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AF Daily - Thursday November 18

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    AF Daily - Thursday November 18

    Morning Abbies,

    What's shakin' today? I have such a busy day. It will be nonstop activity. That is fine.

    DG I wanted to come back to the Al-anon discussion. I have been to a few meetings, and so has my mom. This was done in support of my father. It was my mom that told me that you're not supposed to give praise to the alcoholic for not drinking. Praising can be enabling, for some, in that after praise it's cause for a celebration! Conversely, if for some reason the praise is not delivered (or, in the mind of the alcoholic looking for a hunting license to drink) in the right way, it becomes the trigger. So better to avoid all praise from third parties and leave it to the alkie to develop a sense of self-pride in not drinking.

    However, my dad has never met a milestone, as far as I know, and never has been involved in any public sessions or meetings so maybe she only got half the story.

    Additionally, I could be extrapolating due to my DH's attitude, which is "why say something supportive if you can say something cutting?" What I wrote yesterday are his words, exactly. He is getting advice from somewhere, and in my opinion this advice is destructive to our relationship. But what I don't know is how much of this is what the source says and how much of it is his own attitude.

    I have never received any pat on the back from him for making six months. Only a few times in my life has he ever told me "good job" for anything. For a co-dependent person this is hell.

    So again I put a bit of my own situation in to my response but the gist is the same.

    Oh how I envy those of you with support from your spouse! It must be so nice.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Thursday November 18

    Wakey Wakey Abbies!!

    Breakfast Is Served....

    I'm glad to wake up delightfully clear-headed, refreshed, and mojoed. It's not ful tilt, but it ain't gone missin'. I think I'm having practice in self-centering/grounding in relationships. When I think about this, in the past one thing would build upon the other and I would fuel my feelings of (usually indignance at other's behaviors) with alcohol until I spun out into the orbit of full blown victimhood and anger. Ring a bell, anyone? Oh 'tis so good to be a clear-headed, rational queen!

    P3, no my dad doesn't remember the middle of the night calls. When I mentioned it to him, he got defensive and said I put him on a guilt trip. Instead of fussing (see above) I laughed and told him to be sure to fasten his seat belt and give me a call when he was back, provided it was daylight and simply ended the call. Remember #4 of that list? Stop spending time with people who have agreed to live with negative states. I applied that to that moment in time. Disengaging from that behaivor is in the best interest of our relationship. So is turning of the ringer in the bedroom.
    BTW, That unfinished sentence "I'm with you on"... I can't remember but I think it was about cleaning chores.
    AND, my special barter talent is... haircuts! So when I say I want to give someone's husband (not to mention Lav or LVT or Gaia :H ) a haircut with a A-hole design in the back, could be done!:ey:

    Tonight is a big holiday extravaganza in the hip part of town. With blocked off streets, art galleries have late hours, street performers, holiday wares on display at shops, and flowing alcohol specials at bars and restos. I'm on the fence. I'm not crazy for crowds and the people that crowd into the galleries for the free wine piss me off. Yah, yah, I know... I was one of them not that long ago.... :H But I have enjoyed the gallery shows in the past, so maybe..

    BTC, I read you drank a bottle last night. I'm sorry you decided to drink and I'm glad you are right back on the wagon. I understand that feeling of relief. I had it after a year AF and I can explain the initial decision all kinds of ways but it turned into a full blown relapse. I feel like I need to warn you about that feeling of relief though. It has the potential to give a false sense of security and open the door for complacency. You will wonder about it again. You will hear the voice saying it's been X time, you can do it now, blah blah blah. If you "check it out" each time it calls, it becomes a serial relapser situation, IMHO. What will you do next time to override it?

    Have a terrific day-before-greenie's-birthday thursday everyone! :H
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Thursday November 18

      Hi gaia!

      I am very interested in the no-praise aspect of al-anon. I had never heard that. iIt puzzles the behaviorist in me. Perhaps there is a distinction between acknowledgement and encouragement VS praise and celebration?

      Gaia, I have to go back and read what you husb said yesterday. I was already wanting to give him a haircut. I hope you know that you are a fine, strong, caring, giving person with a delightful sense of humor and you are worthy of everything and more that he is not able to show.

      OK, so on the praise thing and the internalization of reinforcement. The behaviorist can't agree with the avoidance of all praise by third parties. It just flies in the face of everything I was taught and practiced as a professional.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Thursday November 18

        Good morning, :biatch:'s!

        Queen Bean, can't WAIT to break out my party undies tomorrow.:day5:

        Gaia, your husband sounds a lot like my ex. Dave withheld affection and praise, the rationale being it was "good for me." I certainly married what I knew, and he lived what he grew up with. I was lonelier in the last years of that marriage than I ever was alone.

        Have you read John Gottman's "Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work"? He describes the "four horsemen of the apocalypse": criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling. I highly recommend it. While it's not contigent on anyone else to make you happy, they don't get to use you as emotional target practice, either. :tsk: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert (9780609805794): John M. Gottman, Nan Silver: Books

        My two cents: haircut.

        Off to work (P3, I'm soooo with you on the lack of mojo around beige careers! I'm so sick of counting every penny, too. Let's hold each other accountable to making some changes!).

        Much love to all of you yet to check in,

        xoxox Pride
        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


          AF Daily - Thursday November 18

          Good morning Gaia, Greenie and everyone who checks in today,

          My little girl has preschool all morning and into the afternoon, so I have some time to myself. I've got a stew going made from venison which will slow cook all day and I'll add the veggies later on, but the smell of the fresh garlic, ginger, and all the different herbs from my garden and spices are really smelling very good.

          Gaia, I think you should tell your hubby he needs a new haircut and direct him to Greenie's Barbershop. I'm sure she will fix him up beautifully.

          I've been doing alot of thinking lately on the guilt factor which seems to accompany drinking. The over compensating to make people happy, feeling guilty over situations which really have nothing to do with myself. I am fairly helpful with my family, I am generous if they need financial assitance, if they need a drive somewhere, purchasing things because I think they would like it or treating them out to a meal and I do this quite frequently. If I happen to not jump on a certain comment or hint, I feel guilty. Why? Is this my way of feeling guilty for possibly the way I made them feel when I was drinking and I feel like I have to do this to make it up to them? And I believe that, yes, this is what I do. I tend to go over and above and sometimes rush around trying to maintain my own household and be everything to everyone..and that's just not practical and frankly it's quite exhausting.

          So, I had a little talk with myself this morning (Yes, I'm demented..I'm and I've decided that I really don't need to put myself in these situations, in the past all it did was drive me to the bottle and I can't be victim to that anylonger and I can no longer use this as an excuse to drink. I will still ofcourse continue to help others out, but if I really can't for whatever reason I'm going to stop beating myself up about it.

          And that's my little decision for the day..thanks for listening to me rant.


            AF Daily - Thursday November 18

            Cross posted - Good morning Pride!

            What colour are your party panties? Or do you have different styles and colours for the different types of parties? I like to switch it up.


              AF Daily - Thursday November 18

              Gia, mine are black with red trim and a strategically placed band of red fringe across the fanny (the British fanny--I've learned so much here). The words "My fringe swings" are stitched above it. They work great with an ultra-short "naughty nurse" (Lav??????) outfit.

              I'm more interested in what g-man, Det, and IJM are going to wear. :bigwink:
              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                AF Daily - Thursday November 18

                Sounds quite fun! lol.

                Do men still wear briefs anymore? The Speedo type? I don't really know why they do, unless they have the body of a Greek God. Now I'm wondering with the men wear...come on boys, it's time for show and tell. Hahhaa


                  AF Daily - Thursday November 18

                  Hey guys - haven't checked in for awhile but my program has been reaching out to me on my own so I'm trying to take the hint! Always amazes me that just when I start thinking that I don't need it as much anymore, it reminds me that isn't true. It's always awesome to see the same names posting in this section - shows the dedication that you have to beating this disease!

                  I was watching 'Law & Order: SVU' last night, and the Assistant DA who had been sent away to a treatment center for alcoholism was back. It was interesting to watch her interact with others in a stressful environment - working her program and doing what she needed to do to stay sober. Interesting twist at the end, as she had to let go of things that were out of her control, and by doing so was ultimately presented the opportunity to win the case she was prosecuting.

                  Anyway, good morning to all, have a wonderful day, and glad to see that everyone is doing so well. Life is awesome when you are sober and can actually enjoy it!
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    AF Daily - Thursday November 18

                    OMG...AA! How are you? Good to see you still going strong!


                      AF Daily - Thursday November 18

                      Doing well - and thanks for asking. Funny how the thoughts of drinking can disappear entirely , but all the crap that I drank over is still part of my everyday life. Trying not to forget that, cause if I do I'm screwed....

                      Guess at the end of the day it's about finding balance in life, correct?
                      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                        AF Daily - Thursday November 18

                        I couldn't agree more with you. Not picking up the bottle does not make your problems magically go away, but it does make it easier to work through them.


                          AF Daily - Thursday November 18

                          Hello friends.

                          Perhaps we should start calling this the Daily AF how's your panties thread???

                          This may be tmi--but my son recently purchased some American Eagle Briefs which are Fuchsia in color. My DH--always been a tighty whitey man. :H I would also be curious to see our fellow af'ers in their drawers.

                          Anyway, I just wanted to give my .02 about the praise/celebration of one's sobriety. IMHO if a person is not totally committed or in true recovery, it does not matter a rat's ass if you praise them, ignore them or berate them. Anything and everything gives them an excuse to drink. At least that was my experience with my ex. Remember--we can't control anyone but ourselves--even with our words and actions.

                          Ok, everyone, have a great sober day. :h I'm off to go find some party panties for tomorrow.

                          (Great to see you AA) :l
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF Daily - Thursday November 18

                            Morning everyone!

                            AA - I love that show - I watched it too, it was good.

                            I am not sure what today holds for me - I may do some x'mas shopping. I know I have to get out of the house for a bit, that's for sure.

                            I do have my AA meeting tonight so I will go to that. Right now I am just enjoying my morning coffee and will see where the day takes me.

                            Love and hugs,
                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              AF Daily - Thursday November 18

                              AA, nice to meet you! I really love hearing from long-term Abs, it helps me stay focused.

                              LVT, my son bought some of those, and he wears them under his white soccer uniform. Mom tries to be hip with that, but in truth, mom is mortified!

                              Uni, in case you missed my post Monday--CONGRATS on month 4! So glad you've muscled through the depression, are actively doing something about it, and (most of all) are still with me on the sober train! :huggy

                              'Kay (feck, it's 10), back to my scintillating career.

                              xoxoox Pride
                              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers

