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AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

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    AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

    Hi All, off to work but just wanted to wish everyone a great AF day!

    AF Daily Tuesday 11-29


    I'm back! I'm abbie & I'm fabbie!

    And I think it's monday night, but I was confused about the day today so I'll hang here with coochie until Wednesday maybe.

    I had a glorious time away at my sister's. I have jumped around in a few threads and looks like everyone is doing fine. Rising above temptation when it happens and generally getting through things that may be good, bad, or ugly.

    Happy birthday P3!

    AFM, wonder if your dad would like you to read to him? I bet he'd enjoy just listening to the sound of your voice - you know, just "being there".

    I'm beat and have to go to bed.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

      Morning abbers!

      Thanks for the early start, Choochie. Glad you had a good time, Greenie.

      Snowing here this morning! First snow of the winter in London.

      XNGF has been staying with me since Friday and we had a nice, lazy weekend, and she's just gone off to work.

      I'm starting a literature course at university in January and one of the services the university offers students is free counselling. So I have an appointment for an assessment today. I don't feel the need for counselling at the moment but as it's free I thought I'd go along and see what they say and if I think it would be useful. And I'll go for a swim and visit the library while I'm there.

      It's my mum's birthday today. There was a time back in the summer when she was first diagnosed with cancer that I thought she wouldn't make it to her birthday, so I'm very grateful today to be able to call her and say "happy birthday".

      Have a good day all!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

        morning kids...
        i haven't gone to bed yet, but i see you on the other side of the world are up and at em!

        i don't want to go into details, but i've slipped.

        back here trying to regain a foothold.



          AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

          Peace, get right back on this wagon! You know the drill - put it in place and revamp your plan!

          I had a drinking dream last night. Car passenger was getting open container ticket and I was not tested for DUI because I had a punch card indicating I had eaten a healthy breakfast at some participatiing establishment that morning. I guess it's not that far fetched as I am a firm believer in the role of nutrition and AL avoidance.

          Snow Marshy? Wow, it's not even sweater weather today really. Free counseling is quite a perk for a uni student! Tell more about the lit class - going somewhere with it or just for your liking....

          The "big rain" is coming this way today. As soon as is noise acceptable, I'm going to mow the leaves in the front yard. Lots of catch-up from being gone - feeling the pressure which is self-induced. Will I EVER change that about myself?

          DET! I have a question - for anyone else too....
          I ordered Jarrow (I saw you liked their whey) glucosamine chondroitin MSM complex. I saw that it was from shrimp. In the past, I have been advised to avoid shrimp (homeopath, etc) but I ordered it anyway. I was tired and needed to place the order yesterday to get free shipping so I didn't research vegetarian options. IS there a good vegetarian option? I understand that eating something you shoudn't is a cause of inflamation and bad for heart health but for some reason I ignored that in favor of my joints. Thoughts? Advice?

          Off to make a list and one thing is for sure....
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

            Good morning Choochie - soon to become a senior member I see

            Greetings Marshy, Greenie, Peace & all to come!

            Peace, sorry to hear your news but do jump back on the wagon! We're here to help you hold on but need your cooperation :l

            Warm here this morning, yesterday it was only 23 - strange. Flooding rains due here tomorrow - not fun. I'll have to go out & get the chicks into their life vests. :H

            Time to get to work. Wishing a great AF day for one & all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

              Good Morning Abbers!

              Thanks for starting us off Choochie! I hope you have a fabulous day as well!

              Greenie, welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful trip. I don't envy you having to do leaves. Always a never-ending task it seems.

              Peace, right back on the wagon for you. What can we do to help? Peace and strength to you!

              Marshy, good to see you! Yes, please do tell more about the lit class. Happy Birthday to your mom as well.

              I am off to get ready for work. Hello and hugs to all who stop in today! Have a fabulous, AF Tuesday!


                AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                X-post Lav! Good Morning to you! Hope you have a wonderful day!


                  AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                  Hi fabbies. Choochie coochie, thanks for getting us started today!

                  Welcome back Green Queen! Glad to hear your trip was good. Mr. Doggy can feel your pain on the "last mow" to get all the leaves crunched up. This year he got lucky with time to do it + right weather + the right time. It hasn't always worked out that way! He caught it right before the weather turned cold and damp. All I can say on the shrimp is that I am currently frustrated on the food / what is good for me front. Life is killing me I guess.

                  Marshy, how wonderful that you can just say "Happy Birthday" to your Mom. Embrace today. We never know what lies ahead - even for those who seem perfectly healthy. Glad that you and XNGF are having so much fun! Yes - I too would like to year more about the Uni course. (ie. just for fun or life changes?) How cool that you get to take advantage of the other resources!!

                  Peace - I'm realizing more and more that addiction really IS a life long thing. I seem to be in a good zone with AL right now but this sugar thing is killing me. I feel your pain. All we can do is revise our plans and keep moving forward. The only thing that's truly crazy is if we keep doing the same old things and expect different results. So I'm stretching in some new directions myself. How about you?

                  Well, I guess that was enough said about the sugar struggles, eh? I'm sure you are all sick of hearing it here too. Suffice it to say that I am a sugar addict and I must get back to abstinence. It's the only way, because control is just not possible. Just like AL. It's comforting (in the way that knowledge and facts are comforting) to be reading so much right now about the similarities and connections between AL and sugar addiction. It sure helps me understand what had happened here. I think I'll dredge up my journal and blah blah blah more about it there.

                  I blew off leads group this morning just because I didn't feel like going. I love having that flexibility but I don't want to get back into the old routine of blowing things off. I will be leaving soon to go work out. Then errands than more Mary Kay gift wrapping stuff. The women's shopping event was cancelled. :upset: That's the way the cookie crumbles though. So I will go do volunteer work at the mission instead.

                  Blah humbug (hey - every day can't be fabulous, right? but ONE THING IS FOR SURE!!!!)

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                    Good morning Lav and Choppersmom! Swimming chickies in life vests. We want pictures!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                      Good Morning DG!!! I agree that not every day can be fabulous, but I sure like that you can acknowledge this fact and go on with the day anyway. I'm adopting that attitude more and more.


                        AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                        Good morning Everyone!

                        Greenie - welcome back! Glad your trip was good!

                        Marshy - a very happy birthday to your mom! My dad's birthday is Saturday and we/he did not think he would see his 62nd one! Well, it hasn't come yet, but the likelihood he will he here for it.

                        DG - you are right, not every day can be fabulous. Have fun volunteering at the mission today.

                        I went to the Superstore yesterday after picking Little AFM up from school and ran into an X BF. We went over to Tim Horton's for coffee. It was so nice to shoot the shit with him. I didn't realize how lonely I was until then. I don't have any friends in this City as I have only lived here for 15 months. I have acquaintances; but no one to really have coffee with etc... so that was nice.

                        Today, I am going to the SPCA to do some volunteer work. Have a great day everyone!!


                          AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                          choppersmom;1013399 wrote: Good Morning DG!!! I agree that not every day can be fabulous, but I sure like that you can acknowledge this fact and go on with the day anyway. I'm adopting that attitude more and more.
                          I used to drink to try to change the mood to a specific place all the time. On a day like today, I would try to drink and force it to be fabulous. Never worked, but I sure kept trying.

                          AFM, volunteer work should be a nice way to make some new friends. Are you still thinking about moving after the first of the year?

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                            Morning all, and a happy birthday to your Mom as well Marshy - that is wonderful that she is able to celebrate with you!

                            Peace, get back on that wagon and let us know if there is anything that we can do (even if it is only to offer encouragement) - remember that you're not alone in this, okay?

                            DG, I've actually started drinking Chia seeds as part of my diet. Although I haven't turned into a giant Chia Pet yet, they have made a huge impact on my digestive system and my energy levels (I read about them in a book called 'Born To Run').

                            Anyway, busy day at work so I am off - hope everyone has a fulfilling day!
                            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                              AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                              DG - I wanted to mention something about sugar. I know it's talked about so much, but it is a real phenomenon to be reckoned with. I don't know if this will help or not, but here are some things that have helped me. And, it's funny because someone PMd me last night because their sugar cravings were so bad and they thought I might have some ideas. For the first 45 days I was out of control. Things have settled down, though. What I think is helping me is (the passage of time but obviously you're past this point), Tulsi tea with Agave nectar, Wheatgrass, protein in the form of nuts and cheese. I buy this tea online from Organic India. It's made with the holy basil herb and is touted for being calming. I don't know why, but this coupled with a heaping teaspoon of Agave is miraculous for me (I can find Agave nectar in grocery stores here - not sure where you are or if you have it). I drink the Tulsi Chai during the day and the Tulsi Original in the evening because it is herbal and has no caffeine. It really quells my sugar craving. The Agave is sugar, but a low glycemic load. That's key. The Wheatgrass I drink is ordered from Canada and comes in frozen cubes. It immediately kills my sugar cravings.

                              Hope this wasn't too boring for everyone, but I like to share the love.......:H

                              Lav, am I close to being a senior member? How does that work? I'm certainly senior in years if that's a prerequisite.:H:H

                              Marshy, so happy that your mom is still with us enjoying another birthday, Greenie, glad you had a good time - you sound effervescent!

                              CM, Peace, AA and anyone else stopping by..... Have a wonderful AF day!

