Back atcha on the Turkey Day humor, Choochie! I call this, "Shut up and eat."
My kids are having dinner with their Dad and his family this year (lucky them--Grandma E.'s sugar-free pies and salt-free sides. (Okay, will cease former-in-law cattiness in honor of holiday. But it's so HARD :dunno

Sean's 3 kids will all be here for dinner (two are in college and flying/driving in today) along with another couple and their daughter. I stopped going to my own family's Thanksgiving 10 years ago because it looked a lot like this (that would be me passed out in the mashed potatoes):
In all seriousness (and that is also very hard for me!), I'm very thankful for this scrappy, big-hearted MWO community this holiday season. I will raise a glass of cranberry juice in your honor tomorrow. (All you WWs--no counting points! It's a holiday for crissakes!) :l
Off I go--flowers to buy, potatoes to peel, and miles to go before I sleep.