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AF Daily - Sunday November 28

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    AF Daily - Sunday November 28

    Choochie;1012219 wrote: M3 - I think it's the boredom that is getting to me more than cravings for sure. It's really comforting to hear you say that there will be a time when it's not consuming my thoughts! I'm counting on that.
    Hi again everyone. I'm with M3 on this one. I have accepted the fact that I find sitting around shooting the shit while other people drink and drink and drunk is B-O-R-I-N-G to me now that I don't drink any more. Not passing judgement - not by a long shot. I used to be the CHIEF B-O-R-E. Repeating myself ad nauseum, etc. It's just not fun any more and I'm OK with that. What is REALLY amazing to me is how Mr. Doggy ever put up with it. He's never been much of a drinker and those LOOOONG dinners with me wanting to dilly dally (drink) forever before ordering, then hang around and KEEP dilly dallying (drinking) after dinner...well...I don't know how he did it. I'm sure he's grateful he doesn't have to do that any more!! Unless it's business AND we stand to make a LOT of money off of it, I just don't do that stuff any more. Arrive late and leave early. Eventually, people get used to it. I've got more interesting things to do now, but it took time to sort all this out and drop the old habits and create new ones. Another thing I had to accept was that when drinking, I could fake my way as "life of the party." These days, if I don't feel very "life of the party" then I'm learning to just "be" with that. It's OK. Normal people have ups and downs and it's OK. No more articial highs all the time.

    Well, I'm off to the showers. Have fun at EB's party Lav. AFM and Gia, I hope you can rest up today after some stressful stuff. AFM, it must be hard knowing it's probably his last B-day. Good that you are going to make it special for both of you and Little AFM.

    Hello to everyone else. Deter, glad you got home safe last night. Love the padded room and helmut response. I'm going to remember that one! :H

    One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Sunday November 28

      Thanks for this post DG - At least I'm in good company with my boredom What I want to say a lot of the time is "I'd rather be pulling the hair out of my velcro rollers than to be here." But, I don't.:H:H


        AF Daily - Sunday November 28

        Choochie;1012351 wrote: Thanks for this post DG - At least I'm in good company with my boredom What I want to say a lot of the time is "I'd rather be pulling the hair out of my velcro rollers than to be here." But, I don't.
        Yes, this is how I feel about 4 hours with the in-laws!:H And does anyone else feel invisible at these gatherings. I swear, when I try to add in on a conversation, it's like I'm not even there! As far as the boredom--that's why I brought a book and a magazine with me. That might not be appropriate when out for dinner though. :H

        M3, I would appreciate you and greenie to accompany me next time to tell them what I need!:H You are right, I should have just asked. Or in hind sight, I should have gotten a ride home with my mother in law. I will do better next time, but it won't be so hard with you guys with me!!

        AFM--that does sound sad. I just had a conversation with a friend whose mother is in the nursing home here. She is bitter and angry and just wants to be done. My dad always used to say he didn't think it would be so damn much work to just die! A nice birthday celebration sound wonderful. How about a nice letter/photo book telling him how much he means to you? :l
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - Sunday November 28

          I'm back from the big birthday party & happy that all went well!
          It was very crowded as I predicted but everyone was nice - well almost everyone!
          YB never said hello to me nor did he say goodbye - oh well. He's shaping up to be the perfect jackass :H

          Choochie, honestly the boredom thing will pass! I was at a bridal shower not too long ago where everyone was consuming huge amounts of wine & talking incessantly. I removed myself to the kitchen & did the dishes. My girlfriend kept telling me to sit with the others & I said 'No, I'm happier in the kitchen :H

          AFM, EB stands for Energizer Bunny - the nickname DG gave my very busy grandson. He turned 2 today.
          I understand about your Dad, it's a difficult situation. You may want to think about buying him his favorite music or perhaps an audio book that he can listen to while he's resting. I did that for my father-in-law, it was nice. He also had a feeding tube that was keeping him alive way past the point of comfort. He was aspirating the feeding & had one case of aspiration pneumonia after another. We had the tube removed, he was placed on hospice & just received comfort care. It was the best thing for him in the end. Please know that we are all thinking of you.

          OK, I'm going to relax for a while - my feet are tired after the past few days.
          Wishing everyone a good night!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Sunday November 28

            Thank you for the suggestions in regards to birthday gifts. I really like them.

            I was also thinking about bringing up my Wile Coyote (from the roadrunner show) that he gave me for my 2nd Christmas. I have it still and I use to take that thing everywhere with me until I was about 10! It is 1.5 ft tall. It was almost as tall as me when I got him! I use to seek comfort in 'Joseph' when my mother was mean to me as a child. I was thinking about letting him have it to let him know that I want him to find comfort. I bet you a million bucks he will get a real kick out of it when he sees it. He knows how much it always meant to me and probably doesn't think I still have it. I have sewn it, taped it and glued his eyes on so many times in the past. lol. I also have a picture of me with it when I got it. It thought I would bring that along with me just for kicks.

            Choochie, thank you very much for sharing your experience with me. This site is so wonderful. A true godsend. Having 'friends' like you all make me feel so much less lonely. Because I honestly feel pretty lonely in my real world. I am the ONLY blood relative my father will speak to. It is just me and his wife left in his life. He wants to see me 'a lot' and he lives over an hour away. Juggling everything that is going on with him and my own personal crap, and just living has been a huge task on its own.

            I came home from work tonight and I just bawled. I feel better. I have been carrying around so much anger lately. I walked through the door and just cried my eyes out. I needed to so badly.

            Thank you all for being so supportive and wonderful. Words cannot express how I feel knowing all of you are out there.

            DG, I honestly cannot handle being around people drinking just shooting the shit any more either! It bores the shit out of me! Yammering on about crap. ho hum!

            Have a good night all! xoxo


              AF Daily - Sunday November 28

              Lav, thanks for these words of assurance. Great relief to know better days are in store. I would be just as you described - much happier in the kitchen doing dishes than hanging out with others getting toasted -- not fun. I experienced this at my sister's house recently.

              BTW, I think Mr. Lav has some serious brain issue - he just doesn't sound right in the head.:H

              AFM, thinking of you and your dad.:l



                AF Daily - Sunday November 28

                Thanks, Choochie. I posted just above you expressing my thanks while you were posting. xoxo

