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AF Daily - Thursday December 2

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    AF Daily - Thursday December 2

    Good morning Abbers,

    Been MIA for a couple days finishing up my Christmas shopping, decorating the house and getting things I need to finish my baking. But, completely AF and didn't even partake in a beer when out for a much deserved dinner and lunch with my mother for all our running around. Stocked up at Costco; Perrier, lemons and limes, asparagus, avocado's, Red Velvet Cheesecake plus all my wrapping paper and bows and ribbons. M&M's for more treats, lots of tenderloin and I need a break. Hah!

    It's Little Gia's Christmas Party today for preschool so she has a beautiful new dress to put on for it and she is super excited. We made little presents of truffles and spritz cookies in tins for her teachers. She has another party at the Fire Hall where Santa will be there as well, and a house party we're going to at her little friends house..and new dresses for everyone! I have a dinner this Saturday and I'm still deciding on staying for the dance afterwards, this will be my first truly sober event around a bunch of drinking and eventually drunk people. I have a firm resolve in my head that I'm no drinking and most of these people were around during my last drinking night a couple of months ago..they won't see me the same way this night. But, some luck wished from friends would always help!

    I caught a bit about diet and things on the other threads, I'm reading the book 'Eat right for your Blood Type'..very interesting. I'm O+, and even though they stress there is no scientific basis supporting it, it sounds really interesting to me and explains my love for red meat. High Protein, low carb for me with literally hardly any dairy or AL. Plus, loads of other information which I am loving. But, the no Coffee..I realize Hunter and Gatherers didn't have coffee back then, but this modern day one needs it! I'll give up the AL instead.

    Hope you all have a fabulous day!

    AF Daily - Thursday December 2

    Morning BB, and Abber's everywhere,

    Have a great day BB. I don't want to give up coffee either, as long as i don't guzzle tooooo much!

    A safe, sober, and magical day to all.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF Daily - Thursday December 2

      Morning all,

      Coffee. Had a bone scan yesterday and guess what coffee is bad for osteoperosis. So is coke and diet coke. Sometimes life just isn't fair!

      G- who's the guy on your new avatar?

      Restless in Rustica,
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF Daily - Thursday December 2

        Happy morning fabbies!!

        Gia thanks for the start, I was wondering where you were. Your activities sound luscious!

        Hey ho g-string!

        Gaia, I think the caffeine leaches the calcium. And I think that holds true for carbonation as well. About S. African grapes.... I think that they would have miniscule life force and massive carbon footprint by the time they got to my belly. So I say nay - even if they were organic, they are too far away. Eat local. That is all. How's your mojo, restless one?

        Today is some work and some errands and some (all?) X-mas shopping. There are two show/sales starting today. One is the university students & faculty handmade art work (jewelery, ceramics, prints, textiles, sculpture and the money raised goes to fund visiting artists and buy equipment), and the other is a local clay arts society at the gallery I like so much. I've scheduled things to hit them both at their respective opening times. I like to support the locals and get one-of-a-kind gifts.

        Mercury retrograde starts next Friday the 10th for 3 weeks. Just so ya know!

        Have a happy day!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Thursday December 2

          Don't forget to put me on your gift list greenone!! :H

          Thanks for the link to Vitacost-will check them out. I've stopped the All one and am trying to finish up the massive bottle of Women's multis that I bought at BJ's last year!! I might go back to it, might not. Awfully expensive for a multi when I can usually get bogo at CVS for Nature Made. Will have to think about it.
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily - Thursday December 2

            I'm going with Pete Townsend on G's new avatar. If I win, is there a prize? :ey:

            P3, re. the new WW plan--you get more daily points, but (at least for me) food points have gone up--a 5 pt meal is now 8 pts. I'd like to find a decent summary of the food science behind the new plan but haven't on the site; will Google it, might have better luck there. I think it's leaning toward low-carb, which will be popular here!

            Welcome back, green machine! :l

            Gia, your jump on decorating puts me to shame. I still have a Thanksgiving bouquet dying on the dining room table.

            Okay, work-work-work-work-work, so I can relax a little by the time the holidays roll in. Gaaak. I need a wife.

            xoxoxo Pride
            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


              AF Daily - Thursday December 2

              (PS: I read that milk in coffee (calcium) negates the leeching affect of caffeine. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.)
              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                AF Daily - Thursday December 2

                Morning all, and thanks BB for getting us started. Sounds like you had a busy couple of days, and you know that little Gia is going to be a princess, right? With all the dresses, cookie tins, and get-togethers how could she not!

                I'm digging all the talk about nutrition lately, as most people seem to dismiss it out of hand as the source for any of the ills in our lives, when I think clearly it is not. The thing that I think is important for us 'types' of people to understand is that eating healthy doesn't mean wholesale changes from day one. Changing diets can be daunting as well, so it's important to pick out one or two things to focus on and build from there..

                As Lavande pointed out yesterday, our diets can event affect things such as ADD, and I completely agree that every angle should be explored as a remedy - especially if it involves natural eating. Just need to find what works best for you as everybody responds differently. My personal $.02 as a person who has suffered through a lifetime of ADD is, I am profoundly grateful that we found something that is kicking ass for my son...

                Time for my 2nd cup of coffee, but it is great to see everyone this morning, and hope you all have a fantastic day!
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  AF Daily - Thursday December 2

                  Mornin' Fabbies! Thanks Gia for getting us started. I too was smiling reading about Little G's busy social agenda! And dresses! Re: the dinner/dance on Saturday. If I were headed off to that type of event, I would:

                  1. Eat before I go (for me, I am more tempted by AL on an empty stomach)
                  2. Decide in advance what I WILL order to drink (my AA friend last night had cranberry and club soda with lime and I wished I had ordered that! I just had club soda and lemon)
                  3. Have an exit strategy. (I will ALWAYS leave an event before I drink - even if that means getting up going in the middle of dinner.)
                  4. I also have a long list of ready made remarks just in case someone asks me why I'm not drinking AL. But I rarely get to use my clever remarks as basically, nobody seems to care much what I am / am not drinking. )

                  That's how I tackle it anyway. FWIW.

                  G-man and Gaia, I too am clinging to my coffee and will probably be buried someday with my cup. :cupajoe:

                  Greenie your shopping day sound fabulous! I will be happy with whatever you select for me from either place.

                  P3, I am about to return to All One. Already ordered the big can and am using the last of my current multi. My current multi compares well with all the vitamins, but lacks the amino acids in All One and I think my body is crying for those right now. At least that's what I think I'm hearing. My ears are usually clogged when it comes to hearing my body though, so who knows.

                  Pride, if you find the real scoop on the new WW plan, I hope you wouldn't mind sharing that info here. I too am curious about the science behind it - especially since they say "more is discovered in the science..." as their reason for change. I haven't been going to WW lately. But I haven't fully dropped out either. I really like the group support aspect. And the WW plan does not really dictate food choices, so one does not HAVE to use up all of ones available points on carmel chocolate 1 point snacks. (note to self :H) One could make more appropriate choices based on knowing that one is say, addicted to sugar or something like that. I may go back after the holidays. We shall see. How about you?

                  P3, will be very interested in hearing your take on things too as I know you are getting started on Saturday.

                  AA, I too am facinated with the whole "fuel" (food) topic. I think the journaling experience (writing down how I feel physically and emotionally/mentally after meals) is going to be very interesting. Other people say they have tracked their foods on and off for years but discovered some amazing connections from that type of journaling.

                  Like anything else in life, I think there are some extremes of "good" and some extremes of "bad" with foods - but probably very few. Most things are somewhere in the middle with pros and cons. And all things in moderation is probably a good mantra. The trouble with people like us is that pesky "moderation" part.

                  The mystery dinner last night was a RIOT. Mr. Doggy would have hated it to death so I'm glad he stayed home and my AA friend went with me. We dug it. I got to play a part. You are not going to BELIEVE what it was. I was ROLLING ON THE FLOOR when I opened the envelope and read it. Are you ready?

                  "Annie Vitale and her sister Angela own the local liquor store. They are considered to be the local lushes. (you can act tipsy when playing this part) Angela is secretly drinking a lot and thinks you don't know. But you do." and then it went on with the other clues and stuff. HOW FUNNY IS THAT??? I think I played a very good drunken lush if I do say so myself. :H

                  I'm sure I'm running out of smilies now so I better get moving on to Curves. One thing is for sure...

                  Indeed, I had to go back and delete 3 smilies. So I'm sorry that my post is not as expressive as originally intended! (more laughing)

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Thursday December 2

                    Lol DG - your mystery dinner part brought a huge smile to my face. I'm guessing it wasn't too hard for you to get into character for that part!
                    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                      AF Daily - Thursday December 2

                      Hello friends

                      Gia, I love hearing about your plans with your little girl. You and AFM are so lucky to have sweet little girls. I don't envy you the teenage years however.

                      I did a little googling online about ADD. Wow, the info out there is overwhelming! When I thought about someone with it I always picture some one that was hyper, and the adults I've seen with it can't stay with something until it's finished. The articles I read said there are 3 basic types of ADD, and I think my son might have the "Inattentive" type. He has all the classic symptoms. I called the place where I went to counseling and got an appointment for an evaluation the end of the month. It makes sense to me, because it explains so much, but when I showed my son the article, he said he didn't think so. When I looked at natural alternatives, seems alot of the supplements are the same as what was recommended when I quit drinking. B vitamins, magnesium, GABA, L-Tyrosine, PTS......All the good brain healing supplements. Lav I 'm sure you are an expert on the subject as well as AA. It would be difficult having a child with ADHD I think. It sounds like you did a wonderful job and your son turned out quite well. I worry about mine at this point--how will he EVER make it in college? It will also be quite difficult for me to get him to eat and drink the right things, and as far as taking supplements? He's a bigger baby than I am. But, I'm not going to get too excited until after the evaluation. I think I'll wait to talk to the school too. I don't want to get him labeled unnecessarily and there's always the possibility he really is that lazy and irresponsible. I really appreciate the advice and info I've gotten here, I don't think I would have come up with this on my own!

                      DG--your night sounds fun! I can't imagine doing that sober! :H

                      I'm determined to start eating better and dusting off that treadmill (as soon as that last piece of chocolate pie is gone). NO WAY I'M GIVING UP MY COFFEE THOUGH! Have a great day all!

                      (Welcome back, Chief! WTH happened???):l
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF Daily - Thursday December 2

                        Morning All,

                        Day 2 here.....lots to do to keep me busy. Cold and snowy here, but it looks pretty.

                        Send me positive vibes.

                        I won't be drinking today.



                          AF Daily - Thursday December 2

                          Morning Abbers!

                          The Oscar goes to DG for her realistic portrayal of a drunken lush :H:H
                          I don't know if I could have done it - good for you & good that you enjoyed it

                          Back in the 70's & 80's it was the Feingold Diet that we used to try to relieve ADD symptoms. I think it did help a little along with huge amounts of love & patience. I spent more time in the kitchen.......made everything from scratch to avoid the additives. You know what, I still cook & bake that way - hence all the homebaked bread, etc

                          We have sunshine today, calm winds, nice change from yesterday.

                          Greetings to G aka Che Guevara.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily - Thursday December 2

                            Good to see you back today Chief - keep up the great work!
                            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                              AF Daily - Thursday December 2

                              DH LOL at your mystery night!

                              Hi Chief, welcome back.

                              BB I have the feeling that Little Gia must be adorable.
                              AF since May 6, 2010

                              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

