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AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

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    AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

    DG - yes, I am hoping to make some new friends, volunteering. Today is my first day and I am looking forward to it, A LOT! No, I am not moving that soon now. I am financially stuck now with the BF moving out. Which is fine. I will just commute to school for now. The most important thing for me is to be happy and seeing the BF and I are on totally different pages and can't find any sort of resolution his 'move' is what needs to happen first and foremost. I am fine with it. I simply want peace and to be able to focus on what I need to be happy. I am now forecasting a move at the end of the school year in June. Little AFM's school is on the chopping block for school closures; so it is the perfect time to go anyway. This way it also doesn't interrupt her but she will have to transfer schools anyway. BF is moving out this weekend. I was going to give him till the New Year, but he found something close to his work; and this works for all of us. The environment here is no longer hostile, and everyone is just focusing on their own needs at the moment. It is all good.


      AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

      Hello Fabbies,

      Peace, good to have you back. Tell us about your plan.

      DG, I was sorry to hear about Step Coach. You've done him proud. :l

      AFM & Marshy, how nice that you're both able to make birthdays special for you parents.

      Welcome back from your travels, Queenie.

      I've been down with a fever the last few days.:upset: I can't remember the last time I had a proper fever and decided to go the natural route. Two and a half days, loads of orange juice and uncomfortable headaches later, the fever came down of its own accord. Now my tummy's upset from the OJ/OD.:H My plan for my 'sick day' today is to have quinoa and clear clutter. All will be well.


        AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

        Pamina, it's good to see you but am sorry to hear about your fever! :upset: Hope you do more resting than clutter clearing today. :l

        Choochie, thanks for your input on the sugar thing. I am going to find the site where you buy your organic tea and book mark it - maybe consider that when some of my current supplies of tea run lower. Thank you! I am determined that today will be sugar free. Day 1. (again)

        AFM - I'm glad to hear that things with BF are no longer hostile and that things are moving forward as they should. Sounds like you have done a great job revising your plans to adapt to the new situation. Have fun volunteering! I hope you will tell us about it later today or tomorrow!

        AA - :H over the thought of you looking like a Chia Pet. THAT is SCARY!! :egad: How are you "drinking" Chia seeds?

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

          I missed the part about stepcoach... You DID do him proud, DG. :l
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

            DG - I loved the story about your step coach being proud of his sobriety. He must have been thrilled to have a peep like you!!


              AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

              Hidy Ho ABeroooos!

              Greeneyes, good to see you back dear. Unless you have cause to believe you are allergic to shrimp I'd not hesitate to take the jarrow product, they are a top-notch manufacturer and know thier stuff. if you have any questions on that product I'd pick up the phone and talk to curious what they say.

              Doggygirl, you say you are frustrated concerning what you should/shouldn't eat...? do you need some ideas or inspiration for healthy eating plans?

              I firmly believe that if everyone on MWO would perform just one dietary ritual in their day this would have a statistically significant effect on our recovery efforts. and that is to incorporate one whey protein shake into your diet with approx 30 grams of whey (branch chain amino acid complex). this would be a 'must do right now' for vegetarians especially but would positively effect everyone. I gar-on-teeee it!

              well, off to slide around in the ice/snow again

              be well
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                Det, what brand of Whey Protein do you recommend?


                  AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                  Hello All,

                  Busy busy place this morning.

                  Peace, it's always great to hear from you. What would you like from all of us to help you stay on the wagon? Advice? Silent support? You name it.

                  DG. I am sorry about the sugar struggles but I know for sure that you will apply you can do attitude and positive spirit to get it under control.

                  Marshy, Happy, Happy to your mom.

                  Greenie, Good to see you back. I missed you and your posts.

                  I had a colonoscopy today. It's amazing that you now have to have them at 29. Seriously though, I am always so nervous about tests because I am afraid that I am finally going to hear that my past drinking has caught up with me. However, I passed this one with flying colors. The doc congratulated on my healthy lifestyle. He also said that the health of the colon is a good indicator of your overall health in general. Woo hoo. Never thought I would hear that.

                  Hey Chooch, I order the Tulsi tea from Organic India too. I love it with a few drops of liquid stevia. Tasty and I feel healthy just drinking it. And Det, I drink a whey protein drink mixed with fruits in the morning after my workout. I am actually an avid reader and practitioner of nutritional healing. I don't think there has been enough said/done in the area of nutrition and recovery from alcohol abuse. But, there's alot more out there than there used to me.

                  Hi Pamina, AA and AFM.

                  Off to rest a little. Doc said no driving or operating heavy machinery today!!

                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                    I agree Mom3.

                    Choochie, I recommend the Jarrow unflavored and unsweetened because I can flavor with fruit and nuts (yes I put nuts in my smoothies) and get the flavor I want. but the flavored ones are fine too, just watch the labels for artificial things. there are really a good many brands out there now that do well.
                    I also like one I found called Matrix. I try to get a lo carb whey protein since I'll be adding 'good' carbs to it anyhow.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                      please see this video on whey protein. fascinating

                      Ori Hofmekler on Whey Protein
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                        Det, I've been taking Whey Protein Isolate in a 2:1 mix with maltodextrin as a post-recovery drink everyday. Notice that I have a lot more energy when doing so, and my muscles don't feel as fatigued afterward. Like the isolate as is 97% pure, although it also tends to be a little more expensive.

                        I've used both GNC's Whey Protein Isolate as well as NOW! Whey Protein Isolate, and both mix well and can be purchased flavored or unflavored.
                        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                          AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                          M3 - Great news on your test results - aren't you glad that's over!! I've had a colonoscopy too as I'm sure many here have. The preparation is ghastly, isn't it!! I too had good results and was so relieved to hear it.

                          Det and AA - thanks for the Whey tips. I'm going to look now at the video. (Oh, just noticed that it routes me to Joseph Mercola's website). I think he's really great and read his advice often!


                            AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                            holy snot, this article is better than I imagined. a must see. (sorry to hijack today's thread).

                            low fat whey protein= crap (I could have guessed that)

                            I'm going to be getting the miracle whey asap. (AAth, it has a naturally made maltodextrine)

                            Chooch, I think Mercola is a veritable treasure of truth. he's amazing.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                              Hi Abbies,

                              I have been asked to do something by my employer which I haven't a clue how to do. I'm on a steep learning curve but this sort of things gets my mojo rising. I hope I don't mess up, but I will protect myself by telling him that he needs to review my work with counsel and an exporter.

                              M3 - wow a colonoscopy and still standing. Glad it came out ok. My dad's colon is a mess and he sure has an unhealthy liftstyle. Must be health week - I'm getting a mammogram and a DEXA scan tomorrow. Whoopee!

                              Must get back to my learning, I mean stumbling, I mean challenge.

                              With a smile,
                              AF since May 6, 2010

                              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                                AF Daily Tuesday 11-29

                                Det, I know what I need to do. Accepting it 100% and just doing it is the problem. And of course when addiction has it's claws in me, the cravings are monumental. That's why God made L-Glut, right?

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

