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AF Daily-Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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    AF Daily-Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    Well, Marshy, I was eating half a brownie but was already feeling guilty about it even before all the healthy low-carb stuff on the thread today. My eating is not terrible, but it's definitely slipped in the wrong direction lately.

    Hugs to Lav, LVT and all who need one.

    Had a long but productive day at work. I was asked to chair a special meeting next week and I'll be giving a speech on Thursday. I am nervous about it all, but not the totally petrified/paralyzed/self-conscious/catastrophizing of old (at least, not yet...) And I'm thinking I need to flex those courage muscles if they're ever going to build up. It's very exciting to feel excited and not just anxious. YAY!


      AF Daily-Tuesday, November 23, 2010

      Evening all!
      I love the talk about different eating plans. I'm not sure at all which combination of foods work for me. I've been addicted to AL for so long and now the sugar thing has it's hooks in me. I think joining Weight Watchers is going to be very tough and a wake up call. I will have to be meticulous about getting lots of fruits and veggies in. I will also keep in mind the "good" fats and try to get those in a few times a day. I'm hoping those 2 mods will satiate me throughout the day and curb the sugar cravings. My real fear is dinner time. I've posted before how much I hate cooking and how much I hate coming home and trying to find joy in eating a meal. I think I have to seriously start planning snacks for that time instead of meals. Fruit, veggie stix with hummus or even a protein fruit smoothie should work. I guess I'll have to try different combos that will allow me to stay within my points range (which I've always found to be woefully low-I mean just because I'm another year older I get one less point? I'm just as hungry as I was when I was 30 for cripes sake :H!!)

      I was feeling so good today-nice peaceful mood-until I got to the Nephrologist's office. BP was way too high even tho I had taken it myself 3 hours before and it was very respectable. The doc is very concerned about my wildly fluctuating BP and now wants me to go for an echocardiogram to see if my heart walls have started thickening yet. When will this madness stop?? I am more determined than ever to lose these damn 40lbs and to get toned and trimmed. He's talking metabolic syndrome (of which diabetes is just a part-which I DON"T have!!) and everything. I'm so sick of all of this doom and gloom from the MDs. Makes me want to find a naturapath or something like that. Jeesh.

      Lav-I truly hope you can start to find some peace regarding YB. I can't even imagine how angry you are after 37 years and to be so dismissed but you've got to find a way to come to terms with it and not let it eat you alive. YB is obviously not well and there is nothing anyone can do to fix it except him. Give him a haircut, treat him like a complete A*hole stranger-anything to get your BP down!! We love you here and hate to see you feeling so bad. Don't ever feel bad about ranting. We can take it!!

      BB-you live such a sustainable life with the local food and all the cooking. You are very lucky!!

      Deter-your evening snowed in sounds wonderful! DX is also very lucky that she has such a snuggle loving partner!!

      DG-as usual very sage words. We're glad to have you back. We missed you!!

      Greenie-hope you're having a wonderful time at your Sister's.

      LVT-I can only imagine how much it hurts seeing your sons hurt even if they bring it on themselves . I see my sister go through it too with her kids. Be kind to yourself and forgive yourself for the unintentional boo at the wrestling match. It happens-you get so caught up in the moment.

      Peace, AFM, Bear-be strong and ride the crave wave. It will subside.

      IJM, Gaia, Mr. G-hope your having a great day/evening.

      So glad you are all here to check in with everyday. It's so comforting and I always feel much better after reading about everyone's day.

      Almost time for Biggest Loser so I'll go feed the pack now.

      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily-Tuesday, November 23, 2010

        Hey pam and marshy-xpost!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily-Tuesday, November 23, 2010

          Hey guys - just wanted to drop a quick note and say hi from vacation. Glad to see everyone doing well and dealing with life's challenges in a healthy way.

          I really believe that eating whole foods is, in the end, better for you then trying to follow a fat-free type of diet. I always feel fuller for a longer period of time when eating that way - plus it is more satisfying (personally) from a taste perspective!

          Anyway, take care and have a great end to your Tuesday. Have I mentioned that I love sleeping in this week and waking up whenever??
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            AF Daily-Tuesday, November 23, 2010

            AAthlete, good to see you brother!

            Pamina, kick but and enjoy yourself
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily-Tuesday, November 23, 2010

              i don;t eat a low fat diet per say, it just happens to be lower in fat because i eat alot of veg and complex carbs. contrary to popular belief, veg has protein too!
              i eat raw olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil and nuts (wish i could eat avo's, but i'm allergic!).

              trust me, i aint afraid of no fat (unless it's animal fat!).


                AF Daily-Tuesday, November 23, 2010

                Hi, Papmom
                Was reading your post about re BP and all that muck....what a nightmare for you and how frustrating!

                I wanted to suggest something, if you are open to it. Have you ever considered seeing an Osteopath instead of (or maybe in addition to) your MD?? Actually and osteopath IS an MD (they can write prescriptions, etc.) but they are also trained in Eastern philosphies and they view the body more as a whole. I suggest it because my own eating has turned around drastically since I consulted one about my own food issues (bad food intolerances with anaphylactic allergies). I was so sick and tired of my regular allergist only giving me steroid inhalers and antihistamines, none of which ever work. I just felt that deep down my body needed real answers, and the osteopath was a breath of fresh air. She completely turned my nutrition around (after she ordered a battery of blood work, etc.) and I immediately lost weight and the chronic allergies have been almost entirely eliminated.

                The main thrust was pretty simple: eliminate processed foods and only eat "real foods". Once I started seeing how much crap (i.e., ingredients that our bodies cannot process) is in most of the food we eat these days, it was easy to see how weight could fall off by eliminating it.

                Anyway, that was my experience with an osteopath and I always mention it to other people because it was such a different viewpoint. They don't look at everything in separate little boxes; in their eyes the body is an entire system and they treat it as such.

                I wish you the best on your path to healing. I am newly AF and looking forward to enjoying better health with each new day that I am not poisoning myself.

                I also see that Happy Birthday is in order for you....YAY!!! :goodjob:
                "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
                Sam - AF since 12/11/10


                  AF Daily-Tuesday, November 23, 2010

                  thanks Sam!! That was a very thoughtful post and very timely too!! I think I mentioned something about looking for a Naturapath but maybe I was thinking Osteopath and just couldn't remember the name. My whole diet is basically processed foods and I don't know how I'm going to get out of that habit with my schedule and lack of motivation/time to cook. Maybe you can help me with that along with whoever I find as an Osteopath?
                  Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes-much appreciated. It's good to be 29 again!!

                  Good luck on your AF journey. My 6 months has really flown by and I have no desire to go back to using AL for anything. I'm sleeping better (when I don't pig out on sugar) and overall I'm happier. There were some rough spots the first few months while my body and mind detoxed but if you find yourself in the same place, don't despair. It will get better. So many great threads to hang out on to get support. We sure would love to have you on Daily Abs so please stick around!!

                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!

