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AF Daily - Friday November 19

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    AF Daily - Friday November 19

    Very EARLY Mornin’ All –

    I figured I would kick things off this morning. I fell awake at 3AM for no apparent reason. Not sure what that is about but I am totally awake – not feeling bad at all. I feel like I normally do when I get up around 6:30. Guess when I get off work this afternoon I will look like one of the characters in ‘Night of the Living Dead’…..

    This has been a pretty stressful week at work. Lots and lots of demands, mentally draining. I did get two good workouts Monday and Tuesday. Wed and Thurs I had to work later in the evening. My gym is open 24 hours so I am actually thinking of heading over there in a little bit this morning. A workout before work – that is a concept!

    Greenie – Totally awesome about the Gym. What motivates me it to actually mentally picture how I will feel after the workout. Don’t dwell on the workout – just picture yourself afterward.

    DG – have fun and be careful on your trip.

    BB – How ya doin? This has to be day 7 for you. In seeing your posts this week it looks like you are doing great. You changed your avatar. They just get better and better. Is your date this weekend?

    Mrs. IMJ has to work one weekend a month at the hospital. This is her weekend – she works 7a to 7p. So I will be alone a great deal with lots of time to think about Al. That sort of worries me. I am going to try to stay really really busy and keep away from any triggers. I may take my youngest out for a movie marathon. Or maybe I will stay home and just play with the bats – NOT. I think I would rather shove a firecracker up my butt and squat over a flaming hibachi rather than have anything to do with those critters.

    And of course here is IMJ’s thought of the day…Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

    Have a great day!

    AF Daily - Friday November 19

    I guess there is more chance of the gesture being mis understood....
    They switched on the lights in Bath last nigth and town was full so I got back from work late and it has been a rare pleasure to sleep in this morning.
    I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


      AF Daily - Friday November 19

      Morning everyone,

      First of all, Papmom, I think you're wonderful! You are a kind and thoughtful person. I'm so glad you are part of this forum, because you add so much. I believe the right job will come along and you just keep on looking it will come.

      DG on the praise thing again, your comment:

      So the praise and approval from others isn't as important to me as it used to be. I hope to someday grow beyond a feeling of need for others approval. If I am doing my best to do the next right thing then that should be good enough for me. Anyway...that's sort of what seems to be dawning on me related to the topic at hand. It's a good topic for me to contemplate. I'd rather not be dependent on external praise or approval that is outside of my control.

      Yep that's precisely why al-anon says no praise. The goal is to get where you are. And yes that is part of behaving like an adult, operating from the center rather than needing external signals.

      That being said, I still envy the support from Mr. Doggy that you received along the way.

      And despite Mr. T's desperate need for a haircut, he has 'done' some things which support my being AF, like he gave up cognac on a nightly basis. I think there's a difference between looking for a cheerleader which is very superficial and blooming like a flower after hearing that someone you love thinks you're doing fine. My flower will still bloom though. Maybe ultimately it will last longer but for now if feels a bit undernourished.

      Greenie glad the art show was fun.

      Sorry all gotta run.
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF Daily - Friday November 19

        Good morning everyone!

        And it is a beautiful day here today! The sun is shining, it's a little crisp out, but it is nice here. A friend of the family who hunts stopped by and dropped off some vension for us and my parents so I gave him some stew I made as a thank you, it was a win-win.

        Raven, good morning to you!

        IJM, I am in indeed back on Day 7! I'm keeping track on Drink Tracker and recording it there so I don't forget. It's nice to see the days add up. And I found a new Avatar, just for you. The gym sounds great, I wish I had one here. I loved going. You sure you don't want to stay home and play with the fornicating rats from hell instead of sweating it out at the gym?

        Gaia, I am with you on not needing your own cheerleading squad. But it is nice to hear something supportive from people, even though we are adults everyone likes to feel appreciated. But, I know what you both mean and I'm probably not explaining it as well as I can right now. I have yet to make my morning coffee.

        Love to you all ♥


          AF Daily - Friday November 19

          Good morning fabbies! IJM, thanks for getting us going today. Good that you are thinking ahead to the weekend with Mrs. IJM at work, and making a plan. Doing fun stuff with the young ones sounds fabulous. Good Daddy time AND good AF time. I can 100% relate to what you said about the gym - focusing on the way you will feel after. I am the same way. I do not relish the actual exercise, but love how I feel when I'm done. I enjoy it more now that I have figured out that honest little point, and dont' try to convince myself I love the exercise part.

          We finished boot camp at the end of last week and I really pushed hard. So I took this week off. I will be back to the grind next week, even though it will be a short one with Thanksgiving - Curves will be closed Thursday and Friday.

          Gaia, I hope Mr. T treats you in a way you can feel wonderful about as his wife.

, you and IJM are a dangerous combination. What lights came on in Bath? Christmas lights?

          BB, have fun on your date this weekend. Can't wait to read about it when I get back. Congrats on a successful week back on the wagon!

          HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREENIE!!!! :bday7: Hope your day is befitting for a Queen!

          Hello to all other fabbies. Have a safe and fabulous weekend! One thing is for sure....I won't be thinkin' about drinkin' this weekend.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Friday November 19

            GM Abbers!

            Happy Friday! I have lots & lots to do today but that's OK.

            IJM - you need a parttime job as a stand up comedian :H

            Greetings Raven! Love the lights myself.

            Gaia, you are welcome to use my special 'Lavan-ittude'! I don't need approval from anyone for anything......of course it's nice to be recognized once in a while but overall I don't need permission or approval from anyone. I am an adult capable of doing my own thing & decision making

            DG, have a great weekend at Soberfest!!!!!

            Congrats BB on day 7 - keep going!

            Happy Birthday Queenie Greenie! You look marvelous for 29

            Gotta get going
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Friday November 19

              Morning everyone, and you all deserve a hearty round of applause and a slap on the back for your sobriety efforts! Keep up the great work!

              I can fully relate to the importance of getting a good workout in. Now that is gets darker earlier, a workout at lunch (we have a fitness center at work) is almost a necessity if I want to stay focused and sharp the rest of the day. Plus, it makes you feel good about yourself (I even got a Yoga program for my iPhone for when I'm on the go - how crazy is that). Just like anything else, its all about establishing those good habits I guess!

              Saw a great quote this morning, and thought I would share: What we don't live, we cannot teach others.---Day By Day

              What does it mean to you? I'd be interested to get your takes on it.....

              Have a great day all and happy Friday.
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                AF Daily - Friday November 19

                Hello friends,

                Really should be in the shower instead of here, but wanted to pop in and say


                Hope you have a great day!:l

                Off to watch #2 son wrestle, while #2 son tries to take and pass 3 Algebra 2 tests so he is not on the ineligible list for school play. UGH. I am worried sick about this, but it is out of my hands............he won't be too popular if he can't perform. Long story, maybe later.

                Have a great weekend all. Stay busy IJM and remember to eat and drink (but not al):H :h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Friday November 19

                  Hi everyone! Happy Friday!

                  My daughter has a day off school today so we are having some mommy daughter time. Going to play some games and cuddle and watch tv together. Going to be an awesome day here at the Uni household!

                  I hope everyone else has a great Friday!

                  One thing is for sure here...........

                  Love and hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily - Friday November 19

                    Happy Birthday, Greenie!

                    In regards to 'patting people on the back' when they reach milestones in sobriety; I think it is necessary, personally. I think people who quit drinking/drugging should be acknowledged for their efforts. It isn't like we chose to be this way. And it certainly is hard to quit. For example, when my dad tells me he is proud of me, it keeps me determined to keep on going. Of course I am doing this for myself, but it is nice to have people being proud of me. I think people cheering people on, only comes around full circle. The person receiving the support will more than likely support someone else. Everyone loves to feel good for their accomplishments.

                    Little AFM slept with me last night. She was like a Bronco caged in a pen. I don't think I have been so physically assaulted in all of my life! :H Holy smokers - she thrashed and thrashed in her sleep. I almost went to her bed!

                    Well, I guess I should hop into la shower. Friday and payday! Yee ha. Need to get some groceries... (yawn) and do a bit of Christmas shopping. I am definitely keeping it to a minimum this year. Shopping for the kids will be my highlight.

                    Have a fabby day everyone! Stay safe, and stay sober!


                      AF Daily - Friday November 19

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREENIE

                      Happy Birthday Greenie. Here are some big girl panties for you!!




                        AF Daily - Friday November 19

                        Happy birthday Greenie!

                        29 again?

                        Zooming.. having a busy week - fun with XNGF, working, and had some hospital tests this morning after XNGF found a lump in my breast last week. Had a mammogram, ultrasound and they took some cells to test but the two docs I saw are pretty sure it's harmless from the look of the mammogram and ultrasound. I've been trying not to think about it for a week but of course there's the link between breast cancer and alcohol so that had occured to me.

                        Anyhoo! Hopefully, cell test results will confirm every thing is ok!

                        Have a good day all!
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          AF Daily - Friday November 19

                          happy birthday greenie! i'm sure you'll do something interesting for your day!

                          i don;t understand withholding praise, we are human and we are social. we need those positive interactions. i think the problem is when people need outside voices to feel valid. i notice even in my dogs (they are stubborn beagles) that if i am sounding harsh, they totally cross me, but if i am loving and positive, they respond with joy and good behavior. and kids need alot of praise too, but it must be genuine, or they know you are full of shit!

                          i think i just figured out why i can't respond to everyone individually, i post a "quick reply" and i can't scroll down to see what previous posters said! now i know!

                          i have to take one of my beagles in to the vet...i found a really large lump (probably lymph node) in his neck. i hope it's just an infection...he is one of the sweetest dogs on earth and anything worse than that, well, i don't want to think about it. all these medical issues sure are getting old!

                          anyway, it's a beautiful sunny cold day here, perfect for a long walk and a big pot of soup!



                            AF Daily - Friday November 19

                            Marshy - how disconcerting - I too had a mammo scare. Hope all turns out well. Sending you good healthy vibes.:l


                              AF Daily - Friday November 19

                              marshy, i had the same thing about 2 months's scary stuff, especially with the past al consumption. i ithink that is what threw me into my last binge.

                              here's to your health!

