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AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

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    AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!;1005676 wrote: Humping all the way today

    Coochie, thanks! (but it's Friday )
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

      LVT25;1005554 wrote: Gia--don't you get a little tired of the Christmas stuff by the time Christmas is over? I suppose with a little girl in the house it never gets old!!:H Enjoy your day.
      Sometimes. I'm only getting lights out right now and having them lit, I don't have any ornaments or anything yet. But the white lights are really nice, and I keep most out all year anyway.

      AFM, good for you on turning around, it can be scary with all that water. It's really raining here as well. And yup, I would fly out there for yah.


        AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

        Good Afternoon Abbers! I haven't been able to check in the last day or so. Work is really busy right now, even though it's supposed to be the slow part of our year! So much for catching up yet! Not having much access to a computer at home is frustrating as well. I will have my new computer very soon though and won't have to share with the DIL.

        Hope everyone is doing great! I'm still AF and now 3 days NF. I feel great!!!

        Have a lovely rest of the day/evening to everyone!

        Big hugs to you all! :l :l



          AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

          CM - good job on the cigs! I think they're worse than AL!!


            AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

            Quitting smoking was MUCH harder for me................
            the damn things still enter my consciousness every half hour or so! I will be smoke free 18 months on Friday & I can't stop thinking about them - hate that.

            Good luck to you Chops!

            Hi Choochie, how did you do quitting smoking?
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

              Hi Lav, I don't know how I quit smoking, really. Seems like I had tried a thousand times. I did the nicotine patches and gum for a short period of time. I think what did it for me was when my husband got cancer. His wasn't smoking related (he never smoked) but it jolted me into seeing how scary it is to get really sick. It made me thankful for my good health. I quit drinking around the same time. I don't know why we can take our health for granted. We know all the dangers of this stuff but can still put it in our bodies. What other living creature would knowingly try to destroy itself? Amazing if you think about it!!


                AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                I'm sorry to hear about your husband, that's tough.
                Sometimes I feel like an utter disgrace for abusing myself the way I did. I spent my life in working in healthcare & saw first hand what these addictions do to people............I just don't know what to say except that we are just human & subject to making mistakes. We're lucky we quit before anything too horrible happened
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                  Hey Hey everyone! It's been a long day and I had lots of catching up to do!! all the threads I'm on were very busy!

                  Rain has stopped but it's tres windy. Lav, your wind got to us fast! I'm lucky I don't have many trees left in my yard or I'm sure there would at least be branches down if not more. The gusts have to be at least 50+.

                  Kind of lost my mojo a bit yesterday. Had a rough nite of sleep and it was very hard to get up this morning. But the cool thing was, once I was up I was up and ready to go. No hangover, no fatigue. Ahhhhhh. Feeling better today and tonite although still pissed at my career/financial/social situation. On another thread, there was a great repost of Distress Tolerance. It really hit home and I can see where I've been spending a lot of energy angsting over some things that right now are out of my control. But a lot are in my control and I can continue to whine and moan about them or I can take concrete steps to change them. The outcome may not be what I want or expected but at least I tried. I'm choosing the BGTP for now.

                  AFM-so glad you were able to return home safe and sound! Hope the rain has let up by now.

                  IJM-good for you for starting the gym routine. Maybe you'll even inspire me!!

                  Deter-safe travels!!

                  Greenie-I agree with Lav-ask them to remove the phone at nite. Does he ever remember calling you the next day? I'll wait to wish you HB till Friday!! That way you can have 3 whole days of Bday wishes!! Hope your mojo light is more green than yellow tonite.

                  Peace-how did the Dr. appt go? Please check in!!

                  Jenny-good to see you again. Keep on winning OK?

                  LVT-good wishes for your son

                  M3-continued good remodeling vibes heading your way. You do sound better so maybe you all have settled into a routine?

                  Uni-I think your making progress each and every day!!

                  Bear-If you think congratulations are a trigger for you then you should do whatever it takes not to relapse and don't be afraid to ask the same of friends and family, including us!!

                  Hope I haven't missed anyone. I'm sure DG will be checking in soon. I finally got to watch the season premier of Burn Notice tonite. It's such a cool relaxing way to detach for an hour!! New episode tomorrow nite so I'll be able to watch it Friday nite on Hulu. Off to bed with new books from the library. Catch you all tomorrow!!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                    Hi everyone!! I love the mojo on this thread these days. Such a fabulous balance of participation from newcomers, returnees and, well, whatever us oldy moldies are. Congratulations to all on another day of AF-dom! All we have is today, and this is certainly a one day at a time gig for all of us.

                    Bear you have just discovered why in al-anon they tell loved ones NOT to every congratulate their alcoholic on milestones.

                    You are never supposed to get a pat on the back for doing something you are supposed to be doing anyway.

                    Even if it's hard for you.
                    I've not personally been to an Alanon meeting so don't know what they say in meetings. What I have experienced first hand on many, many occassions is Alanon spouses participating in anniversary recognitions, and also speaking out with positive commentary when AA spouses speak at open meetings. So if Alanon really does teach that the Alanon spouse should never pat the back of the AA spouse, then in my area, it's not practiced very effectively.

                    There is a valid point I've heard around the tables. Not as an extreme point as in "never" or "always." More of a reminder to us as alcoholics to keep in mind that there have been times for most of us when we have NOT lived up to our responsibilities. So on some level, being sober and just taking care of what we aught to have been taking care of all along is not some reason to bring out the cheerleaders, it's just time to be grateful that we are now able to take care of our responsibilities. When it was explained to me that way, I can certainly see the validity in that point of view. It's a humbler way to view things, and I often DO need a little prod to keep my ego in check. Doesn't seem to stop everyone (me included) celebrating the anniversaries though. :yougo: (including many Alanon spouses participating) I can only speak to what I experience first hand. Maybe it's not that way everywhere.

                    Peace, thanks for the link in your other thread and the reminder to contact our elected officials. I've participated in prior e-mail campaigns but doing it again can't hurt. Except that with the IL crowd, I'm sure it can't help either. ull

                    Speaking of politics, I went to the local chamber Business After Hours tonight. I'm so glad that the presence of AL at these things doesn't even call my name now. I hope to keep up my daily sobriety program to keep it this way. It's nice not to have the mental battle / obsession raging. As usual, the vast majority of people drink 0, 1, or maybe 2. Then there is the "fringe element" that I used to be part of that was busy over drinking. I used to think that either 1) "everyone" was drinking like that (and they certainly aren't), or 2) I was cleverly hiding my consumption (which I certainly wasn't). I can still feel mortified just thinking about the old days. Can't do anything about it though, other than live in a better way today.

                    P3, I'm glad you are in better mojo today.

                    Happy Birthday Queen of Green!! :crowned:

                    IJM - I have a bat story for you that is totally :H I will have to save that for a moment of more energy.

                    Nighty night fabbies. One thing is for sure!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Wednesday 11/17 HUMP DAY!

                      Hello, how's everyone doing?
                      Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                      "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic

