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AF Daily - Friday 12/3

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    AF Daily - Friday 12/3


    That was a decent sleep I had. The past two weeks have been restless nights for some reason. I'm not feeling grounded and need to revisit the grounding meditation CD on a daily basis. It's a real chore when I get out in orbit.

    M3, yes you would have to find a contractor willing to take on what you perceive to be a mess. Keep in mind though, that it is YOUR perception because you are living it. A contractor would probably look at that "mess" aspect entirely differently from a job assesment perspective. Do what you need to do if you feel it needs to be done. The Queen of BGPs has spoken. :H

    Where's uni?

    Heading out of town for the weekend. Little bit of family business then some personal development in a loosely defined retreat thing with Colin Tipping. Doing a room share with a stranger again. Last time was so cool. The woman later asked me if I "knew" she would be my roommate when we checked in. Strangely enough, I did. She has that gift, I must have picked up the vibe.

    I bet there's another thread by now.

    Happy POETS day and one thing is for sure....
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Friday 12/3

    Greenie Queenie!

    Thanks for starting the thread. Your weekend sounds great. I know just what you mean about a stranger being a gift, how you 'knew' this person was going to be your roommate. It's so strange. My theory - ok get this - is ... da da da DUH Reincarnation! There are some people I have met in the world - from very far away - from completely different backgrounds - who have become important people in my life and almost from the very beginnning. I believe our souls already knew each other.

    stepping down now...

    Where is Uni?

    Today is Poet's day? Happy day, poets! Wish I were better at understanding poetry.

    M3 enjoy your self time. That yoga session sounds great. And having the house all to yourself? How's the construction going?

    Gonna look up Poets day now.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


      AF Daily - Friday 12/3

      POETS day:

      Piss off early tomorrow's Saturday.

      Is this it?
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF Daily - Friday 12/3

        Poet's day? I must sugar my hair (see below)

        Poet's Day, as near as I can figure, is a made-up holiday that exists only in the pages of the Quality Paperback Book Club's annual calender/day planner. But so what? That shouldn't stop you from celebrating Poet's Day to the fullest when it comes around every March 1st.

        There are plenty of ways to celebrate Poet's Day. Reading and writing poetry would be only the most obvious examples. Why not write out Poet's Day cards and send them to all your friends and acquaintances? Or put up an evergreen tree in your livingroom, decorating it with poetry-themed ornaments and garlands. Don't forget to buy Poet's Day gifts for your loved ones.

        Personally, I celebrated the last Poet's Day by eating breakfast at my local poet house. A poet house, you'll find, is just like a pancake house, but with better coffee.

        There, I heard Lewis Carroll as he ordered the seafood omelet with extra oysters.

        "We cannot do with more than four," his server responded. "To give a hand to each."

        Carroll frowned, and when his omelet came, he complained that the lobster was baked too brown. "I must sugar my hair," he said in frustration. Then he had the server take away the omelet and bring the soup of the evening, beautiful soup, instead.

        George Gordon, Lord Byron said that he wasn't hungry, but I caught him staring at Emily Dickinson's waffles. Dickinson led the poets in saying grace in the name of the butterfly, and of the birds, and of the breeze, amen. She washed down her waffles with the sherry which the guest leaves.

        Allen Ginsburg let me have a bite of his kosher Zen New Jersey nowhere, howling as he sipped his hot matzo ball soup. Meanwhile, Lawrence Ferlinghetti ate a good deal of spaghetti.

        Along came Adrienne Rich, who ordered strong black coffee. It came nestled sensuously between the waitress's breasts.

        Langston Hughes had the raisin toast in the sun, but said that it was too dry. Edgar Allan Poe had the toast as well. His came with cognac and three red roses. When asked if he wanted a side of bacon with that, Poe said, "Nevermore." When the check came, Poe was nowhere to be found.

        Oscar Wilde went wild when served his Oscar Meyer wiener. Robert Frost stopped by to watch the powdered sugar fall on my french toast, but he couldn't stay. "I have promises to keep," he said. "And miles to go before I sleep."

        William Shakespeare ordered the turkey dinner and made much ado about stuffing. But all was as he liked it in the end. He washed down his meal with a winter's ale.

        It was impossible to tell what Robert Pinsky ordered as an entree, but for dessert, he had Basho, banana pudding.

        (This is my original work, first published in the literary webzine Wild Violet, in the Sept. 2007 issue.
        If you don't get the Robert Pinsky reference, you obviously haven't been watching The Simpsons!)

        AF since May 6, 2010

        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


          AF Daily - Friday 12/3

          Good Lord Gaia, would you stop partying so hard??!! :H:H

          Thanks for getting us started, Oh Great Green One (OGGO)! Think I'll have to take your word for it on the whole reincarnation thing, but your weekend does sound pretty damn cool - so enjoy yourself.

          I would also have to agree with OGGO on the contractor thing (having been one in a previous life). Unless they've done something completely wrong (think a Holmes on Homes episode) it may not be as bad as you think and it can't hurt to talk to someone else.

          Glad to see everyone (okay two so far) doing so well, and hope all who come have a great day! Time for another cup of strong black coffee..
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            AF Daily - Friday 12/3

            "Piss off early tomorrow's Saturday" >>

            That must be it, T. I know G-string mentioned it before, and yesterday I was thinking, "Again? Those Aussies really love their poets!" I'm all for pissing off early, POETS day or not. This girl is in serious need of fun.

            Speaking of which, your weekend sounds GREAT, Green Machine. M3? Not so much. Could you line up the cabinetry in the dining room, throw a tablecloth over it, and pretend it's a table? At this point, I'd say grit your teeth and soldier through it; they're so close to done. Then give them a crap rating on Angie's List (You too on that last one, DG). I get that contractors don't know what kind of problems they're going to run into until they start tearing things out, but there has to be some kind of accountability re. sticking to a contract.

            I'm working on a blog piece on caffeinated alcohol drinks. Anyone heard of 4 Loko? You get the equivalent of 4 beers worth of alcohol in a single 2-dollar (US) can, in an array of fun fruity flavors. Needless to say, it's popular with college students, but not so popular with infirmary personnel who are treating those students for alcohol poisoning.

            I would've LOVED that stuff.

            xoxoxo Pride
            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


              AF Daily - Friday 12/3

              Good moring Queenie Greenie, Gaia, AA & everyone!

              I hope your weekend is wonderful Greenie! Tell Colin I say Hello

              I have never been able to connect with poetry. I love to read, even wish I could write sometimes but poetry never held my attention. Do you think I'm missing a gene or something?

              I have work this morning then the afternoon free. I have a feeling Christmas cookies are in my near future :H

              EB & his Dad came over for a while last evening. EB walked into my living room, saw the Christmas tree & said: 'WOW, look at that'!!!! :H

              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                Good morning Pride - cross post!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                  Good Morning Greenie, Gaia, AA, Pride and all who follow later in the day. Loved the information on POETS day ~ great chuckle to start the day.

                  Greenie, your weekend sounds wonderful. Enjoy yourself!

                  Sorry that I didn't get a thorough read back from yesterday (I was only able to skim through), as we just got our computer up and running again at home. I really need to quit being lazy and go shopping for a new laptop of my own. I just dread the thought cause I know nothing about computers!

                  M3, I hope everything works out for you contractor wise. No fun, no matter what!

                  AA, I'm with you on more coffee! Nice to meet you too!

                  Gaia, love your thoughts on reincarnation. You stated it so beautifully.

                  Pride, 4 Loko has been banned in Oregon (where I live) and also in Washington. We've had quite a few news articles on 4 Loko. PM me if you'd like me to send you the information.

                  Ok, I'm off for more coffee and to get ready for work. Have a happy, sober Friday all!


                    AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                    Hey all - holiday cancelled due to snow - re-booked for Jan tho so all good
                    lazy day off today then back to work next week;((

                    On plus side gives me chance to lose weight/shape up for bikini - 6 weeks away and breaks up miserable January.

                    I am starting again AF wise.

                    I haven't been out of control - 2 drinks only BUT wanted more and more importantly really disliked being drunk and felt shocking/anxious/couldn't sleep properly!
                    I feel better AF - I need to put that first.

                    Really focusing on getting fit after skate bootcamp - no more smoking (idea of smoking is really repugnant now - feeling similar re -alcohol). Cycling to work next week and skating and 2 gym/steam sessions booked in.
                    Gonna start doing floor exercises each day too - press ups/planks/squats.

                    Skating later on and doing some washing so I have nice warm clothes to wear!
                    one day at a time


                      AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                      Cross post! Hi Lav and Bear! Hope you both have a wonderful day!


                        AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                        Good morning everyone!

                        I missed checking in yesterday.... my internet connection was down :-( until last night. That was a mucho bummer.

                        Today I am seeing my Dr. this afternoon. Looks like I might end up back on my antidepressants. Oh well, there could be worse things in life, eh? I am feeling really much like I have legs of cement blocks; very tired all of the time. I do find some inspiration in things like volunteering and upcoming school, etc. It is the day to day stuff that I am finding hard at the moment. I am in bed just after Little AFM and it is about the only time of day I look forward to on the most part. So, feeling a little blue and don't want to be! I know he will put me onto the Wellbutrin again; which is fine. It helped me for a good couple of years before I went off. Had loads of energy with little side effects.

                        Today, Little AFM is going on a field trip to Jumpin' Jiminies with her school. She is very excited. XBF is leaving today - and tonight I am re-staking the claim of my house. Cleaning it from head to toe and then Little AFM and I will be baking Christmas cookies and decorating them for her Teddy Bear Picnic early next week. I don't know if we will get to it tonight, but this weekend at some point. It depends on how tired we are this evening.

                        Tomorrow is my dad's birthday. I bought him a luxurious set of polar fleece jammies, and a couple of other things. We will be heading up early in the AM. That is when Little AFM is in her best form. I know this will be his last birthday and want to enjoy it with him; somewhat. His stupid new feeding tube is giving him problems. He had to go to the hospital the other day because it was leaking. He has a 'J' tube which is inserted below the stomach, not through the throat. His stomach is paralyzed which was the cause of his almost starving to death. I hope they fixed it and he isn't leaking all about anymore.

                        Anyway, I am off to shower. Have a great day everyone!


                          AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                          Hi Lav and C's mom!

                          Lav, poetry fits whatever left/right brain combination I ended up with. I'm missing the math gene. I look at an equation, and it makes no sense to me; my eyes glaze over, and I check out mentally. Do NOT get it. My checkbook is specimen A.

                          BEAR, so good to see you! :hug: ODAT until many DATs. No neurotoxin is worth shock, anxiety, and lack of sleep. You deserve health and happiness; how you?re feeling is yet more proof it won't come in that bottle.

                          AFM, a long-term relationship, crappy as it was, is ending, and your dad is seriously ill. Of course your mojo's low. Cut yourself a break. Good for you for taking care of yourself and getting help if you need it. :l
                          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                            AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                            Hello friends,

                            Pride--I would love to read your blog about the 4 Loco and any others on the subject (Choppersmom)! As part of our local prevention coalition, these are the things we try to address and keep an eye on. It is so disappointing that these companies are marketing these items to attract the kids! A really good website is Science inside Alcohol. Check out this blog Delaying that First Drink: Forget Four Locos - Here's the Newest Way Manufacturers Try to Get our Teens Drunk

                            And here is the link to SIA while I'm at it: Science NetLinks: The Science Inside Alcohol Project

                            This makes my blood boil! Sure you have to be 21 to buy it, but it sure is going to be attractive to the younger bunch! The alco-pops and the alcohol/caffeine drinks are dangerous and really appeal to the young drinkers. (College kids)

                            AFM--there is nothing wrong with being on AD's if you need them! I've been doing a little reading on SAD and I don't know if that's all of my problem, but I sure notice a drop in energy and increase in fatigue this time of year. I'm going to try adding some Vitamin D and actually start taking some of my supplements! I smiled when I read about your dad's jammers. Someone gave my dad some flannel pants for Christmas when he was sick and they had penguins with santa hats on them. He wore them all the time!!! I have them now.

                            I was really in a foul mood last evening, I found myself wishing I still drank and smoked so I could make it go away. But I remembered the GABA in my cupboard and it seemed to help.
                            Well, I better get busy. I have lots to do since I got nothing done yesterday! I want to start getting some stuff out for Christmas, but not sure I have THAT much time all weekend! Have a great sober weekend all!:h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                              Morning All,

                              Day 3 here. The past 2 days have been difficult but not too bad. Taking my vitamins and supplements and my doc put me on ativan and zoloft....seems to be working. I feel relaxed but not drugged. Went to the gym yesterday and I'm going running. I've been reading the MWO book, Rational Recovery, and posts here and on the SMART site. Days 3-5 were the worst for me when I quit before, so I'm bracing for it. But I feel pretty good. I feel like I'm back in my old mindset...failure is not an option. Drinking is not an option. This is not a discussion item.

                              Have a good day everyone!


