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AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

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    AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

    Well a tree must be down because 2 firetrucks just sped by. Windy and rainy here. I'm settling in for a good inside day.

    On the sugar thing - I'm having issues with it too. I have a new idea though. When I have the craving for sugar, eat as much fruit as I want. Fruit fruit fruit all the time until I'm satisfied. Total calories - much less than ice cream or creamy chocolate swiss rolls. Much less than a sleeve of cookies. Total nutritional benefit - much greater! Fun - no so much, though. Fiber - pretty good (see Fun).

    Hi ML welcome to the group. Are you on day 5 now?

    Off to the races...
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

    Hi Gaia, thanks for starting the day. OK, now the question, how do you make yourself actually pick up the piece of fruit and bypass the gummy bears?? I have to just not have the sweets around me so I try not to buy them. And, actually, I find that if I can eat an actual bull blown meal that I eat less sweets. Would love to know more about the connection between alcohol and sugar. I used to hardly ever eat any sugar when I drank and it's much more appealing to me now!


      AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

      Hey ho abbers!!

      Thanks for the start gaia! Fruit and fiber are a good switch to make. Protein helps me. I'm having a bit of withdrawal from nightly desert at my sister's. Thankfully I'm not falling for the old "I'll just buy some X and ration myself" HAR! HAR! Been there, done that!! I have some yogurt, nuts, and "only fruit" jam if I'm desperate.

      Welcome mylife! Good to have you here.

      Marshy hope your mom had a nice birthday. School and work, eh? Not envious. School gives me performance anxiety and Pamina.... huge admiration for you on the speech. I could break into a sweat just thinking about it.

      AFM, your animal gig really kicked your mojo up a notch. It's a pleasure to hear about it. Purr purr bark bark :H

      I think the whole east coast is having a blustery day, pooh. Can you hear all my windchimes from here? At least it's sunny but alas, I have indoors work to attend to.

      So I shall zoom off knowing one thing is for sure....
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

        Hi coochie, X-post... there was a thread or post about the AL/sugar connection, but I don't recall where it was. Research section maybe?
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

          Choochie;1014261 wrote: ...I find that if I can eat an actual bull blown meal that I eat less sweets. ....
          Never had one of those meals Choochie - sounds interesting! I know, a slip during the keystroke but it brought a smile to my face! :H

          Morning all! Gaia, I can't figure out how much of it is our bodies actually wanting sugar and how much our alkie brains are trying to tempt us into anything that it might consider 'bad' for us in excessive quantities.

          I've actually got the opposite problem, where I don't eat enough, so eating sugary foods is a double-whammy for me nutritionally. After finding out that my son had ADD, it was determined that I had it too, and so we both went on Concerta (in conjunction with a overall treatment program). One of the side-effects can be appetite suppression, and I sometimes struggle to intake enough calories to maintain my weight (which is partially why I went on the whey protein we were talking about yesterday).

          Hope everyone has a great day!

          P.S. A big welcome to ML as well...
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

            Good moring Abbers, Happy December!

            The 2" of rain that was promised is falling now......the 50 mph winds will be here later, wonderful. Guess I'm not going too far today.

            I know I have been consuming more sugary junk than usual the past 6 months & guess what? It showed up in my bloodwork last month. In May my Triglycerides level was OK, in November it went way up & that is due to consuming too much crap. I still have cookies here for visitors & EB but I have ceased buying anything else. No Gummy Bears Choochie

            OK, time to get some work in before the power goes out (it always does in this weather).
            Wishing a wonderful AF Humpday to one & all.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

              Good morning fabbies! Welcome mylife. Us 29 year olds have to stick together. Now that I have just enough information about the colonoscopy pill, umm....I think I'll wait until I'm 30 to get one. AFM - I was grinning ear to ear reading about your volunteer experience! I suspect you have found your second home.

              Gaia, thanks for getting us started today! No doubt that reaching for fruit is a better option than sugar! It's cold and cloudy here today too...wish I could stay in this morning but I have to zoom zoom soon.

              Choochie;1014261 wrote: Would love to know more about the connection between alcohol and sugar. I used to hardly ever eat any sugar when I drank and it's much more appealing to me now!
              Choochie, I'm reading two books that delve into this subject - "The Diet Cure" by Julia Ross and "Potatos Not Prozak" by Kathleen DesMaisons. Last night I was reading about a theoretical issue in alcohol and sugar sensitive people of low beta endorphin, in addition to low seratonin being a problem. It's interesting stuff. Healing it all is the key I think and it seems there are different opinions on approach. I'd be interested to hear about other books people think are good that speak to a connection between sugar and alcohol. I too could have cared less about sugar until I stopped drinking.

              Greenie it's so good to have you back. I hear ya on the "rationing" voice. Ya right.

              Lav, I am having to re-think what I will have in the house. There are just some things that simply cannot be here by way of sweet treats. For the holidays, I will be waiting until the last minute to buy stuff, and NOT buying anything I consider to be a personal favorite. (that doesn't leave much, sadly!) How are the chickies faring in this lousy weather? I haven't had that sort of blood testing done recently. But I check my BP regularly at Walmart () and it's always up some when I've been eating crap. My heart rate goes higher when I work out too. The signs are there.

              AA, I found myself momentarily jealous when I read that you have an issue keeping weight ON. I think that is a sign of my addiction to sugar. How are you and your son doing on Concerta? Is it helping?

              Well, I need to zoom zoom or I will be late for Chamber Ambassadors. Later...

              One thing is for SURE!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

                DG, it has been a life-changing experience for both of us (in a positive way). Gone are his days of daydreaming in class and homework battles at night, and gone are my days of thinking that I just wasn't as smart as others because I couldn't concentrate on tasks for any length of time.

                Doesn't fix everything all by itself obviously, but it has given us a foundation to move forward. The weight loss is a mixed blessing, but it has certainly helped improve my running and cycling performance (better power to weight ratio).
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

                  AAthlete;1014305 wrote: DG, it has been a life-changing experience for both of us (in a positive way). Gone are his days of daydreaming in class and homework battles at night, and gone are my days of thinking that I just wasn't as smart as others because I couldn't concentrate on tasks for any length of time.

                  Doesn't fix everything all by itself obviously, but it has given us a foundation to move forward. The weight loss is a mixed blessing, but it has certainly helped improve my running and cycling performance (better power to weight ratio).
                  Wow.. that's great!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

                    I can eat an actual bull blown meal that I eat less sweets
                    AA - is there a term for Freudian slip of the typing fingers?:H:H

                    DG - I'll read some info on Amazon about the books. I just briefly caught a piece on NPR this morning about how drug (including al of course) addiction is just like the need for food. This makes sense to me, because when I have the urge to drink it feels exactly like the urge to eat. I'm going to try to go to the archives and find the program because I didn't catch it all.

                    AFM - I would love to hear more about the volunteer work you are doing with animals. I would have a really hard time not taking them home and have too many already. Still would like to know more, though.

                    Lav, I know - the gummy bears - I was worried about them on many levels - all that food coloring (probably carcinogenic), what they were doing to my teeth -- I have to force myself not to buy them!

                    Have a good day everyone.



                      AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

                      "OK, ML the first thing you have to know that all of us are 29 (even if we're pushing 50) don't you be going and getting yourself roto rootered until much later in life. Actually, I'm not sure what the recommended age is, but don't be fooled by the old girls talking. So, the pill, is actually a combination of pill/liquid one takes for the colonoscopy preparation. The results of said pill/liquid are not pretty. Suffice it to say that I was in the bathroom all night and ultimately had to just sit in the bathtub. Yikes - not fun. But, you certainly feel light and airy after you've done that kind of napalm blast to your poor little colon and ass!! I'm not sure if LVT knows what she's in for, but it is my civic duty to give her a "heads up."
                      There you have my rendition of preparation for a colonoscopy."

                      Well. Alrighty then. I think I'm not one bit excited about this anymore. I think maybe I will postpone my colonoscopy until my NEXT 29th birthday. Thank you Choochie. :thanks:
                      And...what old girls are you talking about exactly?

                      When I started MWO there were some members that did some detox/cleanses/flushes. And so I'm a little familiar with the process. I used a product call OxyPowder and also did a sea salt cleanse. But I'm sure the 32 Osmo Prep pills I have to swallow will be a little more intense. Just for you guys I will take my laptop into the bathroom that night and blog for you.:H

                      Sounds like you all are getting the winds we've had for 2 days. It was absolutely miserable here with wind chills well below 0.

                      AA--your post about ADD really caught my attention. My oldest son (16) has been struggling in school for I don't know how long. We keep getting told that he is just lazy and isn't trying and that he will (hopefully) grow out of it. He has trouble focusing on more than one thing at a time and has a lot of trouble retaining what they teach. He is failing Algebra 2 and we are at a point we need to get him out of it and start over next year. When they do their state tests at school, he tests in the average range. So we just go on doing the same things that don't work--punishment, reward, on his case all the time. Finally after talking with him, he mentioned he just can't retain what he's taught, and he said even in basketball he can't remember the new plays. And when playing dominoes with his cousins the other night--he just couldn't understand the game. Again, I ask his tutor if he needs some kind of testing, could there be something wrong? She just thinks he is overloaded (was--he had to drop out of One Acts because he was failing 2 classes) and that he is capable. Anyway, I think I'll research ADD and talk to the principal and see if I can find someone that will help us. What a shame if we let this go on thinking he's lazy (he believes it now) and could have been helped with intervention medically?
                      Thank you for bringing that up here--AA!

                      I didn't mean to write a sandwich worthy post, honestly! But I better get busy now.
                      Have a great sober day all!:h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

                        Good morning!

                        Running a bit late. I don't know how it is possible when I am in bed asleep before 9pm and get up at around 6am... and still be kinda tired and running late! I certainly drag my arse in the morning these days. Old man winter and me don't play well together!

                        Yesterday was fun! I enjoyed being at the SPCA immensely! It definitely will be something that will 'enhance' my life a lot. I like working in the hospital and helping people as well; but there is something about abandoned critters that really melt my heart.

                        I am off to see my dad for a short visit this morning. Then I need to get out to the malls up there (we don't have malls in my city - we have Walmart, and stuff, but no malls). I need to find him something for his birthday. I went to a couple of stores yesterday and couldn't find any jammies that would suit him. With his thin skin, he can only wear certain kinds. Anyway, I will try up there.

                        Have a great day everyone!

                        ps. I have never been a sugar person. When I quit drinking I didn't crave it too much. But on another note; when I was eating Little AFM's Halloween treats this year, it sent me into an alcohol craving tizzy! So much that I had to go home and pop an Antabuse. Sugar is very dangerous territory for me. My nemesis is grease and salt. I like my chips. I don't buy them much ever as I know that I would eat the whole bag in one sitting!


                          AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

                          i beleieve, in essence, chips turn to sugar in our bodies, don't they?
                          i don't like sugary things too much, but i do have a huge appetite, especially in the first few days after a binge (like now :upset.

                          well, my beagle puck has lymphoma...he's such a great dog, so sweet. it breaks our family's heart. i am feeding him sardines, flax oil, cottage cheese and a really high quality dog food (no grains all organic). that diet is supposed to bolster their immune systems. i just want to keep his life as normal as possible and make sure he doesn't hurt. so far, he seems to feel fine, but i assume that will change in the near future.

                          anyway, i'm glad you are all here and thanks for the words of encouragement. the beast within is such a #%*!!!
                          i'm taking kudzu and trying to take it one minute at a time.

                          i'm off to deal with some school bullying issues my daughter is having. some boy is targeting her and i want it to stop NOW.

                          take care all.


                            AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

                            Hi Everyone,

                            It's day 1 for me. Time to take my life back....

                            Send me some positive vibes please.



                              AF Daily - Wednesday December 1

                              Lots of positive vibes, and the good thing is that you can only go up from here Chief. Let us know what we can do...
                              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

