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AF Daily - Monday November 29

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    AF Daily - Monday November 29

    Do you ever have days where you see what you could be if you lived up to your full potential? I had one of those yesterday, and it was started by - believe it or not - the new animated movie 'Tangled.' Growing up I was very artistic, and was told in college that I had huge potential as a graphic artist, but of course I had my own ideas and never pursued it further. Fast forward to now, where my career path is moving me more and more into management, and farther and farther away from 'tinkering' with software, which is what I really enjoy doing. I suppose I continue to head down this path because it means that I can more easily support my family, and maybe when seeing that movie it reminded me of how passionate people can be about their work (and how passionate I was about mine). Let's face it, I'm okay at being a manager, but I don't wake up every morning and look forward to doing it each and every day...

    Hmmmm..... Funny how sometimes we can answer our own questions just by talking/writing about them, isn't it? I've felt somewhat stuck where I am at, as my wife is in school right now studying to be a teacher, so switching careers isn't an option (at least at this point and time). Maybe instead of making wholesale changes in my life, I instead need to figure out how to make my CURRENT career what I want it to be. Dale Carnegie had a quote in one of his books that talked about living just for the next 24 hours, and putting all your passion into it to make it the best 24 hours is could possibly be. Sounds like a good place to start today.....

    One thing is for sure - no feeling sorry for myself, as this is my life and just as I can't change the past, I also can't control the future. So I might as well be passionate about today!.

    Be well everyone!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    AF Daily - Monday November 29

    Good morning AA! How was your weekend?

    It's a beautiful cold crisp day here, and the frost is thick and gleaming with the sunlight.

    We're pretty busy here today with workers in the house, and they're having a great time and learning at the same time. What a great program for my baby.

    I think today I am going to paint my mudroom and just recover a cushion on an antique chair. I really despise the old red damask material on it, it coordinates with absolutely nothing in my house so I have some really nice oatmeal fabric which I got in Paris that I'm going to use. I think I'm feeling a little stressed out right now though, I've got a little tightening going on in my chest area..the weekend I think has got me a little bit, need to destress. I think tonight will be a nice bath and early to bed for me.

    Love to you all,


      AF Daily - Monday November 29

      Good morning. AA, thanks for kicking us off today. Love your new avatar!

      BB, I think it's good to be honest with ourselves about how we feel (i.e. stressed) and take appropriate care of ourselves - love your idea of bath and early to bed. Sounds just right. I still fight the urge to be perfect and perky and energetic and smilie at all times. That's just not the way it is! I will have workers in my house today too, but frankly I'm sick of them and can't wait for them to be gone already!! ull

      I'm busy prepping for the women's shopping event tomorrow where I will have a Mary Kay table. Much to do today. That and Curves and a very few errands are all that's on the agenda. That's plenty!

      I'm going back to my roots re-reading old stuff like Potatoes not Prozak and The Mood / Diet Cure. Brain chemistry and AL/Sugar addiction. I posted something in the Just Starting Out section to encourage newcomers to READ THE BOOK. I really do believe that the supplements / diet / exercise recommendations really help. And RJ did not pull this info out of her back side - there is plenty more out there on the subject.

      One thing is for sure - there will be no drinking AL for me today.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Monday November 29

        DG, I couldn't agree more. I'm not very good these days at hiding my feelings. I'm not in anyone's face about it, but I found being honest with myself has been the best medicine and finding a healthy way to project that to others has been really helpful as well. The workers I have here are for my daughter, they are through the Autism Dept., she really likes the girls and had a great relationship with them all. I hear your frustration about getting your house worked on though. I've got a new bedroom window coming soon and my bedroom will be the next one to get worked on..the dust!

        AA, what about doing that on your spare time for now? You may get more involved with it and find out that you do truly want to do that, or you're just not into it anymore..I think because you've never got the oppotunity to explore that idea it's always on your mind..the 'What if?' factor. We all have to do things when we have a family, but that's what being a good responsible father and husband is all about. Or, that's what I've been told Enjoy your day my friend! Oh..I took a public speaking course through Dale Carnegie, it was really great!


          AF Daily - Monday November 29

          Dale Carnegie had a quote in one of his books that talked about living just for the next 24 hours, and putting all your passion into it to make it the best 24 hours is could possibly be. >>

          Sounds like a good approach to drinking, too, AA.

          I feel the same way you do career-wise. In my heart, I'm a poet. How much did I earn as a poet, lifetime? One hundred dollars. Number of kids to support? Three. Number of mortgages? 2. For the time being, the other things I wanted for my life--a family and a warm, safe home--slide up the fore. Like you, I'm looking for a move within my field that allows some more creativity. As an added plus, it will have more people in it. I work with a remote crew right now, and I miss water-cooler gossip.

          Drinking dream last night! I woke up all anxious about how I was going to relate my fall from grace here, and whether or not I would lie about the number of drinks on the drink tracker! Weird, weird. Took at least an hour to shake the "I blew it" feeling, and I didn't even blow it.

          The holiday was lovely in many ways, not so great in others. I got a facebook message from my father, after 22 years incommunicado (feel my heartrate going up just typing that). He "has a lot of regrets" and wishes he could be spending the holiday with his kids and grandchildren. The guy was physically and sexually abusive for the first 10 years of my life then all but disappeared (my mother finally got us the hell out of there). Are you kidding me? I wouldn't let him in the same state as my kids. Anyway, my three were with their father on Txgiving (a great dad, btw--whatever mistakes I've made, I can say truthfully I did not perpetuate that history in my adult life, scars aside). I REALLY missed their grounding presence.

          Sometimes life feels like boots in a dryer.

          Okay, enough angst. Off to my beige office! AFM, big hug to you; my thoughts are with you and your dad.

          xoxoxo Pride
          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


            AF Daily - Monday November 29

            Hello friends,

            A quick check in for me today (whew they replied). I have to make a huge batch of chicken and noodles for a function at school this evening, so I really need to get that started.

            AA--I'm so glad to see you back here with all your wisdom. I've been thinking about jobs and the like lately. I quit my career 3 years ago to be a stay at home mom. That is about the time the economy fell apart, I got a little nervous and restless, so I got a couple of part time jobs. In the winter, I have so much more time on my hands, and I worry a little about not having much income coming in. So, I've been looking into home-based business ideas. Mostly dealing with products such as Shaklee and Watkins.
            I think it's possible to follow our dreams sometimes, but it usually comes with sacrifices.

            AFM--did you ever look into that book I recommended. I'm sorry, my memory is so bad, but here is the link again Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying (9780553378764): Maggie Callanan, Patricia Kelley: Books Hugs to you and I love the Wylie Coyote idea!!!:l

            Have a great sober week everyone!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - Monday November 29

              Good morning! It is Monday. Oh my goodness.

              LVT, thanks for that link again. I will look for that book. I haven't done a lot of reading as of late. I just jotted it down on my notepad by the computer here. Thank you. xo

              Pride, your dad sounds like a monster. Why in the Hell do people feel compelled very late in late to try to make amends or suddenly feel they have 'regrets' of their mistakes? This BAFFLES me! Do people honestly plug along with a 'la di da' attitude after hurting people so badly and not realize it until MANY years later?? wow. Hugs to you. xo

              DG, what is it like selling MK? Do you make reasonable money at it? I am curious because I am always looking for 'home' business ideas... I would LOVE to work from home for the most part.

              BB - so glad that your daughter likes her workers. It is so important!! Try to relax today. I think with the approaching holidays and being early in sobriety can be stressful. It is hard enough to get through weekends!

              AA - hi! Nice to see you around the boards again!

              Well, I am heading out to work shortly. I feel better today. I really needed to cry yesterday, and it really helped. I am ready to face the day.

              Have a great day everyone!

              ps. Pride I love that saying by Dale Carnegie. Living just for the next 24 hours is exactly what I need to do with everything in my life. I wrote it down. xo


                AF Daily - Monday November 29

                BB, I need to sit down and make a list of personal things to work on, and then stick to it. Taking time for myself needs to move up the priority ladder a little bit.....
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  AF Daily - Monday November 29

                  Happy un-hung Monday ABland!

                  AAthlete, what an inspiring post for today, awesome.

                  just a quick 'heyo' as my car defrosts. off to skate around on the icy roads. weeeeeeee

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - Monday November 29

                    Hi there,

                    Greenie where you hiding?

                    I am so running in circles today. Did accomplish a few things though.

                    I know one thing for sure...
                    AF since May 6, 2010

                    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                      AF Daily - Monday November 29

                      Good afternoon Abbers!

                      Maybe Greenie is having too good of a time at her sister's house & wants to stay

                      Greetings to AA, BB, DG, Pride, LVT, AFM, Deter, Gaia, - what no Marshy? Hope you are all having a wonderful Monday.

                      I'm getting a bit of work done, making stew & crusty French rolls for dinner - hope my daughter & SIL remember to come over.

                      Winter is on the way - woke up to a nippy 23 degrees today. I turned my thermostat down a few degrees yesterday. I need to learn to live with cold hands.........the cost of filling the 1,000 gallon propane tank buried in the front yard is astronomical!!!!! I have a woodstove in my basement but I'm not using it this winter - it makes me nervous! That was YB's job to keep that thing going to help heat this place, not mine.

                      OK, back to work, have a great day.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Monday November 29

                        Good Afternoon AF Friends,

                        Would you mind if I jumped into your thread today? I like the people on this thread but due to time constraints, I can't address all of you individually, and I just wanted to share some thoughts with all of you.

                        Pride-I am so sorry that your father has picked now to make amends when he is guilty of unspeakable things. Did he have an epiphany of some sort? My brother did not sexually abuse his children but he was a deadbeat dad his whole life and then decided he wanted back into his children's lives once they were grown and supporting themselves. They were less than glad to hear from him. He was a monster in many ways. He's passed away now....he was a terrible burden on my mother's heart and she is relieved he is gone.

                        Accountable for Me-Look into I own a business, travel all over the world, and work out of my house, and one of my friends uses a virtual assistant from India who is with He has been impressed but says because she's from India, there's a language barrier and a huge learning curve because of it. He wouldn't have that problem with you.

                        I posted this on the November Nurturing thread. For our December Determination theme, I am determined that in December, I will CHOOSE a healthy physical and emotional lifestyle. I will cease allowing unfounded fear from preventing me from making wise choices. I will cease beating myself up for my previous mistakes and the people I hurt (I did that again this weekend!) I will make a firm commitment to eat healthy foods so I can shed this weight, and I will be more like my friends here....and foster a positive attitude when faced with tasks I do not want to complete. I vow to only associate with people who are healthy food for my body, mind, and soul. and the people who aren't....well, they won't be allowed to take up space in my brain for free...they will be promptly dismissed. This has not been the case in the past...I associated with one person because he was alone, lonely and I thought I owed it to him. I don't. He isn't my problem....haven't spoken to him in almost 4 months.

                        Lav-23, that is nipply. The hot French rolls sound delicious! My doctor would prefer that I not need any bread as I have enough rolls to feed a small nation. She asked me how many times I ate during the day, and I said, "once a day, all day." She didn't laugh. Then, she said, "Ok, baby steps. What do you eat for lunch?" I said, "Anything you put in front of me." She didn't even crack a smile.

                        One thing is for sure.... I need a doctor with a sense of humor!:H


                          AF Daily - Monday November 29

                          Greeting's Abberoo's!

                          Lol Rusty. For me, especially now i don't drink, my time is precious, and my life too short to be hanging around with negative folk. I try to give my time freely to anyone who ask's for it, but i'm more careful, and selective with how i spend my time these day's. Hope i haven't turned into a snob! Ah no, that'll be when Travolta does a remake of 'Grease' singing one of my song's.

                          Good to see you again AA. I know you will make time for your passion, hopefully sooner than later. Why not start tinkering this weekend, just 30 minutes put aside for a plan, or just chilling, and dreaming about it to start with. I have some amazing music software at home, and it does so much, it can appear to be overwhelming, and i wonder where the hell to start. But i find if i just flick the switch, and sit down in front of it, i start tinkering, and i'm off and running.

                          This is for you Pride the poet, if i may....:l

                          A safe, sober, and magical week to all.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            AF Daily - Monday November 29

                            I will be back later to catch up on everything. Just taking a quick tea break from wrapping sample stuff. I got even with one of the contractors today. He didn't get out of here without some Mary Kay for his wife. :H

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Monday November 29

                              Hello Abbers!!! Gosh...I haven't posted since before the holiday! I have a lot to catch up on. I do hope you all had a wonderful holiday (if you were celebrating) and a wonderful weekend! I had an amazing Thanksgiving and remained AF. I got A LOT of time with my grandson this weekend and time with some amazing friends I haven't seen in awhile. I got to watch a lot of very frustrating football! I'm a football junkie, and let's just say it was quite a roller-coaster weekend. This Saturday is the biggest game of the year for Oregon schools. Should be fun :-) Well, I'll check in tomorrow morning. Very busy here at work and then plans all evening. I hope you all have had a wonderful, sober Monday!

                              Love and hugs to you all!

