Hello friends,
AFM--I'm so glad your dad made it through the surgery ok, and hopefully continues to feel great. I talked to Terry yesterday and she sounds really good right now. She got to eat a Turkey dinner--hospital food, but I'm sure she is grateful to be able to eat and free of many of the tubes. She says she feels a little stronger every day.

Yesterday had its ups and downs for me. I had to deal with some issues with #1 son before we left for the in-laws. He is so stubborn and strong willed--but at least he forces a conversation instead of just keeping it all in and hiding in his room. The afternoon and evening at the in-laws was great too, but as the night went on, it kind of fell apart for me. I thought I might take off and go see my sister this morning, so we took 2 vehicles. My kids said/did some things that really kind of hurt my feelings, I finally got tired of that so I went in the other room and read my magazine and tried to snooze. Instead of telling me where we were suppose to sleep, my SIL just kept drinking and playing games with the kids. Her and her hubby and their 20 year old son, kept drinking, repeating, getting louder and louder. FINALLY when the bil got tired he asked sil if she was going to let me sleep in the chair all night. It's hard to explain, but I realize now why I really hate to go there. It's fine for awhile, or if I know where I'm suppose to sleep I could just go in the room and shut the door. I guess I should have just asked her, huh? The good news is hubby didn't drink much and he has been pretty supportive through the trials and tribulations we've been having with #1 son. He mentioned the repeating of stories, and I said how much fun it was sober, huh? Our 20 year old nephew has a terrible potty mouth and dropped several F bombs. Our #2 son (well, both of them) really look up to their cousin so the underage drinking with the parents and the cussing and some of the conversations were really upsetting to me--no appropriate for a 12 year old boy to hear.
Anyway, I'm venting again, and I always feel bad about doing that here, so I wouldn't blame anyone for not reading my posts or putting me on their ignore list.

I am very happy to be home now. The boys are still at the in-laws and #1 son will be driving them home this evening.
I am so tired, the party went on well after 1:00 am--the SIL and the kids that is. Loud, and I was upset enough I couldn't sleep. Hubby and I did a little shopping this morning (no black Friday deals for us) but I did find my Charlie Brown tree and some cute ornaments for gifts. I do not really like to shop that much, and I really do not like crowds, rude people or lines. I'd rather pay a little extra.
I hope those interested got to check out my new website. I can't remember who asked, but yes they do have a line of soy candles that are wonderful! If you missed and want the link again, just let me know.
I'm off to take a nap and watch the rest of the Husker game.