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sat nov 20 AF daily

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    sat nov 20 AF daily

    hello - not sure if date is right or not!!
    I'm off to scrimmage today near us - lots of other teams from across country are taking part so should be fun.
    then spending day/night with a friend (out for food - easy not to booze - she's not very boozy)

    then back for more skating tomorrow - love it - no alcohol or cigs for me.
    will post properly tomorrow and catch up on threads.
    one day at a time

    sat nov 20 AF daily

    GM bear & all Abbers!

    I'm up & about early today. I'm taking EB & his parents for A Day Out With Thomas train ride in honor of EB's upcoming birthday!!
    Can't wait to see his face when he sees the train!

    Wishing everyone a grat AF day, I'll be back later.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      sat nov 20 AF daily

      Morning Bear, Lav and all to come!

      It's supergrey & impenetrably cloudy here today, late November is definitely upon us. There's lots to do but I'm not sure where to begin. Have to put it all down on paper methinks.

      One thing's for sure - a chocolate brownie at the market has my name on it. Oh, and then there's that one other thing...

      Have a good day all!


        sat nov 20 AF daily


        Stay the course, bear!!

        Lav, what does day with thomas mean? Is thomas EB name? Chickies are humongous!! And still gorgeous.

        Pamina, looking out my window in this room there is a (poplar?) tree across the street that is bright orangy red and the slant of the sunrise hits the top of it and and it'l like it's on fire against that blue blue fall sky. It literally lifts my heart. I hope you make a cozy productive day out of a grey one. I have tons to do to. 3 big paperwork projects. They seem big, Maybe they won't be once I get into them - which is often the case.

        You won't belireve what I just made to put up for a month for pressies. Kahlua. One of my perceived shortcomings is my creative side. Maybe that's why I spend such time at the gallery shows. We have to do handmade gifts for christmas and I don't knit or make jewelery or make anything really so... one of my things is kahlua in pretty little bottles. I tell you what, going into the liquor store was new and different. ONE THING IS FOR SURE!!!

        Zooming off to yoga. Check in later!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          sat nov 20 AF daily

          Bear, you must have the strongest legs in town. I'd love to squeeze in an organized activity that was as much fun and kept me that active. Shlepping my kids around in the Civic just isn't cutting it for toning and strengthening.

          speaking of kids, Lav, my oldest son LOVED Thomas. He had the Brio tracks and spent hours and hours playing with them. I thought I'd never figure out which engine was which, but 14 years later, I can't forget them! He still keeps his wooden Thomas toy on his bookshelf. He's 17. : )

          Pam, grey and cloudy here in New England too. November is right, and April seems very far off. Time to turn on the light-therapy lamp (M3, got yours fired up?).

          P3, you're way ahead of me on the new job search, in that you've actually looked! My goal is to spend Sunday night on the Web, seeing what's out there. It's a start.

          DG, I think you should take the clean/sober undies with you to Geneva, so you're ready if things get a little wild. That is all.

          Healing vibes to each of you with scary health stuff (or loved ones in the battle).

          xoxoxo Pride
          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


            sat nov 20 AF daily

            Greenie, Kahlua was one of the beverages I could easily pass up--never liked liquers of any kind (although in a pinch....). I feel like an alien in the liquor store now, too. Passing that table of red-faced wine tasters. "Connoisseurs." Hmmmm.

            Have a good one! xoxo P.
            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


              sat nov 20 AF daily

              Hi Everyone,

              Just checking in to say I hope you all have a wonderful AF Saturday. Not much new in my little world.

              Except.........treated myself to a golf lesson yesterday. Decided I need a hobby. I didn't do super, but managed to hit the ball a few times. Hubs is a golfer, so it would be something we could do together in our "golden" years. Think I could enjoy it if I could get decent at it........big IF

              Greenie - sounds like you're having a gala birthday celebration spanning several days - you go girl!

              Off to do "stuff" and sending you all peace and strength. One thing that's for sure....No __________way am I going to drink today!!



                sat nov 20 AF daily

                Morning abbers!

                I am exhausted today, slept like kerap last night. I'm up though, going to jump in the shower and hit a meeting this morning.

                Then daughters hockey game and possibly doing some painting this afternoon - we'll see how I feel.

                One thing is for sure!

                Love and hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  sat nov 20 AF daily

                  Let it snow!

                  It's a winter wonderland here.

                  I am staying home. My tires on la car are not fit for driving in this shit. I don't have the 400 for winter ones at the moment...

                  That is about all. Have a great day everyone!


                    sat nov 20 AF daily

                    Hello friends.

                    This would be a great day to stay home, cold, wet and dreary. But, alas I have a hair appointment and boy do I need it!

                    I want to wish everyone worrying about ill health, or tests or symptoms or anything else my best. Worry is my specialty. I'm sending good vibes your way though!:l

                    I had a drinking dream this morning. UGH! I hate that! It was some big kind of celebration and my pastor of all people was pouring everyone shots. I had already turned down some wine, but everyone else was having a shot so I said I would. I guess my brain still thinks I should test the waters.

                    Greenie, some home made kahlua was one of the items that was in the cupboard above the fridge. I kept them, but not sure what for.

                    Have a great sober weekend all!:h
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      sat nov 20 AF daily

                      Afternoon everyone!

                      It's a cold day here today! We're supposed to get snow. Fell asleep and missed one of my favourite shows, Supernatural. And ofcourse it was a new one.

                      Woke up to a frozen well line, so I currently have no water. Getting cement delivered today and we're working to get all the gravel in and get it done so my footings will be all finished, wait for that to cure then the walls are next.

                      I've got a nice chicken slowly cooking in the Crockpot stuffed with herbs and such so that will cook away all day and will be nice and tasty for when we're done and freezing our asses off. And my little girl knocked me over this morning by saying she wanted a turkey sandwich to try since she saw Sydney Crosby eat one on the bread commercial, so being the good mom I am I went out and got her some for lunch (fingers crossed).

                      Nice to see everyone checking in.. AFM, I don't have my snowtires on yet either so I'm not going anywhere. I rescheduled my date for another time, I'm not risking the drive in the city since it's supposed to snow. I'll stay nice and safe at home and enjoy my own food and hot drinks and the company of my angel face little girl and my lovely parents..


                        sat nov 20 AF daily

                        Good Morning All,

                        Greenie, isn't it wonderful to have those moments of awe from such simple things like the way the light is shining on a tree? There is no amount of drinking that could replace that feeling but for some reason, I think that is what many of us were searching for when we drank.

                        BB, I want to come to your house for lunch and dinner, especially since I don't have a kitchen right now.

                        LVT, I had a bit of a fright about drinking too. I was going through our debit card charges and noticed a purchase at a liquor store. I felt this immediate fear that somehow I must have purchased alcohol without remember it. In reality, my husband purchased a bottle of wine for someone.

                        Speaking of bottles of wine. I am headed to a wine/cocktail party tonight. It is a get together for parents of children at my oldest child's school. I normally don't go to such things but I will tonight because I want to get to know some of the parents. It is a nice feeling to not have any fear of going too. During the first year of my sobriety, I avoided such venues like the plague.

                        Hello to Bear, Choochie, Pride, Lav, LVT, Uni, Pamina and all to come.

                        Happy Sober Saturday

                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          sat nov 20 AF daily

                          Mom, ofcourse you can! There's always enough food to go around and a nice place to sit. Have fun tonight! I'm a little nervous to go to those as well..between my birthday next month and Christmas I'm nervous on people buying me wine like they do every year.


                            sat nov 20 AF daily

                            Yes BB. I understand and my heart goes out to you. It is a tough time of year to be newly AF. So much of our celebrating revolves around alcohol. Two years ago, I went to NH to visit friends over Christmas and I recall being overwhelmed with cravings. I was so close to drinking. It took all I had to walk away from it. I remembering going out to their hot tub and just crying my eyes out. And then I looked up and saw the bright moon and stars shining through the trees. I got so much strength from that experience.

                            AF Since April 20, 2008
                            4 Years!!!


                              sat nov 20 AF daily

                              It's going to be difficult but I'm going to make it through. I really don't want to wake up hung over ever again, since Moderation is not possible for me that's what it will be. A drunken night full of embaressing moments which I'll never be able to take back. The moon and the stars have a very good effect on me as well, it's very tranquil looking up into them.

                              I went the store yesterday and bought a bottle of rum for a family friend for dropping off and helping shovel some gravel for my new addition, I was amazed that I never walked out with anything for myself and declined having a drink with him, I told him to take it home and enjoy a glass with his wife tonight.. one small battle.

