                        AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                        Humping all the way today
                        I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                          AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                          Top of the day fellow AF'ers near and far!

                          yes, under the best of intentions legislation is passed, then we wonder why we as a nation choke to death in bureaucracy and red tape and get very little done. The biggest and most blatantly corrupt of all big corporations is our federal government, and the more we can keep it at bay the better (although I'm afraid Mr Jefferson was right and we've let it get totally utterly out of control).

                          in other news.....

                          off on the road again today so I'll be leaving sooner than later so I'll still have sunlight driving in the mountains. winter driving in the Sierras can be a little harrowing. I remember making that drive hung over and just wishing I was dead. ugh!

                          be well everyone and eat your garlic
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                            Well, I didn't end up going to Nana's to help her clean her carpets.... I started my drive there and within 15 minutes turned around. There is SOOOOO much water on the highway, literally pools up to my wheel wells, that I was freakin' hydroplaning.

                            No, thanks! I turned around and hydroplaned my scared ass home! Whew! Stoooooooooooopid ass rain storm!!!


                              AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                              Bear you have just discovered why in al-anon they tell loved ones NOT to every congratulate their alcoholic on milestones.

                              You are never supposed to get a pat on the back for doing something you are supposed to be doing anyway.

                              Even if it's hard for you.
                              AF since May 6, 2010

                              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

