Aloha Friday ABeroooos!
Gaia, thanks for the fun literary treat. you wrote that yourself?
Chief, you sound like you're in the perfect frame of mind and very serious. if you swam yesterday I'm guessing you are healthy enough that your detox won't be too severe.
I think the 4-loco is a horrible substance but as a libertarian I'm also against the nanny-state stepping in and banning it to 'save us from ourselves'. it's very easy for us to open a pandora's box of governmental oversight into every aspect of our personal lives and diet. (S510 has been passed by congress and it appears Obama has no interest in stopping it) when I was a lad there didn't appear to be any drinks marketed to me, yet the very fact that they were illegal for my age group made me want them all the more. I wonder why some European countries with no age limit have less issues with teen alcoholism? this is obviously a complex issue and I have only had one cup of coffee
one thing is for is my only vice on this fine day
be well friends